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Posts posted by halavapada


    Gour Govinda Maharaja will not want to appreciate the preaching putting forth sakhya rasa, finding that to be oppressive or maybe the word would be 'repressive'.


    But I know that those who are have some affinity towards manjari bhava will find it somewhat disturbing to think that those in Srila Prabhupada's group are priyanarma sakhas.

    I think Sukhada made the point well that as a worldwide preacher, Prabhupada is recruiting people who once developed spiritually may have all variety of tastes for serving Krsna. Heck, there are disciples of Prabhupada who have taken to worship of Laxmi-Narayan! None of this changes Prabhupada's personal inclination. Don't you just love that quote of Prabhupada to Hansadutta, "everyone thinks their rasa is best"?


    So why would those who feel inclined towards madhurya (which is not "higher" than other rasas) feel alienated from Prabhupada if the idea is that he is in sakhya? The point was that the siksa guru may develop the seed that Prabhupada planted in these devotees hearts. Prabhupada disciples who went to Sridhar Maharaj could feel that way, and any number of other devotees who went to siksa guru's could feel harmonized in that way. After all, Prabhupada did not give that further siksa to anyone that we know of and when he did talk about these higher topics he clearly represented his own inclinations.

  2. so there is no tape, no one have heard that tape.
    The proof that Srila Prabhupada indeed recommended his disciples to get philisophical guidance from Srila Sridhar Maharaj is the fact that the whole GBC went to his matha just months after Prabhupada's tirobhava. Read or listen to those conversations and you will see many leading men at the time like Jayapataka Maharaj, TKG and Bhakti Caru Swami confirming that Prabhupada asked them to come.

    Tripurari Maharaja has a habit of preaching from memory without citing exacting specific references which then places him as the source or authority for knowledge.
    That is exactly his role, he is a spiritual teacher, and a source of knowledge, of which there are 3 - guru, sadhu and sastra.



    Because Tripurari Maharaja presents himself as a guru, he tries to retain as much authority as possible by leaving out exacting references to his conclusions.

    This is entirely your opinion, your conjecture about his motivation, and it comes off as critical even though you say you have some respect for him. You did not ask him the question, so if he answers someone else with his own intelligence informed by sastra (qualification of madhyama and uttama bhaktas) why pick it apart? Why not check for yourself and see if he's right? Find the source yourself... And really, it is not at all unprecedented for a sadhu who has consumed and internalized a large amount of siddhanta to speak the siddhanta without reference. I'm sure you do it all the time. It is a diversion to make this topic about your issue with his style of presentation.


    They aren't qualified to accept disciples until they can become Sat guru to the disciple.

    They can't become Sat guru until they are self-realized in truth and established in the eternal lila of Krishna.


    Can you please explain how you will know when "they" become a Sat guru, when they are self-realized in truth, and when they are established in the eternal lila? Is it up to you (guruvani) to decide if they are qualified, or is it the disciples decision?


    On the same line: how did you know that Srila Prabhupada was sat guru, self-realized in truth and established in the eternal lila?

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