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Sweaters Update: The Yoga Rug

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Fellow copious sweaters of vinyasa yoga: the yoga

rug is the answer to the hassle of slippery "sticky"

mats.<br><br>I was constantly having a hard time with trying to

keep my mat as dry as possible. Once sweat started

coming, I tried toweling myself off after every vinyasa.

The overall results was more or less a losing

battle.<br><br>But the yoga rug seems to be the answer. <br><br>I go

through about 1/4 of series on just my sticky mat, but

when the sweat starts falling off my body, I put down

the yoga rug. The more moisture the rug absorbs, the

_better_ traction the yogi is afforded. <br><br>That is,

the more sweat, the better! It's a dream come

true!<br><br>If you sweat alot/too much, try out a yoga rug (if

you can find one; I believe they're only made in

India) and see what you think.

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Your "yoga rug" is called a "prison mat" due to the fact that they are made by

prisoners. Sadly, a few yoga profiteers (yoga works LA in particuar) have

bought up the supply. <br><br>spw

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Good. Let the unfortunates in Indian prisons pay

their debt to society -- which includes significant $$$

for maintaining the prison and judicial system -- by

making a few gd yoga rugs. I'm all for it.<br><br>By the

way, PKJ is pretty well heeled what with the steep

fees he's been collecting from his Western students.

Do his actions fall under the label of

"profiteering," or can Guruji do no wrong in some people's eyes?

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Hi SPW,<br><br>May I ask why we should care that

the rugs we use are made by prisoners? (I don't mean

for this to sound snotty ~ I am truly asking a

question out of curiosity.)<br><br>Now if the rugs were

made OUT of prisoners, I think I would have a problem

with that. ;oD<br><br>Celeste

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Good question. Next time you are laying in

savasana and your spirit is in heaven, check out the karma

of the entity that made the object you are resting

on. If it feels good, I wouldn't give it another

thought. If the feeling you experience or see is dark or a

nightmare, ditch the mat!<br><br>Welcome back Senor.

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