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Posts posted by GirishK

  1. Hare Krsna Mataji


    Thank you very much. I was also told


    - Om namo bhagavate akuupaaraaya

    - Om nama bhagwate kurma rupine swaha


    I will add this to the list as well. Thank you very much. Mataji would you know what the source of the mantra is ?


    Hari Bol, Dandavats

    Yours Servant

    Girish K

  2. Hare Krsna

    Plase accept my humble obeisances. All glories to guru and gaurana.


    I am looking for the kurma mantra and havent been able to find it. I did find (in another thread) 'aum aam kum kurmaaya namah' but the shrim and hrim seemed to be missing.


    I was hoping someone knew it and could kindly tell me what it is.


    It would be highly appreciated.



    Girish K

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