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Ashtanga vs. Bikram

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Can anyone explain the core differences between

the Ashtanga and Bikram styles? Which is supposed to

be better? I had read a lot about the Bikram style

and it seemed as if it was being hyped as the most

challenging form out there. I tried a class and was really

disappointed. I’ve been doing a fabulous and really tough power

yoga class for a few months and wanted to see if

Bikram was even more physically challenging. Not only

did I find the Bikram class less challenging, it was

boring. 26 asanas twice and no upper body work, again

boring although I did like the heat. So far I haven’t

seen any form of yoga that is more demanding

physically than power/Ashtanga. Any comments?

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You've experienced 'em both! You be the judge as

to what's best!<br><br>It's kind of interesting, how

some will be attracted to Iyengar, some to Bikram,

some to Astanga or some other style. So many different

kinds of bodies, and different needs and expactations

from whatever practice one happens to gravitate

to.<br><br>Although I practice astanga vinyasa, I'm not adverse to

the occasional Bikram or Iyengar class. For one

thing, these different styles can show us some weak

points in our bodies and minds we might never suspect

with our "regular" astanga practice.

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