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Posts posted by greeneagle3000

  1. one answer to the cause of all this.


    fluorine is an active ingredient to make rat killers, roach sprays and even hypnotic gas.

    it is also the active ingredint for your toothpaste, water and more.

    so, pepsi and coke is definately harmful.

    wonder why india's toothpaste dosen't contain fluoride?

  2. we can do it. our mind makes it real. you can beat me and i can tell you that it is not real. mediataion helps. and you mist also realise the truth and believe it. then you can do it.

    btw, those bad thought comes from the r-complex.

  3. you cannot trust anything, not even your mind. but you can make it. it's your mind anyway. why does evil things try to come out from our mind? that's becasue of our r-complex, this is where the desire, hate and stuff like that emitt. but now, you can control it if you want. you can wack me and i will say that it is not pain becasue my mind makes it real. make your mind yours. and the only thing you can trust is your soul spirit. it is the hidden power waiting to be out.

  4. everybody has already the right to do whatever he wants. now, that the gods created rules then they are limited. wrong is wrong butsomething ethicle isn't wrong is it? according to your own judgements, what you feel and know is wrong ahouldn't be done but many evil people who are in high power are already doing it. you should do good for mankind and peace. that's what's right or wrong. not these. i don't believe in god but i know that there is many so i'm not afriad of what my beliefs are. i totally know what i'm doing is right. it's not as if i'm killing a kid or raping someone right?

    now, i will know many people will disageree with me as i uprise to 'god'. so let's see the controversy.

  5. skitzopherenia has nothing to do with religion. it has somethingto do with western science. this happens becasue the people have seen, heard, experienced or learn something that has been forbidden by the mainstream and considerd wired that's why. it's not fate. then, when admitted to the hospital or given treatment, do you realise that they become worser? you can find out more about this or watch a beautiful mind.

  6. skitzopherenia has nothing to do with religion. it has somethingto do with western science. this happens becasue the people have seen, heard, experienced or learn something that has been forbidden by the mainstream and considerd wired that's why. it's not fate. then, when admitted to the hospital or given treatment, do you realise that they become worser? you can find out more about this or watch a beautiful mind.

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