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Posts posted by insamy

  1. Here is an article that I received from the About.hinduism.com



    The article talks about the theory of karma & newton's principle of action & reaction. I also got a similar article from Kamakoti.org too. I am confused in connecting the law of karma to newton's principle on action & reaction. Can anyone help me understand?


    Thank you.

  2. Here is an article that I received from the About.hinduism.com



    The article talks about the theory of karma & newton's principle of action & reaction. I also got a similar article from Kamakoti.org too. I am confused in connecting the law of karma to newton's principle on action & reaction. Can anyone help me understand?


    Thank you.

  3. Oh thank you very much. I know that this website does not contain any true information. But since I do not know ramayan in full I could not be so sure. My christian friend says that because it is an Ambedkar's site the information must be true. That is the reason I asked for help. Also I searched for the Uttarkanda & most of the Ramayan sites say that Sage Valmiki did not write Uttarkanda. Any info on that from you guys?



  4. I am just a learner. I have a question about Rama described in Ramayana. Uttarakanda Sarga 43 Sloga 1 & 8 and Ayodhyakanda Sarga VIII and Sloga 12 I read from Dr. Ambedkar's site that Rama drank & danced with beautiful women & that he garlanded him. I always thought that Rama was so loyal to his wife sita & this kind of confuses me. Any help is appreciated.



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