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Posts posted by Gurupkar

  1. This is totally wrong, because it is totally against nature, because that is what nature is, because man cannot be complete without women and family, but the man should be faithful to his wife, once married , he should not think about other woman,same is true for woman also, now as for as god is concerned I do not why the people thought they cannot get to god with marriage, it is totally wrong.


    Thanks for answering my questions so sincerely. These things are still very mysterious to me, and my interest isn't so great that I will take great pains to understand metaphysical topics.


    Regarding my ego being hurt--part of the way I act, I believe, is to seek out chastisement--I *want* my (false) ego to be hurt. I want to shred it into little bits (kinda like what theist was referring to in the "Slamming Maya" thread).


    I hope, by the grace of Gurudev, to stamp out the fire of self-interest that burns in my heart and drives me to foolish, selfish behavior, so that I may serve all by serving the Center.


    Hmmmm...another question: would you say that telepathy and astral projection are the same thing, then?



    Telepathy and astral projection are two sides of same coin, in astral projection, your soul leaves your body and in Telepathy you are able to send yourself or your soul to different place, the astral projection is the intial state of telepathic capability, astral projection is triggered by unconscious mind whereas telepathy by conscious mind, if the person is capable enough he can do so by conscious mind, then it become telepathy, regards.


    Yada yada hi dharmasya,glanirbhavati

    Bharatah,Abhiyutthanam dharmasya,tadatmanam srijamyaham!Paritranaya sadhunam, vinashaya cha dushkritam,Dharmasamsthapanarthaya,

    sambhabami yuge yuge!!


    Lord Krishna to Arjuna

    (Shrimat Bhagavat Geeta)


    Whenever and wherever there is decline of dharma (righteousness) and ascendance of adharma (unrighteousness), at that time I manifest Myself in visible form. For the protection of the righteous and destruction of the wicked, and for the sake of establishing dharma again, I incarnate Myself on earth ages after ages.




    That is what I Am Asking for, It Also means that We should Never Think that which or our relegion is better as compared to others, as all relegions shows us the path to brotherhood, also it does not matter, that which relegion the God will choose to take birth, generally it is most downtroden people among whom the God generally take birth, or there are other reasons also, what I believe is the fact, it is the peoples whose prayers effect the birth of God (Generally those who are most inferior or rejected by other), but I also believe that if you have the devotion, even a single human can effect the place where god is likely to take birth, kindly discuss, whatever u people think

  4. This is very much true, that more you believe in God, and more you trust the God, more will the reward, (I believe that true love eliminate the fear of death) and it will also help us to do what is impossible for the non believers, although one needs a master to find the correct path to enlightenment, but if you are born master of this universe, then if you would not speak against the wrong then who will?


    Liked Dev answer.


    When I was last time at India, I came across one guy, who asked me to have 3 wishes. Shown me lord Jagannath in his mouth, which I wished to in my mind. I have seen him floating in air.


    Same time, I visited one more Bengali dada house, this guy has some different power. To test him, I asked , where is my office. He closed his eyes and start telling, lot of water--xxxxxxx--- then something all he said--- then suddenly jump to lot of vehicle are going – crossing a bridge—then he described my office room. He said, he entered to my office room through window. What he said is, what I had in my office room. Exactly same side I had baby Krishna, other side of my seat is the Lord hanuman photo. So he visited my office room at west des moines, IA seating in his house at India.


    I think India has lot of people like this type of energy.


    When I talked to my 95 years old grand father about this, he said, when he was a teen, he has seen lot of Yogi used comes to his village and while chanting Hari Nama they used float in air. This he has seen in his eyes. His Opinion: as kali Yauga time is coming to end, so lot of people will get extra power to solve the purpose of kalki birth. My grand father has some power too.


    Just wait for kalki to come and show his power, as I believe he is already taken birth in this world (from my grad father saying), so as for the lord’s plan he might use you for his work, for which you have given some extra power.


    I have one question, if you have this much power, then why in some other list you begged money. You can use your power to change some one’s mind to give you money for admitting your guy to engineering. Am I correct??????? You can change my mind to give you money.


    Please Don’t mind for my bad English.



    You have made me think, because what I think I was little carried away, although I was having no intention of collecting or begging money for somebody (but you know that guy offered me, but he was interesting in doing something else,) for, as me and my friends were already working very hard,Also But I believe that what has happened, must be for something, because there are two faces to this,


    If you think from my point of view, then it must be because I may have heart somebody intentionally, now as for as the other guy is concerned, he was not knowing that when I Am angry or he has planned some thing against me, what effect he will have (It will be because he is to be punished by God by insulting Me), now somethings which I have not mentioned is that almost 60 % of the my classmate had died, why because they may have something against me at some time, because I was too innocent to understand there clever moves.


    Again if I want the money from that person seriously then I have too many methods, but I have left it for my power to do justice to him, as my own power is governed by my unconscious mind and is never wrong, you know while I am sitting anywhere , with in 60 km I have direct influence, that if anybody do anything wrong with anybody, he is punished immediately for his deeds, then comes the range upto 300 km, where it acts after few hours and so on.


    So it was just like he offered me and asked for my paypal account and I was innocent he was culprit, so he will be in trouble soon, he can only be saved if he feels sorry you know, I do not tell my whole story so that my friends or persons do not runaway, and I think I have taken birth for something special and that is why I do not want to use my energy for such small works, because it is capable of affecting the whole planet as whole, also my powers become double after I felll in Love with girl and after 10years of telepathic connection She is still with Me.



  6. pls answer this


    why it is so that all those human beings which were having powers like God choose different relegions and different things to be done by there followers?

    Why it is so that whenever such type of human took birth, he defied all the relegions before him, and started new relegion? Is this was because of hunger for power? Or is there something Else which all of these knew what never told Us? Or is it because of the fact that whenever these types humans took birth, they were in more advanced civilization, and they could more accurately define or think what the humans need to follow? Kindly discuss.

  7. The Telepathy is practised in India from ancient times, even in bhagwat Gita it tells us about Sanjaya who is capable of receiving live images from the battlefield of kurekshetra,



    dhrtarastra uvaca

    dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre

    samaveta yuyutsavah

    mamakah pandavas caiva

    kim akurvata sanjaya


    Sanjaya was a student of Vyasa, and therefore, by the mercy of Vyasa, Sanjaya was able to envision the Battlefield of Kuruksetra even while he was in the room of Dhrtarastra. And so, Dhrtarastra asked him about the situation on the battlefield.




    I am in love with a guy name ashish his details are below his parents

    are aganist our marriage & we dont want to go against them will they

    get agree & how soon


    Name : Ashish

    DOB: 17/12/1980

    Birth time: 6:40 pm

    Birth place : VAlsad


    Suppose they do not agree for your marriage, then can jyotish will also help u to change your mind set, think before you make any decision, also marriage depends upon understanding between the two not your kundalis-



    You are taking your knowledge based on science. Science is ever developing. Theory changes every 2nd day in science. We should not put our whole faith on science. Our scriptures should be the bases. Study srimad bahgwatam to know how the universe is created.

    But first study Bhagwat gita and know that who you are . Are you a human being , an animal or a spiritual soul.


    Dev Ji, i think you are getting upset over my curiousty, but why it is so that bhagwat Gita, Bible & Kuran have different views about the creation of the world, also, why there are so many devtas in our relegion, that is , one devta controls sun, one controls the clouds, one is creator & One is Destroyer, and so on, but do not you think that we have created all these because of our own convenience, because according to me , God is One, and it is sarv kala bharpoor, do you agree dev ji.

  10. This simply means that all humans are created equal, in fact all the living and non living have equal right to co exist, so even if you think of harming any thing, atree, an animal, or human being, or anything naturally created, you are culprit in the eypes of that param-aatama, and you will get punished for your deeds not in the next birth, but may be instantly,after one hour or after two years, but it is inevitable, regards


    These answers are already given in Bhagwat gita.



    Your all these questions are answered there and all misconception will be cleared there. Just read it with prabhuppad's purport or listen it there.

    pls also explain this,


    Can somebody tell me the answer to one simple question, all of you who have read the science, they must be knowing that humans were created after many years of existence of earth, now the question arises if God has created animals, why do not they also worship god, also why it is so that humans only thought of worshiping the god when they brain was developed enough to think about such things, now if the god has created us and all the living and non living objects then why the God has not asked only the Humans to worship him, does he love the humans?

    Or is their anything which we do not know as yet, and if somebody is telling us something we closes our eyes?

    why it is so that all those human beings which were having powers like God choose different relegions and different things to be done by there followers?

    Why it is so that whenever such type of human took birth, he defied all the relegions before him, and started new relegion? Is this was because of hunger for power? Or is there something Else which all of these knew what never told Us?


    These answers are already given in Bhagwat gita.



    Your all these questions are answered there and all misconception will be cleared there. Just read it with prabhuppad's purport or listen it there.


    please also ans my other quest in next topic,i shall be obliged.


    If that is true,you are most amazing person on the earth, i will love to talk to you,my email id is inder_lal@.co.in,tell me in detail, how can you communicate with your girlfriend, kindly tell me whether i can also have such type of telecommunication (telepathic) with somebody, because i have also felt sometimes that whenever i think about one of my friends, on most times he immidiatly calls me. Can u also cure aids or blood cancer.


    I do not think that any human in this world can do such things!

  14. Can somebody tell me the answer to one simple question, all of you who have read the science, they must be knowing that humans were created after many years of existence of earth, now the question arises if God has created animals, why do not they also worship god, also why it is so that humans only thought of worshiping the god when they brain was developed enough to think about such things, now if the god has created us and all the living and non living objects then why the God has not asked only the Humans to worship him, does he love the humans?

    Or is their anything which we do not know as yet, and if somebody is telling us something we closes our eyes?

    why it is so that all those human beings which were having powers like God choose different relegions and different things to be done by there followers?

    Why it is so that whenever such type of human took birth, he defied all the relegions before him, and started new relegion? Is this was because of hunger for power? Or is there something Else which all of these knew what never told Us?

  15. Ever wondered what the God is, Ever wondered whether hell or heaven is true, or it is something else, ever wondered why our brain is so powerful, ever wondered how the God comes to know about all things happening on this universe, whether any other parrallel world does exists or not,whether the soul can be seen or whether GOD can be seen, can a given human can be equal to GOD, whether those peoples which we used to worship does have anything different, can a given animal can affect us, does all the heavenly bodies affect us or not, can a human being can make the stars to collide, why it is so that only those which are blessed by the GOD chhose the path of GOD, can be divide the GOD according to relegions, why some humans are poor and some very rich, is our past life effect our present life, how a given human can cure the diseases of other humans, is our Gurus,Gods,or Lords intentionally kept us in dark about which we (ordinary humans)must have come to know, can u define God, can any human in this world can define God?


    I think that I have been born by the Blessings of mother, and My Father too, I was Born after 8 years of my parents marriage. I still remembers how My aunt used to ask me to pull my hair, and I used to blindly follow her, I still remember when I was first sent to the Primary School in our village, and I still remember how terribly I cried when thinking about departing from My Parents for such a short time, I still remember when My Father took Me into His Lap and left Me at the school and after some time I started liking the school, I still remember how I used to run in our fields to catch the butterflies and Fly pigeons nonstop, I still remember bunking my Class and used to get a severe beating from My Parents. I still remember that how I used to think that everybody is going to die, and used to get sad. I still remember when I first noticed that girls in my class (in 10th), I still remember a person telling me that I know one and everything, and I Am going to Be A Computer Engineer .

    I still remember when I first saw five stars in the sky, Over an abandoned 'Dargah', I still remember when I first used and controlled my powers, I still remember when I first cured My Father of Some Terrible disease, I still remember when I first Called the Clouds, I still remember when I first Stopped the Rain, I still Remember when I first Helped Indian Cricket Team To Reach The Semi-finals’ (India Did not won the Finals against Australia, Because of My Change in Thinking that Only the Eligible should be the winner), I still remember when I first used my powers to Physically Assault 'Attapatu' (Shri Lankan Batsman against Match Against India) and made India Win the Match (But What Changed My Mind of Physically Assaulting the Players as It can destroy their International Playing Career), I still Remember when I first Made India to Win the Test Series Against The Mighty Australians, I still remember when I first Applied My powers on The President of United State (Which resulted in great Loss to America ,resulting in September 11 attacks), I still remember when I first increase the GDP of India, I still remember when I first influenced the Selection of Indian Cricket Coach (Dave Whatmore was not selected), I still remember when I flooded China, I still Remember When I first Made the Earthquake To come in Pakistan (It was so accurate that the Major Disaster occur on The Pakistan side), I still remember when I first used My powers to help Iraq against America, which resulted in Iraq Insurgency), and I still remember Many Many more foolish things, I still remember when the First Train Accident Took Place near Khanna, Because I was Just Angry at The Railways, and many many more.

    I discovered about my supernatural powers first when i first fell in love with a girl in year 1996-97, while doing my Engineering at BBS Engineering College Fatehgarh Sahib. It all started when i first discovered accidentally that the girl with which i fell in love with, is actually capable of talking to me and vice versa, Actually she was listening to what i was speaking from my heart, on the same day when i first met her in 1995,or what i was thinking about her. But it took me two years to realize that i am no ordinary guy. In the beginning i used to think that everyone can have such Telepathic communications with their girlfriends or boyfriends, but later i realized that i am a special one. Then i started analyzing other persons and myself also and also start experimenting with my powers, first i thought that this power can affect only living objects only but i was wrong, then i started doing something more big and in the fit of events i started pulling the moon towards the earth and then after two years i listened that the moon actually come closer to earth by few thousand kilometers towards the earth. I was stunned. Then i further experimented about these powers and know i have developed a complete theory about the working of these powers, Life Force & Human brain ...!

    Although It Was Very Unpleasant Experience Sometimes As I We Were So Intimate To Each Other, Of Course When I First Started Telling My Friends They Laughed At Me And None Of Them Believed What I Was Saying, They Even Thought That I Have Become Mad and Much More. Then She Helped Me IN this Difficult Time, And Both Of Us Decided Not To Tell Anybody About My And HerSelf.

    Because Some Terrible Things were Happening To Those Who were thinking against Her Or Me. Also I Still Remember When She First Talked To Me Telepathically, Then It Was No Turning Back, Also What Ever I Have Discovered About Me Was Because Of Her,

    The Most Important Thing I Discovered That Our Combined Powers Double That Of Original Powers Of Mine. Then I Started Thinking About Who I Am and What Is My Destiny, Then After 10 Years I Realized What I Need To Do. Also One Very Important Thing Is This That This Power Cannot Be Applied For My Own Work Or Interest.

    Now I have changed a Lot but now My main Concern is the increasing Population of the world and Destruction of the Environment by Developed and some developing countries ,the Global Warming, now I am Trying to reduce the Burden On Earth.



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