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    PaperJale reacted to Rosty in Hello. Looking for help with getting an acupuncture license in Europe/Africa   
    Hello Dear Friends,
    Im writing this letter to ask for some help about how to get an acupuncture license in Europe (it can be also North of Africa).
    My Teacher is Korean Buddhist monk and a doctor of acupuncture with licenses from Korea, China and Mongolia. Now he lives in Mongolia but wants to move to Europe or North of Africa.
    With some good help we have discovered that it is difficult to get a license in France bcs he needs to study French about 3 years and then he needs to study as a doctor there at the university and pass exams and it will take more than 6 years total or even more.
    We would really love to get some help about any information where it is easier to get an acupuncture license in Europe or North Africa. We understand that Europe includes many countries, that's why you can share any information about any country and we will combine all of this knowledge from you and choose the best one.

    Thank you very much! Stay in peace.
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