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Pradosha Puja

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Today is Pradosha Vrata. Beginning at twilight, this act of worship

is dedicated to Lord Siva. This rite will bring about success in our

undertakings, victory in our endeavors & happiness in our heart.


Yesterday was ekadasi - a day for fasting (virtually any form) - this

evening is a vigil of prayer.


According to /Skanda Purana/, this puja is particularily auspicious.

An excellent opportunity to seek long life (deergha aus), health,

peace (shanti), success (tushti) & prosperity (pushti) from Siva &



For those who will ... you should bath at sunset; then attire

yourself in white clothing. For a 'formal' at-home rite .. draw a

lotus on a piece of paper. Place this atop an alter & put a small

pot of water on top of the paper. Sit quietly, allowing your entire

focus to be on your 3d eye. Light incense to Siva, & one or more of

His divine family (Ganesha, Parvati, Nandi, Skanda). Invoke Siva by

bathing His image & annointing it with ash, kum-kum or sandalwood.

Read a tale of Siva then recite the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra 108 times.


(This mantra is filled with Divine Life. It not only protects us,

but is preventative as well .. towards accident & illness. Chanted

with loving faith, heartfelt sincerity, & pure devotion, this mantra

will conquer death (moksha). It should also be chanted on your

birthday, when you perform Karmayoga, & to your Gurudev.)


Once finished, drink the kalasha water, & apply kum-kum, sandalwood,

or incense ash to your forehead (horizontal lines for Siva).


This particular puja is mentioned several times in Vedic lore, & for

adherants of Lord Siva - it is a sacred rite.


Done with purity, devotion & love, this puja will dispel darkness

while bestowing blessing.


For a simple rite, bath & wear white, burn an incense stick to Siva,

focus on your 3d eye & do japa mantra - grace will be given to you.


Maha Mrityunjaya mantra:


Tryambakam yajamahe

Sugandhim pustivardhanam

Urvaarukamiva bandhanat

Mirtyormuksheeya maamritat


"We worship the 3-eyed One (Siva); who is fragrant & who nourishes

well all beings; may he liberate us from death for the ske of

Immortality, even as the cucumber is severed from its bondage (to the




Om Santi ...

Yogini Sakti

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