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Posts posted by Maharajesh

  1. Namaste!

    Does someone know who wrote the following poem?

    Salutation to the Dawn

    Look to this day!
    For it is life, the very life of life.
    In its brief course
    Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
    The bliss of growth;
    The glory of action;
    The splendor of achievement;
    For yesterday is but a dream,
    And tomorrow is only a vision;
    But today, well lived, makes every yesterday
    a dream of happiness,
    And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
    I found different information about the poem. Some people attribute it to Kalidasa, others just wrote that it's origin is sanskrit. I even found translations from English to sanskrit. Others attribute it to Rumi with Persian origin....
    But who wrote it originally and what is the original title???
    I hope someone can help me...
    Kind regards

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