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Posts posted by xenareborn

  1. HI!


    I wouldn't have a concrete answer to this.


    But when I asked this question, my astrologer explained that it all depends on the sign that Jupiter will transit. It is but psychological than anything else.


    Jupiter is an expansive planet and if it gets along with the sign lord and the house aspect - the expansion is positive. But, in all probability a life churning experience is a wee bit taxing to adjust to. All the more, with the 5th, 7th and 9th under aspect - one's belief systems and understanding of the world expand - our approach and reactions are altered with time. Contrary to the Saturn effect of restriction on self (1st) and opportunities (7th); added 3rd (contemporaries) and 8th aspects (health and secret associations) - it pushes you forward into unknown realms.


    A very practical instance is gaining weight during a Lagna transit - not very flattering for most, is it?


    The following 2nd house transit ends up being financially and prosperity wise beneficially.






    Dear members:


    What would be the effects of such a transit? Jupiter will be

    aspecting the 5th, 7th and 9th houses when Janma rashi is considered

    the 1st house, isn't the best transit for Jupiter?


    I read somewhere that Jupiters transit through 9th, 5th and 11th from

    the moon is better then Jupiter's transit thorough Janma rashi. Why

    would this be, wouldn't Jupiter's presence in one trine (1st house)

    and its aspect on the two other trines the best place for Jupiter to

    be?. I'm confused. I'm hoping some gurus will clarifty this.



  2. Respected Sir


    Well, seems like the curse is quite a lot. My friend is trying to do as much as she can with all her work and home commitments. At least she is willing.

    At times, I am awed by the precission of the underlying meaning of such phases in one's life and God's will in making us face this so we can grow better as human beings. My friend wasn't one who would listen to anything such as these because she felt all these were almost alien to her beliefs in general. But I am amazed how such incidents can tend to instil faith, humility and courage in someone so usually - politely defiant.


    Thank you for all the support and generosity that you have shown in helping me at this stage...



    Sudha Rajagopalan.

  3. Hello Deepa,


    Thanks for pointing that out. If GK is a significator of relations, yes - she hasn't had any great support from them. But at the moment, they are being helpful... Is it because of transiting Venus in own sign Vrishabh?

    The whole situation that she's in has been thanks to her brother-in-law, who's been tormenting her for reasons unknown to a sane, decent person. Are there chances that this might only move to worse phases?


    And ... Thank you too, Deepa... God Bless.



    Sudha R.

  4. Dear sasisekaran,


    First of all, I am so grateful to you, for the time you have invested.


    No, she was not arrested in the period of Rahu bhukti that you have mentioned. Precisely the 4th of June. She has the antardasha of Rahu after the current AD of Mars. With transiting Mars in her sixth house from lagna and transiting Rahu 12th from moon - does this spell an almost doom period?

    Natal Rahu being in Swati - 2nd padam in Tula - will this give her any relief?


    An astrologer friend has recommended 2 stones for her to be worn immdtly - Ox Blood Red Coral - 10 rattis [she is 6 feet tall]

    Gomedh - 6/7 rattis.


    She will start off with the remedies that you have prescribed.


    And once again, though words are not enough, great many thanks for looking into this one.


    May God bless us all with peace.



    Sudha R.

  5. Jai Sri Krsna


    My regards to all who come by this thread.


    This is about a good friend who seems to be facing a threat of imprisonment for an issue that she was not responsible for, but has been dragged into because of her simple faith in a close relative by her sister's marriage.


    Will anybody be kind to help me with what remedial measures can be taken?


    Details of the native:

    Gender - Female

    DOB - 2nd Sept 1976

    Time : 18:05

    City: Mangalore


    She was arrested recently, much to everyone's shock for a fraud case against her relative's company, where she was designated as Co-Director, but was functioning merely to help setting up the office. She has, however, with help of influential and helpfull friends, been able to procure bail. The police were extremely kind and considerate with her, because of her impeccable manners and courtesy.

    A few facts about her - She is extremely jovial, friendly and sincere at work. She is brilliant at learning new things and is a very empathic person - righteous and conscientous. She had a pet dog who was very dear to her; passed away after a serious illness January 2008. She has a troubled relation with her mother and is very close to her younger brother.She lost her father some 5-6 years back.


    I would be extremely gratefull to anybody who comes forth to help my dear friend in this extremely trying hour of need.


    May God bless you.

    Thank you.


    Why you people are very keen to know your future. These all looks like watching a movie after knowing the story. And if you are this much curious about your future, spend some money and meet some professional jyothishi



    Very Very True!

    For some more answers, i think astrogyan(dotcom) is really good!

  7. TIME OF BIRTH – 2100 hours (IST)

    DATE OF BIRTH – 18/08/1981

    PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. – Calcutta/West Bengal/India

    SEX - Female

    Your current status :– Service (Taking a break and looking out for a job)

    Educational background – Graduate – Accountancy honours

    Work Industry and current salary – Quality Improvements, BPO/ITES - No current salary!

    Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember – Birth of my brother when I was 4-Great!,Loosing my grandfather when I was 12 or so, passing 10 and 12 with good %, Not doing well in Graduation, Extreme insecurity about feeling unguided and lost in my career when I was 20, Relocating to Mumbai was an awesome thing, Sour relationship with my ex.

    Family background –Father –Retired (was with the Paints industry – Sales)

    Mother : Mother is an honorary rector – administration with a school


    Brothers : 22 years – pursuing graduation , very close to me.

    Sisters : None



    My Query :


    I started working at the age of 21 and was living alone in Mumbai.I recently quit my job in Mumbai and decided to relocate to Bangalore, so I can have my parents also relocate with me. We are currently in Kolkata. I wish to know what my Navamsha chart pattern speaks about this decission.I am not very concerned about marriage.In fact,I want to be able to excel in the feild that I have chosen-Quality Improvements,BPOs.I also want to be able to buy property and the basic comforts for my parents.



    Thank you for this in advance!


    Sudha Rajagopalan.




  8. Hello Eternity...


    Planets move around the Sun on imaginary routes called Orbits... Now when you say a planet is retrograde, they just appear to be moving back or forward- in the sense, when they cross Earth's celestial point and gain speed (all depends on the way it looks to us Earthlings) on their way away from Earth.

    Every planet goes through this cycle with respect to Earth. The frequency depends on the size and speed. For example big planets like Jupiter move back once a year or so... and Mercury goes retro every 2 months I guess. Now the effect of retrograde planets is an interesting aspect and is interpreted by looking at the movement type of the planet at the time of birth, the residential house and sign, also the other planet's aspects - like square, sextile, trine, opposite and conjunct.


    If you are interested further, you could search on Google with the words <Planet> retrograde + indian astrology...


    Enjoy the learning!



  9. Hare Krsna


    No... I do not think my great grandmother's reasons for having borne a child at 16 is the same as an American pop icon's could be ...


    Are referring to the Vedic period as 'Dark Ages' ... If yes, then my idea, based on what I learnt abt Mohejodaro and Harappa civilizations in school, is quite different, Sir!


    My question to you sir (in case i wasn't specific) is, how could these then be supported by the same sacred rules... if there has been an intentional, selfish shade to the interpretations of the sacred texts, then how has that come abt?


    Again , what is it in these scriptures, that helps to stop this 'hilly billy... ' culture? If our sages predicted such a long period of ignorance, would this mis-interpretation of the way of life we call Hinduism , go amiss?





    The ways of the hillbilly, mountain folks, and aborigines are historically mocked by all cultures.

    <?xml:namespace prefix = o />

    Young nubile female bodies are also famously coveted.

    Where are the Indian grandfathers and maha-pitamas? If you could ask them and understand their dialect you could be a anthropologist.

    Why do you say 'life expectancy was 100 years ' ? Those days were all considered the "Dark-ages" when hygiene was a mystery to most of the world and a lack of a culture of cleanliness was the root of short lives [or even lead in the water too].


    The brain drain out of India started 5000 years ago. Vyasadeva compiled the Vedas, etc. in preparation of a long period of ignorance.


    People & societies who historically had short life expectancies have had to accommodate for it by doing everything in a much shorter span of time.


    You may be conflating inner city youth in the west who become pregnant with 'illegitimate' children (varna-sankara) due to un-controlled lust.


    The Bhagavatam verses quoted are spoken for the guidance and benefit of intelligent thought-full persons.



  10. Hare Krsna


    You have mentioned in 3.22.19P :

    the first part of life should be utilized in brahmacarya for the development of character and spiritual qualities.


    We have, however, known of early marriages in the Vedic periods in question - usually the girl and the boy are younger than 25 years of age (considering that human life expectancy was 100 years).

    This has been the case throughout the ages and many of us, Indians have known grandmothers and great grandmothers who have given birth to thier first child as early as 14 and 16. Please explain.


    Sudha R.











    BG10.28 = Kandarpa is the sex desire for presenting good sons; therefore Kandarpa is the representative of Krsna. Sometimes sex is engaged in only for sense gratification; such sex does not represent Krsna. But sex for the generation of good children is called Kandarpa and represents Krsna.

    BG 16.1-3P = . . . The word abhijatasya in reference to one born of transcendental qualities or godly tendencies is very significant. To beget a child in a godly atmosphere is known in the Vedic scriptures as Garbhadhana-samskara. If the parents want a child in the godly qualities they should follow the ten principles recommended for the social life of the human being . . . beget them so that they may become Krsna conscious after birth. That should be the advantage of children born of a father and mother absorbed in Krsna consciousness.

    BG 6.13-14P . . . The yoga process is practiced in order to discover and see this localized form of Visnu, and not for any other purpose. The localized visnu-murti is the plenary representation of Krsna dwelling within one’s heart. . . . To realize this visnu-murti within the heart, one has to observe complete abstinence from sex life . . . One cannot enjoy sex life daily at home or elsewhere and attend a so-called yoga class and thus become a

    yogi. One has to practice controlling the mind and avoiding all kinds of sense gratification, of which sex life is the chief. . . . No one can perform correct yoga practice through sex indulgence.

    Brahmacarya is taught, therefore, from childhood, when one has no knowledge of sex life. . . . Without such practice, no one can make advancement in any yoga, whether it be dhyana, jnana or bhakti. One who, however, follows the rules and regulations of married life, having a sexual relationship only with his wife (and that also under regulation), is also called a brahmacari. Such a restrained householder brahmacari may be accepted in the bhakti school, but the jnana and dhyana schools do not even admit householder brahmacaris. They require complete abstinence without compromise. . . . Whereas others are forced to restrain themselves from sense gratification, a devotee of the Lord automatically refrains because of superior taste. Other than the devotee, no one has any

    information of that superior taste.

    1.12.7P = Death generally involves remaining in trance for seven months. A living being, according to his own action, is allowed to enter into the womb of a mother by the vehicle of a father’s semina, and thus he develops his desired body. This is the law of birth in

    specific bodies according to one’s past actions. When he is awake from trance, he feels the inconvenience of being confined within the womb, . . .

    1.12.17P . . . The difference between the two living beings is that the one, the Personality of Godhead, provides for all other living beings, and by knowing Him one can achieve eternal peace (Katha Upanisad). Such protection is given by His different potencies to

    different grades of living beings. But as far as His unalloyed devotees are concerned, He gives the protection personally. . . .

    SB 1.4.25: The purificatory activities begin even before the birth of a child, and the seed-giving reformatory process is called Garbhadhana-samskara. One who has not undergone such Garbhadhana-samskara, or spiritual family planning, is not accepted as being of an

    actual twice-born family. The Garbhadhana-samskara is followed by other purificatory processes, out of which the sacred thread ceremony is one. This is performed

    at the time of spiritual initiation. After this particular samskara, one is rightly called

    twice-born. One birth is calculated during the seed-giving samskara, and the second birth is calculated at the time of spiritual initiation. One who has been able to undergo such important samskaras can be called a bona fide twice-born.


    SB 3.5.19:

    O Vidura, it is not at all wonderful that you have so accepted the Lord without deviation of thought, for you were born from the semen of Vyasadeva.


    The value of great parentage and noble birth is evaluated here in connection with the birth of Vidura. The culture of a human being begins when the father invests his semen in the womb of the mother. According to his status of work, a living entity is placed in a particular father’s semen, and because Vidura was not an ordinary living entity, he was given the chance to be born from the semen of Vyasa. The birth of a human being is a great science, and therefore reformation of the act of impregnation according to the Vedic ritual

    called Garbhadhana-samskara is very important for generating good population. The problem is not to check the growth of the population, but to generate good population on the level of Vidura, Vyasa and Maitreya. There is no need to check the growth of population if the children are born as human beings with all precautions regarding their birth. So-called birth control is not only vicious but also useless.

    3.14.12P . . . A woman is honored in the world by the benediction of her husband, and a husband like you will become famous by having children because you are meant for the expansion of living entities.


    According to Rsabhadeva, one should not become a father or mother unless one is confident that he can beget children whom he can deliver from the clutches

    of birth and death. Human life is the only opportunity to get out of the material scene, which is full of the miseries of birth, death, old age and diseases. Every human being should be given the opportunity to take advantage of his human form of life, and a father like Kasyapa is supposed to beget good children for the purpose of liberation.

    3.14.2P The henpecked husband may not be able to repay his wife for all the benefits that he derives from her, but as for begetting children by fulfilling sexual desire, it is not at all difficult for any husband unless he is thoroughly impotent. This is a very easy task for a husband under normal conditions.

    In spite of Kasyapa’s being very eager, he requested her to wait for a few seconds so that others might not reproach him. He explains his position as follows.

    3.14.23P This particular time is most inauspicious because at this time the horrible-looking ghosts and constant companions of the lord of the ghosts are visible.

    PURPORT: Kasyapa has already told his wife Diti to wait for a while, and now he warns her that failure to consider the particular time will result in punishment from the ghosts and evil spirits who move during this time, along with their master, Lord Rudra.

    3.14.24P . . .Ghosts are bereft of a physical body because of their grievously sinful acts, such as suicide. The last resort of the ghostly characters in human society is to take shelter of suicide, either material or spiritual. Material suicide causes loss of the physical body, and spiritual suicide causes loss of the individual identity. Mayavadi philosophers

    desire to lose their individuality and merge into the impersonal spiritual brahmajyoti existence. Lord Siva, being very kind to the ghosts, sees that although they

    are condemned, they get physical bodies. He places them into the wombs of women who indulge in sexual intercourse regardless of the restrictions on time and circumstance. Kasyapa wanted to impress this fact upon Diti so that she might wait for a while.

    3.14.25P . . . Kasyapa warned his wife that because Lord Siva would see their sex indulgence, the time was not appropriate. Diti might argue that they would enjoy sex life in a private place, but Kasyapa reminded her that Lord Siva has three eyes, called the

    sun, moon and fire, and one cannot escape his vigilance any more than one can escape Visnu. Although seen by the police, a criminal is sometimes not immediately punished; the police wait for the proper time to apprehend him. The forbidden time for sexual intercourse would be noted by Lord Siva, and Diti would meet with proper punishment by giving birth to a child of ghostly character or a godless impersonalist. Kasyapa foresaw this, and thus he warned his wife Diti.

    3.14.38P The conditions for having good progeny in society are that the husband should be disciplined in religious and regulative principles and the wife should be faithful to the husband. In Bhagavad-gita (7.11) it is said that sexual intercourse according to religious principles is a representation of Krsna consciousness. Before engaging in sexual intercourse, both the husband and the wife must consider their mental condition, the particular time, the husband’s direction, and obedience to the demigods. According to

    Vedic society, there is a suitable auspicious time for sex life, which is called the time for garbhadhana. . . . personalities like Ravana and Hiranyakasipu were actually born of brahmanas, but they were not accepted as brahmanas because their fathers did not follow the regulative principles for their birth. Such children are called demons, or Raksasas. There were only one or two Raksasas in the previous ages due to negligence of the disciplinary methods, but during the age of Kali there is no discipline in sex life. How, then, can one expect good children? Certainly unwanted children cannot be a source of happiness in society, but through the Krsna consciousness movement they can be

    raised to the human standard by chanting the holy name of God. That is the unique contribution of Lord Caitanya to human society.

    3.16.35P Lord Brahma continued: Those two principal doorkeepers of the Personality of Godhead have now entered the womb of Diti, the powerful semen of Kasyapa Muni having covered them.

    PURPORT: Here is clear proof of how a living entity coming originally from Vaikunthaloka is encaged in material elements. The living entity takes shelter within the semen of a father, which is injected within the womb of a mother, and with the help of the mother’s emulsified ovum the living entity grows a particular type of a body. In this connection it is to be remembered that the mind of Kasyapa Muni was not in order when he conceived the two sons, Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu. Therefore the semen he discharged was simultaneously extremely powerful and mixed with the quality of anger. It is to be concluded that while conceiving a child one’s mind must be very sober and devotional. For this purpose the Garbhadhana-samskara is recommended in the Vedic scriptures. If the mind of the father is not sober, the semen discharged will not be very good. Thus the living entity, wrapped in the matter produced from the father and mother, will be demoniac like Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu. The conditions of conception are to be carefully studied. This is a very great science.

    3.22.19P According to Vedic principles, the first part of life should be utilized in brahmacarya for the development of character and spiritual qualities. In the next part of life, one may accept a wife and beget children, but one should not beget children like cats

    and dogs. Kardama Muni desired to beget a child who would be a ray of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should beget a child who can perform the duties of Visnu, otherwise there is no need to produce children. There are two kinds of children born of good fathers: one is educated in Krsna consciousness so that he can be delivered from the clutches of maya in that very life, and the other is a ray of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and teaches the world the ultimate goal of life. As will be described in later chapters, Kardama Muni begot such a child—Kapila, the incarnation of the Personality of Godhead who enunciated the philosophy of Sankhya. Great householders pray to God to send His representative so that there may be an auspicious movement in human society. This is one reason to beget a child. Another reason is that a highly enlightened parent can train a child in Krsna consciousness so that the child will not have to come back again to this miserable world. Parents should see to it that the child born of them does not enter the womb of a mother again. Unless one can train a child for liberation in that life, there is no need to marry or produce children. If human society produces children like cats and dogs for the disturbance of social order, then the world becomes hellish, as it has in this age of Kali. In this age, neither parents nor their children are trained; both are animalistic and simply eat, sleep, mate, defend, and gratify their senses. This disorder in social life

    cannot bring peace to human society. . . . In other words, sex life should be utilized only to

    produce a nice child, not for any other purpose. Human life is especially meant for complete devotion to the service of the Lord. That is the philosophy of Lord Caitanya. . . . about one hundred years ago, Thakura Bhaktivinoda also wanted to beget a child who

    could preach the philosophy and teachings of Lord Caitanya to the fullest extent. By his prayers to the Lord he had as his child Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, who at the present moment is preaching the philosophy of Lord Caitanya throughout the entire world through his bona fide disciples.


    3.23.11P The Vedic literatures are not only full of spiritual instruction but are also instructive in how to prosecute material existence very nicely, with the ultimate aim of spiritual perfection. Devahuti asked her husband, therefore, how to prepare herself for sex

    life according to the Vedic instructions. Sex life is especially meant for having good children. The circumstances for creating good children are mentioned in kama-sastra, the scripture in which suitable arrangements are prescribed for factually glorious sex life. Everything needed is mentioned in the scriptures—what sort of house and decorations there should be, what sort of dress the wife should have, how she should be decorated with ointments, scents and other attractive features, etc. With these requisites fulfilled, the husband will be attracted by her beauty, and a favorable mental situation will be created. The mental situation at the time of sex life may then be transferred into the womb of the wife, and good children can come out of that pregnancy. . . . Sexual intercourse in which the husband is attracted to the wife is sure to produce a male child, but sexual intercourse based on attraction of the wife for the husband may produce a girl. That is mentioned in the Ayur-veda. When the passion of the woman is greater, there is a chance of a girl’s being born.

    When the passion of the man is greater, then there is the possibility of a son. Devahuti wanted the passion of her husband to be increased by the arrangement mentioned in the kama-sastra.

    3.23.48 It is said in the smrti-sastra as well as in the Ayur-veda that when the discharge of the male is greater, male children are begotten, but when the discharge of the female is greater, female children are begotten.

    3.24.15P . . . That is the art of combining a man and woman. Man and woman should not be united simply on the consideration of sex life. There are many other considerations, especially character and taste. If the taste and character differ between the man and woman, their combination will be unhappy. . . . It is foretold in the Twelfth Canto of the Bhagavatam that in this age of Kali married life will be accepted on the consideration of sex only; when the boy and girl are pleased in sex, they get married, and when there is deficiency in sex, they separate. That is not actual marriage, but a combination of men and women like cats and dogs. Therefore, the children produced in the modern age are not exactly human beings. Human beings must be twice-born. A child is first born of a good father and mother, and then he is born again of the spiritual master and the Vedas. The first mother and father bring about his birth into the world; then the spiritual master and the Vedas become his second father and mother. According to the Vedic system of marriage for producing children, every man and woman was enlightened in spiritual knowledge, and at the time of their combination to produce a child, everything was scrutinizingly and scientifically done.

  11. Hare Krsna

    Mars and Mercury go stationary before resuming their direct and rtrgde motions around the end of the month. Does this happen to affect communications and assertiveness of a Meena Rasi Meena Lagna native? (Mars in Gemini - 4th house and Mercury in Leo - 6th house as per Birth chart)

    I am looking out for a job that allows me a lot of learninga nd implementation of what I have learnt already - 26 years of age...

    Am feeling quite confident as usual but also a bit curious about this phase's effect on my chances! :idea: Please help :)



    Sudha R


    > I see what you are fighting against here. I personally am not proposing

    > that women become ksatriya warriors like Tarabhai-devi from Vedic history.



    Of course, being warrior is one small part of being a ksatriya. There are

    myriad other qualities and skills required of a ksatriya regarding executive

    administration, management, governing, politics, retribution, justice,

    taxation, resource management, occupational management, etc., etc. Also he

    must develop the qualities of sauryam, tejo,dhritir, daksyam, etc. Heroism,

    power, resourcefulness, etc.



    > But practical experience has shown that -- just like men -- individual

    > women have different spirits. If Srila Prabhupada found that a woman had

    > a brahminical spirit, he offered that kind of trainig to her, and

    > attempted to unite her with a man of similar spirit.




    > It is a loss for ISKCON that we have failed up to this point to train our

    > devotees according to varna. The most tragic gap at the moment is that we

    > have no proper ksatriyas to take up the practical role of organizing

    > society and guaranteeing that its members are protected from harm.


    I think there are ksatriyas "out there" but most would not want to associate

    with an (dis)organization like ISKCON which lacks honor amongst its leaders

    who hold so tight to "leadership" positions without any previous training

    nor varna nature to begin with. What would a ksatriya do in such a society;

    like a tiger without claws? The true Ksatriyas would administrate

    pretentious brahmanas and sannyasis like any other cheating citizen and thus

    they are afraid to allow democratic elections of qualified leaders.



    > Like you, probably, I see that this training would be basically for men --

    > not that we would be training women warriors like Tarabhai of old.


    Actually I am not opposed to some exceptions to the rule either. I have a

    feeling Draupadi could probably whip my butt. I believe Rukmini did some

    butt-kicking too once and a while. Ya gotta love em!



    > Nevertheless, I do not believe that varnasrama can work unless some type

    > of complementary training is provided for women who have a ksatriya spirit

    > so that they can adequately help their husbands.


    I would not want a woman for a wife unless she was "ksatriya" also. I have

    suffered the result of not making such discriminating choices in the past.

    The training must be there but not in the varnasrama college Srila

    Prabhupada designed. He stated that women would not attend varnasrama

    college. We cannot deny this.


    But do we really think such an all-loving, pure devotee like Srila

    Prabhupada meant to just cast out the women into the cold dark world as some

    so-called men seem to imply? No. Never. He loved his women disciples

    equally. Certainly he would want that facility is made for training wives

    and mothers as devotees. This MUST be in accordance with the modes of nature

    that the women have acquired as the result of the previous life as you have

    stated. This is intelligence. The Vedic culture matched men and women

    according to their natures. Good idea!




    > The snapshot that stands out in my own mind is that of Kunti and the

    > Pandavas at Ekachakra, in which Kunti overhears the lamentations of the

    > brahmana family about who to sacrifice to feed the demon Bakasura. Kunti

    > is the perfect Ksatriya queen. She acts decisively to protect the

    > citizens -- but her action is not like the action of a male ksatriya.

    > Rather, she enlists her ksatriya son Bhima to go and kill the demon.


    > Yet, the important factor for Kunti is that since she was trained in the

    > ksatriya mentality, it was not possible for her to stand by and do nothing

    > while the members of the praja were in danger. That mentality of

    > protecting the praja had been cultivated in her as she was growing up, and

    > now she manifested it in the appropriate way.



    This is a perfect example.



    > Srila Prabhupada emphasized that a person's varna is not determined by

    > parentage. This is true for a woman just as much as for a man. How could

    > it be otherwise? If a woman's varna was determined by parentage, it would

    > not have been possible for Srila Prabhupada to train the daughters of

    > meat-eaters and put them on the altar to worship the Deities.



    Birth IS a consideration in varna. It is not the main consideration, but a

    consideration nonetheless. This means the men of ISKCON are also considered

    by their birth. Prabhupada did not allow strict brahminical activities like

    salagrama-sila worship from ANY of his disciples, men or women, due to

    considerations of birth and qualifications.


    I think we will find, when we become a bit more contrite and humble in our

    devotional service attempts, that we will have very few true brahmanas

    amongst us. If we had just ONE we would be way ahead of the game. Remember,

    Srila Prabhupada did everything alone in the beginning. Powerful brahma




    > Individual women have different natures. They should be united with men

    > who have similar natures. And they should be offered the appropriate

    > training so they can support and enliven their husbands in the work that

    > they do as their offering to Krsna.



    This is a crude example I heard a celebrity wife once said: "My mother

    taught me to be a wife who is a chef in the kitchen, a maid in the home and

    a whore in the bedroom." Sorry, but I hope you get the idea. A wife "does

    it" for Krsna. A wise woman would make her husband believe without the

    slightest doubt that she is doing it all for him. I gracious husband would

    play along, as Krsna did as the henpecked husband, knowing that she is

    actually doing it for the Lord as her duty. Both parties benefit.


    Mother Gandhari wearing the blindfold for her blind husband comes to mind as

    one example. Yet she was not so "chaste and shy" as to withhold her

    judgement of her blind husband's negligence in raising such a bad son,

    Duryodhana. And who would question her true power though not manifested as

    "Empire President" or other title of authority? Certainly not Bhimasena nor




    > Not only do women of a ksatriya nature need appropriate training, also

    > women of a vaisya nature need appropriate training. I have seen a number

    > of times when young men become trained as cowherds or ox drivers, but the

    > woman recieves no training in gardening or preserving foods because their

    > mothers never knew about these things. Then these wives become morose

    > because their farmer husband cannot provide them the luxuries they are

    > accustomed to from before they became devotees. Eventually, the marriage

    > breaks down.



    Yes. Careful training and education must be provided to women.





    Janesvara dasa



    Hare Krsna


    Does a woman have to be joined with a man and help him, so she can serve the Lord?

    Can she not be trained - just as a unique part of the society - to serve God in the way her karmas are created by her soul?


    Profound apologies, if I have spoken out of an instinctive self-ego of being a woman.



    Sudha Rajagopalan

  13. I have been a vegetarian since birth and I deeply abhore such treatment of anyone - lunatics, animals ... anybody. But there has been a thought, a question that has always troubled me ...

    How do we define 'hurting someone'?

    If the killing of an animal causes pain, doesn't a tree being sawed/burnt down feel that too?

    If I cut the ears of a lamb, he will bleed to dreadfully painful death... but may survive with a ghastly wound also.

    Doesn't a plant feel the same pain , when we pluck its fruits, cut it's bark and use its roots?

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