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Posts posted by mjan

  1. A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


    In 1922, when Prabhupada first met his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura...


    Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura met his spiritual master...

    and so on...


    Do you know of any websites, where this lineage is written?

  2. @Kulapavana: This could be a nice topic to discuss, im interested to know more. What is the real question here?

    darwins theory of evolution VS. human devolution, vedic alternative to darwins theory-

    yes, but this is not what this topic is about;)





    When discussing Krishna consciousness with some blacks or African Americans, many of an Afrocentrist bent posit that since humans originated in Africa, at least according to contemporary anthropologists, mankind should study ancient African religions instead of the Vedic philosophy.
    do you have any particular african religions in mind?
  3. Two+one questions:



    If one has brahman realization the concepts of paramatma and bhagwan will no longer matter to him........ though externally he may continue to speak about bhagwan and paramatma ... because from where he is situated everything is done by god (krishna if the realized one was a krishan devotee).. according to him not a leaf can move without gods will...


    again paramatma realizations and bhagawan realizations are not realizations as much as they are experiences.....

    1.) Can you describe, what you mean by paramatma and bhagavan realizations (experiences)?

    (how mayavadis describe paramatma and bhagavan)



    if one does a lot of mantra jaap of one ista deva .. krishna for example ..and is full of bhakti one will ultimately be able to see krishna in person .... even such an experience will be temperory and is not the same as liberation.....
    2.) Is this the highest goal of mayavada- liberation, Brahman realization? yes/no

    If it's not, what it is? (name)


    And third question is for Vaishnavas:


    3.) What is the highest goal for Vaishnava?

    What's the name for it?


    Interestingly one common theme between those who reach this state through jnana marg or bhakti marg is that both of them claim that there is never a fall for the jiva........ now as perplexing as this may be for the jivas who find themselves trapped in a dual world ...........it is experentially true for the self realized .........

    What is bhakti marg?

    How could you decribe it?




    And second question:

    There are three stages of Absolute Truth:

    Brahman, Paramatma, Bhagavan.


    My question is-

    is this jnana marg=first stage (Brahman realization)?

  5. Looks like i'm going in cycles and i know now that too much of speculations via internet is not ok.


    I don't know what you think of all this, i assume only bad things... and i can only guess what you think.

    So i go in only more and more speculations.

    I will take the best from it, you can too.



  6. Another thing that i would like to ask is:



    Faith, strenght, love, ... please, be it.


    It could be said in many other ways:

    - May God bless us with faith, strenght, love.

    - All we need is faith, strenght, love.

    - May faith, strenght, love be with you!

    - God please give us faith, strenght, love.

    - I praise faith, strenght, love!

    - chanting: faith, strenght, love...


    What do you think about that?

    What is more advanced approach?





  7. I thank you because you helped me to see again the importance of good relations of people around, and i want to improve that relations. I mean, i would like to be in positive atmosphere, sure, and i would also like that people around me are ok too.




    I had a problem (well, i guess i still do..) because of the "energy" that i would bring around when talking with people "serious" things, things that metter to me, but we all ask that, some less some more. To some people this is important, to some people other things are more important,..so let's say that we are multilevel beings, with many interests. So when talking about more serious stuff- i cannot really say anything, it is a mysteri to me, but is it to everyone?

    We can talk about every day stuff, i need to learn how to do that in more positive ways;) , with humor, but what about after that? If you realy want to know what this thing we call "life, reality.." is. There were questions in me, still are, what to do with that?

    I mean- mind is asking, and thus it can only destroy. When all is destroyed, the situation is not ok, or, from my side it is accepted as a mysteri.

    Destroy all concepts, and destroy others people too, when talking to intelectuals. But this is what matters to me- intelectual, philiosophical attitude. Do you think this is not the best approach?


    But what to do with mind (questions) then? Ignore, i guess not.

    Use them in "some particular way"?


    Or is it that no one really knows what life, death, reality is, and everyone is correct in a way. There is no -one- correct way.

    But you do reap what you sow, action-reaction.

    But then again- certain things happen in life (like birth, death, old age, desease, questions about universe, what is this? etc) and i would like to know why it is so, what is it all about. That's why i am attracted to Krisna consciousness- because i hope that i can find all answers here. I see books full of detailed explnations, and i hope this is it. But to find an explanation for everything, is it possible? It looks like mysteri, but is it mysteri for everyone? It would take years to read all books about Krishna consciousness, and there are other "wisdoms" too. What to do. I try to learn as much as i can.

  8. ..it does look like cycles, ... there are mistakes, falls but through mistakes we learn, and if we fall we can only go up then, i guess.

    Faith, strenght, love, ... please, be it.


    gHari, krsna, Beggar, cbrahma, seamusjcarroll, theist, indulekhadasi, suchandra, Murali_Mohan_das, tackleberry, bhaktajan, davidbrucehughes, skp, stonehearted, shiva, yogesh, Shakti-Fan, raghu, thanks from all my heart.



    mjan :)

  9. Once i heard a song and after i wrote a few words that i remembered from it.

    Some parts of text are:


    ..covered by illusion..

    ..which is the life..

    ..nature is Gods melody..

    ..our future is bright (er?)..

    ..look within..

    ..the truth is there..

    ..seen it.. ..you hear (?)..

    ..speak to you (?)..


    This are just pieces of the song, not necessarily in chronologic order.

    Maybe someone knows this song and if it is available on internet, could you give a link?

  10. Yes, i know, i said i will stop...

    but there something just wasn't right.


    To make a long story short-

    i was thinking:

    what is it that i am doing wrong??

    why i am so worried? what is the cause of all this?

    can you tell me, what's wrong, how am i supposed to behave, here and in life...

    please tell, can you recognize this "behaviour" and tell me the solution if you know it... or at least send me somewhere else, where i can find one.

    all that thoughts battling each other, and i make them more and more aggressive, looking for instant answer, i felt not good...


    and then it came to my mind-


    can you tell me a story in which i could realize what is going on?

    and then i realize, that there sure is somekind of a story, that could help me to see the point, lession to progress.

    a way out.

    just to know that- it came peace (shanti?).

    i didn't really find one, but there must be one.


    then i remember this quote and maybe this was in my subconscious and i make somekind of a simmilar, own variant out of this:


    One should understand that no one is independent, for everything is part and parcel of Krsna and is acting and moving by the supreme desire of Krsna. This understanding, this consciousness, is Krsna consciousness.



    where is all this going- i don't know, it seems like a never ending story.


    maybe i got the whole thing completly wrong,..

    i gues we all want that inner peace, and this is one of the most important things in life- human relations. to develop and cultivate that. maybe this is golden rule with other words, ...


    we all want that inner peace, and i guess we all want that there will everyone be happy.

    to learn how to do that, through lessions, life.


    what can i say- thank you (to stand me) for all and all the best.


    btw: do you think there is a way to "translate" krishna consciousness concepts into universal everyday language, story? with a lession in it.

    maybe "religions" are not so different afterall.

    but maybe it is meant to be like it is now...


    (there might be many mistakes in this post, correct me if you want,

    maybe you already told me all that and more and you laugh now, good)

  11. here is how i would like to close my speculations in this debate from my side:


    what is krishna consciousness?


    first: i dont know


    second: it seems like a way of life.


    it doesn't look neutral to me.


    it seems like a conscious attemp to develop and cultivate good qualities,

    which God has 100 %.


    happy new year! :)

  12. i change my messages constantly, i don't know, its just too much that i say, and when i read them again- i'm not ok with them.


    so please accept my position here as a speculator, for the sake of "unpredictedness".

    i cannot express myself perfectly, that everyone will be happy.


    (i dont have a function to edit or delete previous ones, what is is)

  13. i'm sorry if i offend anyone with my speculations.

    i dont know anyone in my life who knows anyting about krishna consciousness (except people who open my horizon to know that Vedas are, thanks!) so i ask questions here and there.., research philosophy more than living (how could i live, it's not tradition in my familly, relatives).


    and when i see people chanting with such (i don't know what's the word), i can only be attracted to know more about philosophy behind that atitude.

    i want you to know that i respect you, all.


    i see people here whos life is seriously in living, being, devoteeing to krishna consciousness and i appologize if i insult anyone!


    Nowhere in the scenario you describe because you cancel out the dualism. Mahaprabhu saw that they are both absolute there inconceiably one and different.


    When we speak of the self we are not speaking of ahakara. We are not advaitins. You may agree or disagree but if you want to understand our position you must first suspend your advaitin viewpoint at least theorhetically.

    What is "the self" that you speak of?



    Q: What is Krishna consciousness?

    A1: It is about always being conscious of God.

    A2: To be Krishna conscious means you (self?) understand you are never alone.

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