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Posts posted by Krishna_Shakha_Dasa

  1. Let's to consider, living in this material world it is already like an infinite pain. We can just see as all time some trouble is disturbing us, and we have many grades, the maximum in the hell as we can understand by the 5° Chant of the Srimad Bhagavatam.

    But we cannot think about the material word just as an oposition to the Spiritual World, then we cannot understand there an Infinite Bliss and here with the same grade an Infinite Pain.

    It is what I understand regarding this your interesting question.

    Obeisances from Brazil!!!;)


    Because only in India do we Hero worship men who did good deeds(which is a relative term anyway) as GODS.


    Krishna and Rama were men like you and me who lived a unique life and were lot different from common men that they stood up for their people and fought for justice,so they are elevated as Gods,but if you believe that Krishna lifted a mountain with his pinky and expect every other country men to believe you then you are naïve. Its Allegorical and every country has its fantasy characters like Superman, Spiderman etc but they don’t pray them.


    Same way Christians treated Jesus as son of God cause he did good to some people..but again he isn’t god nor had special powers,those are just allegorical and exaggerations to make people respect good values..


    In our country even a living man like Sai Baba is believed to be god, so you think he is god?Ofcourse not same way why should others believe these characters as GODS.


    Its naïve to believe a man like Saibaba created this whole world.Same way how can you expect others to believe someone who was born in India and died in India like every other man to be considered God..


    Im sure there is a god but he is not a man or a avatar,if that was the case you,me everyone is god, but we are not.

  3. It shows a lack of understanding about the absolute position of God and his omnipotence. You also say that the grat vaishnava philosophers are just fools. But I say to you experiment to read these philosophers as A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and know them. After this you can speak about their vision about God and his avatars more properly.

    Hare Krishna!

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