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Posts posted by manjula

  1. Hare Krishna,


    I've just logged on and am very happy that there is interest in my posting.


    Thankyou Jndas prabhu for your in-depth description about the lights. what you wrote was very interesting and I totally agree with your explanation. I did not fully understand your explanation about everything turning black and then misty. Is this the general experience of a meditator? I personally never had this experience and my mind certainly isn't fixed at all times when I have a vision of the lights. For example, I can be walking down the street and see a white light coming from another person. It did sometimes seem asthough the blue light was within a black circle however. I experience no emotion when I see these lights and rarely take notice of them anymore as they have become common-place. They are also not as bright and strong as they were in the beginning, but I feel I was more focused at that time and used to fast regularly without food or water. My own intuitive feeling when I see these lights is that they are living entities as you say.


    Another experience which I have regulary is the ability to see energy around spiritual pictures or deities. This has no colour but is circles within circles. I can't see clearly if it is seperate circles or if it is like a spiral. I also see this in the dark sometimes. Have any idea what this could be?


    I have been practising Krishna Consciousness for around 10 years now but these particular experiences don't seem to have progressed to anything else. I know that focusing on Bhakti is the main priority but I find myself being very drawn to the mystical side also and would like to develop in this area. Do you have any advice on what I could do to make these experiences go deeper, maybe even up to the point where I could perceive the form of these higher beings?

  2. Hare Krishna,


    My name is Manjula. I have been involved with Krishna Consciousness since birth as my father is a devotee. However, I didn't actually take up the practice until I was 17. When I began to chant the Hare Krishna mantra I found that many strange things began to occur. For instance, I began to see lights, mostly white and electric blue in colour, I would see them alot in spiritual pictures and deities and also coming from peoples chakras. I have tried to find out what it means to see these lights but to no avail. Is there anyone who knows what these lights are and can explain what these particular colours represent?


    Another experience I've had is being aware in dreams that I am being watched by female entities. I cannot see them but can hear them. Their voices are very high pitched and they are watching my every move and discussing with each other about me. I have thought that they could be faries of some sort but really don't know. Does anybody know what these entities could be and why they are so interested in me?


    I hope you don't think I'm strange. I really am sane but have a great urge to understand these things greater. I would greatly apprecciate some help in this matter.

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