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Posts posted by Anya

  1. I understand that, thanks Guest.


    But why is it that whenever God reincarted himself he did that in India? In my opinion, Indians have the strongest and oldest history, religious culture and beliefs, possesion of Vedas, presence of rishi munis, chirinjeeves etc?


    Infact, we even claim that the 'accupenture' is also Indian that was later taken by the Chinese. We also claim that in shastras there is already a mention of 'Australia' as 'Australisia' where in ancient times we used to keep our weapons.


    In shastras we know that 'brhamastras' (now known as nuclear weapons) were already being used. Our books say, there are 'teen loks' prithvi, petal and swarg and there were lives in all of these worlds.


    So has the whole world been India for years and years? How do we explain the coming of different people/culture etc.


    May be there is no answer to this and I am just confusing people! Sorry!

  2. Will someone explain that if God is one then why do we have different 'Almighties' for different religions.


    For example, if Hindus believe God is one then why don't we believe that, for example, Jesus is one of our god and talked about in Vedas as (perhaps) one of the incarnations of Vishnus? :ponder:


    Haribol Anya,


    I'm a 25 year old writer from London who currently lives in Texas. I like to write stories that have spiritual themes to them and teach in some way. My first book that I published is called 'Follow the Cowherd Boy' and it's a historical fiction based on the true life story of the great devotee Mirabai.


    My family is Indian from Gujarat and I was very fortunate to be brought up in a spiritual way by my Vaishnav mother and Shaiva father.


    Krishna is my Ishta Dev and I try to please him with my work. I don't know if it's working yet. I have a lot of faults. I'm a girl, by the way. Most of the members here on the forum are men so they're always surprised when I tell them I'm a girl.


    I like yoga, reading, writing, acting and dancing. I also like to eat right and I can't stand fast food of any kind. I'm a vegetarian.


    It's nice to meet you, by the way!





    hello! Nice to meet you too! :) I think you are doing great work. I will look out for your book as I dont know much about Mirabai.


    I have also started to do Yoga. My mum has recently taught me some great tricks to it. Talking about acting I was being shot for a TV ad yesterday :D


    By the way, I think we held your username responible for people not knowing you are a girl :P

  4. I know its not a spiritual discussion but there was no where else to put this thread. It would be nice if I can get to know a little bit more about you regulars here.


    Where are you from? what do you do? where do you live etc?


    I live in Australia and work full-time in I.T. I am a hindu by birth :P but have just started to learn/know more about Hindusim. I just finished watching Mahabharat. It was eye-opening. We were so civilised and cultured and now .. hmm...!!!

  5. According to Swami Ramdev, hanumanji didn't burn Lanka. Lanka was made of gold and you can't burn gold.


    Swami Ramdev advises that Shani dev was in the captivity of Ravana. When Hanumanji were departing from Lanka (after meeting with Sita), they found Shani dev tied up.


    Hanumanji helped freeing Shani dev and getting out of Lanka. When Shani dev were leaving wherever their 'drishti' (sight) fell the place started to burn. Shani dev is known for this characterstic - they can get very angry and burn stuff. And this is how Lanka was all burnt.


    Because Hanumanji helped Shani dev they both became friends with him. And that is why if your rashi is Mangal or you worship Hanuman, you will not be harmed by Shani dev if you have a 'sadesati' (Shani pravesh in your rashi).

  6. How amazing it would be to be a part of that world when bhagwan incarnates and destroys evil.


    Like Krishna was in Mahabharat. I wish I was Draupadi since she was so near and dear to krishna :D and she saw it all! Although she was a bit of a whinger :rolleyes2:


    According to the Mahabharat, the Pandavas returned to Hastinapur and reigned there for many years.


    Krishna's family then proceded to destroy themselves, due to the curse Gandhari had given Krishna. Seeing all his family destroyed and his wives departed from the earth, Krishna abandoned Dwarka and left the Earth planet at a place near Somnath in south Gujarat.


    The Pandavas were heartbroken to hear that Krishna had left Earth so they decided to leave their kingdom and go in search of moksha. Yudhistira gave the crown of Hastinapur to their grandson Pariksit (Abhimanyu's son) and they then left for the Himalayas. While climbing the mountains first Draupadi fell, then Sahadev, then Nakula, then Arjuna, then Bhima. Yudhistira was the only one to reach the top, along with a dog that had followed him all the way. At the top, he found a ladder and the devas came down to welcome him into the celestial world. They told him that he could come but that the dog was not allowed. Yudhistira felt that he couldn't abandon that dog that had been so faithful so he refused to enter celestial world. The dog then revealed himself to be Dharmraj and said that he'd been testing Yudhistira's loyalty. Yudhishtira then entered into the celestial world where he found his brothers.


    Pariksit became a great king and ruled according to Dharma. You asked about Ved Vyas and why he didn't write anything else. Well, he did write something else. It's called the Shrimad Bhagavatam Purana. This tells the story of all of Krishna's incarnations and also tells the story of how Pariksit attained bhakti for Krishna by hearing the Shrimad Bhagavatam from Sukhdev Maharaj, who was Veda Vyas's son.


    Once Pariksit attained moksha, his son Janmayjaya became king and his dynasty is recorded in the Shrimad Bhagavatam in great detail.


    I hope this answers your questions for you. If you want to know more then I recommend that you read the Mahabharat and the Shrimad Bhagavat Purana or listen to kathas and classes from the sants who have read it.






    Wow! thats very informative! thanks a lot!

  8. I don't have any knolwedge of what vedas says but why that we always seem to know half of the story.


    what happened "after" the war of Mahabharat? Why did Ved

    Vyas not write anything after that? Where did Pandavas go? What happened to Abhimanuy's child? What happened to their Clan? Who is the vanshas of Pandavas? What happened to Rukmani? :smash: I demand answers! :P


    Seriously, I am curious as to what the books really say? Where does the story end in case of Mahabharat for example?

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