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Posts posted by kishan16uk


    We have a mandir at home with all the Nav Durgas installed inside including Amba mata, Mahakaali, Saraswati mata, Laxmi mata, Randal mata, khodiyar mata, Gayatri mata, Chamunda mata and Meladi mata.




    Recently I have just experienced the Goddesses playing.

    Im just curious to know if anyone else has had similar experinces...share your thoughts and feelings.


    Jai mataji


    thats nice, try and send a pics at my email address.


    Im not confused anymore kishan. i think i mite be a. im not scared of dying too. But i never pray to baglmukhi matangi or dhumavati why did they come to me? specially at my aunts lota


    True, i think you need to consult a bhuy maa and try a get an explaintion why you getting these mataji. Do anyone in the family worship or mother or grandmother parent's side worship or have them as kuldevis baglmukhi matangi or dhumavati. Do you still have mataji? Good Luck.


    Thanx for the responce guys, Iwent to a bhuyi maa last navratri who told me that Im getting possesed by Meldi maa. Nothing happened to me during Navratri 9 nights except for the contiuese shivering during arti and most garbas.Then later on during december my aunt had Randal matajis Lota at her house where i got possesed properly. i this state i wasnt able to realise what was happening to me i felt almost as if i had died and woken up after i got possesed. the bhuyi maa that was present this time said that i got posessed by Dhoomavati maa, Buglamukhi and matangi.

    Im confused.


    Ok I first had mataji when I was 22 at my late first wife's first anversary of her death while giving birth to our son Darshan in November 2001. You don't need to be confused at all, you will get used to it.


    i havent had same experiences but ive had dreams about myself gettin mataji and there are times during navratri when my hands to tend to shake cos of the intense garba. i was wonderin wot this dreams mean and whether this is the process of gettin mataji

    ive been to a bhuy maa but i havent told her bout this dream cos i didnt know ow to tell her (i know it sounds stupid but i was too scared to tell her as im onli 18 yrs old and this is very new to me)

    any help from u guys would b appriciated



    Ok minesh, i think you should to bhuy maa and explain to her. You need to find out which mataji it is and have you thought of getting married? If yes then you may need to find a girl that could really help you. Best of luck

  5. hi i like to share my experience. i am 26 years of age and i have been getting mataji since i was 22. I started to get Randal Mataji first, then slowly i have been getting Randal Ma first, then Harshad ma, Kalka ma, Ambe Ma, Umiya ma, Ashapura, Meldi ma, Khoriyar Ma, Galambe maa, Kankai Ma, Naagbai Ma, Hinlaj ma, Gayatri ma, Bhutbhavni ma, dasha ma and Chumuda ma and sometimes serve mataji. My wife is also getting Randal mataji, Meldi ma, and Harshad maa as well, she started to get it since she was 10 years of age, she main serves mataji.

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