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Ashtanga Yoga in in Cincinnati?

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At the risk of throwing gasoline on SPW's fire, I

would like to second the positive remarks others have

made about BBB's book.<br><br>I was shown most of the

postures of the standing sereis and primary series by a

student of Eddie Stern's (who I guess you could say

represents more of a purist strain in the ashtanga

community).<br><br>Several months later, when I decided to take up the

practice in a serious way, I looked for a book that would

show me the postures. I had even forgotten the name

"ashtanga", but the postures in BBB's book looked close

enough for me -- and indeed they are almost right on. I

agree with earlier posters who say that BBB presents

the primary series with a few "hard bits" left

out.<br><br>One of her strong points is the step-by-step

description of all vinyasa, with inhales and exhales clearly

noted. That's useful for beginners who may not yet have

caught on to the logic of when to breath which

way.<br><br>Sure, some of her postures are not ideally presented,

but by the time you get around to doing any better

you will probably have found other resources,

including hopfully a teacher. For me, her book was a great

start.<br><br>By the way, there are also a few of us Ashtani in

Central Kentucky, in and around Lexington and

Louisville.<br><br>Best of luck!<br><br>Peace and Good,<br>Homer

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