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Shakti the sex energy? THE FOOLISH PERSPECTIVE

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Sexual energy, is lust mixed with the physical nature of orgasm both are

ASURI in nature; when tantras speak of sexual union it is when the Kundalini

reached the anahata since it covers the whole anahata like a vagina to a

penis hence this is known as sexual in nature.


I wouldn't analyse Devi in the form; it is perverted since (I presume) you

would claim her to be your mother; would you think like this about your



Devi deserves and commands higher respect then even your maternal mother

since her wrath and love are both extreme, if you choose to see her as wife

then and even then such things are not to be talked about as you would keep

even this nature of your wife to your self.


The is the general rule of Hinduism; it is hypocritical to call her mother

and then delve into things like yoni tantra. It is highly offensive; so much

so this can be classified as partial Devi ninda.




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dear dakinik monk,


there is a considerable misunderstanding about the panchatattwas nd

that is why there is so much debasement of Tntra...


Owing, however, to abuses, particularly as regards the tattva of

madya and maithuna, this Tantra, according to the current version,

prescribes in certain cases, limitations as regards their use. It

prescribes that when the Kaliyuga is in full strength, and in the

case of householders (grihastha) whose minds are engrossed with

worldly affairs, the "three sweets" (madhuratraya) are to be

substituted for wine.


Those who are of virtuous temperament, and whose minds are turned

towards the Brahman, are permitted to take five cups of wine.


So also as regards maithuna, this Tantra states that men in this Kali

age are by their nature weak and disturbed by lust, and by reason of

this do not recognize woman (shakti) to be the image of the Deity.


It accordingly ordains that when the Kaliyuga is in full sway, the

fifth tattva shall only be accomplished with sviyashakti, or the

worshipper's own wife, and that union with a woman who is not married

to the sadhaka in either Brahma or Shaiva form is forbidden.


In the case of other shakti (parakiya and sadharani) it prescribes,

in lieu of maithuna, meditation by the worshipper upon the lotus feet

of the Devi, together with japa of his ishtamantra.


This rule, however, the Commentator says, is not of universal

application. Shiva has, in this Tantra, prohibited sadhana with the

last tattva, with parakiya, and sadharani shakti, in the case of men

of ordinary weak intellect ruled by lust; but for those who have by

sadhana conquered their passions and attained the state of a true

vira, or siddha, there is no prohibition as to the mode of



This Tantra appears to be, in fact, a protest against the misuse of

the tattwa, which had followed upon a relaxation of the original

rules and conditions governing them. Without the panchatattva in one

form or another, the shaktipuja cannot be performed. The Mother of

the Universe must be worshipped with these elements.


By their use the universe (jagatbrahmanda) itself is used as the

article of worship. Wine signifies the power (shakti) which produces

all fiery elements; meat and fish all terrestrial and aquatic

animals; mudra all vegetable life; and maithuna the will (ichchha)

action (kriya) and knowledge (jnana) shakti of the Supreme Prakriti

productive of that great pleasure which accompanies the process of

creation. To the Mother is thus offered the restless life of Her



The object of all sadhana is the stimulation of the sattvaguna. When

by such sadhana this guna largely preponderates, the sattvika sadhana

suitable for men of a high type of divyabhava is adopted. In this

latter sadhana the names of the panchatattva are used symbolically

for operations of a purely mental and spiritual character. Thus, the

Kaivalya says that "wine" is that intoxicating knowledge acquired by

yoga of the Parabrahman, which renders the worshipper senseless as

regards the external world. Meat (mangsa) is not any fleshly thing,

but the act whereby the sadhaka consigns all his acts to Me (Mam).

Matsya (fish) is that sattvika knowledge by which through the sense

of "mineness" the worshipper sympathizes with the pleasure and pain

of all beings. Mudra is the act of relinquishing all association with

evil which results in bondage, and maithuna is the union of the

Shakti Kundalini with Shiva in the body of the worshipper. This, the

Yogini Tantra says, is the best of all unions for those who have

already con-trolled their passions (yati). According to the

Agamasara, wine is the somadhara, or lunar ambrosia, which drops from

the brahmarandhra; Mangsa (meat) is the tongue (ma), of which its

part (angsha) is speech. The sadhaka, in "eating" it, controls his

speech. Matsya (fish) are those two which are constantly moving in

the two rivers Ida and Pingala. He who controls his breath by

pranayama (q.v.), "eats" them by kumbhaka. Mudra is the awakening of

knowledge in the pericarp of the great sahasrara Lotus, where the

Atma, like mercury, resplendent as ten million suns, and deliciously

cool as ten million moons, is united with the Devi Kundalini. The

esoteric meaning of maithuna is thus stated by the Agama: The ruddy-

hued letter Ra is in the Kunda, and the letter Ma, in the shape of

vindu, is in the mahayoni. When Makara (m), seated on the Hangsa in

the form of Akara (a), unites with rakara ®, then the Brahmajnana,

which is the source of supreme Bliss, is gained by the sadhaka, who

is then called atmarama, for his enjoyment is in the Atma. in the

sahasrara. This is the union on the purely sattvika plane, which

corresponds on the rajasika plane to the union of Shiva and Shakti in

the persons of their worshippers.


The union of Shiva and Shakti is described as a true yoga, from

which, as the Yamala says, arises that joy which is known as the

Supreme Bliss.



courtesy globust publishing


ps - by belief you see the 'deity' in your wife and not that you see

the divine mother as your 'sexual' partner. also, it is said no

shakti puja is complete without the pancatattwas in one form or the


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hi all


this topic has always increased the energy of the masses since a long

time and this is when eeven "tantrics" take up arms against

the "asuri", base"and "crude" form of tantra,but it is forgotten that

it is this that differentiates tantra from others paths and it was

the original tantra and all the pratinidhi forms or substitutions

came later.

it is one thing to use substitutes for the panca tattva and another

to treat the pancatattvas as symbols for something "spiritual" to to

say that sex represents the union of kundalini with siva in the

sahasrara or in the anahata and or dahara or whatever. so if

everything just signifies something else-n then why tantra? not that

the rest of hinduism was not overtly sexual to begin with what about

the satapata brahmana which says "the joyous embrace of the man and

woman is the agnihotra sacrifice".

the distinguihing feature of tantra is its insistance on the divinity

of "everything" and its non dual nature if everything is divine and

one then any method can be used to remove the veils that prevent one

from seeing/experienceing it.it is this perspectivce which

differentiates tantra from the other religious practices. hence the

oft quoted "yaireva pathanam sthirevva siddih"(that whcih leads to

ones downfall can also lead to achievement/attainment ). since

nature=prakriti=shakti and because everything is shakti sex is also

divine,one of the most divine aspect in the universe and it is only

perversity induced by a fake moralizing religiosity. if one denies

sex one is simultaneously denying the creative principle and hence

shakti as mother too.


and what is wrong with "material/impure/mere sex/lust" isnt that a

major form of energy probably the only form for a lot of us common

folkand if it can be sacrlaised with awareness and a ritual frame

work and can be used to reach the divine what is wrong with it.

so starting with the premise that all of "us" are caught up in lust

and the material plane of existence( by the way there is no other

plane of existence unless you have realized the"one".)is it ok for me

tobe eating drinking and having sex and pretending to have a

spiritual life but not right for me to see the divine in

everything.it it the very fact that its not easy for us to ssee the

divine in these "five" which makes it an excellent path because it

breaks dow the thousands of years of conditioning and bring one face

to face with onself "naked and hece face to face with the

divine"mother". or father .or oneself. or the universe. or god.


do you have a problem with that ?

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Dear Adi, and all,


What you are referring to is not tattwa but something called

pancha makara; this is the extreme asuri/aghora tantra; you see according to

asuri tantra you can have intercourse with your own mother; hence asuri

sadhakas call on the sexual forms of Devi. Those who justify this justify

Asuri sadhana and I am against the extremist concept.


I am not saying I am some kind of puritanical no, but still this is dire

perversion for me, the only time you can associate sex with Tantra is when

lust is fully under your control; even then I think it be best one does not

dabble into things like this. What a husband and wife do is their business,

I am totally against pre marital intercourse hence again I am in total

agreement with you.


When you meditate and associate divinity in any way whatsoever with sex you

basically choose to see divinity in the form of procreation, thus desire.

The instinct of procreation is animalistic just is hunger and sleep; that is

how goddess will then interact with you like you are animal the pashu.


If you are of this psychology then you don't deserve to listen or talk about

most forms of Tantra and this is on such; again there are those texts that

are designed to mislead, if you read a Kalika Tantra it will say have

intercourse with your Shakti on a cremation ground, the dhyanas a closely

linked with sex as well.

This is to distract the sadhak, so if you don't have control over your mind

then you will get distracted; This is one way lord Shiva made sure that

those who are susceptible to desire will never excel. There is a lot of

esoteric meaning behind this. I am not saying procreation is Bad; I am

saying a true and smart sadhak will always be a fanatical satvic in mind

hence disassociate with sex and lust. This is not applicable to your

household man, he too much be far from lust but still he must procreate.


Yes now onto the panchamakara, the panchamakara is a ritual which involves

the five m's meat, fish, alcohol, sex, faeces these are the five m's if you

must treat all five without a bias perspective, so if you are ready to have

sex or eat meat then you should be ready to eat faeces. Meat here also

includes human flesh and all other meats. You must be free from disgust,

lust and stuff like that before you start onto this.




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respected jaimaa1008!


jAIMAA! i really read and reread your post several times! may i say

that every word that you have uttered here is coming straight from

the devi's divine 'vak' shakti!


You state

"not that the rest of hinduism was not overtly sexual to begin with

what about the satapata brahmana which says "the joyous embrace of

the man and woman is the agnihotra sacrifice".


this is true our own yoga-child has also pointed out that in shaiva

siddhanta there are many such references!


you state

hence the oft quoted "yaireva pathanam sthirevva siddih"(that whcih

leads to > ones downfall can also lead to achievement/attainment


This is so true!


it is said .,,,


".Having drunk, drink and drink again; having fallen, rise again and

attain liberation."


this does not mean "druunkenness" leads to liberation - that is the

literal explanation


the esoteric meaning is by drinking " the drops of wisdom athe

tantrik adept experiences the awakening of the Kundalini. "


You literally won my heart with the following words...


" and what is wrong with "material/impure/mere sex/lust" isnt that a

major form of energy probably the only form for a lot of us common

folkand if it can be sacrlaised with awareness and a ritual frame

work and can be used to reach the divine what is wrong with it."





"If a man is a YOGIN, he does not enjoy sensual pleasures; while one

who enjoys them cannot know YOGA. That is why the KAULA (a TANTRIC

School) way, containing the essence of sexual enjoyment and YOGA, is

superior to all paths. In the KAULA approach, sexual enjoyment turns

into YOGA directly. What in conventional religion is considered sin,

[when practiced our way] becomes meritorious."



" bring one face to face with onself "naked and hece face to face

with the > divine"mother". or father .or oneself. or the universe. or



wise words! drop the veil'; stop pretendendig'

be like a child ' approach the divine mother stark naked in a sahaja

bahava - in the most natural state."


here devotees! i would like to draw your attention to the 'sandhya'

bhasha or 'twilight language' of tantra!


Twilight language is "a secret, dark, ambiguous language in which a

state of consciousness is expressed by an erotic term and the

vocabulary of mythology or cosmology is charged with Hatha-yogic or

sexual meanings."


our yoga-child mentioned about thirumoolar's thirumandiram - here is

a passage where the poet describes the devotee's union with the



On the Peaked Mountain is a Summit High,

Beyond the Summit blows a Gusty Wind;

There blossomed a Flower that its fragrance spread

Within that Flower, a Bee its Nectar imbibed,




The gusty wind of the controlled breath spreads the fragrance of the

Sahasraara lotus at the crown of the head in which the Lord as a tiny

bumble bee sits, lapping up the nectar of immortality. The image of

the mountain usually infers the body seated in meditation or the

central nadi Shashumna through which the kundalini shakti flows.


Here is another "shocking" verse from a tantrik text! (


"Inserting his organ into his mother's womb squeezing his sister's

breasts and putting his feet on his guru's head... He will be reborn

no more. "


does it not sound vulgar, obscene ?


is tantra advocating incest?


if you take the literal meaning of this verse, that is what

it sounds like, does it not?


but please read on...




The mother's womb is the triangle at the root chakra.


The sister's breasts are the heart chakra and the 3rd eye


And the guru's head is the 1000 petalled lotus at the crown.


it is advocated again and again, one must study 'tantra' under the

guidance of an initiated guru belonging to a tantric lineage -

otherwise e will all be groping in the dark thinking 'tantra' is

advocating 'promiscuity' and 'unlimited sex'....


so folks!


tantra just teaches you how to worship the 'goddess' within !


i leave you all with this verse from ...


Where there is ecstacy, there is Creation.

Where there is no ecstacy, there is no Creation.

In the Infinite, there is ecstacy;

There is no ecstacy in the finite.


hari om tat sat!

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dear dakinik monk,


thank you so much for your views on the panca makara sadhana...

but, i was a little surprised to see you labelling the panca makara

sadhana as 'asuri' sadhana...


in tantrik literature panca makara sadhana is referred to

as 'vamachara' or left handed path or the path of kaulas...


in fact, in sree lalita sahasaranma , there is a reference to Devi

being worshipped by those who are devoted to kaula tradition. (verse

441- om kaula marga tatpara sevitayaii namaha)


our beloved shri ramakrishna himself practiced the panca makars

except the "maithuna" even though his female guru brahmani bhairavi

encouraged shri ramakrishna to do so on many occassions... but one

thing shri ramakrishna insisted and that the panca makara sadhana

should be performed only by sadhakas of divya disposition!


the kaulas follow the authoritative scriptures of parasurama sutras

and the 64 tantras and perform tantric rites based on the panca

makara sadhana..


for the samayins (dakshinachara) the authoritative scriptures are the




The samayins perform external worship according to the kalpa sutras

of the vedic tradition


adi shankara followed the path of samaya worship and offerings

consist of milk and fruits..


as you have mentioned , substitutes are introduced in the paca makara

sadhana honey and ginger in the place of wine, pumpkin or coconut in

the place of meat, two flowers for maithuna etc...


again, dakinik monk! no path is superior to another...

swecchara and swatantra - according to one's will or independent



that is the beauty of Tantra..


there is no fetters of mind; there is no such thing as 'wrong' doing

or sin fulness...


read this please,


"Bhairava said: Listen, Vira Chamunda, to the characteristics of

vessels and the way of acting. One may be like a child, a madman,

a king, like one in a swoon, like an independent spirit, like a

Lord Hero, a Gandharva, a naked person, a Tridandin or like one

teaching knowledge for gain. The way to be is to act however one





"It is very difficult for anyone to know his (AVADHOOTA) true nature.

When alone he is like one mad, dumb or paralysed and when

in the society of men he sometimes behaves like a good man,

sometimes like a wicked one, and on occasions he behaves like a

demon. But the Yogi is always pure whatever he may do and by

his touch everything becomes pure."




"The Avadhuta is so called as he has discarded worldly ties, and he

is the essence of the sentence 'Thou art That'. His worldly existence

consists in moving about freely, with or without clothes. For them

thereis nothing righteous or unrighteous, nothing holy or unholy."


To a true tantrik (no matter to which tantrik school he belongs-

shakta, shaiva, vaishnava, ganpatya or saurya) there is no such thing

as sin or virtue, bad or good, pure or impure, holy or unholy

and foul smell or fragrance


have you heard of saint vamkhepa , the tantrik saint of tarapith? he

was a tantrik par excellance! pl read nora's post on this saint !


tantra is about celberation not 'celibacy' - celebrating all of life-

all of creation... THe divine mother and her whole creation! the

relationship of a child to its mother is a unique one! similarly, the

bhava in which a devotee approaches the divine mother is

totally 'personal' !


love and regards





















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Dear Aadi,


Vamachara is Asuri, asuri does not mean evil it means highly accelerated,

lots of risk, high demand and get a lot of bad karma. These are the

outcomes, when you go far indeed you go far but the higher you go the harder

you will fall. That is why many incl myself are against Asuri sadhana. I was

once challenged by an Asuri sadhak who took great offence to this, he was a

great devotee of Devi Kali even more so then I since he practiced Khanda

Manda yoga, when he challenged me, he made got punished by my protectors and

protecting deities like Dakini, Hakini, Kakini and lord Shiva.


When he asked Devi he was given a very harsh reply that being that he had

succumb to ahamkara. When you do asuri sadhana it is a must that you are

fully controlling all your desires and senses. Kaula has three parths and

the highest is against all this, all these rituals are done on the inside

and all kaula texts are encrypted so what you read and quote is false since

you need a nath guru to teach the true meaning of kaula siddhanta. Kaula is

only practiced once you have reached nirvakalpa samadhi that is when you

become atharvan kaula the true shakthi abhishek to initiate a kaula is when

his/her glands produce amrita.


None of us are at this level hence lets no even go into the field of Kaula;

Asuri sadhana is something I have studied a great deal of since most people

who despise me practice this form of worship hence I must be aware of what

they do. Asuri sadhana is not for beginners besides Babaji is totally

against the concept of Asuri sadhana and so is Lord Krishna hence one should

not do this. History has repeated itself over and over again.


When you do asuri sadhana you are fueling your atma with evil sooner of

later this will take effect; there are two ways one can approach God the way

of Light and the way of darkness, once you delve into darkness you will get





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dear dakinik monk,


thank you once more for a detailed explanation!


dear heart! it would be kind of nice if you explain the terms you use

in your posts so layman ( laywoman ) like me can understand the

fuller nuances of your posts...


i know 'asuri cannot mean evil! how could it be? one of devi durga's

name is 'asuri' !


my leanings are more towards 'samaya' worship and sri vidya

tradition ....


you state that one of your detractors practiced 'chanda munda



and let us reflect on this a little bit!


what is 'munda' sadhana...


munda means 'skull' or head and head represents 'ego' and the very

goal of 'munda' sadhana is to crush the 'ego'


in this type of sadhana, the sadhaka sits on top of skulls and

performs tantrik rituals...


it is a variation of the 'shava' sadhana - instead of going to the

cremation ground, you perform this 'munda' sadhana rihjt where you





"The highest sadhaka who recites a mantra whilst holding the rosary

of human skullbone holds in his hand the eight siddhis, and is like

the imperishable Shambhu. As the Ganges is situated at the top of

one's head, what need is there to bathe in the (external) Ganges?

Whosoever is devoted to the great rosary of human skullbone gains the

merit of bathing in all sacred waters such as Varanasi, Kamarupa,

Haridvara, Prayaga, River Gandaki, Vadarika and the Ganges Delta -"


Matrikabhedatantra IV, 27-29


Mahakala has four arms and three eyes, and is of the brilliance of

10,000,000 black fires of dissolution, dwells in the midst of eight

cremation grounds, is adorned with eight skulls, seated on five

corpses, holding a trident, a damaru, a sword and a kharpa in his





IN THE BOOK KAALI the black Goddess, Elizabeth Usha Harding WRITES





" In a garden near Ramprasad's house was a Panchavadi grove where the

five holy trees- banyan, bel, amalakhi, ashoka and peepul - grew

side by side. According to the Tantrics, this type of grove is an

ideal place to practice Tantric sadhana. Ramprasad spent hours there,

forgetful of the world and meditating on a panchamundi asana. This

asana is seat made up of five skulls- the skull of a snake, a frog, a

rabbit, fox and a man. On special days, such as Ekadasi, purnima and

full moon, he fasted all day and remained in the Panchavadi instead

of going home."


here is a PanchavaTIi in Dhokkineswar where Sri Ramakrishna used to

perform Tantric rites. It is said his Tantric Guru MAA BHIRAVI

BRAHMANI brought the five skulls for the asana. this is an advanced

sadhana practiced by the ) Vama margis.


but, dakinik monk, this sadhana is only recommended for sadhaks who

are in the mode of 'divya' bhava not 'pashu' or 'vira' bhava...

and the purpose of such an advanced sadhana like 'munda' sadhana is

to conquer one's ego and to attain enlightenment !


the goal of all sadhana is to attain 'enlightenment' ... i am against

those who practice sadhana for acquring siddhis or occult powers or

practice 'witchcraft' and 'magic' -


There is no doubt that all tantrik sadhana should be practiced under

a tantrik guru from proper lineage... you are absolutely right about



but on another note, why should people despise you?


and why should they do 'asuri' sadhana to get the better of you? i do

not understand!


anyway, you mention Krishna and let me tell you in sree vaishnavism,

it is clearly said you approach lord krishna only in the bhava of

a 'rasika' -


radha-krishna rasa lila is beyond the understanding of non-bhaktas...

onlky those who are well versed in raga-anuraga bhakti can understand

this mahabhava!


it is vaishnava-apradha even to question the transcedental love of

radha-krishna !


evemn of kali it is said " the six darshanas could not understand



again , i repeat, whether it is tantra or advaita or sree

vaishnavism, it is 'bhakti' ( devotion) (that leads to 'mukti' -



when you reach the highest state of para bhakti, one does not

need 'riruals', 'scriptures etc!!


hari om tat sat!

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maa adi_shakti, thank you for that scholarly explanation. i honestly

dont think you count as a layman/woman.


warm regards,




, "adi_shakthi16

<adi_shakthi16>" <adi_shakthi16> wrote:

> dear dakinik monk,


> thank you once more for a detailed explanation!


> dear heart! it would be kind of nice if you explain the terms you


> in your posts so layman ( laywoman ) like me can understand the

> fuller nuances of your posts...

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greetings yoga-child!


you write ...


maa adi_shakti, thank you for that scholarly explanation. i honestly

dont think you count as a layman/woman.


That is the sad part ! only scholarly! pure semantics! simply



tantrik sadhana should never be undertaken without initiation from a

Guru - this has been acknoledged by most members here...






USING A BIJA MANTRA or practicing yantra puja AND practicing tantric



this is why there is so much confusion about what the panca makara

sadhana is all about



"Beguiled by false knowledge as propagated, certain persons, deprived

of the guru-shishya tradition, imagine the nature of the Kuladharma

according to their own intellect. If merely by drinking wine, men

were to attain fulfilment, all addicted to liquor would reach

perfection. If mere partaking of flesh were to lead to the high

state, all the carnivores in the world would become eligible to

immense merit. If liberation were to be ensured by sexual intercourse

with a shakti, all creatures would become liberated by female



(Kularnava Tantra)


again and again the question is asked what are these pancamakaras! i

have never seen 'feces' listed as one of the panca makras ( Rajat you

are right about that)


The panchamakara (five "m"s) are maithuna (intercourse), madya

(liquor), mudra (bean), mamsa (flesh) and matsya (fish). They form

part of a rite performed by those of the class called Viras (heroes).


Tantrik practitioners fall into three classes: divya (divine), vira

(heroic) and pashu (beastlike).


sadhaks who are in the 'pashu' bhava are totally prohibited from

doing the panca makara sadhana ...


Now the question is asked about 'maithuna;'


what is maithuna? if defined in ordinary language it can be

translated into 'sexual' intercourse...


but dearone! it is above and beyond that!


"A true sexual intercourse is union with the goddess within. "


tantra never advocates intercourse with any other woman except one's

wife but in the case of the sadhak iwith the divya disposition, it

is allowed because he has conquered all his lust and passions !


Sir John Woodroffe, in his introduction to the Karpuradistotra, which

is a 22 verse hymn on Dakshina Kalika, pashus -states those of a

base disposition, are forbidden to engage in sexual sadhana at night.


"The Pashu is still bound by the pasha (bonds) of desire, etc., and

he is, therefore, not adhikari for that which, if undertaken by the

unfit, will only make these bonds stronger." .


Woodroffe further says that the worship of Kali in the pashu mode is

totally forbidden by Shiva, quoting the influential Niruttara Tantra

as his source. "By the worship of Kali without Divyabhava and

virabhava the worshipper suffers pain at every step and goes to hell.

If a man who is of the Pashubhava worships Kali then he goes to the

Raurava Hell until the time of final dissolution."


KALI SADHANA (involving the use of panca makras) IS VERY POWERFUL

but at the same time should be undertaken only under the strict

guidance of a tantrk guru,,,


"As to the matter of a suitable Shakti for the sexual rites of Kali,

the NT suggests that when a sadhaka has already achieved success with

his own Shakti, he may then worship another woman. But Woodroffe says

this other woman is the supreme Shakti in the sadhaka's own body. "


THE cremation ground...


"The cremation ground is often interpreted as the place where all

desires are burnt away. Before realising kaivalya (liberation), the

sadhaka must burn away all the taboos and conditionings which prevent

this liberation.


The cremation ground (shmashana) is also the supreme nadi or channel

within the human organism - the sushumna -- The central channel of

bioenergy within the spine of a human being, the royal road of



There the Devi or goddess is coiled up three and a half times at the

base of the spine. When she unfolds and enters the sushumna, the

bliss of this cosmic orgasm causes the universe to disappear. On the

sadhaka within the shmashana yantra is Shakti, both entwined in close

sexual embrace. She is the human form of Kali, as he is the human

form of Shiva. Both are forever united."


The Niruttara Tantra says "The cremation ground is of two kinds, O

Devi, the pyre and the renowned yoni.


Shiva is the phallus, Kuleshani! So Mahakala said." Questioned later

by Shri Devi in the same tantra, Shiva says that the vagina is

Dakshina herself, in the form of the three gunas, the essence of

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. These three forms represent the powers of

creation, maintenance and destruction. They have their Shakti

counterparts. "


as devi herself says...


"O All-Knowing One, if I am known, what need is there for revealed

scriptures and sadhana? If I am unknown, what use for puja and

revealed text? I am the essence of creation, manifested as woman,

intoxicated with sexual desire, in order to know you as guru, you

with whom I am one. Even given this, Mahadeva, my true nature still

remains secret."


for those of you who think 'yoni' refers to the 'vagina' --- here is

the best news...


"yoni refers to the pyre in the cremation ground"


and maithuna refers to the sexual intercourse with the goddess



yoga child, yes!!! scholarly! that's all there is to it!!!



take care, dear!

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Dear Adi, munda yoga is child's play teenagers in Fiji practice it to

attract girls and yakshinis LOL, I am talking about KHANDA MANDA YOGA where

the sadhak cuts of his/her limbs as offers to goddess in Fire twelve hours

later the limbs regenerate but this is only if it is done to perfection.


The sadhak I am refering to was superior to me in all was but since he did

asuri sadhana for so long he started to get asuri nature, this is when devi

made him to come to his senses by putting him in this predicament. He was a

teacher of mine who taught me how to control churels and other pretas.


A great personage indeed, he killed himself later as an offering to Devi and

I hope he succeed in whatever he asked for, he had to take agni samadhi

where his prana incinerated him, this was to purge himself of the bad karma

he had collected from asuri sadhana; this was his last offering to Devi.


You see he did asuri sadhana for almost forty years, he attained powers we

can only imagine but all that in vein he still had to go through a rough

process. His name was Sanjiv Patel, he despised me since he thought I looked

down at his rituals (this was at a later stage) but all that was, was I was

scared of his intense rituals.


I guess he was a true aghori and lived up to the reputation, most of his

sadhanas was done alone and his guru I never knew nor did he ever mention.

It took him twenty years to master it and then forty years he continuously

practiced it. He died aged 82.


He was the one who told me about Dakini sadhana and that without it Kalika's

yantra will no yield, he taught me a lot of things about tantra and he

himself said that you cannot do these sadhanas part time once you start you

cannot look back, hence only talk about it when you do it. (when you

practice these sadhanas you do not talk about it, it is gupta). What he

meant was this is not to be talked about nor should it be practiced by



Dear Adi take my friend's advise he was only one of the handfuls who

succeeded but even he fell victim to his anger and ahamkara, I was the scape

goat LOL.


I can get drunk in ahamkara and I wont have to pay a great price like his

since I have chosen a path very simple, I to do samaychara puja. Vamachara

is not all it is cut out to be, too much bad karma.





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deare dakinic monk,


this is becoming more and more interesting , intriguing and above all

fascinating ! but, dear one! i had a different concept of 'aghoris' - by very

definition an aghorui is onw who io fearless! lord shiva's name is

also aghori - that is why he roams fearleslly in cremation grounds

with bhutas and pretas?


dear one , you say "gupta" - meaning'secret" but in a few posts you

have revealed more to this shakti than what lord shiva ever revealed

to devi in all the tantric agamas... lol!!! smiles! thank you!



a shakta writes on panca makaras...


Five Makaars are Madira (wine),Mamsa Meat)Maithuna (sex), Meen (fish)

and Mudra (spl sign).


Madira (wine) -


Brahmsthhan sarojpatra lasita brahmandtripti prada….

Ya shubhranshu kala sudhavigalita saa paanyogya sura!


In the sahasradhara lotus (chakra), Chandra kala has gathered a

nectar, this sura (wine) is to be drunk (by a Shakti



Mamsa (Meat) :


Kaam Krodh sulobh moh pashu kamshichhatva vivekasina….

Maansam nirvishayam pratm sukhadam khadanti tesham budhaa


You have Kama (lust ), krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (

attachment) , these animals in you. O shakta !take the sword of

regular Viveka (discrimintaion) and sacrifice these animals to the

Mother and eat their meat (finish completely).


Meena (Fish) :


Ahamkaro dambho mada pishunata matsardwisham…shdetanminaan vai vishya

harjalen vidhritaan


Dwesh (hatred), maan (false pride ), Dambha (ego-ahamkaar)

these fishes are swimming in the Chitta (mind) of

worshipper who should catch them, fry them and eat them

recognise them and destroy them)


Mudraa (sign) :


Mudra is like asana in Rajyoga. When shakti is evoked

certain organs of the worshipper take a special shape to

let the energies flow evenly. Mudra is practiced

while worshipping, to avoid stoppage of energy.


Maithuna (sexual-intercourse)


Kula Kundali Shakti Dehini Dehdharini…tathha shivasya samyogo

maithunam parikirtittam


The body of worshipper has kundalini shakti (feminine

power)…its mating with the Shiva (male power) in

Sahasrachakra (crown chakra) is a real Maithun (sex) for the



well, kalikaputra - what do you think? you like this explanation?


dear one get 'drunk' on the divine name of the divine mother sree

lalita tripurasundari and you will always be situated in divine



sir, you are right on one point ! in tantra, one never views anything

with disgust... even feaces (excreta?spelling?) .... i do not know

about the 'eating' part though! though india had a prime minister who

drank his own 'urnie' first thing in the morning! and mr. moraji

desai ( who is now deceased) was in perfect health and in perfect

shape and of sharp intellect and fine physique! he died at quite an

advanced age! he was also a bramhachari since his wife died at an

early age... this does not mean everyone should try 'urine' therapy!



in tantra nothing is regarded in disgust...


The Kaulavali Nirnaya (Agamanusandhana Samiti, Calcutta nd),

edited by Sir John Woodroffe, is a digest of other Kaula tantras.

Summarising chapter 18, Sir John paraphrases the tantra:--


"there are people who regard semen and menstrual fluid with disgust,

but they forget that the body by which they hope to attain Liberation

is composed of these two forms of matter, that the marrow, bone and

tendons have come from the father and the skin, flesh and blood

from the mother. It further says that there is no reason for man's

disgust for excreta or urine, for these are nothing but food or

drink which has undergone some change and contains living creatures

and the Brahman substance is not absent therefrom...All things are

pure. It is one's mentality which is evil." (KN, introduction, pp19-



guys, what do you all think?


in chandogya upanishads it is said 'food' is brahman! 'speech is

brahman' etc.... but this one is new on me!!!





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You are quoting dead tantras, their esoteric meanings are a big deal, a

secret and I agree with you fully in most of what you say. I think this

discussion should seise unless one of you does intend to go into these sorts

of worship. It isn't good to talk about these things especially when you don

't have a master to guide you since Shiva's curse can come upon you and

corrupt you.




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Aadi when you meet an aghori learn from his rituals, a true aghori will eat

his crap as it was food, what is the difference between you and your

delicious dinner, crap is just a part of that cycle what is meant by eating

your own crap is that you have no bias, no disgust you accept the whole



Pancha Makara doesn’t hold much significance to me, it is nothing in

comparison to what I have been taught, (this isn’t ahamkara mind you but the

truth). There are few rituals that need this in the rite to summon a deity I

just use Kungika sadhana in the rite to kill I summon on Asuri Durga and do

her vidya homa, in the rite to attract or control minds I call on the power

of mother kalaratri or Matangi, to drive someone insane or retart someone I

call on Baglamukhi or Narasimha swami, in the rites of protection I call on

Lord Shiva and mother Kali and in the rites of exorcism it is always mother

pratyangira and Kali ma.


These are the occult rites in which pancha makara is needed however I can do

any without, that is the tremendous power of my teachers however I am

forbidden to cause harm hence I will never any killing sadhanas.


Indeed I have imparted some things that usually is kept secret but tell me,

I knowledge that I have given can it be used to kill? I think not besides

anyone who takes a sadhana from me (incl utkilana mantra) and uses to kill

then Dakini will kill him/her. Before I give anyone an Utkilana mantra I add

the Dakini bija to it so if it is misused in occult the occult is reflected

back. LOL.


Stick to doing japa of Kungika it is very powerful and you don’t need

nonsense like this for it just offer a coconut and your set.


The Kungika is the most powerful Shakti mantra without the usage of Utkilana

it is neither Tantric or Vedic in nature but transcendent of both; don’t be

foolish and do gayatri, the true gayatri is locked away in secret due to

rishi Bhrigu and Vishawamitra.




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dear kalika putra ( i like this id better- son of mother

kalika) ,


what do you mean by asking whether i have met an aghori? i do not

have to go anywhere to meet an 'aghori' - HE is THERE RIGHT IN MY

HEART DOING THE 'TANDAVA' NRITYA! our own Adi- Natha - the pratama

guru of the natha lineage- pashupathinatha, shambhunatha! lord shiva


but seriously, kalika putra, crazy as it may sound , you are right on

targt when you claim that saints belonging to aghori cult eat their

own crap!


in 1955, a saint named Ram nath from kolkutta visited the pashupati

temple in nepal - this 'aghori' saint Ram nath ate "he ate human

stool, urine and even flesh."


i have also read about Aghori RAM NATH in an article in hinduism

today while surfing the net! maybe yogaman can throw more light on

this saint belonging to the aghori cult!


what is the message we get from all this?


doe it mean we should all start eating our own crap?


what is means is for those who have 'expanded' consciouness (

tantriks) there is nothing pure or impure- they havre transcended all

dulaities!! they are non-dual beings fully situated in pure

consciousness (chid sakthi)


what is kungika mantra? please elucidate!


i do not need any mantras to empower me - i am already empowered

for 'shakti' resides in every limb in my body - thamk you, anyway!



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Pancha Makara doesn't hold much significance to me, it is nothing in

comparison to what I have been taught, (this isn't ahamkara mind you

but the

truth). s.


Indeed I have imparted some things that usually is kept secret but

tell me,

I knowledge that I have given can it be used to kill? I think not


anyone who takes a sadhana from me (incl utkilana mantra) and uses

to kill

then Dakini will kill him/her. Before I give anyone an Utkilana

mantra I add

the Dakini bija to it so if it is misused in occult the occult is


back. LOL.


The Kungika is the most powerful Shakti mantra without the usage of


it is neither Tantric or Vedic in nature but transcendent of both;

don't be

foolish and do gayatri, the true gayatri is locked away in secret

due to

rishi Bhrigu and Vishawamitra"


dear kalika putra you are the most powerful guru in the

universe...and yes you are completely without ahankara you are one of

those rare ones for who crap and food is the same , how did you get

so much power and knowledge in a lifetime....pray tell us gurudeva

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I am not guru nor do I claim to even have an ounce of power it is through the

pity and infinite love of my mentors and deities that I am who I am.






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I advise you to stay away from aghora philosophy; If you are still interested

then I will explain this whole concept to you.






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yes please do explain a little bit more on this philosphy. aghoris do

not publicly eat "crap" to display to others their mastery over

duality- this is something that they do in their privacy, outside of

the public eye. so no one need get offended that they are setting a

bad example.



if i am not mistaken aghora is one of the five visible aspects of

Lord Siva and aghoris are essentially saivite medicants. you appear

to be well-versed in both saktha tantra and saiva aghora and that too

at 16 years of age. perhaps you could tell us how the two correlate?




, Kalika Putra

<dakinic_monk> wrote:


> I advise you to stay away from aghora philosophy; If you are still

interested then I will explain this whole concept to you.





> Greetings

> - Send your seasons greetings online this year!



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Aghora is not about eating your crap; that is just a small thing, Aghora is a

big thing and it simply means not dangerous, fearless and things of that genre.

Aghora tantra how many percieve it; at the hands of Aghoris is not where it

ends, that is just an extreme perspective.


ofcourse there is colleboration between shakta and aghora as Shiva and Shakti

are inter related. I am not going to go into the true depths for the philosophy

is something dear to me and I dont want to impart that.


However what the simple relation is do everything fearlessly and do not identify

yourself with the act you do but God; through the knowledge of Bhagwatam aspire

to imitate God. We are filled with imperfections but through this immitation we

will reach the closest level.


The Shiva Sutras will help you.






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Namaste dakinic_monk. Time for some ego destruction.


What is the point of you being here if you claim to know the "true

depths" of philosophy and not want to impart it? I don't believe you

know the "true depths" of Aghora philosophy. If I am wrong, then prove



Probably you'll say, "This is secret and I can't tell you people." Any

fool can say they know some esoteric knowledge and not tell because

it's "secret." There are no secrets anymore. If you know something,

come out and help everyone out.


Probably next you'll say, "My Dakini, Rakini, Hakini, etc. protectors

are gonna mess you up 'cause you challenged me." I don't think so.

Don't even try anything with whatever powers you think you might have.

You'll only hurt yourself.


Next you'll say, "Mahavatar Babaji this and Babaji that...he's my

guru." This is quite a claim. You better be prepared to back it up

with some proof or at least with some teachings that will blow our



So far I've seen a lot of "I know all this and you people don't.

Listen to me, I know everything." I've been waiting for something of

use from you, but so far there has not been much I could have learned

from any book or off the internet.


Don't claim to know something and then keep tight lipped about it.

What's the point of being in a discussion group? I think you're here

to get your ego stroked. Prove me wrong, fool.


AUM kAlyai namaH


, Kalika Putra

<dakinic_monk> wrote:

> ofcourse there is colleboration between shakta and aghora as Shiva

and Shakti are inter related. I am not going to go into the true

depths for the philosophy is something dear to me and I dont want to


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"sivadancer <sivadancer" <sivadancer wrote:

Namaste dakinic_monk. Time for some ego destruction.


What is the point of you being here if you claim to know the "true

depths" of philosophy and not want to impart it? I don't believe you

know the "true depths" of Aghora philosophy. If I am wrong, then prove




Really, do you take me for a fool; this reverse psychology stuff dosent work on

me besides; I dont practice Hardcore Aghora so I really dont have realisation on

this field what I would know of it's philosophy can be hear say. I choose not to

since there are some that should not partake of this (one man's medicine is

another's poison). If you are so interested and search it out yourself I am

under no obligation to teach anything. Besides if I give this philosophy I would

automatically become guru your teacher in this field. I dont want to take this

responsibility. This isnt simply sharing and If you know anything about

vamacharic tantra most of it is hush hush. I dont practice vamachara nor do I

intend to preach it. If I bring this subject up then there will be conflict.

Lots of it from self proclaimed scholars, what the true philosophy holds it isnt

showen outside. I dont think you will be capable of partaking in this knowledge

especially over the internet this follows an oral tradition and I dont intend to

break it.









Probably you'll say, "This is secret and I can't tell you people." Any

fool can say they know some esoteric knowledge and not tell because

it's "secret." There are no secrets anymore. If you know something,

come out and help everyone out.



Again; this reverse psy crap dosent touch me however i see that you are curious

(you did pick a stupid appraoch to get info out of me, attempting to aggrevate

me wont do squat). I am not your guru, this is your guru's job. You would have

to join the leneage to partake of this knowledge since there is a rigourous test

process. This philosophy will only come to you if you are away from maya that is

the soul purpose of this pilosophy.







Probably next you'll say, "My Dakini, Rakini, Hakini, etc. protectors

are gonna mess you up 'cause you challenged me." I don't think so.

Don't even try anything with whatever powers you think you might have.

You'll only hurt yourself.





The holy mothers protect me, I dont send them to anyone. Those who take siddhi

sadhanas frome me partake a mantra sankalpa where these goddess are sakshi. Dont

mention things you cannot comprehend the mothers are beyond you. Do not call on

their names in such a manner it offends me greatly.







Next you'll say, "Mahavatar Babaji this and Babaji that...he's my

guru." This is quite a claim. You better be prepared to back it up

with some proof or at least with some teachings that will blow our minds.




Well; I frankly cant comprehend a single thing he utters hence I wont be a

parrot and convey these things to you or anyone else. why dont you meet him on

your own accord. I went through hell to get where I am and I aint gonna open up

the easy road to slack lazy bums.


So far I've seen a lot of "I know all this and you people don't.

Listen to me, I know everything." I've been waiting for something of

use from you, but so far there has not been much I could have learned

from any book or off the internet.


Good for you; I really dont care about what you learn and what you dont. I share

what I am allowed to share and if you dont like it then....well...I am trying to

censor myself!










Don't claim to know something and then keep tight lipped about it.

What's the point of being in a discussion group? I think you're here

to get your ego stroked. Prove me wrong, fool.



Again what is with you and speculation, insulting me wont get you any where. My

ego isnt all that big and if it is then so be it. I am no self proffessed swami

that knows everything but an imperfect being. Please get that in you petty mind.


I know things and I have sheared a lot you just have to ask some people here

like Yogaman, Rajat, Pria and a few other people. Some chose not to go further

orelse I would have given them knowledge of this philosophy.


You arent one such person; I am sorry but I must feel comfortable with the

person I give these sadhanas to. You are definetly either, retarted, arrogant,

stupid or just plain dumb. I gave the greatest mantra on earth to Devi on this

post. The mere sadhana of that gives darshan of mother. What else do you want?

You are most definetly the fool!


seriously this mandane posting was something I should not have replied but my

ego isnt all that small. I can make you pay but that will just lead me into bad

karma Devi will leave me and that will be the end of that. Although I have

studied it I am against vamachara and occult. the only things acceptable is lime

and coconut offering. There are times where there isnt much choice but if I did

I woulnt pick vamachara.


Aghora philosophy is a personal thing for me, I dont want to go into it since I

wont be able to bare any criticism to it. i am not talking about aghora as in

the Aghori well not literally.


i am who I am content and happy; I have given some knowledge to many. I started

off saying I am no master and I stick to that. I wont be here talking about my

personal life since it is intertwined with the philosophy i know.





AUM kAlyai namaH


, Kalika Putra

<dakinic_monk> wrote:

> ofcourse there is colleboration between shakta and aghora as Shiva

and Shakti are inter related. I am not going to go into the true

depths for the philosophy is something dear to me and I dont want to















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Hey Siva!


Cool down! I think a lot of the perceived arrogance in

dakini_monk comes because he does not mince words when

he speaks out his mind(after all he only 16:-)). And

when in comes to babaji, visions of goddesses etc,

perhaps you may have a tough time believing it as they

are so few people who have this experience- i do know

of people who have similar experiences but they dont

have an internet connection!


I myself dont take anything for granted and only if I

am convinced that will I go for it, I am not in a

position to comment on most things but I will say this

much Kalika putra's instructions on japa/sadhana were

extremely useful and is probably the missing link in

most manuals on sadhana-some of this is original and I

have not seen it elsewhere. I believe that this can

come only from a person who has practiced a lot since

I myself have been doing rigorous japa sadhana for a

long time; most things I have been doing till then

were mostly a trial and error thing got from a

diversity of sources.


Visions of gods/goddessses are not that impossible as

it seems(though I have not had one yet)- there is a

good book called Mantra-tantra by LR Chawdri- this guy

was a retired engineer who was drawn into tantra-gives

a lot of sadhanas- but there were no practical

instructions on japa sadhana.


Once again I request all to give a patient hearing to

Kalika putra- as he most certainly gives some useful

tips in mantra sadhana(kriya, bhuta shuddhi,pranayama

etc), something useful to all. This is not to say that

members should not excercise caution when doing

sadhanas off the web- indeed only if coming from a

deep conviction should one proceed to do tantric

sadhanas, which can be dangerous sometimes.






Message: 2

Mon, 23 Dec 2002 03:07:22 -0000

"sivadancer <sivadancer"


Re: Shakti the sex energy? THE FOOLISH



Namaste dakinic_monk. Time for some ego destruction.


What is the point of you being here if you claim to

know the "true

depths" of philosophy and not want to impart it? I

don't believe you

know the "true depths" of Aghora philosophy. If I am

wrong, then prove



Probably you'll say, "This is secret and I can't tell

you people." Any

fool can say they know some esoteric knowledge and not

tell because

it's "secret." There are no secrets anymore. If you

know something,

come out and help everyone out.


Probably next you'll say, "My Dakini, Rakini, Hakini,

etc. protectors

are gonna mess you up 'cause you challenged me." I

don't think so.

Don't even try anything with whatever powers you think

you might have.

You'll only hurt yourself.


Next you'll say, "Mahavatar Babaji this and Babaji

that...he's my

guru." This is quite a claim. You better be prepared

to back it up

with some proof or at least with some teachings that

will blow our



So far I've seen a lot of "I know all this and you

people don't.

Listen to me, I know everything." I've been waiting

for something of

use from you, but so far there has not been much I

could have learned

from any book or off the internet.


Don't claim to know something and then keep tight

lipped about it.

What's the point of being in a discussion group? I

think you're here

to get your ego stroked. Prove me wrong, fool.


AUM kAlyai namaH


, Kalika Putra

<dakinic_monk> wrote:

> ofcourse there is colleboration between shakta and

aghora as Shiva

and Shakti are inter related. I am not going to go

into the true

depths for the philosophy is something dear to me and

I dont want to






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Thank you dakinic_monk! Mission accomplished. Did you know whose ego

destruction I was talking about?


You have been very helpful. Again, thank you for bearing with this




> "sivadancer <sivadancer>" <sivadancer> wrote:

> Namaste dakinic_monk. Time for some ego destruction.


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dearest siva,


i am glad you took a'humble' posture - that is a hallmark of a great




it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

upon the place beneath.

it is twice blessed-

it blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.


william shakespeare


anyway, i want to thank you for posdting that kunjika mantra - is it

from chandi path?


love and blessings

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