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Everything posted by Frodo

  1. Garuda Purana 3.18.21 His expansion is Sukadeva Gosvami, the celebrated narrator of the Srimad Bhagavatam: "Suka, the son of Vyasa, who had been influenced by Vayu, was the incarnation of Rudra. He was born for the spread of knowledge in the world.
  2. Anyeshan, Real spirituality is opening your heart for a 100% surrending to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vishnu! To serve Lord Vishnu is the eternal constitution of all eternal children of God as you and I eternally are! So it is better to already start to perform bhakti yoga right now and not wait until anyhting happens into your life that will result in suffering. Sincerely, Frodo
  3. Philosophical speculation is used by mental spculators to justify their envious thinking about the eternal truth. Although the Vaishnava philosophy is clear, envious-/asuric-/weak jivas still try to speculatite about it. Regards, Frodo
  4. Free-thinking only is possible to speak about when the heart is purified from enviousness and related negativity-energies in the heart. People that have enviousness in the heart are not authorities in anything they do or say. Their opinion is not of relevance to anyone although those fallen jivas think they are so important and good and their opinion is authoritative although real wise people immediately know that all that fallen jiva say is purely wrong! As soon people have purified their heart they will immediately accept guidance of Vaishnava kings and their Vaishnava brahmanas without deviating in anything they receive as instructions! This is the daivy Varnashrama system. I can sense that very soon our beloved Planet Bhumi with the honest people living there will be open to re-accept the daivy Varnashrama system so all people will be guided by the king who is obviously representing Lord Vishnu for all beings. This is possible as the two weakest beings ever existing, Maya naga and Kali naga, are ready to be judged by Lord Yamaraj-deva! Free will for sudras and vaisyas is to fully accept the decisions of the King without trying to think about other possibilites that could also be used for this or that. The Kali yuga we are in for almost 5000 years is ending. Maya naga and Kali naga influenced many people in this yuga with manipulative attempts to enslave them through different methiods - e.g. one of the methods was to let them think they are free in opinon and their opinion is important or authoritative to anyone although their opinions were are coming from Maya naga and Kali naga. Now as Maya naga and Kali naga are completely knocked out they will be able to breathe free air and are able to submit their heart-/thinking to the guide of a Vaishnava king and His brahmananas who exactly know what are the real needs of the folk as Vaishnavas are purely guided by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi! Sincerely, Frodo
  5. Anadi, Elaborating and discussing spiritual topics is only possible by honest souls but not by weak, dishonest, envious souls as you, Maya naga and your weak husband, Kali naga, always are and tried to do for many years! There is no maya tattva as Maya only refers to Maya naga, the 1st fallen jiva - i.e. the weakest jiva ever exiting! :-) The meaning of rasa tattva is not possible to be understood by envious souls as you, Maya naga and your weak husband Kali naga are. About Yogamaya's personality I already spoke previously as Yogamaya is an aspect of Srimati Radharani, therefore Yogamaya is pure sakti tattva or God female aspect or God Mother aspect. You Maya naga, would-like to be Yogamaya so than you would be a Goddess but the reality is quite different, weakest jiva ever existing, Maya naga! You and your weak husband Kali belong eternally to the children of God category and can never become God! Among the billions of billions of billions of children of God, both of you are the children of God with the lowest degree of bhakti quality in the heart, i.e. after having be punished at Yama's realms for all your sinful activities done throughout millions of years, you will afterwards be able to accept love in your heart and will sometimes later by ready to be re-accepted back to Vaikuntha by Lord Vishnu and His beloved eternal wonderful and allmighty consort Srimati Lakshmi-devi!!! As soon as both of you are back in Vaikuntha you will fully be dedicated engaged in your eternal dasya rasa vs. Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi using your naga svarup. The eternal inherent love-/bhakti in your heart, Maya naga and in the heart of your weak husband, Kali naga, is quantitavely the lowest degree jivas have, especialy Maya naga has the lowest degree of love-/bhakti - i.e. eternal inherent inner strenghts - in your self! I wish you both, Maya naga and Kali naga, an exciting upcoming time! :-) Eternally connected with you! Frodo
  6. Anadi, To avoid mis-conceptional thinking on the truth I want to clearly correct your erroneous mis-interpretation of the truth as it is: 1) Fallen angel thesis is the root of creation of material universe: It is only due to the enviousness of fallen jivas that Lordk Vishnu had to create the material universe as all fallen jivas originally resided in Vaikuntha and had a personal relationship in dasya rasa to Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmu-devi. 2) Maha Maya is the 1st fallen jiva - i.e. weakest being ever existing! Maya naga, who tried to be known as Maha Maya or expansion of Yoga Maya - i.e. of Radharani, tried to confuse the sastras by letting her invent some strange philsophical concepts to justify her would-like-wish to be a consort of Krishna instead of being an eternal child of God by saying that the jivas never had a relationship to Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi but this is just specualtive thinking and Lord Gauranga approved that the Gaudyia line could still continue to teach this theory although the pure Vaishnavas all knew that this concept is just erroneous 3) Enviousness of Maya vs. Lakshmi-devi root cause of fallen angels-/jivas Root point of Maya, 1st fallen jiva, to have to leave Vaikuntha and have to come down to the material world is deep enviousness and weakness in her heart towards Srimati Lakshmi-devi, her eternal mother, as she has eternally a conjugal relationship to Lord Vishnu what she would like to have although Maya as she is a naga soul with a naga svarup can never be a consort of Lord Vishnu as her eternal rasa to Him is dasya. 4) All eternal consorts of God male aspects are eternally defined and are never fallen jivas as Maya naga, Kali naga etc. Hare/Radharani and her direct expansions like all gopis, Sita-devi, Lakshmi-devi, goddess furtunes, Parvati-devi, Sarasvati-devi belong to the pure sakti category (God female aspect or Mother God aspects) who have eternally a conjugal relationship to God male aspects. Although all children of God belong to the sakti category too, the sakti category for them is the jiva sakti category nothing to do with above's pure sakti category. 5) All fallen jivas will be punished prior to return to Vaikuntha and re-dock to their eternal dasya rasa vs. Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi-devi It is important to state that as Srimad Bhagavatam clearly confirms that all fallen jivas in the material world will sooner of later be judged by Yamaraj-deva and suffer in the hellish realms for their sinful activities. Also the 1st fallen jiva with her eternal consort, Kali, will have to be judged by Yamaraj-deva. This judgement I can sense is not too far for them as they could energetically postpone that judgement for millions of years. With Gauranaga's appearence and mercy for all fallen jivas, both rebells are soon caught by the divine cosmic law of nature of karma. So, again, please bare in mind that except the nitya siddha jivas in the material world, all other jivas belong to the category of fallen jivas/angels and will sooner or later be returning as purified eternal children of God to Vaikuntha and re-dock to their eternal dasya rasa to Lord Vishnu and Srimati-Lakshmi-devi without any chance to become a devi-/queen-/consort of Lord Vishnu!!! Sincerely, Maya naga, weakest being ever existing! Frodo
  7. Anadi, Here the answers: 1) The true nature of the soul is to eternally serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna or depending upon the eternal relationship of the jiva to another expansion of Lord Krishna - e.g. Lord Vishnu etc. 2) There is no new nature to be acquired by the soul as as soon as the fallen jiva gives up his enviousness vs. Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi the respective fallen jiva will be re-docked back to its origin rasa to the Supreme Deity Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi and will get back its original svarup for perfectly serving God 3) as Srimad Bhagavatam states a deva is a person who worships God Lord Vishnu. Asuras or demons are those weak jivas that do not want to surrender to Lord Vishnu as although they know that Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi are God they have still deep weakness in their heart as enviousness, no strenghts etc. that they do NOT want to serve Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi Kind regards, Frodo
  8. Dear Vaishnavas, It is done, dear Vaishnavas, the weakest beings ever existing, Maya-/Putana-/Manuela Deverell naga and Kali-/Hiranyakasipu-/Navalkishor naga have been defeated and are on the way towards Yamaraj' hellish realm for getting the right judgement for their millions of years of sinful-/manipulative actities! Sexuality was the main root of their manipulative activity. By generating millions of years ago through DNS manipulations sexual organs for all beings living on planet earth they achieved an easy way for sucking off life energy from others by justifying this activity with many invented philosophies also in Vedic sastras (tantras and some manipulated slokas in Srimad Bhagavatam and other puranas). All beings are eternally androgynous, i.e. beings without sexual organs. The svarup of all beings are andrognyous. Also the material bodies of jivas still living in the material realms but not on planet bhumi are androgynous, only the material body of jivas living on planet bhumi have sexual organs although prior to the DNS manipulation by Maya-/Kali naga and other asuras, all jivas living on planet bhumi did NOT have any sexual organs. Maya and Kali, both are nagas/snakes in hidden form and influenced people in many ways especially through their poison sent to others in their heart and permitting them to enter in their emotional-/mental bodies. Now, the humanity is finally able to breath free air and those two weakest, arrogant, envious naga-beings are now judged by Yamaraj-deva under guidance of Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi. Join me and all other Vaishnavas from all spiritual-/dimensional realms for achieving this final defeat to those two weak asuras! Lord Gauranga's Golden Age can now fully start on our beloved planet bhumi! :-) The daivya Varnashrama system will soon be introduced on our planet too, a global Vaishnava king will be taking lead under Lord Krishna's full guidance and pure Vaishnava brahmanas will assist the King on all requested purposes. Sincerely, Frodo
  9. Guest, I am not Yamaraj but Yamaraj is a very good friend of mine and basically of all honest devotees. Yamaraj is doing a wonderful service for Lord Krishna to punish all rebells from their sinful activities. Having a close contact with Yamaraj and therefore to Lord Krishna I can get valuable information from them on who has already be punished and who is still outstanding. Qualities of a Vaishnava is to be humil in the heart; this quality is sufficient to have all their inherent abilities activated by Lord Gauranaga to easily determine who is a Vaishnava and who is not. In your case, as I've already mentioned previously, you are in the category of fallen angels, especially being the weakest of all the fallen angels! Fallen angels in human form on planet bhumi are mostly hidden in human form to hide their original ugly form of a snake/naga. Only snakes appreciate what other snakes do and think because snakes are known to be very envious about wisdom and bearer of wisdom (bhaktas). Although purified snakes/nagas can also be considered Vaishnavas they will eternally keep their naga svarup in Vaikuntha too. Maya-/Putana-/Manuela Deverell what do you actually want to achieve with your continous efforts in your life with the certitude of having lost everything you very hard tried to achieve throughout millions of millions of years? Yes, you will soon be pushed by Lord Vishnu to leave this body and than the Yamudatas will easily catch you and bring you to Yamaraj for your punishment! You could avoid deep fear and suffering at the upcoming hellish residence if you would have stopped continuing to manipulate others by not willing to accept the truth as it is that you or any other eternal children of God can never become God, in your specific case to become Lakshmi-devi. All eternal God forms (male and female) are eternally defined and noone eternally belonging to the category of children of God can become God or a consort of God (with the only exceptin of Parvati-devi who is actually an eternal child of God but is also a gopi and has Krishna as consort too) as your rebel heart suddenly tried to become or replace Lakshmi-devi. Also the rasas are eternally defined, therefore your eternal rasa will always be the dasya rasa, loving servitude service to Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi without any chances to sometime get in the position of a gopi or goddess of forture to have God as husband. Sincerely, Frodo
  10. Guest, I order you to stop writing anything speculative about Swaminarayan, an incarnated naga/snake that lived some time ago on planet bhumi and confused envious souls that he is Vishnu-tattva although he eternally belongs to the weakest race ever existing, the race of snakes/nagas. Also the two weakest fallan angels ever existing, Maya-/Putana-/Manuela Deverell naga and Kali/Naval Kishor naga try to convince others of their wisdom although they do not have any wisdom at all as the base quality to get or have wisdom is to have own strenghts but all fallen angels, especially the two first fallen angels, Maya and Kali, do NOT have any strenghts at all. All fallen angels will have to be punished by Yamaraj, most of the fallen angels, incl. Swaminarayan, Osho, Krishnmurti, Freud, Jung, Yogananda, Blavatsky, Bailey etc. have already visited Yama's hellish realms and have been punished accordingly. The remaining rebells that are still incarnated on planet bhumi will have to be judged by Yamaraj, under Vishnu's guidance, as soon as the respective live force gathered/sucked off from others is dissolved and therefore they will have to leave the physical body towards direction Yamaraj as the Yamadutas are keen to take them to Yamaraj after they leave the physical body. Frodo
  11. Guest, It is funny to see how enviousness in the heart projects unprofessionalism in all aspects of the personality with the respective behaviour. A Vaishnava is a person that wants to surrender to Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi with the ability to be humil and open-minded to accept criticism expressed to him if they are appropriate and does not act as a dead snake/naga who pretends to be dead for their victims so they are confused and than the snake can bite them. This is how you react now; by trying to invoke peace and behaving as you would be deeply hurted in your heart although you exactly know that I am right in everything I say but your envious heart does NOT want to hear this. Wake up, Putana, the time for you has ended in this universe, no chances any longer to influence others. You will now have to surrender to the cosmic law without being able to postpone this judgement. Frodo
  12. Guest, As the vedic sastras clearly state people are requested to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna and His authentic extensions (Balarama, Vishnu, Rama etc.) as only those form the Allmighty. It is not a question of letting us decide who we take as Allmighty as it is clear who is the Allmighty. Regards, Frodo
  13. I can notice and sense that alltogether (except me) form a strange clan of envious rascal souls vs. Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi. Yes, fallen angels, I am indeed an authority, you can call it guru too, that gives guidance to others on how to surrender to God. Especially you need urgent guidance as very soon changes will happen on our bhumi planet which requires a deep heart transformation towards bhakti yoga and a complete dissolving of enviousness towards God. It is always funny to see how speculators talk about spiritual topics without having any clue about what they are talking about due to their non-vijnana experienced knowledge but just mind-/envious-heart speculative thoughts. Is a frog prisoned in a fountain a reference about telling on things happen in the sea? This is actually your current consciousness situation, no idea at all about what you are talking about. It is right that for fallen angels as all of you are, it is necessary to physically surrender to a living guru. For not fallen angels as in my case it's up to Lord Gauranga to decide whether or not it is currently needed to have a diksha guru; currently He has not sent me to any diksha guru, but maybe this will change in the future. Frodo
  14. Priitaa, Opinions made by envious souls as you are are not of interest to anyone as it is useless for truth seeker. An honest Vaishnava is able to feel Krishna and also hear Him in the heart. Sometimes they can also feel His instructions and know exactly what is true and not as Krishna tells them what is true and what is untrue. In contrast to you, I can actually claim to be a person that is directly instructed by Lord Krishna in all spiritual matters, therefore I am an authority in everything I say. Your personal acceptance of this is again not of worth to anyone. Vedic wisdom is vast and is revealed to pure bhaktas. Vedic wisdom is not limited to the sastras you have access to as those sastras with their slokas are profound and sometimes they inherent hidden wisdom that is only accessible to honest bhaktas but not to envious souls. The conclusion is that prior to try to criticize me with the same arguments - e.g. where is the vedic evidence etc., please try to start an effort in you to become humil and bag for apologize, not just in words but in facts, at Lord Vishnu's and espeacially Srimati Lakshmi-devi's lotos feet. No matter what you think, Christ is a name of Lord Gauranga, therefore it is Vishnu-tattva and Jesus is an eternal beloved child of Lord Gauranga. This is truth and can not be changed by your speculative and arrogant thinking. Sincerely, Frodo
  15. Guest and Priitaa, I guess that both of you need glasses to correctly being able to understand the sentences as they are written. Especailly I sense, that glasses are also needed on your hearts as there energies of enviousness vs. Laksmhi-devi currently still reside. :-( Christ=Vishnu-tattva, Jesus=Jiva-tattva My authority is Lord Gauranga Himself and He guides me in providing this information to you. You must understand, Priitaa, that Lord Gauranga is not static but dynamic, therefore when time is appropriate He can reveal wisdom to all his pure instruments, by also doing it in a way that may shock orthodox, dogmatic so-called Vaishnavas. Sincerely, Frodo
  16. Dear Vaishnavas, It is my duty here to put clearness on this ridicolous Swaminarayan topic as follows: 1) Swaminarayan is just a cheater-/bogus pseudo-spiritualist-/guru; an envious naga/snake hidden in human form I just sensed that so called Swaminarayan guy and by Lord Gauranga's guide I could easily sense Swaminaryan's svarup and energy which is the one of an envious NAGA/SNAKE. That's it, nothing more than the same ugly svarup and energy of another similar rebell-soul as Sai Baba is. 2) All Vishnu-tattva incarnations have an eternal blissful/beautiful spiritual body wherever they reside/appear (spiritual or material world) and not a material ugly body as the one of Swaminarayan or Sai Baba. 3) Clarification for muralidhar and her quote 'After all, when that witch Putana came to poison and kill Krishna by putting her poisonous breast nipples in his mouth, baby Krishna killed her evil nature and gave her a new life in the next world. He made that lady into one of his nursemaids in her next life. Where will we ever find anyone as merciful as Sri Krishna?' It is in fact truth that when Lord Bhagavan Krishna killed Putana, as the 1st demon he started to kill in his lilas, he liberated her but that liberation was just temporary as that weak being/witch is currently still acting as demon on our material world. The demons killed by Krishna in his lilas are not eternally liberated as Krishna can not force their envious children to come back to Him when their envious heart don't want this. By the mercy of Krishna's pure devotees with Krishna's guide, those asuras will sometime be able to have their envious hearts transformed into love and than Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmidevi will re-accept them back in Vaikuntha. 4) Putana has never been Krishna's nursemaid or will eternally be as her svarup is the one of a naga and therefore will never have the chance to associate with Lord Krishan in Goloka but will have to serve Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmidevi in the dasya-rasa in Vaikuntha. It is important to put here clearness on those topics, as I sense throughout some of the posted messages, that Putana, is still able to influence people here with her enviousness vs. Krishna and His pure bhaktas. Sincerely, Frodo
  17. Dear Vaishnavas, I am currently doing some researches on finding out more informaiton on the 108 Sri Sampradaya Divya deshas/Swayam Vyakta/Tirthas, holy shrines/places with self-manifested Sri Vishnu deities. I have heard from various devotees that apparently most of those self-manifested Sri Vishnu deities are located in Bharatvarsa/India and have already been found and therefore currently being worshipped by the Vaishnavas devotees. However apparently not all of those 108 self-manifested Sri Vishnu deities (Divya deshas or Swayam Vyakta) have been found on our beloved planet bhumi as the sastras apparently mention that some of them are located outside of Bharatvarsa/India as those may have been worshipped in previous yugas. Do anyone know more about sastric evidences about those self-manifested Sri Vishnu deities outside of Bharatvarsa/India so I could proceed with my researches on this matter? As a devotee living in Switzerland, I am also interested to know whether or not some rumours I've heard here are true that the Vedic scriptures (in some puranas possibly) tell something about the Swiss Alps being a sort of extension of the Himalayan Montains. In addition could someone also provide me more details (with sastris references if possible) about Mount Meru, the universal cosmic mountain, and its cosmic higher-dimensional passing through our planet bhumi as some devotees here say, also based on some quotes from Srila Prabhupada when he was flying above the Swiss Alps, that Mount Meru is passing, in a higher-dimensional realm, through Switzerland and not through India? I am very keen to get any help from anyone here. On this regard I may provide you further details on other related topics later on that will for sure impress you, dear Vaishnavas! :-) Your servant, Frodo
  18. Dear devotees, Christ is no other than another name of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu! Christ/Chaitanya (God) reveals Himself through his pure devotees as Jesus is. Jesus is not Christ or Krishna; therefore Jesus is not Vishnu-tattva but Jiva-tattva. This is the simple answer to all spculations about Jesus vs. Christ/Krishna. Lord Gauranga's healing force to help others can be channeled by all his pure instruments of God as Jesus always is. Lord Gauranga's healing force is equal to his name and is also known as the Christ energy! I hope to have given you a new way of thinking about Jesus, The Son of God, and Christ, the Father (Krishna). Sincerely, Frodo
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