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Bhairo child

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Posts posted by Bhairo child

  1. Dear Stiwari


    I have read your posts, my best advice to you is to do devotion to Lord Shiva, he is essentially the lord of love and marriage, pray to him and offer him him sweet offering and ask him to make your marriage sweet and beautiful. As for the external influences pray to Bhairo & Maha Kali to remove the evil and unhappiness from your life. Pray but also understand your husband and you for yourself to try to make things work.


    Jai Maa Kali

    Jai Maa Bhairo Baba

  2. You are misunderstanding me, all I said was you are not worthy to call yourself Bhairo not in a million years are you worthy of his name. I am his child thus my name, are you Bhairo Baba? Can you rid me of my sins? Are the temper of Lord Shiva? No I am sure. Stop being ignorant and think before you act. And further more I am a girl. Geez cant anybody get that.Just try and understand the weight of my words. You may think it is an honour but could you carry the weight of the name you have chosen?, it is such a powerful name, you dont even know.


    <TABLE class=tborder id=post1084609 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_1084609 style="BORDER-TOP: #cfcfcf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #cfcfcf 1px solid">Jai Maa Kali!!!!!!

    Jai Maha Shakti Khaal Bhairo Baba!!!!!!!



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  3. AAye Pujarie


    Why yuh getting so vex, I like the salt thing though, that funny. Each person is entitled to his or her beliefs. Some people have to realise that just because their guru is from the "motherland" dont make them all knowing.

    I told home boy to listen and learn, but youngie still quarrelling. Anyway big pooja coming up by us, yuh coming?:rolleyes:


    Jai Maa Kali!!!!!!

    Jai Maha Shakti Khaal Bhairo Baba!!!!!!!

  4. Hi Bhairo


    i just wanted you to know you should change your screen name, you are not worthy of the name you have chosen ( no offense). Anyway why are you calling pujarie five an idiot. and we dont worship the dog as bhairo we worship the dog as bhairo baba's chariot, give it that deserved honour. As for your story that can be left open to interpretation & conincidence. Anyway try to leave your mind open to what people are trying to teach you. We are somewhat knowledgeable in this worship. We accept people's view points but we also try to inform people in a polite way. I get angry with pujarie but he has his opinions & I have mine, but one thing for sure he knows his stuff, so stop quarelling and listen.


    Jai Maa Kali!!!!!!

    Jai Maha Shakti Khaal Bhairo Baba!!!!!!!:bounce:

  5. Dear Pujarie


    Glad to see yuh lighting up somebody else other than me. You are making sense in this debate. Sometimes people interpret the teachings wrong and to a point they take things too literally. Anyway I aint in this arguement. Have fun.



    <TABLE class=tborder id=post1084222 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_1084222 style="BORDER-TOP: #cfcfcf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #cfcfcf 1px solid">Jai Kali Maa!!!!!!!!!

    Jai Maha Shakti Khaal Bhairo Baba!!!!!!!!!!!



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  6. Hey pujarie five


    Whats the scene? Enjoying your discussion, hope yuh good.




    Whats up? I noticed someone asked why bhairo baba has the mark of Vishnu on his head and not Shiva.

    Bhairava has the mark of Vishnu on him probably because it is Vishnu who gives him his forgiveness and rids him of sin of braminicide.I most believe this should be true.


    Jai Kali Maa!!!!!!!!!

    Jai Maha Shakti Khaal Bhairo Baba!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hey pujarie,



    I know Kaani and I do her devotion and I love her irregardless of whether she is a shakti devi or not. Those people in the puja stores sure do know how to make $ of off us. That pic I bought was when I had now entered shakti worship, now I know better. Last year i was looking for a bhairo baba murti, they said I had to import it, I ended up goin to this odd puja store and got the most beautiful murti of him, price was exorbitant but I love him. The puja stores for some odd reason sell all pictures and murtis associated with Shakti worship for sometimes 2 and 3 times. God know why and half the time they dont know what they selling yuh. Know better now thanks for the heads up.



    Jai Kali Maa

    Jai Shree Maha Shakti Khaal Bhairo Baba


    Merry Christmas to Everyone :)

  8. Yes that is the devi I am referring too, I also know her as Kaanyadaan Maa, a devi of marriage.

    I asked for her pic in the puja store and that is what they gave me. I am now know. Thanks for the enlightment. Doesnt matter I am pro gay so I am happy to have her image in my home.




  9. Matakibhakti,


    to the temple at least once. I cannot help you from where I am, however if you want simply jus offer a simple dhar of water and a flower and ask Kali Maa anI am a girl, why people always assume I am a man I dont know,anyway how do you know they are following you? I think you should make the sacrifice and go d Bhairo Baba to accept this humble offering you give on to them with love and ask them to help you with your problems. Start with simple devotion and understanding them then you should start to think about doin a puja.

    Kali Maa is about love and simply love, Pujarie once said who do you think Maa will bless the littel girl who picked a flower on her way to temple or the man who offer the biggest pooja, but without true love in his heart for them. Pray and ask for guidance and you will get it, Pray with love and sincerity, if you dont know any mantras dont worry they understand english and they will always understand the call of their children.


    Saffron Child


    Om Hring Batukya

    Aap do dwarakya

    Koor ah koor batukya

    Om Namah Shivya


    But do worry what you are saying is jus as good.Call him with love and he will always come to you.

  10. Happy kaal Bhairo Jayanti to all,


    Today is my prabhu, my master and my protectors birthday, I am so happy to be able to offer him love and devotion today and everyday, he is all powerful, loving and rigid. If you do not know Bhairo Baba, get to know him and if you do love him and worship him and he will bless you, He has blessed me more times than I can count but not more times than I can remember. On this day I offer my love, my thanks and devotion onto my Bhairo Baba. Hey Pujarie i like this form of him in all his ferciousness. :P



    Jai Shree Maha Shakti Khaal Bhairava Baba

    Jai Maha Kali Maa Devi



  11. Hindu man


    When people start goin to a Kali temple they sometimes tend to get very ignorant and arrogant. which is exactly what mother is against, she fought the demons shumbh and nishumbh who both represented ignorance and arrogance, unfortunately, your family until they can humble themselves the master will humble them, the masters are very powerful and loving, however, they are very rigid and you have maintain a certain lifestyle when praying to them. The Masters drink and smoke but they will insult your relative if he goes in front of them, cuz he is not God. You dont worry about nobody, everybody will get their respective shakeups, go to temple and ask the masters and Maa to help you settle your mind and guide you. Dont study them pujaries while some them can help you some of them will give you wrong advice, go to you head pujarie (the baba). and ask him for info. You dont know me but trust me I was where you are right now. I got my help and I am a faithful devotee of Khaal Bhairo Baba and Maha Kali Mata Devi, no matter what she will never throw you away, she is the eternal Mother.


    Jai Kali Maa

    Jai Maha Shakti Khaal Bhairo Baba


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  12. hear this


    you probably have more of an idea of the temple than your family. Master will always say, do as I say not as I do. You jus pray for the mother and the masters for guidance, I pray for them and I dont drink, and you only get vision if the masters want you to. Dont worry about nobody, everybody have to answer for themselves.

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