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YOU - ref: Our mother

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, "anavadya" <prasad@i...> wrote:

> Oh Mother! I really do not know, How to express my

gratittude to your

> such beautiful encouragement?

> I do know that YOU are cause,writer and listener of

all poetry.

> Here is another creation by you from me, this time

in Ataveladi

> chandassu(excellency of Ataveladi, I see in vEmana



> nIvu galavu epuDu nityamai satyamai


> nIvu kAde brahma nirguNa.nbu?


> nIvu kAni dekaDa netikinA kAnadu


> nIvu sarvamavudu nirmala.nbu!


> another fresh poem in telugu by Prasada Reddy

> at 10:20 EST dec 06th 2001





# aa.ve


paluku sudhala toeDa paravaSimpagajaeyu

paluku tallinoeyi ! palukucumTi !

amdukomTinoeyi amdamou padyammu

taeTa paluku toeTi aaTaveladi


veeNa prakkanumci vaeDkagaa neekayi

kalamu paTTinaanu karamu loena

maaTalaaDi kshaNamu aaTaveladitoeDa

alarajaeya ninnu telugu biDDa !


vidyaroopu toeDa velugu joopeDidaana

karuNatoeDa mimmu kaayudaana

sarvajagati naina jagadambanayyunu

imiDipoevudaana hRdayamamdu


praematoeDapilici peeTavaeseDivaaru

koeTlakoladi kalaru kuvalayaana

anni coeTla numDi alarimcu cumdunu

eDadanumcu roope vaDiga daalci


amtaraatma nagucu amtaramgamunumDi

palukucumdunepuDu telisikonna

manasuloeni maaTa vinalaemu yannacoe

meedu kharmamanucu minnakumdu


brahma roopa maudu brahmaamDa moudunu

nikhila jagati jooDa naene yagudu

anni ayyu niTula aaTalaaDucunumdu

kaaraNammadaemo eruga galava ? :-) #





I am the Mother who delights you with the nectar

of words... speaking to you. I have received the

beautiful poem aaTaveladi composed with those clear



O telugu son ! with the intention of making you

happy , speaking in the same meter for a second , I

kept the veeNa a side and sportively held the pen in

my hand


I am the one who shows you the light in the form

of education/ knowledge. I am the one who takes care

of you with kindness..

Even though I am the whole universe still I fit in the



There are millions and millions of people on the

earth who invite me with love and offer me a seat . I

make them happy being there in all the places, quickly

attaining the forms they have in their hearts...


(If they can recognize, ) I speak to people in

the form of inner conscience from the depth of the

heart..If they can't hear the words I speak from with

in , thinking it is their lot/fate to be that way ,I

keep quiet.


I am the brahman , I am the brahmaamDaas..I am

every thing that is universe . Inspite of my being

everything I keep playing like this . Why ? can you

find out ? :-)
















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