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deep purkayastha

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Posts posted by deep purkayastha

  1. Yes, the icon is indeed that of Bahuchara Mata. The rooster is in fact a reminder of the fact that she is related to Skanda-Karttikeya who has the "kukkuta" or the rooster as his vahana.


    In Bengal, Karttikeya is worshipped even today for the birth of sons. Eunuchs and hermaphrodites, who are among the disciples of Bahuchara Mata are also associated with childbirth. In fact in olden days Karttikeya Puja in Bengal would be accompanied by a form of dancing by eunuchs and hermaphrodites.


    But Bahuchara Mata is not exclusive to eunuchs, hermaphrodites or homosexuals. Her myths, like all other myths can be interpreted at the level of "deha-tattva" and is an indication of a "sadhan-paddhati" that worshippers of shakti can fruitfully explore.

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