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Rules to Live by

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Thanks Christopher for the humor. I loved the first one.


1. Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the

same night.


I am sure everyone enjoyed the rest as well.


I would like to make a general comment on the recent discussions on what is

allowed and what is not on this list. a is primarily a

spiritual list as the list description indicates. However, every community

that is made up of human beings has human appetites and we are not an

exception to this. We follow the Advaita teachings as exemplified by Ramana

Maharshi and encourage that all discussions take place with mutual respect

among participants in the context of Ahimsa. However, we stand to gain by

remaining open to hearing various human perspectives. Essentially the best

moderation is when the members of the community self-moderate. The best

judgment regarding whether something should be posted or not should be your

own based on your feeling about what the spirit and culture of HS are all

about. We have in the past asked the participants to keep in mind that the

list is open to young people and sometimes teenagers are members or can

wander in. One of our own moderators, Amanda, in fact is barely out of her

teens. One can perhaps appreciate and understand the natural protective

instinct of the elders here.


I would also ask the moderators to moderate with a light touch and a light

hand and with some humor. On this list in the past, we have often made

irreverent fun of gurus and various other concepts that are held sacred in

spirituality. Everyone understands that it is done in fun and jest and we

respect all religions and traditions and ways in spirituality. Human

interaction is a give and take. There are no perfect solutions which can be

satisfactory to everyone. Therefore, let us stop looking for such solutions.


We have to hang loose and free. I think that's what Ahimsa means. Loose and

free and friendly. Hey, I am no Mahatama Gandhi. But I say, lets be loose

and free and friendly. But as Sri Gregji pointed out, the Net is a big

place. We are just one small little corner having some fun and joy with

friends. If you are loose and free and friendly, this place is for you.


If you are here, please be here in joy. We love you.



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