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john scott book, just got it in

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what an utter pile of incomprehensible limey

twaddle.<br><br>oh go on, i'm just kidding. it's actually an

outstanding book. probably the best of all of them . It

provides extensive 'how to' guidance for each posture,

vinyasa, etc. there's really not any weak points. in a

perfect world, it might have come with a spiral binding

so that it would stay open if placed flat on the

floor. but, in the real world, not too many people

actually do their practice while reading a book. <br>it is

well laid out and wonderfully photographed, with at

least 6 photos for each posture, often from side and

front views. it is well indexed and provides a nice

reference section for further reading that includes,

surprise, 'ashtanga yoga, the practice manual' by david

swenson. <br>this is clearly the highest quality of all

the instructional texts i have seen . if you haven't

ordered it yet, definitely do so. it is an essential

reference, far more helpful that miele's book. more pictures

and more extensive explainations of each posture in

the first series than swenson's. <br><br>price was

10.4 lbs and shipping was about 5 lbs. i ordered mine

on 12-1 fro UK, it shipped on 12-6 and arrived here

in SD today<br>amazon UK




53or</a> <br>amazon







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Does the book give the benefits of particular

postures? I've not seen this kind of info anywhere except

the booklet that comes with RFreemans video.

(although it is said to be in the Miele book and Yoga Mala,

but I've yet to acquire those books.)

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it covers the sun sals, standing sequence,

primary series (what he calls the seated sequence) and

finishing sequence. there are also a couple of extra pages

on jump thru's, take it ups, chakrasana and advanced

back bending (just what sun and dani have been looking

for). <br><br>with regards to the vinyasas, he provides

a photo for each seated posture showing the ideal

leg position from which you should initiate the take

it ups and jump thrus--different for each one given

the various leg positions. and yes, he does allow

that not every one will be able to do the ideal method

and gives some alternatives, like jumping back from

tolasana or even rolling over the knees and then jumping

back. funny, he didn't cover my usual

vinyasa.<br><br>the nice thing about his photographs are that they

show the sequential movement thru a given posture, not

a bunch of photos of alternative postures. the

marichyasana photos will help quite a few of us get beyond

some hurdles i think. really a very well done work

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<<Does the book give the benefits of

particular postures? >><br><br>he starts each posture

out with a paragraph describing what the name means.

for some of the postures he does describe the

intended healing benefit, not all. i'll plagarize a

typical intro paragraph so you can get an idea of how he

starts out:<br><br>Arm Pressure

Posture<br>Bhujapidasana<br><br>'Bhuja' means "arm" or "shoulder" and 'pida'


as "pressure". This is the first asana in which your

body is supported entirely on the foundation formed by

your arms and hands. Again, the internal energy

harnessed by the bandhas is dynamically demonstrated

through the transition into and out of this asana. Until

the strength of your inner lift is developed

sufficiently, it will be necesary to jump to your feet and then

sit down on your arms. When the inner lift has been

developed sufficiently, the aim is to jump into the final

position in one movement. From the initial balancing

position you require further strength and contro; to

extend your chin forward to the mat. The stretch

imparted to your esophagus is cleansing and

purifying.<br><br>he then provides eight photos, each with an

accompanying paragragh to describe what to do in each stage of

the asana

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<<Does the book give the benefits of

particular postures>><br><br>yaga mala does give this

info. i'm pretty sure lino's book does too but i

haven't looked at it in quite a while. there is also a

book called,"Yoga for Wellness" by Gary Kraftsow that

extensively covers the potential or proposed health benefits

of various yoga postures. <br>now, i first looked

this book over after i had been doing yoga for about a

week. coming from my western medical background i found

it laughable. for example, to think that bending

forward from the waist in ardha uttanasana would correct

thyroid conditions, puhleese. but, being the open minded

okie that i am, i'll try and reserve judgement until i

have more experience. several people on this forum

have described how they feel their practice has

improved a variety of health conditions. so we'll see.

right now, i need a posture that will get me over this

cold or flu or whatever this crud is

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Whoa, I think I have to get this John Scott

book...can I get it on line? A link would be much

appreciated. I just got the Yoga Mala book from YogaVermont

yesterday and am excited to be reading it first. Although,

my western mind is SUCH a problem! I mean, I had no

idea that Padangushtsana is going to dissolve the fat

of my lower abdomen! Quick, someone do an

infomertial! Is this book the best place to start? Yoga Mala?

And then what books should I go to next? I also got

David Swenson's first video and a Mysore rug and the

Astanga poster from Lino Miele. Somebody, please, be my

cyber Guru! Sandy

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Well this is why I was asking about whether info

on the benefits of poses was given in the Scott book

-- I know you can't take poses in isolation, should

think of the benefits of the series as a whole, rather

than of their parts. Still, this kind of info can be a

great motivator to give that bit of extra effort at

certain points... :) <br><br>A link was provided, John

gave it in his original post on this. I used it. Works

great.<br><br>How long did YogaVermont take to get you your order?

I was planning on doing an order from there, but

now that they're out of stock on the Miele book, I'll

wait until they get that back in, get it along with

Yoga Mala and that poster. I love the idea of putting

that poster up here in my office. I can just imagine

the comments!<br>Edie

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Edie, I love the poster! Wish I had an office to

put it in - such a conversation piece! I have to tell

you about my experience with Yoga Vermont. It was

fabulous. In this job market where everywhere you go this

holiday season expecially, service and timeliness isn't

often available, Yoga Vermont was impressive all

around, and the order came within 3 days. It was also

packed perfectly. I also put a note on my email order to

have someone email me when the lino Miele book comes

in and the order in the mail had a note in the box

thanking me for my order (a hand written one no less) and

telling me they will notify me as soon as the book comes

in. 5 star, Yoga Vermont...wonder if anyone here

works there?? Kudos to you. Sandy

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Hi .. you can get John Scott's book online

through amazon.co.uk<br>

<a href=http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1856751813/202-2084215-5970240


40</a> <br><br>The shipping charges are not bad at all

but allow a couple weeks for delivery. Where did you

get Lino Miele's poster. <br><br>Good luck in your

search for a cyber Guru :-)<br><br>Karim.

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bandawoman,<br><br>Before asking whether it is

Primary Series "only" (!), you should learn how to do

Primary in the proper way at all.<br><br>This may also

stop you boasting of your supposed yogic skills on

this board once and for all.

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Dear Mr. Skull:<br><br>I believe that I have

never boasted of my "yogic skill." That would be a

laugh since I am, with nearly two years of experience

in this wonderful world of Astanga, a complete

beginner. And without the experience of having been taught

by a senior teacher, at that! (As anyone who

frequents this forum knows, it is my constant lament that

no certified teachers are in this area.) If I have

misled you, why don't you tell me which message gave you

this impression that I have been "boasting?"<br>My

inexperience is why I find this board so valuable; so that I

can ask questions of those with more experience than

myself, those who have had the benefit of studying with

great teachers -- and the generosity of spirit to share

their knowledge and the kindness to want to help others

learn -- and apply the insights provided by these

wonderful people to my own practice. <br>All of us share

this common interest, and that makes us a strong

virtual community, one that I value greatly and from

which I get invaluable support. <br>Namaste,<br>B

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Hey Sunshine:<br>Are you getting walloped by that

huge snowstorm we are hearing so much about?<br>We

just have miserable slush here, makes it impossible

for my crip dog to walk. One more week till she gets

her wheels!<br>B

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Banda,<br><br>Snowstorm? All we got was a few

inches last night (which I never got to play in because

I ASSUMED I would be there in the morning). Then we

wake up to rain and all the snow is gone. RIP

OFF.<br><br>No actually it was pretty while it lasted; the roads

look treacherous though. We just aren't equipped for

ice and snow 'round these parts. At least the rest of

Canada is equipped with dogsleds.<br><br>So, we've got

slush too. BTW--speaking of disabled dogs, I saw a dog

on wheels for the first time about a week before you

mentioned yours! What a nifty invention.

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I know--true, but Banda, if you need my services,

just let me know.<br><br>"One day, I will call upon

you, and you will do a favor for

me..."<br><br>Brando's husk is really hard to get across in


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wheels? sounds like rear end ski's would be the

ticket.<br>you and laprox both have i wish i had: the ability to

not fall for the antagonistic goad. i'm more like

kia, who will attempt to put down any other dog that

even looks at him wrong

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Nadayoga: <br>Thanks, I'm not fond of aggression

(way too yogically skilled for that, I guess. ;)

Though I will admit to Bush-bashing.<br>Is it you who

makes music? (I mistakenly thought it was nadi_ca.) If

so, where can we download it?<br>Since I think I

remember you seemed more than willing to share.<br>B

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Well, I used to leave that for the once-fierce

Cassandra. Guess I need a new attack Corgi. Or sounds like I

could put a call into Sunshine...<br><br>Skis...

there's a thought if we do get a big

snow..<br><br>Sunshine, I first saw a dog on wheels in California many

years ago, a big German shepherd (they are notorious

for hip problems and DM) on that famous boardwalk at

Venice Beach. I actually thought it was kind of cruel.

But now I see how much Cass wants her mobility, so we

were off to Eddie's Wheels.<br> <br>If you're

interested, you can see what they do on their website

(eddieswheels.com). Believe it or not, they even do wheels for cats,

and one site has a little bunny on wheels (with the

caption VRRRROOOOOOOOMMM), whichI thought was strange

since they don't rely on their front legs all that

much. Eddie says he does more than half his sales in

the UK, where folks are even more nutsy about their

pets than we are (right, LouLou?)<br>B

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No--Banda, you need to call Vinnie! He sounds

like the hot dog for your job!<br><br>I'm too much of

a wimp. All bark, no bite :o)<br><br>P.S. The cat

on the testimonials page looks pretty pathetic, like

he's screaming "get me out of this thing dammit, I am

not an animal!"

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