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How aptly said by revered G.Jprasadji. thank u. For information of the readers I


One of such experimenter for which I have been punished very heavily. Let this


Happen to our fellow devotees. I am actually saved by Mother's grace. Otherwise


Family and I would have been ruined. Hence beware of consequences it may not

Happen to others but why should we go out of string. When a good path and


Is available.further it is also necessary to test ur would be guru and their


Once taken initiation do not turn back since Parameswari Herself is that Great


Our deep faith would definitely come to our rescue.One more information is that

Using panchadasakshari for prayoga is absolutely prohibited. It is a great

sin.This has

Been advised by our jagat guru Paramacharya. It is Her karunai saved me


I have also seen the people who have done like me and their fate is as inform by

Our revered prasadji. I can go on cite numerous examples like one quoted by him


Many many prostrations to Devi.



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> --- sreecharana <sreecharana@i...> wrote:

> > sreecharana <sreecharana@i...>

> > "'miinalochanii'" <miinalochanii>

> > Hi

> > Can you give me some info on the panchadasAkshari mantra, any

> > commentary etc ?

> >

> > thanks

> > sreecharana


1) lalitA trishatI is itself a commentary on pa~nchadashaxarI. Each of

the axarA-s is expanded into 20 names.


2) bhagavan's shrI sha.nkara's vedAntic commentary on trishatI is

another greater commentary on it. Acharya brings out the light of

vedAnta hidden in each of the name.


3) The book I have on trishatI bhAShya says in the introduction that

there is a work by sage agastya called "shrIvidyA dIpikA" which

explains the mantra.


4) upaniShads like tripuratApini upaniShad also deals with this

subject matter.


Actual meditation of the mantra is prohibited without initiation.

There is nothing wrong, however, in understanding it intellectually.

That type of knowledge will come under the category "samAnya" or



They even say that if you do not know shrIvidyA you can not recite

trishatI. Tradition agrees with it. I personally wrote a letter to

kAnchI piiTham and asked, shrI jayendra sarasvatI svamigaL replied

that one should be initiated to recite it. This is true to sahasranAma

also. However, from the phala shruti of trishatI, I think when

hayagrIva says "one should know shrIvidyA", i think it is sAmanya



There are ways to circumvent all this. I took a book of sahasranAma in

1997 and got it blessed by mAtA amr^itAnandamayI, who is the

protectress of our family, and the one whom I love deeply. In fact,

after she blessed the book and gave it, I was able to learn to say

(and almost memorize) the text. The same thing I did last year, I took

shankara bhAshya of trishatI and got it blessed by Her. It should be

noted that She has refused to initiate people to panchadashAxari

mantra per se.


These are my views.



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As a student of the beloved pandit brooksji I am not wont to ever make

commentary negative in reguards to him. I feel that it is possible that

contemporary adepts may feel he has revealed information that should be

accesible via initiation only to the public. However, it should be

mentioned that panditji comes from a lineage that believes the power of

initiate-specific information is only present when used with initate keys

and powers.




Stephen J Brown





Wednesday, January 17, 2001 2:56 PM

Re: Fwd: panchadasAkshari


> I would like to hear what the learned members of the group have to

> say regarding this.. i believe this requires a guru for initiation

> and is best not trifled with.. as a non-initiate, i would recommend

> the book


> Brooks, Douglas Renfrew. 1992. Auspicious Wisdom.

> Edited by P. E. M. -Ortega, SUNY Series in Tantric Studies.

> Albany, NY: SUNY Press,301 pages.


> I think i was maybe imprudent in reading the book, since elders

> at home disapproved of my reading it (but i was curious :-)


> Regards,

> Sridhar.


> , "Ravisankar S. Mayavaram"


> > > Can you give me some info on the panchadasAkshari mantra, any

> > > commentary etc ?




> AUM shrImAtre namaH


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I recvd this email from Shri Ganesh Prasad. I am fwding it to

the list with his permission.





------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------


"B.J. Ganesh prasad" <bjganeshprasad

Re: Fwd: panchadasAkshari


Srividya, is regarded as a mantra shastra and is regarded as a sadhana for

getting mundane benefits (Its is the pathetic condition that we worship

parameshwari for gains , not understanding vedanta and karma theories, where

our worship is to faciliate the process of jnana and not achieving things

with mantras).


However Srividya is the practical part of Advaitha vedantha and its theory

surpasses the contents of Vedantic texts, the vedas and vedangas. It may

surprise you if i tell you that it deals with medicine, astrology and of

course prayogas too.


There is a method of astrology using srividya which is regarded as a fail

proof mechanism.


This essence of our glorious heritage is for advanced souls (mentally) and

not for everyone. The benefits can be realised when there is a combination

of Bahiryaga (Navavarna pooja), mahayaga and antaryaga (the inner worship of

the body as a srichakra and the atma as lalitha). This method culminates in

the aspirant through a competent guru, who imparts not just the manta and

pooja vidhana, but the finer aspects and more important details of mahayaga

and antaryaga which is the dhyeya or the goal of an aspirant. (antarmukha

samaaradhya bahirmukh sudurlaba)


The gurus we find in common, including the peetadhipathis of Sringeri and

Kanchi (no offense meant again, but i know these great souls personally and

have discussed the same with the sringeri acharyal, who nodded in agreement)

are people who are saatvik by disposition and use srividya as a mantra

shastra alone disregarding or ignoring the other aspect to a large extent,

and if they are into antaryagas (chandrasekharendra saraswathi swamigal,

chandrasekhara bharathi swamigal and abhinava vidya teertha samigal of kanchi

and sringeri resppectively) will not initiate the same to practitioners of

srividya due to the problems of accessability and lack of time in case of



Hence finding a guru, who will take one as student and personally see him

come up is rare. The shastras say that one finds a guru according to his

karmas. If one is destined for a great guru who is jnani he will get him, if

one is destined for Chandraswami as his guru he will get him !!!!!


Srividya because of the inherent powers of vibration and energy present in

it, has to be accessed in the right manner, with the instructions of a

proper guru in the vaidika marga with an aspiration for moksha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

, "Ravi " <miinalochanii> wrote:

> >


Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste Dear One!!


i discovered in your comments on the panchadasAkshari mantra that you

had taken a copy of the Sri Lalithasahasranama to your beloved Sri

Mata Amritanandamayi Devi...protectress of your family....so too, have

i done dear brother....i asked our Amma to bless a copy of that

revered book too, (one of the smaller Archana books) when She was

touring in the US in 1996....She ever so kindly inscribed what are to

me most precious words, in Her own inimitable handwriting....Dear

Mother told me: "OM! Darling Son, Learn to follow the path of Divine

Love"....which is the only actual teaching that She has given me

personally, other than the Mantra, and Name...But to me the whole

teaching is summed up in that simple sentence...and Her Love cannot be

summed up or fathomed at all!!!! only tasted!and shared!


as Amma always says: Meditation is like pure gold, but meditation with

compassion for others, is like pure gold with a wonderful



In Our Amma's Divine Love,

and in Her Service,

most humble salutations

to you!!


as ever,

Your Own Self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!

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