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Posts posted by Explorer

  1. My sincere Thanks to Jndas and Ram.


    The problem with Bhagavad Gita is that different people have given different interpretations for it. For example I think that the interpretation of Adi Shankara differs from that of Srila Prabhupada. I myself do not know sanskrit at all. Given this scenario, whose interpretation should I believe? Or should I read all interpretations and judge for myself which is the most convenient one? And on what basis should I judge? Surely, Sri Krishna would not have had the intention of confusing people.

  2. Greetings to everyone,


    I am a hindu who recently started exploring hinduism. I am not able to understand which is/are the most important religious book/s of hinduism. I have the following choices in mind.


    1.Bhagavad Gita





    Can any one throw some light on this?

    I thank you in advance.

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