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Posts posted by serchingeye

  1. Jai Gurudev


    Hello Friends, As ALl OF yOU Know That, Krishna Said On BagavadGeetha..

    I Will Born On Earth To Destroy When Maximum Crimes Happens


    Every Where God Cant Be There, So He Gifted Us A Mother,..

    As The Same Way We Cant Expect God To Come And Stop Crime Happening EveryWhere Around Us!,..

    So We Need To Protest Ourself,..

    So I Have Some Plans For LOKHA KALYANA.......

    My Plans Are Not About Killing Criminals,....

    Its Completely Different,..

    I Have SOme Excellent IDeas,. To Improve This World Or Country,...

    For That I Need Some Advanced Powerfull Tantric's And Aghories with Special Powers

    Here I Am Giving Example, That How Much Powerfull They Should Be,...

    For Example,...

    They Should Be Able TO Answer Perfectly For My Questions,..

    Like What IS MY Exam Marks In MY Exam,..

    (They Should Be Able To Tell Accurate No..)

    And I Ask What Is The Date Of Birth Of My Friends Friend (Naven)

    He SHould Be Able To Say Clerarly,..

    If They Can Answer Like These Small Questions... Its Enough To ME!....


    Anybody Know Any Person? Or Are You Have Power To Answer My Questions,.. Just Contact Me,. ,,

    And Dont Worry I Gave Unlimited Money As MUch They Need


    Dear Serchingeye,


    In my last mail I promissed to get back with Solomon's Goetia spirit to make you fair. I checked Goetia . There is no spirit specifically endoved with the power to make the collor change though there are a few spirits that can change your form much like Kamarupa Siddhi of Indian Tantrs.





    1st I Would Like To Thank You Because You Are The Only Person Replyed Me,.. I Think Till Today Nobody Asked This Type Of Request In This Forum,..

    Your Information Is Gr8, But If You give Information About That Siddhi Which you Posted, I Will Be Thankfull,..

    As I Heared What Ever Siddi Or Mantra Should Be Taken From A Person Who Already Made Siddi And Get Successed I Mean A Perfect Genuine GURU

    Then I Dont Know Anybody Who Already Achieved It,..

    If You Know Any Guru Please Let Me Know, i Will Request Them to Make Me His Shisya And Hear Mantra From Him,..

    If You Are Successed In Siddi I Won't Hesistate To Learn From You,..


    And I Heared Somewhere That,..

    ALl Will Not Get Guru For Mantra-Upadesh

    So A Person Write In Magzine That,..

    If You DOnt Have Guru,.. Do Like THis,..

    Write That Mantra On A Paper, Read Loudly Infront Of God,.

    Make Pooja For God Which I Like

    Then Start Mantra,..


    Like This, If You have Any Please Post Me,..

    And From When To Start THis Mantra,.. And Some more Information Like

    On What I Should Seat To Read Mantra, WHich Mala To be taken To Count,

    Which Direction Is Safer,..

    Actually I Am From A Middle Class family, Living In A Small Rented House,..

    And In A gr8 City Bangalore, So I Wont Get River Or Good Space To Start

    So You Can Suggest Me Where To start This

    And tricks tips,..


    As My Knowledge Tantra Is Powerfull Among That Group,..

    By Using Some Physical Properties(Items) Like Root leaf Basma And All

    We Can Achieve Any Thing wirthout Mantra And Yantra By Using Combinations Of That,..

    If What I Said IS Correct,..

    Please Post me Some Tantras Like That

    Thank You

    Good Day


  3. jai gurudev


    Guruji, And Respected Forum Members,..

    can anybody suggest me nay pooja vratha mantra

    to get good and beautyfull wife..

    there are many vrathas and poojas for women to get good men,..

    as the same way,.. there will some mantra to get good wife too...

    i am expecting positive reply from you,

    thanks in advance..


    i have another request

    through mantra tantra we can make a living thing to die

    and we can create or make dead things to living,..

    we have matras for that gr8 big things,..


    then there will be soultion to every problems through mantras! write?

    if yes, do research and answer me,

    i am not looking fair and good, i am blacky, and more hairy,..

    not good body structure,..

    i want to become white!,...

    is there any mantras, tantras,?

    thanks in advance

  4. Dont Worry man,

    I have Know 100% Solution For This,...

    You No Need To make Sadhanas

    Just Visit Few Temples Which I Said,..

    Its Enough,..

    If You Know Kannada Much better,...

    al temples which i am going to give are in karnataka,..

    all these which are showned in a tv program called "HEEGU UNTE" On "TV9".

    Its Very Good program,... Dont Worry,..I Have Recorded Somany Episodes

    I Give You That orI Give Address Of Any Temple Which Give Remidy,....

    Contaact me Directly Or Reply Here : 919844995565, earnguruearn@

  5. Jai guruDev

    Respected Forum Members

    I Have Heared That There Is A Special Event In This Month June

    Thats Akadhashi, The Special Thing Is THis Month Akadhashi Will Call As

    "Nir Jala Akadhashi"

    I Will Request To Averybody To Take Advantage Of This By Doing Upavasa In Special Way

    I Mean, From The Sun Rise On Akadhashi To Sun Rise On Dwadashi, SHould Not Drink Water, Directly Or Indirectly

    It Mean, you Should Not Drink Water WholeDay And Till Next Morning

    If You Do This Type Of Upavasa On This Occassion

    "Its Equivalent To The Upavas Which Done In All 24 Akadhashi In A Year" You Will Get Total "Punya" of All Upavas (24 Ekadhasi) By Doing Upavasa on This Akadhashi (14th Jun Sunrise To 15th June Sunrise) On Above Mentioned Special Way(Without Drinking Water)


    There Is A Story For This Special Event,

    If People Want to Know Reply Here, I Will Post It

    Thank You For All


    Jai Guru Dev

  6. Respected Members,

    This Is Raghu From India

    I Have Requested Some Mantras Here,

    People Are Very Selfish Cruel...

    They dont know for what purpose this website(forum) has started..


    so i have decided to help this forum members!

    i am not going to give advanced information..

    but basic important informations are provided here..that must know by a mantric or tantric..

    i have exam now, so as much i can give information day by day


    1. for anything we need guru..

    without guru we cant become saloon too..(proverb)

    so here maily guru is the problem to do all sadhana's

    most of the people wont get gurus to acehive anything here.

    if you wont get guru,.. some mantra wont give results not become siddi..

    I Got A Simple Method To Solve This problem...


    1. say 108 times ganapti mantra "gham ganeshaya namah"

    2. say 108 times guru mantra "Om GuruDevaya Namah"

    When You Saying This Mantra, Remember Your "Istaguru", If You Dont Have Any Like That, remember Shankara Acharya.. Or Lord Shiva..

    3. say 108 times matra of your "istadev" or pray lord shiva...

    3.write your mantra(which you want to make siddi) 11times on a paper

    and read it loudly 11 times.., it should here all who aroud you..

    then keep that near god...


    This Method Is Equal To Matra Taken From A Guru


    I Will Give Some More Intresting Information , Which Must Know By A Spirtual Person..

    To Do That, Please Reply Here,Share Your Comments Here..


    Stay away from all mantra tantra books especially about controllong bhoot and preta......because it is about give and take ...... the bhoot will work for you ..but you will also have to do something for the bhoot ..........and if you dont do it or do something wrong the bhoot will control you....... so stay away from experiments ....


    failing in exam is not the end of the world ....... work hard ..have faith in god .........you will receive help ........you can trust god more than any bhoot.....

    good luck


    Thanks For Your Suggestions..

    Its Not Easy To Pass 12th Science...

    Its Equal to 8 Times Into 12th Commerce..

    And I Left Studiesd Before 7 Years, It Mean From 8Th Due To God's Game..

    Wihtout Basic Things... It Is Not Possible To Pass With Guides Or Q Papers!,

    And Lord Ganesh Said That You Will Not Pass In Exam..

    So I Found Proper Way TO Do It, I DOnt Have Any Other Way..

    If I Wont Get Pass In Exam, My Life Will Be Weaste.. Age Bar.. No Job's..

    There Is A Chance To Forget What Done In My Computers..

    And i Am Not A Normal Person.. That Study..Work..Money..Marrige..Children..House..Die..

    Its Just 10% In My Life..

    My Life Is Not Limited To These Things..

    I Want TO Achieve Something Diffrent.. Unique...

    But This 10% Is Making Trouble, And Not Allowing Me To Acheive 90%..

    So i Selected This Way.. ANd Not Only This...

    I Am Reading Too.. And Made Plans To Make Copy In Exam By Technology..

    ANd Paid Money To University People.. To Get Question Papers..

    I Did Somany.. IF One Fails.. Another Should Work..

    My Aim Is To Pass Exam And Get Into Graduation.. I May Reach It, Leagal Or Illigal..

    See In This World, Nobody Is Proper.. Somany People Do Unyay Things In Business And There Other Life.. But I Am Doing In Education.. Its Not Worng....

    I Think I Explained My Situation.. So Please Help Me Out In This..

    Thanks In Advance

  8. jai Gurudev,


    Again This IS Raghavendra Here,

    Please Post Tested OK yantra Mantra Tantra

    If You Cant Teach Us Please Read Below Thread :


    Again I Am Saying, We WIll Get Log More Things From Book Magzines,

    But We Need That From Tested person, I Mean Guruji,


    I Heard That Somany people, Made Booth Vashikaran.. And They Made Booth Work On Their Proffession..


    And Pretha Vashikaran For To Get Answers For Un-Known Questions,


    So Please Explain It From Basic, Thanks..

  9. Namaskar Guruji.. And Other Experts!

    I Want A To Made You, Remeber A Sentance Said By Krishna To Arjuna, Saying

    "If You Not Kill THem, One Or Other Way They Will Definitely Die."

    Whats Understand By This Mean..

    If You Wont Teach Us.. We Will Get Some Other Source..


    And One More Sentence Said That,

    What Ever Work Do With My Name, It May Be Pap Or Punya, Karma Will Goes To Me

    If You Do With Your Name, Karam Phal Will Credit To You.!


    Without Gods Knowledge, A Grace Will Not Move...


    God Made A Question Arrive To Our Mind To Ask You!,

    So I Will Request God To Make Answer For Our Questions!


    I Am not Big Person Say All These Things For You!,

    If I Wont Tell These, I Wont Get Answer From You


    So Please Explain Vasheekaran From Basic Steps..

    And Please Tell Me More About Tantras.. Atleast PM Me.


    And One More Thing.. We Will Get Lot Of Books In Diffrent Lanquages, And Montly Magzines..

    We Can get Lot From Them, But We Need Tested Ok "Yantra Mantra Tantra" So We Nedd It From You, Thank You

    Jai Gurudev

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