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shashank bhatnagar

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Posts posted by shashank bhatnagar

  1. Hello India Divine,

    I am new to astrology and learning astrology. In starting, I am analysis my Horoscope. I am have few wired planetary combinations in my horoscope. 

    I am a Libra ascendant and other planets as follows:

    Ketu in Libra Lagna

    Mars and Saturn in Scorpio  in Second house

    Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius  in Five House

    Mercury ( Combust, Retro-gate, Debilitated ) and  Venus in Pisces  in sixth house

    Moon and Rahu in Aries in seventh house.


    My birth details are:

    Date : March 13, 1986

    Time: 21:15

    Place: Ajmer, Rajasthan, India


    My few question:

    1. Do i have kaal sarp yoga? I think, it is not kaal sarp yoga as planets are in beetwen Ketu to Rahu.

    2. Are Mars and Saturn are benefices  in my horoscope and creating a dhan yoga as lord of 2nd and 5th house form a dhan yoga in 1,2,5,9,11 second house.

    3.My really worries is about MOON + RAHU Conjuction as they are in 7th house and Moon is 10 th lord. I think, just because of combination, i do not possess good career. In addition to this, in 2017 my moon dasha will start and till now i am struggle to get a stable job. However, I make little money through technical trade in foreign land, which is not enough for my livelihood. 

    4. Foreign money  is generated through Rahu and Moon? I have money money in Foreign trade, even more than in Job.

    4. It is correct that Saturn in 2 Second house create a lot of struggle till 35 and what are works related to 2 house, where it is occupied by Mars and saturn.

    5. How to read D9 chart.

    6. Any book for Jaimini Astrology.



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