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Posts posted by linemark4u

  1. if you have real siyar singi then perform follow test over it


    1. put half neel powder and water in glass then put your siyaar singi in it if it saprate neel to water it is geniun.

    2.put it in your palm if it make vibration it is real.

    3.if you put gudhal kali (jasoon kali) on it booms form there


    and if your siyar singi perform above tests and want to sell it contact me soon i will give you very heathy amount for that.

  2. if you want to sell it contact to me in high rates


    testing of living or power full siddha siyar singi


    its give a vibration when putting siyar singi in palm


    *saprating neel and water when put in it.


    blooming flower of gudhal when putted over it

  3. do you have any information regarding telia kand (sarp kand)

    how to use it in ayurveda , tantra, shidda, etc.

    any application of it like gold or etc.

    if you kind too give me all the informations or source of information regarding it i m very thank full to you.

  4. i have teliya kand (sarp kand)

    do you know any application or uses(prayog) of teliya kand

    if you kind to give me information regarding it or where do i get all the source of information of teliya kand applications i will be very thankfull to you.

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