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Posts posted by jayram



    In reply to the question of Puskara, the son of Varuna, Lord Parasurama described this gomati-vidya, "O great brahmana, now I will reveal to you the gomati-vidya which uproots all sinful reactions. Hear this with full attention. The cow, who is another form of Surabhi, is the eternal mother of the universe. She is sacred, beautiful and as fragrent as guggula."


    "The existence of all living entities depends upon the cow. She awards all of life's objectives. She is the main cause of the production of all types of food grains. She is

    also the cause of the ingredients and the food offered in sacrifice to the demigods.

    Simply by her touch and sight, she purifies all living entities. She produces nectarean objects like milk, yoghurt and ghee. Her calves, when grown up as bulls, carry heavy loads and help produce food grains. By her milk products, she helps demigods perform sacrifices."


    "All great sages use cow products as ingredients for their various activities. The cow

    gives shelter to one who has no shelter. Among all purified objects, she is the most pure, and among all auspicious objects, she is the most auspicious."


    "The cow is the support by which one can directly transfer himself to heaven. She is also the perpetual cause of one's wealth and prosperity. I offer my obeisances to the cow, in whose body Laxmi resides. I offer my respect to the beautiful cow, for she is pure, simple and aromatic.

    I bow down before the cow, who is the daughter of Brahma. She is pure, internally and externally, and she keeps the whole atmosphere pure by her presence. I repeatedly offer my obeisances to her."


    "Actually, the cow and the brahmana belong to the same family. Both are situated in the mode of goodness. If brahmanas are qualified to recite Vedic mantras, then cows will supply ingredients for their sacrifices. Only by the combination of both, the brahmanas and the cows, is the performance of sacrifice for the pleasure of Visnu complete. The cow is the support of the entire world, as well as all of the demigods, the brahmanas, the saintly persons, the chaste ladies and other pious beings. She is always worshippable."


    "Wherever the thirsty cow drinks water from, that body of water is as good as the Ganga, Yamuna, Sindhu or Sarasvati. In the body of the cow, all holy places and rivers are present.The cow is the source of all nourishment and religious principles. Laksmi resides in cow dung.

    By offering respect to cows, one captures the four objectives of life (dharma, artha, kama and moksha). Therefore, all intelligent persons who desire benefit should offer obeisances to the cows."



  2. It is sometimes said, "There is more than meets the eye." This means that ordinary

    sense perception is limited, and so cannot disclose the whole truth of a matter.

    For example, we understand from Bhagavad-Gita that the material body is but a covering,

    a dress of the soul. And yet, with our eyes, we can only see the external body - we

    cannot see the external soul. It is for this reason that Srila Prabhupada repeatedly

    urged us to consider shastra chaksu (the eye of the shastra) to be more important than

    our material eyes.


    We may look at a cow and think that it is just an ordinary animal, like all others,

    such as dogs, cats and donkeys. But, if we see through the eyes of shastra, we will

    understand a truth that is far beyond the perception of the senses.


    Srila Vyasadeva divided the Vedas, and also compiled many scriptures like the Mahabaratha,

    the Puranas, Vedanta Sutras and Yoga Darsana. The entire range of vedic literatures is his unique contribution. In all his literature, he gace a special place to the cow.

    The religious principle, or dharma, has been compared with Vrsabha, the bull. He wrote

    in the Puranas that the Vedas and sacrifice are the two best means for the protection

    of this world, and that both of these are supported by cow products like milk and ghee.

    Actually, the brahmanas, the Vedas, and the cows are one and the same.


    The cow is extremely pure. Therefore, wherever she is present, that place cannot be

    polluted. The cow is considered to be the gateway to heaven. She is all auspicious,

    and the supplier of food to both the demigods and human beings. Vedavyasa also described

    that the Supersoul lives within the body, just like milk. He cannot be seen from outside,

    but can be perceived through the study of the scriptures.


    In the mahabharata, there is an entire chapter dedicated to the worship of the cow.

    His father, the sage Parasara, wrote a book called Krisi parasara, in which he glorified the

    cow and the bull. Cows should be treated politely. They should be kept in a cowshed.

    When sick, they should be treated properly. The cowshed should be free from all types of fear.

    There should be arrangements to keep the cows aloof from excessive cold, heat and rain.

    There should be pasturing grounds for cows in every village.

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