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Posts posted by JaiHind

  1. Das na das and Celina12


    I would like to ask you that the GOD you both believe in is different?. To me it seems that. Both of you are fighting like to wild cats. Mr DAS na DAS let me ask you does your GURU in bhuj allow you of writing whatever you are writing here. AND to celina does your GURU allow you to fight. Both of you come under the banner of SWAMINARAYAN.


    DAS na DAS you are taking avgun here. If you think you are just saying the truth then why dont you talk to everyone rather then just BAPS people. Why dont you post about what you think is right and about your belief in other threads. That is the problem with Hindus.


    Talking about akshardham mandir and other mandirs in general. Das na Das you have been to India. I am sure you have seen small mandirs of Hanuman, Ram, Krishna etc on every street in cities in India. And I have noticed that in the evening they even do aarti there. Are you saying that there is no GOD in there?. If you are saying that in BAPS temples swaminarayan is not present because it was not oppened by acharya then you are wrong. I believe that when one goes to a temple if you pray with faith GOD will be there. If God can come out from a Pillar listening to Prahalads prayers then I think GOD can be present In those temples. I am also sure that in one of the books from which you have gained this knowledge it mentions that whoever takes the name of SWAMINARAYAN even by mistake shall go to his abode.


    In the Posts earlier you said that you met a swami in bhuj who is ekantik and talks to maharaj. Well go and ask him that arguing against another sanstha is correct?. You have alot of knowledge, and have read alot of scriptures then act like that. Do not be childish. Delhi Akshardham is a wonderful place and is a mark not only of BAPS or of SWAMINARAYAN but of Hinduism. It resembles our culture, our life, what we as Hindus have contributed to the world. The last thing you should do is criticise it. Dont forget that in Akshardham There is a Huge MURTI of not Pramukhswami or any of the acharyas BUT of LORD SWAMINARAYAN. the same GOD you believe in. Lord Swaminarayan in his time had followers who were Parsis, Muslim, and other castes. This showed he accepted everyone and everyone was equall. All of you who are arguing about each others sansthas being better then the other are insulting him. Why dont you think that when two brothers or sisters fight amongst each other the most pain is felt to the FATHER and MOTHER of the children. By arguing like this you are hurting Lord Swaminarayan. Try to realise wake up.


    Das na Das your name is [deleted]. meaning you are a kutchi. I am a staunch Hindu and In my uni one kutchi girl got converted to Islam, and another Hindu girl accepted christianity. This is on the rise. The reason being arguing and fighting between hindus. Das na das you just explained what was in the scriptures with references. Well if you think you know so much then why dont you pass this knowledge to other people in your Sampraday. We are hindus It doesnt matter if you believe in Ram, Krishna, or Swaminarayan, what matters is how much do you believe in them and do you follow the rules stated by the Gods you believe in. What I believe if when you gain knowledge, first apply it to your self then giv it to others. Das na Das your Guru in Bhuj probably did this that is the reason why he has become ekantic and gets to meet Swaminarayan. I think you should go to him and learn what he knows rather then arguing on this thread. I think In the Shikshapatri it states that the ultimate thing is to become Brahmroop and do Parabrahma ni Bhakti. Well I think you should all do that rather then argue and fight. Swaminarayan was called great because he killed anger, Vasna, greed, etc which resulted in people becoming demonic. When you read what celina wrote you got angry and she got angry whith what you wrote. Both of you wrote something that involves Lord Swaminarayan. You are suppose to control anger and get rid of it. not entice it.


    Instead of fighting and arguing about the differences of both your sansthas why dont you talk about the simmilarities. Both of you read Vachnamrut. Then talk about it, discuss various vachnamruts and other scriptures, rather then fighting.


    I think any place of worship should not be criticised be it Church, Mosques, or Temples and specifically be it Swaminarayan temples. You say that Lord swaminarayan is only present in temples consecrated by acharyas. Then why do Kutchi friends i know of come to neasden temple. they are not of BAPS. If Pramukh swami is building temples all around the world, They are not known as pramukhswami temples are they. They are all Swaminarayan temples. They all have the Murti of Lord Swaminarayan in them. You should be proud of it that a Grand Temple of Lord Swaminarayan is built. You should be proud that a Grand HINDU temple is being built. So please Das no Das and celina stop arguing and fighting. I am sure Lord Swaminarayan and both your Gurus will not be happy if you continue fighting. Jai HIND.

  2. Hello Das na das


    I have read all your writings about the original swaminarayan sampraday and also about your dislikes and hatred of BAPS sanstha. I am a Hindu and am very proud of being one. Do you know the reason why the British ruled over India for over 200 hundred years. Three words " Divide and Rule". They made indians fight against each other. There is a joke about indian crabs. When transported in a ship, they are not covered. Do you know why?. Because One crab will pull the other down when trying to escape. What is funny about the joke is that it is really true. I think that is what is happening here.


    In most of your posts you say not to take avgun. Let me ask you, do you know what avgun means. I dont think so. You are constantly criticising BAPS sanstha, at the end of the day each and every person in that sanstha chants the name of SWAMINARAYAN which i presume is also your GOD. If so then they are devotees of Swaminarayan as well. Hence you knowingly or unknowingly have also taken avgun of a GODS devotee.


    A friend of mine once said that Lord Swaminarayan Says that whoever shall take his name even by mistake shall be granted Akshardham. That is what BAPS people and any other swaminarayan sanstha does. Dude relax.


    My point is we are all Hindus and we should not fight amongst each other. We all have our differences no one person is the same. If you criticise BAPS so much I am sure the whole world have heard and seen about scandals from the sect you come from. I am not trying to name and shame any one. All i am saying is that The outsider is not going to pinpoint BAPS or Original Swaminarayan Sampraday or maninagar sampraday BUT they will pinpoint SWAMINARAYAN which is common in all these sansthas. In a family when a family member does something wrong the world does not point a finger at that specific person but at the family. I have witnessed this. When that SEX scandal happened in vadtal and videos of two sadhus were shown with a prostitute, friends in my school did not blame that sect but the swaminarayan sadhus. They did not specify from where they came. Hence the name of SWAMINARAYAN sadhus was spoilt.


    So it is my request to you all arguing and debating about which sanstha does what to stop it. If you are all SWAMINARAYANS and read the Vachnamrut then instead of arguing you should be discussing vachnamruts and try to understand what the vachnamruts are talking about.


    Please Behave as HIndus. We are known to be one of the oldest civilisation and one of the oldest Religion from earth. Hindus are peace loving and respective people. They do not criticise other peoples beliefs. If Someone believes in Original SWAMINARAYAN sampraday then good for you and if you believe in BAPS then good for you.


    May GOD be with you and give you the light to understand. I appologise to you all if i have hurt you or offended you in any way. JAI HIND.

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