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that boy needs to go to a kali temple quick and she mother kateri when they invoce her and he needs to go on a sunday if you live in canda go to shree maryammaa mandir located on steels and highway 10.


I also attend the Kali temple on steeles and dixie and its a great temple I would highly reccommed it to anyone

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  • 5 weeks later...



if this is the last form of kali aka parmeshwari correct Param Eshwari (param -before; eshwari - consort of eshwarar :lord shiva) how can she be last of kali. according to what i have learnt Maa Kali has ten main forms known as Mahavidyas: they are 1) Kalika, 2) Tara, 3) Shodasi, 4) Bhuvanesvari, 5) Bhairavi, 6) Chinnamasta, 7) Tripur-sundari, 8) Bhagalamukhi, 9) Dhumavati and 10) Matangi. Which one is Kateri? or Parmeshwari? NONE. In shakti worship or according to you MADRAS CULTURE kateri is closely identified with the sixth form of Durga Maa that is to say Kaatyaayanee (nurse) to fix problems of women i.e. menses, cycles and other impure things that would not probabaly be seen by other deotas. it seems to me your roots like myself are that of the caribbean worship however humble to say a lot of what we have learnt is wrong. Parameshwari worship is of tribal india worship where instead of giving devi durga goats and fowls they give wild boars( to get one in the caribbean is hard so they now give pigs) but still what is wrong with that) they is no written way to pooja her for her rituals are handed down from generation to generation she is not double sided her way is just very strict. please correct me if i am wrong but this is what i have come to learn for i have read many of texts and i am yet to come across madrasi culture. do they only worship kali in tamil nadu dont get me wrong i worship the divine devi but she does not belong to madrasi culture alone and if you were a true madrasi you would know that. dont get me wrong and i am sorry if you are offended but my aim is not to riducule or brag of knowledge for i am still learning but what i have read from many of the texts you have posted i think you need to double check or reinvestigate your knowledge source.

pujarie. five.o





u are correct parameswari maa and kateri maa is two different forms of devi

parameswari maa people offer pigs to her in trinidad and certain parts of india and she is very powerfull and when u worship her there is no room for mistakes were other devi will forgive she will not that is not to say she is bad but she is very good and loving mother i worship her although i dont offer her pigs i offer her coconut and my love as her son she is liken to a devi i came across in my studies as a pundit. one of tripursundari mataa attendents called varahi devi very powerfull devi but she recieves all the animal offerings for tripursundari. i love maa parameshwari as a mother but for some reason people fear her i guess because they do wrong things and she doesnt take that.if anyone would like to know how to worship her in the coconut or sadha form i will be happy to tell u some how all the shakti temples worship all the different forms of devi except her thats wrong she is a loving mother jai parameswari maa jai jai.

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  • 6 months later...

Hello everyone: My question tonight is: If in your family lineage you have the hindu manifestation, is it possible that you have to perform the african worship as well? Is this a possibility? Is the mother of the sea the same as the african sea goddess? How does this happen? What does all of this mean? It was mentioned to a family member that this must be done. Needless to say, the family member is not utterly confused.

Can anyone shed some light on this?


Thanks. namaste.

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  • 2 months later...


All i would say since i got those help to get the dutch man out of me. Its one of kateri men...Kateri is not evil its what people feed her. If someone can call up mother kateri or kal bhairo baba...he can clear it all you need to do is keep 5 week fast for ketari or 7 week fast for kal bhario it depends who talk to you either ketari or baba (kal bhairo) you will keep 5 week fast and break a coconut on every friday or sunday and as the 5 week come along you can give mother ketari her puja and the dutch will be out of him i had this happen to a friend n she iss all cured with the blessing of kateri mata and baba aka kal bhairo. When you do you puja on the last day of your 5 weeks you would break ur last coconut which is a balidan and the work would return who ever did it. You wouldnt have to scarfice anything. MY pandit told me i would have to scarifice anything i can just do a balidan to return the work to who ever did harm to you. Even when i met baba and kateri they said a balidan is fine because they understand that you dont want to scarifice and make it a tradition to scarifice something every year and then it would be generation to generation...hope this help you and hope the innocent boy is good now



well my kateri maa is playing on mom and i was wondering if there is anyway i could get mother kateri off my mom.

please email me back wiht any information at: princezz4u114@aol.com


thank you so much :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lord Kal Bhairava happens to my my family deity.

My family goddess or Kul devi is Goddess Purva.

I have often seen here name on the durga yantra where there are goddesses named as devi purva, devi uttara, devi paschima and so on....

any one can give me more insight on devi Purva..

I also have some amazing pics of Lord kal Bhairava from our anscestral temple at Goa. can post it if any one is int.


Thanks and do try to gime inf abt Goddess Purva. We pray to her in the form of a faceted shiv ling which has jst eyes carved on it.

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  • 3 years later...


Hi everyone,


Based on my experiences.........since I am a shakti person whether I like it or not.......I attend an Ashram where Kateri is one of our Goddess..........

In this place we only offer clean food prasadamn and ask for good things and so forth...Kateri I recognise by her strong flowery smell and she do enter my body to heal the sick suffering ,children and to acknowledge her devotees. She is one of the 13 deities.......I can only see good in her

............but her powers are veryyyy real.


Do you know a devi known as kankaar devi?? she accepts animal sacrifice too.. i've seen her possession and i do pray to her. bUt iM not getting any info on her? She resemble khotiyaar maa.. but im nt sure if its her.. Do u knw anything about her??

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  • 2 months later...

To Pujari Five O


I agree and yet disagree.Remember in the choupai where Lord shiva will be telling Maa Parvati about devotion.


Doha: Råma carana rati jo caha athavå pada nirbåna

Bhåva sahita so yaha kathå karau sravana puta påna


He who seeks loving devotion for the feet of Lord Råma or the status of moksha (release from rebirth in the world) should fondly drink in the nectar of this story with the leaf-cups of his ears.


råma kathå girijå mai barani, kali mala samani manomala harani, samsrti roga sajivana muri, råma kathå gåvahi sruti suri



ehi maha° rucira sapta sopånå, raghupati bhagati kera pamthånå, ati hari krpå jåhi para hoi, påu° dei ehi måraga soi



mana kåmanå siddhi nara påvå, je yaha kathå kapata taji gåvå, kahahi sunahi anumodana karahi, te gopada iva bhavanidhi tarahi



suni saba kathå hrdaya ati bhåi, girijå boli girå suhåi,

nåtha krpå mama gata samdehå, råma carana upajeu nava nehå


O Girijia! I have narrated the story of Lord Råma, which expiates the sins of Kaliyuga and removes impurities of the mind. The narrative of Lord Rama, is the sanjeevani herb (which has the magical power to cure any malady) for curing the disease of birth and death, so say the Vedas and the seers. It has seven beautiful ladders, which are paths leading to the religious devotion of Lord Raghuvir. Only he who has the utmost grace of Lord Hari can set foot on this road (of bhakti or religious devotion.) Men who discard deceit and sing this story, attain the object of their soul's desire. Those who repeat or listen to it or approve of its recitation, cross over the ocean of this mundane world as they would the print of a cow's hoof.




To sum the explanation up, here it is in simple English


The explanation is brief but it very well put. There are some key words that need to understand to its fullest & deepest of its meaning. Such as: "who seeks loving devotion", "status of moksha ", "removes impurities of the mind", 'It has seven beautiful ladders", "Only he who has the utmost grace of Lord Hari can set foot on this road", " Men who discard deceit", "Those who repeat or listen to it " . Take for example "listen', to trully listen is to vibrate on the same level of frequency of the author (valmeeki).




· Loving Devotion is to a Devotee as Air is to a Drowning man. ..no fake stuff, no show.., no mechanical practice.

· Seven Ladder is when seven chakras is awakened...the Kundalini system. When the first chackra is awakened The intelect vibrates on a higher frequency that the average man. The awakened of each chackra raises one's consciousness higher than the other. The seven chackra is to vibrate on the same level of God.



So my advice is too all of us who have our own opinion, let’s be like Devi Maa and take willing to knowledge.


Maa Kateri I love her and worship her day and night, she is in my mind throughout my day, and my day with her is always filled with a joy beyond explanation. Just loving her as maa, has renowned every other worship, now I have sung devotion to maa Parmeshwari,and in my mind and heart , she is also my maa, if I am a true devotee to my isk devata or devi , I will be blessed accordingly .


Once we are pure in our heart with loving devotion everything else will come, and I am no pujari simply a devotee to shri Rama and all other devi and avatar of bhagavan Shiva.


No religion is called Madras, these worship are being practices more in south India , Where Madurai Veeran was born, and because of that, the South Indian that migrated to The West Indies , they started calling them self-madras, I was so curious when I was growing up about this whole madras thing , I decided to visit south India and clear up all my doubt


So what you are all saying, I find no wrong with it, but it is not written on a stone, and beside If you worship whomever with any love and devotion I see no harm can come to you

Yes you devotion will be put to a test and one after another, but if you have loving devotion as shiva tell parvati that too you shall overcome,

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  • 1 month later...

forgive me for my ignorance as i have come to learn. I do not have devta my mother did not want me to inherit that line in our family (i am mixed with Tamili from my dad and aryan from my mom). i have heard devta talk through some relatives and have seen miraculous things so i don't disbelieve but I'd like to know if it is possible to I identify the devta/devi present? and if so, is there a special pranaam i can use to greet maa/ swami? I have been trying to find an image of maa kateri because since small i always saw people calling maa Khiyodar small mother or black mother or maa Kateri with lord venkateshvara image and so forth. thanks kind friends.

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  • 1 month later...

these madras things that r being done is not kali or godly things. it's some dead general and his crew madurai veeran, karpuny, nd a bunch of names i can't spell, they all died in tamil nadu. let's say i know ll the kali mantras and i die, i can play upon a devotee and kali kali maa's name and take canphor, then put it in my mouth and cure people. i can do this bcuz i know all the mantrs and stuff; therefore, it will work.


the reason y i am saying it is fake bcuz i tested these fools. i ate fish curry, saturday nite, and walked into their temple the sunday. the one fellow was dancing around and sprinkling water with his neem leave to tie down the area, so i read my mantra and opened it back. this went on for abt 10 mins, then he asked y am i making trouble? i told him, i dont hv time to wste; ansa my questions, i hv to go. i asked him y my sis was sick? he said a boy is in love with her and did obeah on her. then he told me i was sick. well, nothing was wrong with my sister. these fellows r trained well, to tell lies. i went somewhere else and i asked them for my father's name, the fool just bounced back and forth, then told me i was sick. u c they cannot answer the questions asked. they would then turn around and say they do not like to be tested. after they couldn't answer my questions, i told i was sick in the head they were lucky i didn't burn them alive.


u c, the reason y i say they r playing dead people who r calling the name of the eternal kali and the rest is bcuz i hv these things in my blood. u c, i speak hindi to them and they say they do not know hindi and give me a whole song and dance. well, when we call kali maa, she said if u think it is not me, ask me about ur lineage...i know ur entire lineage since the time she was created. she said this is kali yug, too many fakes r out there. i know the real kali from these clowns dancing around and wetting up the place with their stupid tamil accent. when one of dem dudes come he says "it is so nice to be here today" wit dat dum accent and i just start laffing til dem tink i am possessed or sumting.


when the real kali maa remove something from someone, that person is cured right there and then; they never have to come back to the temple or home of the pundit. unlike these monkeys telling people to bring prasad and sweet rice with rum and cigarette for 12 weeks. with real kali, we can send flying tari to kill people or make them sick nd all of that fancy stuff.


o, by d way, parmeswari takes a pink sow(female pig) not a boar or male pig. u need to rub the machette once and one chop, the head should come off clean. u feed it rice b4 the chop facing east. canfor on the head, dhar, sindhor (there is a specific order) and the sever head needs to spin in all four directions. ask a question and the mouth opens up and answer u....u need a mantra to her what is being said........u can keep the head for 2 or 3 days after it was chopped and once u read ur mantra and speak to it, the mouth will open up and it will answer u.


for now these tamils are an entertainment comedy group to pass ur time on sundays!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest demarco

Your cousin will need to do a pooja cause maybe his parents or grandparents made a promise to maa kateri to continue something they started with her so it falls back on your cousin all he have to do is her pooja and tell her that this will be the last and to accept the work and make her promise before he promise the pooja but to find out first what she really wants he will have to go to an hindu mandir where she's called up

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Guest


Pranam. I believe that this is a blood drinking demoness( ratha kaateri). But, I

haven't heard of worship for this being. Generally seems to be avoided.

With Love








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is kali maa and kateri amman are same

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