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Scholarship or realization?

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, "adi_shakthi16

<adi_shakthi16>" <adi_shakthi16> wrote:

> folks,


> who is knowledgeble ?


> here is a quotation i would like to share with you all...


> "If people could get liberated by smearing themselves with dust and

> ashes, are all the country folk, who live amidst dust and ashes

> liberated?"



> what do you all think?


> Hri om!


Don't forget about the 'fish who live their entire lives in the

Ganges...' f

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"> Don't forget about the 'fish who live their entire lives in the

> Ganges...' "


dear one, how can this fish (jiva- always caught in the net) ever

forget the fish in the ganges ( samsara sagara) ? you know i am a

fish always surfing in the waters of net satsangha!!


excellent point!


Aa Janma Maranaantharam Cha Gangaadhi Tatinee

Stitaah |

Mandooka Matsya Pramukhaah Yoginas Te

Bhavanti Kim? ||


" Can the frogs, fish and others that from birth to death live in the

waters of the Ganges become Gnanis by merely staying in such waters?"


we need to remember 4 GS


1) GITASASTRAM IS sarvasaastrasvarupam;


2) GOVINDA (HARI BHAGVAN) IS sarvadevasvarupi


3) Gangaa is sarvatirthasvarupam;


4) Gaayatri mantra is sarvavedamayam.







WATER, THEY WILL BE PURIFIED... just like in a satsangha all of us

get purified by assiciating with divine souls..


in another sloka, in baja govindam, adi shankara says...


ganga jala lava kanika pita sakradapi yena murari samarch tasya

yamaha kim kurate charcha?


Let a man but read from the Gita,

Drink of the Ganges but a drop,

Worship but once the Lord Almighty,(god/ess)

And he will set at rest forever,

All his fear of the King of Death will vanish!


enjoy! swim in the pristine pure waters of sat-chit-anada!



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revered maa adishakti!


definetly when compared to realization, scholarship is an empty

shell; since realization happens so rarely and most people(such as

myself, lol) are ignoramuses, scholarship is better than being

ignorant. so the prudent thing would be to a aspire to be a scholar

and once a scholar, then try for realization.


trying for realization directly is like jumping over 30 feets(not

even olympic champions can do this); try for realization through

scholarship is like jumping 15 feet twice(more do-able).


so instead of goading everyone into realization, we must goad

everyone into being scholars;-), you agree maa





, "adi_shakthi16

<adi_shakthi16>" <adi_shakthi16> wrote:

> folks,


> who is knowledgeble ?


> here is a quotation i would like to share with you all...


> "If people could get liberated by smearing themselves with dust and

> ashes, are all the country folk, who live amidst dust and ashes

> liberated?"


> "Goddess, parrots and mynah birds recite before people sacred words

> with delight. Are they to be regarded as great scholars from such

> talk?"


> "Animals like pigs bear the winter cold and summer heat and for


> food fit or unfit is alike, are they Yogis thereby?"


> "Lady of the clans, such privations and self denials are only for

> deceiving the world while direct knowledge of truth alone is the

> means for liberation."

> ----------------------------



> what do you all think?


> Hri om!

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Greetings Yogaman


"scholarship is better than being ignorant. So the prudent thing

would be to a aspire to be a scholar and once a scholar, then try for



I agree 100% with you on this. In my opinion Scholars are people who

have dedicated their life in a particular field that they are

passionate about. You must stick to one path, and learn what there is

to learn, then when there is nothing else to learn the next step is

realization. It's a natural process of things.


We should learn how to crawl first, then walk before aspiring to run

the marathon.



Om ParaShaktiye Namaha

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dearest yoga-child,


i am sure you are familiar with the verse...


sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam pada-sevanam


arcanam vandanam dasyam sakhyam atma-nivedanam


iti pumsarpita visnau bhaktis cen nava-laksana


kriyeta bhagavaty addha tan manye `dhitam uttamam


(Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.5.23-24)


in the nine modes of worship , (bhakti) sravnanamm is listed first!


what does 'sravanam' mean - hearing about the 'leelas ' of god/ess ,

reading the scriptures etc... yes, 'reading' is highly recommended to

all sadhakas - but mere reading alone will not help '; one needs to

contemplate on what one has read! for example , in the chandogya

upanishad , Varuni , the father, tells his son swetaketu at the end

of every story "swetaketu, tat twm asi " - "swetaketu, you are that!

now. there are so many of us on the web who blindly repeat 'i am

that' =-" tat twam asi" but how do we realize 'i am that'? by 'atma-

vichara" or by meditation or contemplation!


we can read the 'saundarya' lahari hundred times; we can chant the

sree lalita shasaranama every day! which is excellent ! but, when you

realize " Mother is consciousness" that is the end of all book-

reading !


many people read 'yoni' tantra and think it is a book on sex... but

a realized person knows 'yoni' is mother goddess herself! the

triangle in the sri chakra represents the 'yoni' and that is why she

is called "tri-kona"



we can read all about sri chakra but a realized person knows

the 'body' itself is sri chakra... we can write all

about 'kundalini,' talk all about 'kundalini' - quote all scriptural

authorities on 'kundalini' - but realization comes only when you

actually experience the 'kunalini' awakening...


shri ramakrishna paramahamsa gave a sparsha diksha to swami

vivekananda and helped swamiji to have his first experience

of 'kundalini' awakening - but, it took swami vivekananda seven years

to actually experience 'kundalini awakening' all on his own!!!


Read by all means; share what you have read with others by all means'

but as self-realized souls say 'Contemplate' or 'meditate' ! if

reading helps your , so be it! but along with reading , one

needs to follow the other eight practices-


1) hearing and reading about the god/ess -sravanam

2) singing about the praises of god/ess -kirtanam

3) remembering the god/ess - visnoh smaranam

4) worshipping the lotus feet of the lord- pada sevanam

5) offering prayers and offerings to the god/ess-archanam

6) prostrations to the god/ess- vandanam

7) approaching god as a servant- dasyam (serving the lord)

8) approaching the god/ess as a friend- dasyam

9) surrendering to the god/ess - atma-nivedanam


let me give you an example - we have in a rasika bhaktin

who is a devotee of radha-krishna- you know her also and you have

enjoyed her wriings also ! when she writes about the rasa-lila and

quotes from all the scriptures etc, you can immediately know that

this person is not just quoting this purana or that! she has actually

experienced this bhava or she is indded a rasika!


once you have realized, one knows the 'divine' mother is with form or

without form! otherwise you will always be quarellling about whether

she has 4 arms or 18 arms, is she black or white, is this a picture

of sree lalita or sree raja rajeshwari or even if kali is krishna or

krishna is kali? etc... a realized person knows the" mother is

everything ! "


i always though "mauna" meant "silence" - not 'speaking" but it took

me quite a while to realize that 'mauna' means 'quitening one's

thoughts' and referred to "inner" silence...


i am all for reading ; but, readding is only a 'stepping' stone to

greater heights!



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, "Nora

<ashwini_puralasamy>" <ashwini_puralasamy> wrote:

> Greetings Yogaman


> "scholarship is better than being ignorant. So the prudent thing

> would be to a aspire to be a scholar and once a scholar, then try for

> realization"



> We should learn how to crawl first, then walk before aspiring to run

> the marathon.

> Om ParaShaktiye Namaha


For me this statement makes 'my skin crawl'. Perhaps I am not clear

in my understanding but it comes across as being somewhat elitist.

God provide everyone different gifts, we are all not the same. There

are many different ways of 'crawling' scholarship being just one.

Perhaps this is because my spiritual roots are in Maharashtra and for

years I have heard the stories of the great bhakti saints. For every

Jnanehwar, Tukaram and Eknath there are others simple people as as

Sena(the barber), Gora (the potter) and so on. One of my favorite

stories is that of Porrinpuliya. Porrininpolli is a 'sweet chapati'

but expensive for those of simple means. This boys mother could not

afford to provide this so she sent him to live with Eknath. The child

just lived and served Eknath and 'ate porrinoolli' nothing else. As

Eknath's mahasamadhi approached it was Porrinpolliya whose was chosen

to complete the commentaries of the Jnaeshwari.


Scholarship is certainly a path. I guess over the years I have seen

too many scholars become enamoured with their own intelligence.

Scholarship can become an attachment. I do occassionally read and

certainly gain much from this forum. Really everything we need is

available through meditation and that 'marg' is there for all of us.f

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OM Frank



Yogaman wrote:

> > "scholarship is better than being ignorant. So the prudent


> > would be to a aspire to be a scholar and once a scholar, then

try for

> > realization"


Nora wrote:

> > We should learn how to crawl first, then walk before aspiring

to run

> > the marathon.


You wrote:

> For me this statement makes 'my skin crawl'. Perhaps I am

not clear

> in my understanding but it comes across as being somewhat




Statements such as that are not quite elitist, only mistaken: they

refer to Jnana Yoga and ignore, as you pointed out Raja Yoga,

Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga. You are also right that the

tendency for attachment to scholarship is a grave danger of the

Jnana Yoga path. But there are attachment dangers in the other

paths also.


What is required no matter path is followed is faith, devotion, self

awareness, detachment and discrimination.


On another but related topic there seem to be two general

learnin styles: the bottom-up style and top-down style. The

bottom-up style builds in incremental steps as Nora and

Yogaman urge. For example, one can learn language by first

learning letters, then words, then making sentences, then

paragraphs, then letters, articles, etc. Phonics is an appropriate

teaching tool here as is attention to grammar and spelling.

Using the top-down style, language is acquired by dealing with

the largest groups of meaning that one can handle (whole

language approach). Stories are read or written for meaning with

little attention paid to grammar or spelling at first. The aim is for

the communicator to get out his/her message and only later

polish it by tweaking the grammar and spelling so that it is more

understandable. Here, phonics is frowned upon and instead one

is urged to read, or be read to, and discuss the possibilities of

meaning. Neither approach is right for everyone: some kids

learn very well using a phonics approach, others are bored by

phonics and want to a more holistic approach. To each his own:

or, to put it into the context of this club and the current thread,

Paths are many, Truth is One.


A final point on this thread - Has anyone considered that Adi

Shakti may be poking fun at herself and all who respond to her

message, 'Scholarship or realization'? Adi Shakti presents

herself as a sholar, or, at least, a excellenct researcher. But she

also claims that she is a just humble spiritual traveller like the

rest of us. So, perhaps she is setting up this debate with her

provocative opening comments to poke fun at all those who

participate in it, including herself, and especially those who post

strong opinions on it one way or the other.


OM Namah Sivaya



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OM Frank



Yogaman wrote:

> > "scholarship is better than being ignorant. So the prudent


> > would be to a aspire to be a scholar and once a scholar, then

try for

> > realization"


Nora wrote:

> > We should learn how to crawl first, then walk before aspiring

to run

> > the marathon.


You wrote:

> For me this statement makes 'my skin crawl'. Perhaps I am

not clear

> in my understanding but it comes across as being somewhat




Statements such as that are not quite elitist, only mistaken: they

refer to Jnana Yoga and ignore, as you pointed out Raja Yoga,

Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga. You are also right that the

tendency for attachment to scholarship is a grave danger of the

Jnana Yoga path. But there are attachment dangers in the other

paths also.


What is required no matter path is followed is faith, devotion, self

awareness, detachment and discrimination.


On another but related topic there seem to be two general

learnin styles: the bottom-up style and top-down style. The

bottom-up style builds in incremental steps as Nora and

Yogaman urge. For example, one can learn language by first

learning letters, then words, then making sentences, then

paragraphs, then letters, articles, etc. Phonics is an appropriate

teaching tool here as is attention to grammar and spelling.

Using the top-down style, language is acquired by dealing with

the largest groups of meaning that one can handle (whole

language approach). Stories are read or written for meaning with

little attention paid to grammar or spelling at first. The aim is for

the communicator to get out his/her message and only later

polish it by tweaking the grammar and spelling so that it is more

understandable. Here, phonics is frowned upon and instead one

is urged to read, or be read to, and discuss the possibilities of

meaning. Neither approach is right for everyone: some kids

learn very well using a phonics approach, others are bored by

phonics and want to a more holistic approach. To each his own:

or, to put it into the context of this club and the current thread,

Paths are many, Truth is One.


A final point on this thread - Has anyone considered that Adi

Shakti may be poking fun at herself and all who respond to her

message, 'Scholarship or realization'? Adi Shakti presents

herself as a scholar, or, at least, a excellenct researcher, able to

offer an long opinion backed by spiritual quotations on many

subjects. But she also claims that she is a just humble spiritual

traveller like the rest of us. So, perhaps she is setting up this

debate with her provocative opening comments to poke fun at all

those who participate in it, including herself, and especially

those who post strong opinions on it one way or the other.


OM Namah Sivaya



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dear sriprank!




yes, maharastra has produced many saints and jnaeshwar's 'amrita-

anubhava; is one of the classic works on 'shiva-shakti' unity...

tukaram's abhanghas are also as popular as kabir's dohas and

thiruvalluvar's thirukural!


you have mentioned a good point- guru can also be realized through

guru seva and guru bhakti !


those who are familiar with the story of Ekalavya know that ekalavya

learned the art and science of 'archery' just by worshipping a stone

image of his guru dronacharya - so much so, that he became a better

archer than Arjuna - and we all know how he gave away his own

right 'thumb' as guru dakshina to dronacharya.


it is said "A tree is known by its fruits. A flower is known through

its fragrance. A country is known by its citizens. A father is known

by the nature and behaviour of his son. A teacher is known by his



guru seva is the greatest dakshina! and how does one do this seva?

this is to carry out guru's upadesha! and the best guru dakshina one

can give the guru is to follow his instuctions!


and you are absolutely right- anything and everything can become an

attachment- "scholarship" is certainly one of them... parading one's

knowledge etc... one can certainlynread all the sutras in the world

but the best way to realize is to contemplate on these sutras... one

can read all about yogasanas but the best way is to practice these

yogasanas... one can learn all the mantras in the world, but the best

way is to chant them so on and so foth!


adi shankra says in the baja govindam stotra...


"baja govinndam baja govindam baja govindam moodamate !

samprapte sanninihate nahi nahi rkshati dundrinkarane"


worship govinda! worship govinda! worship govinda!

O foolish one ! the rules of grammar will not protect you

when the time of death is near!


what adi shankara is trying to impress upon the reader is god is

realized only through contemplation of his divine name and not just

by mere scholarship!


to be honest with you, even can become an attachment!

some of my soul friends (advanced sadhakas) have left these groups

precisely for this reason! in fact, one of them told me taht his guru

advised him to do so as partcipation in these groups is time

consuming and takes away time away from his ! i told him

but "dear one! you have so much to offer in satsangha." and do you

know what he said...


" silence is the perennial flow of language"


Shri ramana maharishi's famous words..


yes, the mauna guru! his mauna was his diksha! just like guru



on this day of lord dattatreya, plese join me in offering salutations

to this guru of all gurus!


jai dutta!

jai gurudeva!

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namaskar ompremji!



saesons' greetings!


you write


"A final point on this thread - Has anyone considered that Adi

Shakti may be poking fun at herself and all who respond to her

message, 'Scholarship or realization'? Adi Shakti presents

herself as a scholar, or, at least, a excellenct researcher, able to

offer an long opinion backed by spiritual quotations on many

subjects. But she also claims that she is a just humble spiritual

traveller like the rest of us. So, perhaps she is setting up this

debate with her provocative opening comments to poke fun at all

those who participate in it, including herself, and especially

those who post strong opinions on it one way or the other."


yes, ! you are right to some extent! yogaman called me a scholar! i

do not consider myself a scholar in the sense in which that term is

used... certainly i read books and i do surf the web using

the 'google' search rather effectvely!( i think!


i have a right to poke fun at myself but not on others! at least,

that was not my intention! certainly, not in this instance!


in raja yoga, it is highly recommended that one should read

scriptures.... and in fact, that is part of one's our daily



but tantra is quite a different cup of tea!


for instance take the 'yoni' tantra!


now i am quoting ( forgive me - please don't interpret this as devil

quoting the scriptures)


" meditate with Yoni on the tongue, yoni in the mind, yoni in the

ears and yoni in the eyes."


now to a layman, what message does this verse send?


we all know what the literal meaning of yoni is ? yoni stands for

the vagina - but i would like to call it as a 'birth' canal... one

which gives life, sustains life!


But anyone who is not an initiated tantrik or a practicing tantrik

will immediately think "oh my god! this sounds weird! " this sounds

like we should be obsessed with sex... hear aboutbsex, think about

sex, talk about sex, and fantasize about sex!


and those who are initiated and practicing tantriks know that this is



so, sometimes it is dangerous to read and practice without the

guidance of a guru ?


you yourself know as a yoga teacher , it is absolutely dangerous to

do and engaze in 'kundalini' yoga without the guidance of a yoga

guru? right or wrong?


it is like watching the '20 minute' yoga show on tv and start

practicing the 'SHIRASANA' RIGHT AWAY! you know what will hapopen?


we all present ourselves in the way we want to present




thank you !



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just a clarification on what exactly i meant by

scholarship- i was referring to some kind of

attainment not necessarily proficiency in some

temporal subject.


by way of illustration- if a pauper wanted to be a

billionaire, i am not denying that he could on paper

do it in one-shot, but perhaps the more prudent

approach would be a millionaire first, then 10M... and

so on.


i personally think that classifications such as jnana,

bhakti, karma etc are artificial- all of them require

sufficient willpower, faith and concentration(which is

the true basis for god-realisation) to get to the end.

anyhow these are just opinions of my ignorant self.


and of course, our beloved adi_maa set us up. for

without no doubt her all her posts are well-researched

and packed with facts, but under this camoflouge of

academicity, is a deeply and profoundly spiritual

person. maa, definitely we need bhaktas such as

yourself to keep rank materialists like myself in







Message: 2 Thu, 19 Dec 2002 14:25:42 -0000

"omprem <omprem"


Re: Scholarship or realization?OM Frank

Yogaman wrote:

> > "scholarship is better than being ignorant. So the

prudent thing

> > would be to a aspire to be a scholar and once a

scholar, then try for

> > realization" Nora wrote:

> > We should learn how to crawl first, then walk

before aspiring to run

> > the marathon. You wrote:

> For me this statement makes 'my skin crawl'.

Perhaps I am not clear

> in my understanding but it comes across as being

somewhat elitist.

Statements such as that are not quite elitist, only

mistaken: they

refer to Jnana Yoga and ignore, as you pointed out

Raja Yoga,

Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga. You are also right that


tendency for attachment to scholarship is a grave

danger of the

Jnana Yoga path. But there are attachment dangers in

the other paths also.

What is required no matter path is followed is faith,

devotion, self

awareness, detachment and discrimination.

On another but related topic there seem to be two


learnin styles: the bottom-up style and top-down

style. The

bottom-up style builds in incremental steps as Nora


Yogaman urge. For example, one can learn language by


learning letters, then words, then making sentences,


paragraphs, then letters, articles, etc. Phonics is an


teaching tool here as is attention to grammar and


Using the top-down style, language is acquired by

dealing with

the largest groups of meaning that one can handle


language approach). Stories are read or written for

meaning with

little attention paid to grammar or spelling at first.

The aim is for

the communicator to get out his/her message and only


polish it by tweaking the grammar and spelling so that

it is more

understandable. Here, phonics is frowned upon and

instead one

is urged to read, or be read to, and discuss the

possibilities of

meaning. Neither approach is right for everyone: some


learn very well using a phonics approach, others are

bored by

phonics and want to a more holistic approach. To each

his own:

or, to put it into the context of this club and the

current thread,

Paths are many, Truth is One.

A final point on this thread - Has anyone considered

that Adi

Shakti may be poking fun at herself and all who

respond to her

message, 'Scholarship or realization'? Adi Shakti


herself as a sholar, or, at least, a excellenct

researcher. But she

also claims that she is a just humble spiritual

traveller like the

rest of us. So, perhaps she is setting up this debate

with her

provocative opening comments to poke fun at all those


participate in it, including herself, and especially

those who post

strong opinions on it one way or the other.OM Namah





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, Yoga man <childofdevi>


> and of course, our beloved adi_maa set us up. for

> without no doubt her all her posts are well-researched

> and packed with facts, but under this camoflouge of

> academicity, is a deeply and profoundly spiritual

> person. maa, definitely we need bhaktas such as

> yourself to keep rank materialists like myself in

> place.


> yogaman


It is a well known fact that in debates of spiritual nature, one must

be able to reference one's arguments with scriptures. Adi Ma is not

"camflouging" but showing her wisdom as a true spiritual debator.



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"camflouging" does have a negative connotation and i put this

unintentionally. i meant to convey the same as what Siva had written.

what to do maa, english is not my first language so i get all the

usages mixed up. i sincerely apologise for this.







, "sivadancer <sivadancer>"

<sivadancer> wrote:

> , Yoga man <childofdevi>

> wrote:

> > and of course, our beloved adi_maa set us up. for

> > without no doubt her all her posts are well-researched

> > and packed with facts, but under this camoflouge of

> > academicity, is a deeply and profoundly spiritual

> > person. maa, definitely we need bhaktas such as

> > yourself to keep rank materialists like myself in

> > place.

> >

> > yogaman


> It is a well known fact that in debates of spiritual nature, one


> be able to reference one's arguments with scriptures. Adi Ma is not

> "camflouging" but showing her wisdom as a true spiritual debator.



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oh ! oh!


i have become now the 'center' of attention ! what is this ompremji?

you managed to turn the spotlight on this 'shakti than kundalini

shakti! lol! smiles! i love being in your company! that is why i am

back in this group! smiles!


today is 'guruvaar' we should be singing the praises of guru ; that

too of guru dattatreya who gave us suich gems like 'avadhuta gita' !


dear ones! there is no 'negative' or positive connotion! these are

words! they do not 'hurt' or 'elate' any more ! to come to this

realization, it took me a While!


in prashnottara-ratna namavali, shri adi shankara says very clearly.


There are four rare ones.

Charity accompanied by kind words.

Knowledge bereft of arrogance.

Strength coupled with patience.

Wealth that can be distributed.


so, my advice to you is make all the 'wealth' you can! and then as

swami vivekananda says, share your 'wealth' this goes for 'spiritual'

wealth too!


you guys are cool! do not worry!


seriously, when dakini monk talked about a tantrik eating their

own 'crap' i was kind of shocked- oh! oh! this cannot be true! but

then i read about this tantrik saini Ramnath BELONGING TO THE AGHORA

PATH and found out that he did 'eat' his own crap just to demonstrate

to his devotees that he is beyond all dualities! then i realized, oh!

my god! this dakinik monk knows what he is talking about! but as

rajat says, eating feces is not part of panca makara sadhana! but

transcending'dulity' is the goal of all sadhanas!






today is Gur dattatreya's jayanti - let us honor him by singing

his 'praises' - gurudebva always said 'we should only engaze in

narayana stuthi ( praise of the god/ess) and not nara sthuthi (praise

of humans")."



now let me open this verse from lord dattatreya's verse for

discussion ...


"Some seek nonduality, others duality.

They do not know the Truth, which is the same at all times and

everywhere,which is devoid of both duality and nonduality."


Avaduta Gita


FOLKS ! we have bhaktas and shaktas in this satsangha! we have

vedantis and vaishnavas here! we also have others from allspiritual



now, come on guys! what do you think about this gem from avaduta gita



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"FOLKS ! we have bhaktas and shaktas in this satsangha! we have

vedantis and vaishnavas here! we also have others from all spiritual



Thank you Adi Shakthi16 but please remember that this is a Shakta

group first. We do encourage discussion of various others discipline,

but we should not get distracted from our main focus here. Only

yesterday you have reminded us "although we have a picture of mother

kundalini, nobody has come forward to even write about it". Why not

you tell us something about Mother Kundalini. I am sure with your

resourcefulness, you will be able to find something for us.

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dear nora!


your wish is my command...


but lord dattatreya is a Tantrik guru whose conversation with

parasurama is recorded in the jnana kanda of 'tripura rahasya' - a

great treatise ! and that is one of books sri vidya upasakas use !


anyway, i will be more than happy to use my 'resourcefulness' to post

something on kundalini... in fact, if you recall, i already posted

two verses from saundarya lahari on 'kundalini' smiles...


but seriously, " kundalini" is a topic that should be handled by

hatha yoga experts in this forum... also, kundalini can be awakened

by any means not just hatha yoga! i am told regular chanting of sree

lalita sahasaranama with love and devotion over a period of time can

awaken the kundalini!!!


i would request our ompremji , yogachild, yogaji etc to take the lead

in this maatter... ... they can do full justice to this topic!


thank you anyway for bringing the focus back to 'shaktism' - we were

drifting a little bit !!



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Hey Nora,


Dattatreya is supposed to be one of the gurus in srividya, he is the

one who imparts this knowledge to parasurama in the kalpasutra. So

maa adishakthi, perhaps you could tell us something on this from your

immense knowledge, after all it is his jayanthi.


I am eagerly awaiting kochuji's translation of the kalpasutra which

he has promised to post sometime. Perhaps he is very busy translating

which is why we have not seen much of him lately.






, "Nora

<ashwini_puralasamy>" <ashwini_puralasamy> wrote:

> "FOLKS ! we have bhaktas and shaktas in this satsangha! we have

> vedantis and vaishnavas here! we also have others from all


> paths..."


> Thank you Adi Shakthi16 but please remember that this is a Shakta

> group first. We do encourage discussion of various others


> but we should not get distracted from our main focus here. Only

> yesterday you have reminded us "although we have a picture of


> kundalini, nobody has come forward to even write about it". Why not

> you tell us something about Mother Kundalini. I am sure with your

> resourcefulness, you will be able to find something for us.

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fredagen den 20 december 2002 02.41 skrev "Nora:

> Thank you Adi Shakthi but please remember that this is a Shakta group

> first. We do encourage discussion of various others discipline, but

> we should not get distracted from our main focus here.


I am not so sure that different disciplines are so wastly different after all.

See the following quote about by the Lord Brahma, after that Krishna

recreated all the cowherd boys that the had stolen:


"Assuming the posture of meditation, folded his hands together,

His hair standing erect, tears in his eyes, like one distressed.

Ida, Susumna, Madhya, Pingala, Nalini, Dhura

These six nadis, by yoga, obstructing with effort

Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Manohara,

Vishuddha and Paramajna, these six cakras also obstructing,

Brahma caused the vital wind to ascend the six cakras in order,

Leading it to the Brahmarandhra and confining it there.

Then he brought the Madhya into his lotus-heart,

And caused the vital wind, turning it about, to unite with the Madhya.


Uttering the supreme mantra of Hari, having ten syllables . . .

Meditating on his lotus-feet . . .

He [brahma] beheld in his lotus-heart a mass of light.

In the midst of the light was a beautiful form,

Two-armed, flute in hand, adorned in yellow dress [i.e. Krishna]


Who was observed in his Brahmarandhra, in his heart, and in the external


(From the Brahmavaivarta purana)


Obviously the description of a kind of Vaisnava meditation procedure, but to

me, who is not an expert in this, it also sounds like the rising of

kundalini. The procedure sounds similar, it is only the goal who is maybe

slightly different. Here the vision of Krishna in his two-armed form. (that

relates to the story)



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, "childofdevi

<childofdevi>" <childofdevi> wrote:

> Hey Nora,


> Dattatreya is supposed to be one of the gurus in srividya, he is the

> one who imparts this knowledge to parasurama in the kalpasutra. So

> maa adishakthi, perhaps you could tell us something on this from your

> immense knowledge, after all it is his jayanthi.

> yogaman




> Thank you Adi Shakthi16 but please remember that this is a Shakta

> > group first. We do encourage discussion of various others

> discipline,

> > but we should not get distracted from our main focus here.


Dear Nora,

I am posting the following info so that those interested can pursue

this thread 'off site'.


The is an excellent book published bu SUNY called 'Dattatreya, The

Immortal Guru, Yogin, and Avatara' by Antonio Rigopoulos it will tell

all that you wish to know. There are various translations of the Guru

Chairitra available one on line at the Akkolkot Maharaj website and

also on line translations of the Avadhoota Gita some perhaps better

than others. f

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, "adi_shakthi16

<adi_shakthi16>" <adi_shakthi16> wrote:

> oh ! oh!



> dear ones! there is no 'negative' or positive connotion! these are

> words! they do not 'hurt' or 'elate' any more ! to come to this

> realization, it took me a While!


now let me open this verse from lord dattatreya's verse for

> discussion ...

> "Some seek nonduality, others duality.

> They do not know the Truth, which is the same at all times and

> everywhere,which is devoid of both duality and nonduality."

> Avaduta Gita

> now, come on guys! what do you think about this gem from avaduta gita

> love


Dear Adi,


"Sab Mitti" (All is Dust)

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Dattatreya is supposed to be one of the gurus in srividya, he is the

one who imparts this knowledge to parasurama in the kalpasutra. So

perhaps you could tell us something on this from your

immense knowledge, after all it is his jayanthi.




I am eagerly awaiting kochuji's translation of the kalpasutra which

he has promised to post sometime. Perhaps he is very busy translating

which is why we have not seen much of him lately.


Yes he is around but lying low as he said. Im waiting for his

Kapasutra translation and about Vikneshwari. Did you know that we

eventually have the picture of Vikneshwari and Narashamni Devi. I

havent put them it in the homepage yet.

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