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Godfrey Devereux's book is not and does not claim

to be a classical astanga vinyasa yoga textbook. The

asanas and practice series it describes are, as far as I

understand, the author's own invention / synthesis, and are

intended as a gentler and more accessible approach for

newcomers to hatha yoga than the full astanga primary

series. <br><br>As an astanga practitioner, though, I

still find it very interesting and valuable. The

introductory text is one of the clearest and most thoughtful

discussions of hatha yoga practice I have come across. I have

never studied with Mr Devereux, but I have the

impression from the book and from his occasional postings

here that what he has to say is rooted in a lot of

experience of astanga and other hatha yoga practices, and a

lot of thought about why and how the various elements

of the practice work together.<br><br>If you want an

astanga primary series textbook, in my opinion Beryl

Bender Birch's book (although it actually presents a

beginner's primary series with some of the "hard bits" left

out) or David Swenson's book are both useful. If you

want a thought provoking read about what hetha yoga is

about, Godfrey Devereux's book is more interesting than

any of the astanga textbooks I've seen (I haven't

read Yoga Mala).

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Thanks for your comments on Mr. Devereux's book.It's true that his yoga is a

synthesis of his experience with various schools of hatha yoga.Have you read Mr.

Limo's book on Ashtanga yoga?

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Yes, the title is ELEMENTS OF YOGA. I think

it's<br>one of the better yoga books, as far as history and

philosopy go. Deshichakar (sp?) also has<br>some good books

on yoga theory. LIGHT ON YOGA is an<br>excellent

textbook, not so much for "how to" but for

its<br>introduction and early chapters, asana names and info on

yoga<br>mythology.<br><br>The best single source for learning


1st<br>series that I've ever found is Richard Freeman's

video.<br><br><br>I admire all of you that are practicing

astanga<br>without the benefit of a teacher. But f you can ever

find<br>a good teacher, even for a brief seminar, there's

really <br>much to be gained that simply can't be found

in any<br>book or tape.

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