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Posts posted by vedicyogi

  1. Hi All,

    I was wondering if anyone knows of any authentic gurus in any Indian martia art and if they are willing to share more info. Do Indian martial arts have yoga, meditation, pranyam, etc? Do they today use yogic methods for God realization, etc? I look forward to hearing from anyone. If you want to talk privately please send me a private message or let me know how to contact you. Thanks




  2. Hi gartxot,

    I cannot send a private message to you since I do not have 10 posts yet. I too am looking for something or someone siliar to yourself. Please contact me so we can discuss further offline. I would like to share experiences since I too have been practising a form of pranayam for the last 6 years with some great results. I look forward to hearing from you.




  3. Hi Bipin,

    Nice to hear from you. I am also new to this forum. I have been practising yoga and meditation/pranayam for some time now. I am looking for a yogi that is very powerful in hatha yoga and can teach all the subtle aspects and can demonstrate these things at will. I am curious if you have met any or have heard of any Gurus that can do incredible things. I look forward to hearing from anyone.


    Peace and Blessings,


  4. Hi Vikrant,

    I sympathise with you. I too am looking for a powerful yogi that can teach all the subtle aspects of hatha yoga. Yoganandas gurus were very powerful but yogananda himself was just a messenger and I do not believe that he had the powers that his gurus had. He wrote many books and spent much of his time talking, this was his mission on earth and Babaji himself said this and some of his other gurus said this about him coming to America.

    Evan some of yoganandas closest disciples in America are very similar in that they also are somewhat messengers of their own right since they write many books and are travelling all the time so cannot really devote the necessary time to practise.

  5. Dear Rohit,

    I just joined this forum. I read your post and liked the the down to earth reply. I am very interested in learning more details regarding practises such as pranayama , tantra, kundalini, etc. I have heard of gurus being able to generate electricity, levitate, be at 3 places at the same time, start fires by touch or no touch. Have you heard of such gurus or met these gurus. I look forward to hearing from you.




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