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Posts posted by sanatana


    Yes, Krsna, God is speaking - He is the 'Me'.


    Tell me if Krishna and me are simultaneously one and yet different is true. If yes, then why am I poor materially? Krishna is rich. He owns everything! If Krishna and me are one, why can`t I be rich like Him? Why did Krishna favor Bill Gates the billionaire instead of me? Bill Gates doesn`t chant Hare Krishna. Because if he did, he should have shared his wealth to the Hare Krishna foundation and aid those Hare Krishna devotees. You see, I need to buy medicines for my ailing body. I want to live longer so I can spread Krishna consciousness to everyone. I just can`t understand this teaching of Lord Chaitanya that Krishna and me are simultaneously one and yet are different.


    Let me lighten your burden, enlighten you. God exists, and everything and everyone else rely on His existence as He explains in the Bhagavad-gita 7.7:


    mattaH parataraM nAnyat

    kiJcid asti dhanaJjaya

    mayi sarvam idaM protaM

    sUtre maNi-gaNA iva


    mattaH--beyond Me; para-taram--superior; na--not; anyat kiJcit--anything else; asti--there is; dhanaJjaya--O conqueror of wealth; mayi--in Me; sarvam--all that be; idam--which we see; protam--is strung; sUtre--on a thread; maNi-gaNAH--pearls; iva--like.

    O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.



    Is Krishna the God you`re referring to in that verse?
  3. Lord Chaitanya said, " Your constitutional position is that you are pure living soul. This material body can`t be identified with your real self: nor is your mind your real identity, nor your intelligence, nor false ego. Your identity is that of eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord Krishna. Since you are between matter and spirit, your position is marginal. Belonging to the marginal potency of Krishna, you are simultaneously one with and different from Krishna. Because you are spirit, Krishna and you are no different. Because you are only a minute particle of Krishna, you differ from Him." ( Teachings of Lord Chaitanya , Chapter III, page 55 )


    Can anyone in this forum explain to me this teaching of Lord Chaitanya to Sanatana Goswami? I want to be enlightened, please...


    I have plenty of control over my finances, and yes - I have lived on this earth many times before. As to control over death, or rather over your destination after death, it is similar to control over your finances:


    work hard, work smart, dont waste your time or money, and you will get to enjoy the fruit of your efforts in due course of time.


    But don`t ever forget to chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra when you have only a minute to live!


    touching the soul



    Sivarama Swami writes:


    Thirty years ago I was doing the Prabhupada marathon at the Chicago airport. One afternoon, we devotees were so intoxicated by distributing books that we decided to show that one doesn't have to speak to sell books, that book distribution just depends on our state of consciousness. So we didn't speak.

    Just after loading my bookbag with (20) maha books I tapped a man on the arm and looked him in the eye. He stopped, expecting me to say something. I didn't. I put a book in his hand, pointed at Prabhupada's picture, to the Sanskrit inside and then up to the sky indicating the books are meant to elevate you. I remember being absorbed in the desire to give out books and after looking deep into his eyes again, I slapped my pocket indicating he should give a donation. He did.

    He was a young businessman, obviously heavily stressed out and floundering in the world of consumerism. He held the book appreciatively. As he started to go I held his arm. I wanted him to get more mercy. We locked eyes for a minute and in my mind I said, "These books will give your life meaning", and I stuck another two books in his hand. Now he had three books. Again I tapped my pocket. Again he gave a donation.

    I opened one of the books and pointed to a part of Prabhupada's purport and had him read it. I watched his face. It was obvious Prabhupada was speaking to him. I tapped his arms and smiled at him and he smiled at me. Although standing in the middle of the busiest airport in the world we were somewhere else, in a different land where there was no stress, no noise; our own world of Krsna consciousness. Then he looked at the other books in my arm and I knew he wanted more. I gave him a few more books. He gave another donation. By now the total was past $40. To impress upon the man what was reality I waved nonchalantly at the bustle about us and pressed my forefinger to his heart, indicating the soul. I looked at him, "You are not this body. You are spirit soul." He understood. He smiled appreciatively. We then shook hands and as he turned to go it was as if he was leaving a realm of peace for the world of anxiety around. For a minute he hesitated. He didn't want to go. He wanted to remain in that realm of consciousness in which our exchange had taken place. He had been happy. I saw there were tears in his eyes. I touched his hand and tapped the books saying in my mind, "It's all in the books. Don't worry." He nodded shook my hand and left. Neither he, nor I had spoken a word. Yet we were communicating fully. It was one of many such experiences that afternoon. I was convinced that success in book distribution depends upon our state of consciousness. Making soul-to-soul contact with people is the most effective way to sell books. We need to be in the consciousness that we are not this body, that we are Krsna's spiritual messengers and that we have to want to distribute the mercy. Give! Give! Give! That is our dharma. Give Krsna to others.:pray: :pray: :pray:


    If we have nothing to give? A devotee offers you a book say, The Teachings of Lord Chaitanya? We refuse to accept the book and go away. The distributor of the book feels saddened and reflects," How sad it was for this man if only he had the money to give, he would have gotten this book. What if I gave it instead?"


    How glorious it would be if billionaires say, Bill Gates, would give or buy all the books Swami Prabhupad has written. And distribute them to all those uninformed souls!

  6. Dear Krsnaraja and Babhru das,


    You two are correct in some way. There are two Vijayanagaras one in West Bengal where Lord Chaitanya was said to have been born and the other located in Southern India where Krsnaraja reigned.

    But in an amazing way, both great personalities have met in one time of their great lives.

    And during that meeting(Madana) Krsnaraja and Lord Chaitanya discussed the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Govindaraja Krsna.

    That exchange(lila) was I believe akin to Madhurasa, the exchange of intense feeling of love between two lovers or friends.

    After having relished that Bhava Prema Bhakti, no one could anymore distinguish one from the other whether one was Krsnaraja or Chaitanya.

    Thus when both bade goodbye to each other, the intense feeling of separation manifested within them which we know as Mohana.

    The principle of Madana-Mohana in nuclear terms can be exemplified as fusion and fission, both reactions capable of releasing amounts of energy- which if harnessed can in fact give the universe an unlimited source of light!

    Krsnaraja became Chaitanya and Chaitanya became Krsnaraja, a reaction which illuminated the darkness of the material world bringing light to all who were in the mode of ignorance.

    Krsnaraja, the ruler of Vijayanagara became a success because of Chaitanya and Chaitanya succeeded in his Krsna Kirtana because of Krsnaraja.

    Both of you therefore( Babhru das and Krsnaraja) should not quarrel over a very minor issue. Neither should you call each other names which could be very unpleasant to hear.

    In other words,Krsnaraja and Lord Chaitanya are simultaneously one yet very much different from the other and yet both were great devotees of the Supreme Lord Vasudeva.


    Om Namo Bhagavate Vausdevaya!


    I remain,



  7. DEar Krsnaraja,


    Happy Easter Sunday to you and the rest of the reactors in this thread.

    Thank you for moderating this thread while I was away observing the passion and resurrecion of Saktyavesa Avatar Jesus Christ throughout the world.

    May you have peace and love to all mankind. I hope you can stop wars from happening by fighting them with love, peace and compassion.

    May you therefore take up the image of the God of Love Himself, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


    Peace be with you,


    Your friend, Sanatana

  8. Yes, Anadi Prabhu, you are correct!

    We all came from Srimati Radharani.

    Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who is Lord Krsna in fact incarnated to this world 500 yrs. ago for the very reason that God wanted to know more about His internal pleasure potency, Radha. Srila Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is God Himself is the embodiment of Radha-Krsna.

    Radha-Krsna therefore is Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

    Since we are a creation of Srimati Radharani then we are Lord Krsna`s internal pleasure potency of which He wants to play and enjoy with.

    For Lord Krsna to understand us, He came forth to this world as Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

    We must therefore worship Srimati Radharani so She could give us the opportunity to embrace and dance with Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu by becoming a pure-devotee of Lord Krsna.


    Hare Krsna


  9. The SARS virus described as the coronavirus by the CDC has no known cure.

    Those who got infected with this virus from Guandong, China which has spread through the world but who survived after battling with its effects, severe pnuemonia, are considered as carriers of the said coronavirus.

    SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome may not have reached India yet but it pays to be careful.

    WHO have advised people to postpone their trip to those places where SARS cases are prevalent, such as China, Hongkong, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, etc.

    But if you really know what this virus is you will not be scared if you are confronted with it. Why?

    Because the coronavirus is in itself a creation of the Creator himself, Krsnaraja.


    Believe It or Not


  10. All Glories to Lord Gauranga Nitai!


    In other words, my dear Anadi Prabhu, we are one as the eternal servant of Radha-Krsna, yet we are different in our principles in life, in the way we worship God, in the culture we belong, etc.

    But even if we differ yet we are brothers in Krsna. If you and I were Christians, we are brothers in Christ.

    Or if you were Hindu and I a Muslim, still, we are brothers of a Universal God, Bathala Krsna.

    Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, etc. It won`t matter provided we follow Lord Chaitanya`s philosophy of Simultaneously One yet Different.

    That is the only way we can achieve long lasting peace in this age of Kali and that is to consider each human being as our brother or sister belonging to one merciful and compassionate God( Krsna-Allah-Buddha-Swamijesus).


    Hare Krsna


  11. Sanatana is a user name taken from the namesake of Sanatana Goswami, a pure devotee of Lord Krsna.

    Sanatana is also a username taken from the namesake of Sanatana Kumara, one of the four Kumara brothers; namely, Sanandana, Sanat-Kumara, and the other one I forgot( Lord Krsna is the cause of our forgetfullness and intelligence).

    Sanatana is a sanskrit name described in English as "That Which is Eternal."

    Thus, we either mean Sanatana described as "the eternal servitor of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu" or Sanatana whom we considered as a Mahajana, a disciple of Lord Krsna.

    There are twelve Mahajanas described in the mantra" syambhuva narada sambhu dhruva kapila manu prahlada bhismo janaka balir vyasakir " and one of them is Sanatana Kumara and the three Kumaras.

    Sanatana which is described as the " eternal servitor of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu" very much differ from Sanatana Kumara which is described as " one of the twelve disciples of Lord Krsna."

    Although both in comparison differs yet they are simultaneously one.Why? Because Sanatana Goswami and Sanatana Kumara are pure devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Vasudeva. Lord Vasudeva is the father of Lord Krsna yet both Lord Vasudeva and Lord Krsna are One. Pure devotees who hear the name " Lord Vasudeva " always link " the father of Lord Krsna" to no other than Krsna Himself.

    In other words, the names Sanatana Goswami and Sanatana Kumara mean only one thing to the Supreme Lord Gauranga Nitai and that is both are eternal servitors of Lord Krsna.

    And yet both have different roles in life.

    The examples I have therefore given also refers to all the pure devotees of Lord Krsna to mean that they are all eternal servitors of His Divine Grace yet they all differ according to the nature of their devotional service described in sanskrit as Bhakti-Yoga.

    If you can understand this philosophy presented by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu described as ACINTYA-BHEDA-BHEDA-TATTVA or " Simultaneously One yet Different " then you are now on your way in returning home, Back to Godhead.

  12. Dear Babhru das and Melvin,

    No, it`s not offensive to me if your username in this forum is "stonehearted". That also goes for you Melvin if you don`t like anymore "krsnaraja" as your bonafide spiritual name.

    If you are comfortable with these names, "stonehearted", " krsnaraja" so be it. It wont matter really to the Supreme Lord Vasudeva-Krsna if you want to use your legal name or not. In fact, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu knows who we truly are and what our names should have been.

    The names that describe us are the results of either good or bad karma.

    Thus if you want to use your bonafide spiritual names but hesitate to do so because you feel comfortable with your legal or pen names is not the way to going home, Back to Godhead or Krishna consciousness.

    You must use therefore your spiritual names given to you by your respective spiritual masters.

    Take the case of a book salesman. A book salesman will be having a hard time selling the books he is tasked to undertake if his name does not match with the name of the agency which was authorized to sell these particular books.

    In other words, how could you sell Srila Prabhupad`s books if you who are endorsing Swami`s books, have names like " Melvin" or " Stonehearted"?

    If you want to sell Srila Prabhupad`s books you must have names that represent Krsna`s books, say, Stonehearted Babhru das or Krsnaraja Melvin, or you could shorten them to S.Babhru das/M.Krsnaraja.

    That`s my point. If you want that His Divine Grace`s books will sell, you-Krsnaraja Melvin/Babhru das, who represent Srila Prabhupad should use your bonafide spiritual names.

    That`s what I meant to the words, " re-spiritualizing one`s names " as a requirement for going home, Back to Godhead.


    Till me next post.


    All glories to Radha-Krsna,









  13. Dear Stonehearted Prabhu,


    please permit me to say a few words about my impression on you.Since I have not seen you nor talk with you personally through the e-mail or in some other form of communications, consider not my two cents worth of unsolicited advice an offense against your person and whom the name of God I quote.

    You see, the very first step in returning home, back to Godhead is re-spiritualizing one`s name. If your name is actually " Stone " then why not re-spiritualize your sweet name to that of, say, " Kaustubha."

    Kaustubha is a description given to the "Gem" adoringly embedded on the golden necklace worn by Lord Krsna.

    Once you have thought of using Kaustubha as your new spiritual name, then the second step would be to desire always to be on Lord Krsna`s chest. The Supreme Lord Hari Krishna doesn`t become very beautiful because of you being on His chest, but you as: Kaustubha Prabhu- becoming more beautiful for being situated on that part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna-Govindaraja.

    Third step is not becoming forgetful to always render devotional service unto the Supreme Lord`s Sri Krishna Kirtana movement.

    If you, in other words, complete each step, I assure you that you will go home, back to Godhead without a doubt.


    May Radha-Krsna be with you,












  14. we should be grateful to sri chaintanya mahaprabhu for his divine mercy towards us, fallen souls, for this so-called age of quarrel and hypocrisy. sanatana goswami used to work for the government under hussein shah, one of muslim sultans who ruled over india.

    sanatana goswami, you see, after his birth was ahindu but renounced the religion after he was hired by hussein shah, a muslim king, because sanatana goswami was good in arabic/koran. in fact, he and his brother, rupa goswami embraced islam to please the shah.

    but they were not happy. why?

    when rupa and sanatana therefore attempted to become hindus once again, the hindu-sect which they originally belonged refused to accept them back. why?

    but nevertheless when rupa and sanatana heard about sri chaitanya mahaprabhu, they immediately dispatched their desire to see in person sri chaitanya himself to ask the lord his divine mercy so that the lord would annoint them back to being devotees to the supreme personality of godhead, sri krsna.

    sri chaitanya mahaprabhu, who is krsna himself, without second thoughts right away summoned rupa and sanatana goswami to meet him in vrndavan, india, so he could bless the two brothers and rekindle back their once-hindu lives as the eternal servants of sri krsna.

    but the goswami brother`s employer, hussein shah, would have none of that and bowed to have both land in jail in case they`d resign from the shah`s government. sanatana, however was sent to jail after hussein shah knew that sanatana had already made a firm decision to severe his ties with the shah.

    sanatana fortunately escaped from his cell after rupa goswami bribed the jail keeper with several pieces of gold and silver.

    traveling by night to avoid capture by the shah`s soldiers, sanatana goswami gave tsana, the former`s servant his freedom and a gold coin for the latter to start with.

    that gesture showed by sanatana goswami was the final straw which broke the camel`s back that led sri chaitanya mahaprabhu to accept him as one of his associates.

    the krsna consciousness movement of sri chaitanya is like the relationship sanatana goswami have shown to his servant, tsana and the relationship of brotherhood rupa goswami gave to his brother, sanatan goswami.

    we can`t in short always act as servants to the demigods like brahma or siva. by becoming, however, the servants of sri krsna chaitanya mahaprabhu, we too can be liberated from the bondage of our illusive dreams which is actually maya. our reality and goal in life is to follow in the footsteps of rupa and sanatana goswami, sri chaitanya mahaprabhu`s pure devotees.

    similarly, in this so-called modern age, we have follow in the footsteps of srila prabhupad if we wish to become sri krsna`s associates in the next life. to do so, we must obey the supreme order his divine grace has prepared before us, which was to fulfill, in the very first place, sri chaitanya`s mission, which is krsna consciousness.


    hence, it`s better to do it now than never.

    ---------- hare krsna!

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