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Posts posted by matakibhakti

  1. namaste all


    i would like to know how to set up a proper kali ma, kal bhairo, and kateri amma altar properly in my home, the proper south indian way. i have received wrong information from people and have been trying to learn and teach myself using all the resources i can find. and there is no temple near me that i can ask. so i turn to all of you in search of guidance.


    thank you

  2. namaste all


    i would like to know how to set up a proper kali ma, kal bhairo, and kateri amma altar properly in my home, the proper south indian way. i have received wrong information from people and have been trying to learn and teach myself using all the resources i can find. and there is no temple near me that i can ask. so i turn to all of you in search of guidance.


    thank you

  3. pujarie...


    thank you for all the advice...i did prayers today and it went great, i felt so good....i have a question, i was reading somewhere about manifestations and they were talking about ganga maa manfestations....but i don't remember from last time how she plays....so could you tell how she does?


    again thank you

  4. since monday i have been dreaming coconut....should i do something with that...i am a bit dumb when it comes to understanding dreams because most of the time i don't remember them....i agree lord shiva is the father and kaali ma is my mother....they saved me when i was young from death and since then i have always given my thanks (whether it be through muslim means) but i have always given my thanks to god

  5. i find that out...they didn't seem to willing to help, at first i thought it was because my hindi is very bad (studying hindi) and i don't know bengali....but they didn't sseem to helpful....no roots in trinidad, i have a cousin there and some family, but my parents and grandparents and i were born in guyana....i was raised more muslim (mom's side) and dad's side was the hindu side but they never talked about it and mom and dad split so they don't talk to me

  6. yea i got that....i read other posts....this has been helpful, my biggest fear was that i was doing wrong things because no one around here does this and there is no o ne to learn from...i have tried (went to a bengali kaali temple and they didn't know what i was talking about, i felt the shakti but it was hard to communicate, and it wasn't the same as the west indian mandir that i went to) went to a durga mandir and the pandit didn't do these things even though he heard of them....so i have just been doing my offerings, researching online...then i stumbled on to this site....

  7. hey pujarie,

    what did you mean by "certain sadhanas" and "certain fasts and sacrifices on certain days"? what are sadhanas? from reading they are "actions" correct me if i am wrong. for kal bhairo i found 8 sadhanas....is that right on this site siddhashram.org/s20000437.shtml and for mother kaali i found this siddhashram.org/s19940423.shtml ?

    for my sister we are making plans to go to mandir in about 3 weeks when school is done so she can start what you said....

    if i am wrong please clearify....i offer fruits, neem, incense, diya on sundays after a 3 day fast...if this is wrong please tell me...i read it online

    thank you pujarie,


    if you don't mind me asking how old are you cause you are very knowledgable?





  8. hey pujarie,


    thanks that was so much information...i did go to a guyanese mandir...they say big mother not because she is bigger but as like she is the big sister of kal bhairo and kateri ma....i try to read things online (no books at the local library...haha) but its hard to decipher everything, and there isn't that much information about kal bhairo and kateri ma online. as far as my sister goes, its hard for her to do prayers because of illness and female problems that she doesn't feel right going to the alter when it comes, because of the bleeding she doesn't want to disrespect....


    my dreams are more is like fighting and it feels like i am just ripping my skin off to come out, if that makes sense, like my skin is just clothes and i need to get rid of it...and i feel as if i am constently fighting...i do not remember my dreams to well...i just remember the feeling


    i will get back with my sister's dreams because she remebers them


    i am a student at a university so it i can't really just leave but break is coming soon so in 3 weeks i and my sister will go...i feel i must and so does she


    the reason i asked about the rum, cigarettes, and sacrifice is because i didn't quite understand what it was about...i've read about it on many occasions just never got a definate answer or meaning....but now i know....i don't find anything wrong with it i just like to understand what i am doing you undestand...


    i will tell you what i do to see if it is ok....i wake up and clean up...i go to my alter after being cleaned and clean my alter....every morning i light agarbati, diya, and read the Ganpati chalisa, Hanuman Chalisa, Shani Chalisa, and Kaali Chalisa...(that a pandit at a Rajdhani mandir gave and said i should read...i asked him if he does all these but he doesn't, he doesn't have kaali ma, kateri ma, nor kal bhairo at this mandir)....i don't know if it is right but i pray and read with my heart for my family and thought it was good to read the chalisa....


    i will research some of the terms you used cause i didn't quite understand....pujarie thank you you have helped me a lot and settled some things in my mind.

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