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Posts posted by srinivas_pv

  1. Hi Hindustani,


    Thanks a lot for your quick reply.


    My beads (2 face) and it is regular size (1.5- 2cm), however hole size is small. I can increase hole size through driller, however it may damage the bead and I am not sure on that.

    I am thinking of using metal wire which can be used in long term. Could you provide any suggestions on this?

    If not any metal wire, I would go for gold/silver caps.


    Thanks and Regards,


  2. Hi,


    I am wearing rudraksha since few months, and want to change the thread as it became slightly old.


    However I am unable to insert thread in holes, as the holes are tiny. Also tried to use needle but I can insert only very thin thread (which is used for clothes stitching) and I guess this thread can not hold beads.


    So what is best way to change the thread (which is easy to change in long term basis)?

    Or is it better to use gold/siver caps/wire?




  3. Hi All,


    I am wearing rudraksha beads since one year.


    I have one query now. Please help me.


    1 month back, my wife delivered baby girl.

    We used to wash our baby clothes seperately, but some times my clothes used to mix with my baby clothes (which may contain vomtings/urinals etc) while washing (in washing machine). Is to ok to wear rudraksha beads when washing my clothes with my baby clothes? or do I need to take any other precautions? or is it better to keep beads in pouch and keep in pocket until my baby grows for few months?


    Your suggestions/inputs are highly appreciated.


    Thanks and Regards,


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