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Posts posted by blackbush


    Caribcook 5810, I would like to know why are you are personalizing everything someone has been writing regarding The Shri Maha Kali Temple on 107-34 Inwood Street, head Pujari Lewis? The person did not mention anything about Dave and his wife's separation. I have been attending this temple for approximately six years and have seen it going from bad to worse. Many of the devotees went elsewhere. I have since left also. For those of you who want to learn the truth, go to the source. Dave opened a new temple on Linden Blvd, opposite McDonalds , by Supthin. Here is something for you to read and maybe next time do your research before you respond.



    This is message is for Caribcook and Lisagee. The head pujarie of the Shree Maha Kali Temple in Inwood Street, will use his Voodoo Spells and breakup marriages of many couples. The young women would then go back begging say “Uncle Lewis please help bring my husband back”. The young women claimed that Lewis Pancham told them that he will live 100 years and that Mother Kali told him to sleep with these young girls and have a babies to run his Church. Unfortunately, these babies never makes the world. Instead, these girls got a disease there is no cure. They will then complain to Dave Sukhu in who will also do the same to these girls. So please you two people do not recommend people to either Dave Sukhu or Lewis Pancham as the saying goes “like father like son”. And if you examine the people who goes to Dave Sukhu Church, they are all sleeping with one another wife or husband. This is not a good example for innocent people. The Hindui Organizations need to pull those garments out of their bodies they do not deserve it. They are a disgrace to the public and the Hindui Organization.

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