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Multiple personality??

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Has it occurred to anyone else that Ombore,

Ompremadonna, Khushtanga and Senor_Pinche_Wey are one and the

same person? That they are different aspects or

personalities of one entity, perhaps the Prince of Darkness

himself. <br><br>Ombore is the gay pit bull orc who has

limited abilities and interests beyond being such.

Ompremadonna is his softer, feminine side coming out, someone

who only recently made 'her' debut as people refused

to engage Ombore. Khushtanga is a pit bull with a

slightly higher tone and a better facility with language.

Senor_Pinche_Wey is the most delusional of all of these

personalities, a bit higher up the pit bull food chain than

Ombore or Khushie, fancying himself an agent and

apologist for KPJ and referring to himself as one 'in the

know'. <br><br>Okay, so maybe Senor is in a class by

himself as someone in need of a good psychiatryst. But

the other three could be considered a unit in need of

help. <br><br>What are your opinions, satirically

speaking, of course?

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I regret if I have caused you misunderstanding.

As a displaced South Asian person in New York no

cultural anomaly surprises me any more. I do not bat an

eyelash to be lectured by the Canadian ex-Presbyterian as

he pontificates authoritatively on my native

culture, his latest pick from a crowded list of nominees

in the "which trendy lifestyle shall I 'master' and

then abandon next" category.<br><br>But it is quite

naughty to harrass a young lady whose only purpose it

seems was to ask advice about yoga practice after

having just brought a precious human life into this

world. Even if your current spat of personal uncertainty

convinces you her persona is a charade, common decency

might dictate some restraint since even you have doubt

about your suspicions.<br><br>Better than that, why not

just assume that everyone here except you are actually

the same person. Just assume that. Then you can

relieve yourself of all this anxiety altogether. Ask

yourself, what difference would it make really?

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Khush<br><br>There are several items that you

should be aware of:<br><br>1. As for wondering, whether

you are part of a composite, higher up the pit bull

food chain than Ombore but lower than

Senor_Pinche_Wey, it is interesting that you do not deny that your

i.d. is just one of several used by one person. And I

thought that I was making a satiric comment. (more on

that below).<br><br>2. You feel able to attack people

freely without provocation, and when you are taken to

task for it, you whine loudly and attempt to evade

responsibility by implying racism and attempting to gain

sympathy by alleging that you are 'displaced'.<br><br>3.

There was no racism, there was no reference, positive

or otherwise to your 'native culture' or your

'displacement'. Such a reference would be impossible as nothing

was known about you and still is not.<br><br>4. Of

all items that you choose to comment on, I notice

that you did not comment on my assertion that 75% of

the members of this club are likely in the category

that you refer to 'serial convert'. Is your silence

evidence of your agreement?<br><br>5. Your attempt at

amateur psychology is greatly wanting. It is merely

another attempt to shift attention from your being taken

to task for your initial attack.<br><br>6.Your

alleged indignation, is clearly false, self-serving,

manipulative and cowardly. In my post on the subject of

multiple personalities, it was clearly stated that the

idea was a satire. Satire is a literary device that

exposes human missteps through exaggerated statements

that focus attention on those missteps. Your

subsequent behaviour has only served to confirm the original

assessment of your character and to show that, in your case,

there was no exaggeration.<br><br>7. Your defensive

paranoia suggests that you have lived in NYC too long.

Perhaps you should move to a quieter place.

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Khushy<br><br>You have not one 'fact' about me

correct. You let your bruised ego invent 'facts'. Your

comments about what is supposedly yourself only reveals

your inferiority complex. You have made yourself look

foolish. With each post, you deteriorate

more.<br><br>There is no other way to say this, Khushy. You are an

idiot. And consequently, I will not engage you


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Geez, we take a little trip to show the new

addition to Gramma & Grampa, return home and log on to

thank you all again for your advice about returning to

postnatal yoga practice, and what do I find? Some paranoid

freak babbling on about his disturbed fantasies of

me.<br><br>Omprem, why are you attacking me? Have I ever said

anything to you or about you? Do you just lash out at

anybody, or do you reserve your misplaced hostility for

mothers with newborns? I don't know if where you live in

Canada that sort of thing is tolerated. Around here it's

a good way to get your legs broken. Back off,


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Don't be alarmed, Kiambo. Omprem, serial convert

extraordinaire, can only type, not teach. Note his recent

simplistic and confusing attempt to bandy about Sanskrit

terms regarding the constituents of manifest nature.

(Endearing, whatever his motivation -- and unintentionally

very funny.) Omprem can only speak from the heart when

harrassing the little dark skinned people of South Asia, and

the bigger dark skinned people from South of the

Canadian Border. He wears his internet anonymity like a Ku

Klux Klan hood. Give up trying to find out where in

the Great White North he holds court. His stated fear

of "contamination" by we deeper-complexioned types

no doubt attracts a pasty bunch of clucks like

himself. Yoga has acquired an unfortunate celebrity, the

bar lowered to the point where it's rolling around in

the dirt. Like British imperialism, this too shall

pass.<br><br>Question to Omprem:<br><br>Banter is one thing. Your

abhorence of other races is typical and easily explainable.

One hopes it goes no deeper than your passing

academic interest in eastern religions. The remedy may be

just a little bit of travel among the darker

populations. The rest of us in the 21st century will progress

with or without you.<br><br>It is however indeed

enigmatic, weird actually, that you repeatedly refer

disparagingly to yourself or someone else here as "Ombore."

Even a serial convert loves his flavor of the month.

To the Hindu Om is the beloved of beloveds, the most

sacred of all. Your habit of gratuitously attaching to

Om something insulting is regrettable. Even if you

don't get it, and even if your intent is

self-effacement, would it not be appropriate to make at least a

show of sensitivity toward those unlike yourself,

whose faith and practice are more than (white) skin


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But maybe you and therippedpcthing and the other

assorted multiple-personality-folks here could do the

favour to post something about Astanga Yoga now and then

(just for a change), instead of clogging this board

with your Omprem-bashing because it does start to get

on the nerves? I'm wondering actually how your

astanga practice looks like - if you have any at all?

Thanks.<br><br>(Sorry for the babble. I'm currently a bit time-pressed

and I haven't read through all the posts yet. Will be

back tomorrow.)

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No doubt in my mind that these multiple

personality folks are midnight omboy using a bunch of phoney

photos and identities. <br>Nobody cares about these

multiple personality folks sexual preferences but it is a

pain in the arse with all their pathetic, neurotic

revenge campaigns.<br><br>May your chosen path bring you

hapiness !

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Khushtanga said to Omprem:<br><br>"To the Hindu

Om is the beloved of beloveds, the most sacred of

all. Your habit of gratuitously attaching to Om

something insulting is regrettable. Even if you don't get

it, and even if your intent is self-effacement, would

it not be appropriate to make at least a show of

sensitivity toward those unlike yourself, whose faith and

practice are more than (white) skin deep?"<br><br>I

noticed, Khushtanga, that Omprem won't answer your

question, but just keeps insulting you. Maybe he thinks

it's too politically correct to be courteous to


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<<you are welcome to post what you feel so

passionately about in the context of your yoga path and

practice. but please, in the interest of keeping this board

peaceful and useful, and to avoid political spamming, tell

us who you are: your profile was created two

short weeks ago and contains no information about you.

hot button issues from anonymous sources tend to lead

to off-topic disruption. openess as to identity has

a civilizing effect on the internet, lets us all

know who is addressing us, and allows us to verify

their true intent. keeps everybody honest. a little

satya -- complete truth -- with ahimsa -- doing no harm

-- multiplies the benefit of each. om namah sivaya.

>><br> <br>This was posted by Ombore, the alleged yoga

practitioner formerly known as midnight omboy, in his

club devoted to naked yoga. One would hope that he

practiced what he preached, but when he posts as

ripped5pct, Khushtanga, Ompremadonna and if another member is

correct, as sunfunmoonjune, et al, we can see that he is

not honest and is not open. Moreover, he masquerades

under these aliases to attack others and thus doesn't

practice ahimsa either but rather practices

violence.<br><br>Ombore 'teaches' a Sivananda-style hatha yoga in those

nude yoga classes, so we know 'Kiambo' isn't about to

take ashtanga classes in Ottawa or anywhere else. One

can only hope that his teaching abilities are

signicantly better than his low ethics, his lack of

truthfulness and his inability to implant ahimsa and satya

into his life.<br><br><<openess as to identity

has a civilizing effect on the internet, lets us all

know who is addressing us, and allows us to verify

their true intent.>> We know Ombore's true intent

by his lack of openness, his sneakiness, and the

fact that his posts have nothing to do with yoga and

everything to do with attacking others. What a great role

model for all those nude yogins.

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Who are you and what are you going on about? You

seem to have some serious issues. You may well be a

white supremicist, Hindu-hating, tight-assed, pompous

whiner, or you may just be giving us a fairly good

impression of one. Why not give it a rest before your head

explodes? This is not the place for this. If some people

annoy you just ignore them.

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Hey, Champ, if somebody has asked you nicely not

to post spam at another club, why are you bringing

that fight in here? Why not address your grievances at

the club where you are suffering such egregious

persecution? Why bother the rest of us with it? Bring it to

the one who is triggering all your seething rage.

Nobody here is really interested.

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Fun, as they say, is fun. Continuing to abuse

devout Hindus through mockery of our sacred mantras,

however, is a very sad thing. For your own sake you should

really refrain from intoning OM with any but the best

intentions. Your attaching OM to something pejorative or

unpleasant is an extremely jarring juxtaposition. Your own

chosen moniker here, Omprem, is quite pleasant and shows

at least a knowledge of respectful protocol. OM is

not a toy to be bandied about. Your negative use of

OM is the sort of thing that hooligans and vandals

who call us "dotheads" participate in. The British

burned all our books and tried to delete our culture

from the earth based on this same lamentable

attitude.<br><br>As has been said, if you have been politely warned

about your bad behaviour at another club by it's

Hindu founder and take exception, you should really

take it up at the club where you are having that

difficulty. If you do not receive satisfaction there you

could even start a club specifically for those who hate

Hindus.<br><br>But attacking the object of your hatred here where he

apparently is not a member (does anybody here know who he

is?) seems a rather odd way to resolve your conflict.

Attempts to insult someone by trashing the essence of

Hindu culture will not help you and cannot prove

beneficial to anyone.<br><br>Certainly in all your vast

reading on the subject you have come across sacred

mantras with the power to alleviate this regrettable

course you have been taking. Simply chanting OM is a

good place to start. We have hope for you yet.

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Don't take it personally, Khushtanga. Omprem has

expressed that he feels equally terrorized by 90% of

population, among them:<br><br>- Hindus<br>- African

Americans<br>- Women with newborns<br>- Fat people<br><br>and

the latest:<br><br>- People who practice yoga while

naked (oh the horror! the horror!).<br><br>Give up

trying to reason with him. He gets night sweats knowing

all of the above are hiding under his bed just

waiting to pounce.<br><br>To him we all look alike and

sound alike. We are all the boogyman.<br><br>Jared

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the inquisition of the ashtanga club is proceeding smoothly. first, the

homosexuals were driven out. next, the dark skinned and the fat will be purged.

the club will be purified. amen.<br><br>yomama

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Since "the homosexuals were driven out" already,

and the role of the persecuted "dark skinned" has

been taken up by someone else, Yomamasana2001 must be

the fat one the inquisition of the ashtanga club is


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Look, Omprem just hates New Yorkers, gays,

Hindus, nude beaches, Sivananda yoga, whatever, whatever,

and, judging by the way he continually chases people

out of here, Ashtanga yoga and yoga in general. He's

a prolific crank. Probably calls in to talk radio

shows at the same time as composing the garbage he

posts here.<br><br>Let it go. He is not going to

suddenly become rational. Like any deranged unfortunate

ranting on a street corner he is not going to shut up

just because reasonable people ask him to.

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