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Monkeymind- thanks all!

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Particularly to alan little- yours was a

much-needed insight and one I'm still learning to apply to my

musical practice as well as my yoga practice. I'm

becoming more and more aware (if for no other reason than

my teacher is pointing it out more- or am I just

hearing it better?) that the monkey is taking its toll on

my singing lessons, and you're right- the best way

to keep it from affecting me is just to acknowledge

it and keep going.<br>I have always looked for

something outside of me to goad me into doing what I wanted

to get done. This has included having my then-bf

change my email passwords so I couldn't waste time on

the net when I had assignments to do, or always

trying to find partners for workouts, or using external

deadlines (an upcoming visit) to force myself to work up

the nerve to end a relationship. And, for the same

reason, I mentioned wanting an audio CD of the primary

series to "tell me what to do."<br>And I still think it

would help, but I realize now that I have to learn to

find my own determination in the things that matter

most. (It amazes me when people tell me I'm stubborn,

as happens a lot. I don't _feel_ stubborn.)<br>So,

tomorrow morning, it's back to the mat, and back to the

piano. The only way I can learn this lesson is to

practice, as you (and someone else) said.<br>Thanks again-

these were much-needed


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