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'Authentic Maithuna' - Samaya and Kula- corrected

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My dear all:


eko satya vipraaH bahudhaa vadanti. "The truth is one the wise call it by many

names". {here please note the use of the word vipraaH - for wise not brahmins}


We can find thousands of references extolling samaya and almost the same

extolling kaula. But we find that Lakshmidhara's parampara is almost non

existant - even those who call themselves samayins trace (mostly) their

parampara to others.


Let each stream exist and prosper. and like Rivers all shall reach the goal.


On that note lets strive more.



sankara menon <kochu1tz wrote:My dear all:


eko satya vipraaH bahudhaa vadanti. "The truth is one the wise call it by many

names". {here please note the use of the word vipraaH - for wise not brahmins}


We can find thousands of references extolling samaya and almost the same

extolling samaya. But we find that Lakshmidhara's parampara is almost non

existant - even those who call themselves samayins trace (mostly) their

parampara to others.


Let each stream exist and prosper. and like Rivers all shall reach the goal.


On that note lets strive more.


Devi Bhakta <devi_bhakta wrote:



Dear Satish:


Thank you (and Arjuna and Sarabhanga) for your thoughts on this. I think, after

all the sound and fury, an awful lot is said in this final exchange:


ARJUNA: Thus, kaula is above samaya and it exceeds samaya.

SATISH: Exactly the opposite can be said.


The whole circular conversation matches proof for proof -- fnally coming back to

the idea that all the paths lead to the same Truth. And that we waste a

tremendous amount of valuable time and energy trying to prove that one is

"superior" to the other, rather than using that time and energy to practice the

path for which we so strongly profess to prefer.


Vivekananda taught, "As soon as a man stands up and says he is right or his

church is right, and all others are wrong, he is himself all wrong. He does not

know that upon the proof of all the others depends the proof of his own. ... It

is like trying to fit one coat to all sizes and growths. I do not deprecate the

existence of sects in the world. Would to God there were 20 millions more, for

the more there are, there will be a greater field for selection. What I do

object to is trying to fit one religion to every case. ... We must

each have our own individual religion, individual so far as the externals of it



By the way, I am not pretending that I am somehow above the fray. There's

another interesting exchange:


DB: It has seemed to me ... that the Samayachari feels very much superior to the



SATISH: There is overflowing evidence to say the opposite too i.e that Kaulas

feel superior to Samayin-s.


Again, the conversation becomes a circle. In re-reading the thread from

beginning to end, in fact, I finally understood why it gave me such a headache:

It's like watching a pingpong game from too close a vantage point. One risks a

nasty case of whiplash!


*** All you need to do, to recognise that [i.e. Kaulas professing to have the

superior system] is to read the messages in this very list. ***


Yes, I am aware that the overall orientation of this list is Kaula rather than

Samayin. That's as it should be I suppose; there are already lists that lean

Samayin. Let each path celebrate its unique beauty and perspective.


Aum MAtangyai NamaH







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