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Posts posted by PureIndian


    Lol, maybe :D. I saw a lady get possessed by mataji when I was at a goini (you know the thing where 9 young girls are called for puja) and yes it was frightening. I thought something else awful was happening to her.


    Hi, please do not used the word "possessed", its as if it implies that mataji is a devil, which she is clearly not, instead of this word, use "manifested", as mataji manifests into people.


    Vedas are the only acceptable pramanas. Bhagvatam or any teacher's interpretations cannot be the taken as the true basis. Sri Rudram clearly states...."....namo Girishaye cha Shipivishtaya cha...". Shipivishta means Lord Vishnu. So Lord Vishnu is contained within Lord Shiva. Sri Rudram also states.."namo Rudraya Vishnave mrityurme pahi..." further emphasising this. Vishnusahasranamam or Bhagvatam or Ramayana or Mahabharata cannot be taken as pramanams...just like demi-gods, these are inferior in authority to the Vedas. Even the term "Narayana" means "Leader" and refers to Lord Shiva. For eg. kings are called "Narayan" in Nepal and if you do not know, in Nepal, kings are assumed to be the form of Narayana and worship the Great God Shiva for their people's welfare. And for the uninformed, the common version of Purusha Suktam has been corrupted to include a portion on Vishnua and Lakshmi to make it seem as if the supreme Brahman is Vishnu ! While doing abhisekham for Shiva or Devi, Purusha Suktam is chanted in it's original version without the appendages. Shaivism and Shaktham are the oldest traditions and Vaishnavism is a recent phenomenon after Ramanuja propogated the same. Check history. If you took a count of Hindus and saw how many worship Shiva and how many Vishnu, the truth will become apparent that Vaishnavism is a minority. It is funny to see the infighting within various Vaishnavism sects...ISKON believes Krishna is the Godhead and Vishnu is the avatar of Krishna ! What can be more ridiculous !


    Indeed, you believe Shiva swallowed hala-hala poison because of Vishnu's bidding and it was Vishnu's good grace that made it possible ?! Ha ha ha!!


    To call the great God Shiva a demi-god is blashphemy. Awaken and reform.


    Sri Sadashiva arpanamastu !


    What about Swaminarayan?

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