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Posts posted by light_1681

  1. Can someone please explain what all this means. I don't actually get possessed, but when I pray I get a very, very strong energy running through me. I feel like my body has got really heavy (similar to many posts on here) and start to feel really hot.


    Is all this good? I am not sure why this happens...does it mean god is pleased? Many of the posts on this thread give out confusing messages. Please can someone who has experienced the same tell me what it all means. It would be nice to share thoughts.


    Oh, one more thing - I also get dreams where I can see Mataji. Sometimes as a child, or sometimes as a lady. She has spoken to me on two of the occasions, but in most cases she is just present in my dream. People say you should keep your dreams of god quiet. Is this true?


    I happy to give out my personal email address if required.



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