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Posts posted by ombakth

  1. http://www.kashmir-information.com/ConvertedKashmir/Chapter11.html


    Amarnath Shrine is one of the oldest pilgrimage in the world-older than Jerusalem. Even after the Islamic conquest of northern India, this pilgrimage continued unabated due the enthusiast Hindu followers who have been visiting this place paying Jijiya tax to Muslim rulers during most of the Islamic period in India. Kashmiri Hindus were eliminated totally by 15th century initially by notorious Islamic preacher of Sayed clan followed by cruel and merciless conversion carried out during the rule of Sikandar and Ali Shah. Resettlement of Hindus in Kashmir valley started with Sultan Zainul who shaped much of the Kashmiri nationalism as we see it today. Under the auspiece of Shri Bhat, Kashmiri Pundits retained most of the important Hindu texts. Reforming Hinduism to a classless and castless society started with Shri Bhat as he clearly understood Hindusim will not survive before Islam unless it is reformed to a classless united society. After this brief period, Hinduism was again crashed in the valley by zealot Islamic rulers for almost two centuries till Akbar expanded his empire in Kashmir. Finally, Kashmir acceded to non-Muslim rulers when Ranjit Singh drove out barbaric Afgan rulers from Kashmir in 1818. During this time, a lot of tribal leaders in Kashmir who were frustrated with cruelty of alien Muslim rulers wanted to be folded back in Hinduism. However, as always the case with castist Hindus, pundits refused to assimilate them into Hinduism. And thus Pundits committed largest blunder in the Hindu history of Kashmir. As a result, chance of revivalism of Hinduism in Kashmir obliterated for ever and long history of communal hatred by Muslims against Hindus in Kashmir continued which till today is clearly visible through opposition against a small estate for Shrine



    learn from this mistakes. If you want to safeguard then Unite Hindus. Don't create the blunder as created by few Kashmiri Pundits. This is an appeal for all Brahmins in India to allow Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe people to get equal status in Hinduism.

    This is the warning to those Bharmins who still divide hinduism on the bases of caste if they don't stop such practices then they will be held guilty of the destruction of Hinduism.

    When the Tirupati Brahmins did Dalit Govindam everyone was happy but again they came back to their castist mentality and disowned the statue of Lord Venkateshwara which Hindus prayed for so many centuries just because Dalit touched that Statue. Don't forget that Dalits are also Hindus.

    The Sin that Tirupati Brahmins created by disowning the Lord Venkateshwara statue they insulted both Lord Venkateshwara and Dalits will not be forgiven. Lord Venkateshwara will teach them a lesson.

    Now to come out of the Sin these Tirupati Brahmins will have to again restore that same Lord Venkateshwara which was used as Dalit Govindam statue in the Tirupati Temple and allow even Dalits to become priest and allow them to live with them. Otherwise with time passing by even Brahmins children will be treated like Dalits and they will be deprived from all basic rights.

    It is the request to all Dalits that not to leave hinduism just because of such foolish people. Hinduism is the greatest religion. Why they want to leave their religion just because of some people are depriving their rights.

    Brahmin treat dalits as low caste untouchable and British used to treat even Brahmin as low caste untouchable for them all Indians were of low caste. At that how a Brahmin used to feel when an Englishman used to discriminate a Brahmin, now thing what will be the sentiments of a Dalit when he is treated in the same. When Brahmins and Dalits were divided British were able to rule us but when both Brahmins and Dalits united only then they were able to kick out Britishers. In the same way if entire Hinduism is united then it will be impossible for Islam and Christianity to defeat it.

  2. Some say that uncivilized Aryans came from outside and then conquered civilized people called Dravidians who were later made dasa(slave)

    The fact is that even Dasa is an Iranian tribe which did not wanted to be a part of Aryan organization.


    Dasa and related terms have been examined by several scholars.[3] While the terms Dasa and Dasyu have a negative meaning in Sanskrit, their Iranian counterparts Daha and Dahyu have preserved their positive (or neutral) meaning. This is similar to the Sanskrit terms Deva (a "positive" term) and Asura (a "negative" term). The Iranian counterparts of these terms (Daeva and Ahura) have opposite meanings.

    The meaning of the word divodasa, which has been long preserved in the Khotanese dialect, is "man". Two words that contain "dasa" are the Vedic names Divodasa(Diodus in Greek)(meaning "divine man") and Sudas (meaning "good man"). Dasa is also in Iranian "Daha", known to Graeco-Roman authors as the Dahae (Daai), designating probably Iranian tribes. The term Daha occurs in a Persepolis inscription of Xerxes

    Daha also referred to a dasyu tribe in Margiana. Dahistan (east of the Caspian Sea/Gorgan) derives its name from this tribe [5]. The Greek historians Q. Curtius Rufus (8,3) and Ptolemy (Geography: 6,10,2) located the region of the Dahas on the river Margos (modern Murghab) or in Margiana (Parpola 1988). The Dahas are also mentioned by Pomponius Mela (3,42)[6] and Tacitus (Ann. 11,10)[7].

    Strabo wrote about the Dahae the following:

    "Most of the Scythians, beginning from the Caspian Sea, are called Dahae Scythae, and those situated more towards the east Massagetae and Sacae."

    (Strabo, 11-8-1)

    Strabo's description places Dahae nomads in the area around modern Turkmenistan. Tacitus, in the Annals , writes of the Parthian king Vardanes I that he subdued "the intermediate tribes as far as the river Sindes, which is the boundary between the Dahae and the Arians." [8]


    Dasyus is in Iranian "dahyu" and means tribe, province and district. "Dah-" means "male, man" in Iranian. The "dahyu-pati" (also dahyunam) was the head of the tribe. (The Greek "des-potes and the English "despot" correspond to this term. (Windfuhr 1999)) A "dahyu-sasti" (command of dahyus) is a confederation of two or more dahyus. [9]

    Devas versus Asuras

    This divide goes back to the composition of the Rig Veda. Both the religions believe in the holiness of the Veda except that the Zarathustrians believe in certain sections of the Rig Veda. When the Rig Veda was being written, there occurred a divide among the Brahmanas writing it. The Brahmanas of the Pauravas (Indians) or Parthas believed that Aditi was the good mother of the gods while the Irani or Dasa Brahmanas believed that Diti was. The Pauravas' chief god was Shri Indra and said that He has overtaken Shri Varuna as the leader of the gods. The Irani believed that Shri Varuna was still the chief of the gods. In the Irani pantheon, Shri Indra was given the status of a demon while they worshipped an Indra-like character who accepts the law of Varuna known as Indar. From this originated the Dasarajna war in which the ten kingdoms of the Irani, represented by the Brahmana Vishwamitra fought against the Indian King Sudas. From then on, the Indians referred to the asuras as the demons while Devas were the gods and the Irani, viceversa. When Zarathustrianism was established, Shri Varuna who Zarathustra referred to as the Ahura Mazda (Rigvedic Assur Mehda or Assur Mahad) was God Almighty while all other spirits were given the status of angels.

    That the Dasa were Iranic is no doubt as the Rig Veda mentions, that the Dasa, along with the Dasyu and Panis live beyond the Rasa River.[13] That the river was a division between the "Devas" and the "Asuras" is also acknowledged in the Vedas.[14] Scholars such as Tilak [15] have connected "Rasa" to the Avestan "Rangha", which is supposed to have been near the Hapta Hindu.[16]

    Persian names like Darius, Xerxes and Cyrus sounds like foreign names but in old persian language their names sound like Indian names Cyrus is actually Kuru

    Xerxes I of Persia in Persian: Khashayarsha

    the Old Persian throne name Xšayāršā, meaning "Ruler of heroes

    Cyrus the Great (Old Persian Kūruš)

    Darius I the Great oldd Persian Dārayavahuš Indians called him दरायु (Darāyu) in Sanskrit.

    Don't forget that in ancient times Persia was our direct neighbour so it is obivious that Aryans fought amongst themselves and their descendants told the tales to their younger generation from their point of view whether it is correct or wrong.

    Greeks are actually a small fraction of tribe of Central Asia which followed culture similar to Indian Aryans because Indra and Zeus are one and the same. Their stories are also same.

    Even Greeks are not original inhabitant of Greece it is said that they entered Greece from north that is from Central Asia and Indian Kingdome was stretched till Central Asia because Central Asia was a part of Uttar Kuru kingdom whereas Southern Kuru Kingdom in which Kurukshetra took place is directly a part of India and Iran.

    In reality Term ARYAN is like not a caste, not a race and not a religion. It is actually an organization something like UN (United Nation), SAARC, European Union.


    Some consider Ravana was a not a Aryan.

    Then they will have to Answer few questions

    Do they consider Hanumana as Dravidians?

    If yes then why did a Dravidian Hanuman Supported an Aryan Rama to fight against a Dravidian Ravana.

    Inspite of doing that Hanumana is still respected as god amongst the Dravidians.

    Sri Krishna is considered as Dravidian, so is there any evidence that Sri Krishna referred Aryans as Invaders and did anywhere Sri Krishna referred Dravidians as different race or sect?

    As per latest scientific research it is Cromangnon(Homo Sapiens) who evovled in India migrated to Europe which was occupied by Neanderthalis and interbreed with them to create a new Homo Sapiens Sapiens speices.

    The traces of migration is found in Arabian Peninsula but right not it is very difficult to prove anything because of Islamic law.


    Very soon you will get all the proofs.

    Sri Rama belonged to Cro Magnon species.

    Anywhich ways all humans were produced from one source so if Aryans and Dravidans were not same then the ancestor of Aryans and Dravidians were one (Homo Sapiens).

    Till now people are not ready to accept that Taj Mahal is a Hindu temple inspite of all the proof then why will people like them accept "Aryans and Dravidians were same" without proof. Because of Vote bank Politics Why do they believe that Britishers would have accepted that "Aryans and Dravidians were same".

    Remember in ancient times there were different tribes inhabitating in India there was no division like Aryans and Dravidians.

    Infact even in Ramayana and Mahabharata people belonging to different tribes supported each other.

    Consider fifty fifty chances that there could be possibility that Aryans and Dravidians are same or there could be possibilty that Aryans and Dravidians are not same.

    The genetical difference it is because of the intermingling of many tribes like Huns, Mongols, Paradas, Madrasa, Nagas, Yavana etc..

    It is not because of Aryans and Dravidians. Because there is no where mentioned even during Ashoka's time about Aryans and Dravidians Difference Whereas Ashoka's period is the only Historical record available in which it is proved that India and foreign countries were more closers.

    At that time Greeks were aware about Indians and vice a versa can you give any instance that even in todays generation each and every single Greek is fully aware about an Indian culture or vice a versa except few celebrities.

    There were still many so called dravidians living outside India who used to invade, they were considered as foreigners. Take for example Sri Lanka if you say that India was invaded by Aryans from the North and due to which Dravidians ran towards South then How come sri Lanka is a reverse case Where Aryans invaded from the South and Dravidians ran towards north, and it was a well know fact that Dravida are Sea Travlers whereas Aryans only knew to ride Chariot, oh you mean to say that they drove chariots on top of the ocean and conquered sri lanka from south. Or Aryans were Inhabitant of Lanka and then Dravidians Invaded North Lanka. It is very confusing situation.

    Some people are behaving like Vatican pope who stopped Galileo from researching because they strictly believe that Sun revoled round the earth only when the science developed and with open mindedness attitude it was revealed that it is actually Earth revoled round the Sun.

    So, when time will come everything will become clear. Even Nonsense will appear sensible.

    Tamil itself was derived from Grantha. The Archealogical findings and lemurian language was ancient language than Tamil. Even like other languages Tamil itself was derived from the Ancient Language. The difference is that they retained most of the old style of speaking and writing then others who modified over time. Something like for computer intellectuals Java is more used today because is more machine independant langauge than other and so is language. The creation behind Language is merely communication but today language has become a cause of division. One should be broadminded and accept that language in which he can communicate with more people. Understand language as a Medium of communication a science do not use language for your personal pride and honour it will hold no good for yourself and for mankind. Consider language whether english or any other language just a phone through which you speak don't make it GOD. Consider language as the medium of coummunication.

    Indeed Sanskrit is not the oldest languages but In ancient times it was Pali(Prakrit) language from which all languages were derived. Pali was the language of common man the script that was used was Bhrami which this is how they used to communicate with foreign empire Persian and with Jews. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Br%C4%81hm%C4%AB_script

    Agreed that in some of the archealogical finding they found many words similar to Tamil it could be also possible that Tamil was derived or was influenced from those ancient languages whose Archealogical findings have discovered.

    Like that even other languages can claim that the archealogical findings have some similar words to their. Among the south Indian Language Tulu is the natural spoken Language which does not has script of itself. Among South Indian Language Tamil was the first language that had script for itself.

    Tulu was derived from Proto-South Dravidian language Granha along with Proto-Tamil-Kannada combination. The next one was derivation of Pre Kannada and Proto-Tamil-Toda. Then Proto-Tamil-kodagu was derived while from Pre Kannda, modern kannada was derived. From Proto-Tamil-malayalum, Pre Tamil and Malayalum was derived. Todays Tamil was derived much later along with irula. The last derived South Indian language is Telugu.

    www.boloji.com/places/0020a.htm script refers to the oldest members of the Brahmic family of alphabets. The best known inscriptions in Brahmi; are the rock-cut edicts of Ashoka, dating to the 3rd century BCE. These were long considered the earliest examples of Brahmi; writing, but recent archaeological evidence in South India[2] and Sri Lanka[3][4] suggest the dates for the earliest use of Brahmi, to be around the 6th century BCE, dated using radiocarbon dating and thermoluminescence, though these dates are controversial.

    This script was ancestral to most of the scripts of South Asia, Southeast Asia, Tibet, and perhaps even Korean Hangul. The Brahmi; numeral system was the ancestor of the Hindu-Arabic numerals, which are now used world-wide.



    The Tamil script evolved from an ancient southern form of the Brahmi script, but was also influenced by the Grantha script. It is currently used to write the Tamil language in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu as well as in Sri Lanka. Interestingly, the Tamil language is one of the oldest recorded languages in southern India. The earliest texts, written in the southern variant of Brahmi, date from just before the 1st century CE. Overtime the script changed, and by the 8th century CE the Tamil script has evolved into more or less its modern form.



    The divide and rule of Britishers was the main cause of Aryan Dravidian theory. Whatever it is one should not forget that he is an Indian. The Term Aryan and Dravidians should be scrapped off from the minds of people to develope a super power India.

    If an Aryan or a Dravidian becomes an obstruction in the developement of Indian then both Aryan and Dravidian should be prosecuted.

    There is Only Indian. Indian. India in Dharmik India.

  3. There were all together Five Draupadi the daughters of Draupad who were supposed to belong to only Arjuna as he won them in the competition but his mother Kunti asked him to share the remaning Four Draupadi with his other 4 Brothers and keep only one Draupadi for himself. Hence each Pandavas had one Draupadi each.


    Since they were daughters of Draupad hence all five of them were collectively called Draupadi. Draupad might be their surname or lastname. It was accounted that Draupadi had many names hence these other names can be first name of individual Draupadi.

  4. Even after being aware of the fact that if he sacrifices his Kawcha and Kundal he will be vulnerable that when Indra comes in a disguise of a Bhramin. Inspite of being always insulted by the upper caste he still did not showed hatred against upper caste and without hesistating he gave away his Kawcha and Kundala to a Brahmin this shows that he was against caste differences but he did not kept hatred against upper caste people. In the same way even todays lower caste people should forget all discrimination in the past and join hands with the upper caste to strengthen Hinduism.


    A person like Karna who can sacrifice his Kawcha and Kundala inspite of knowing the fact that he can be injured without them shows that he was not selfish but the only fault was that he supported Duryodhana but for him there was no other option.


    Looking into this facts it is not good to judge karna just on the bases that he supported Duryodhana and to give baised views that he was not a good archer or a good warrior.


    He was indeed a good archer but because he supported Adharma he lost his skills to some extent.


    On the other hand Parashurama was a social reformer don't just categorize him as the teacher of only Brahmin. He always raized his axe against Injustice on the part of rulers due to this reason he gave these corrupt rulers punishments. On the other hand he taught his skills to all

    brahmins and even tribals don't just restrict Parashurama as a Bhramin teacher. The reason why he got angry with Karna was that he taught Karna to be a low caste person but when he found out that he belongs to higher caste and he cheated him on his real birth thats why he curse him in anger but later on he calmed down when he found out that Karna himself did not knew about his real birth story. Parashurama was like lokmanya Tilak who inspite of being a Brahmin wanted all Hindus to unite whether higher caste or lower caste and gave equal oppertunity to all.


    Parashurama's real kshetra was Kerala which was famous for it's Martial Art called Karalipayattu from which all Eastern Martial arts like Karate, Kunfu, Ju Jistu originated. These Arts were taught to Parashurama by Shiva himself. This was the reason why Karna was a great Archer and a Warrior because he was well trained in Ancient Indian Martial Arts like Karalipayattu.


    Arjuna was good only in Archer skills. Arjuna was not good in Mace.

    Bheema was good in Wrestling and using Mace. Bheema was not good in Bow and Arrow.


    But Karna was capable of fighting with any form of weapon and any way of duel or war. During the time of Learning he learnt each and every skills carefully because he wanted to prove to the world that even a person from low birth can be a greates warrior can learn skills which no one can match.


    Holy India Holy Dharma.

  5. During Mahabharata Era Arjuna was useful for restoring Dharmic Empire but in this Kaliyuga we require Karna and Eklavya to restore Dharmic Empire throughout the world because many Tribals in India associate themselves with Eklavya and many Lower caste people associate themselves with Karna. If our Tribals and low caste people help in strenghtening Dharmic religion then even the Aboriginal Tribes of Australia and Native Red Indians of America and Tribes of Africa and follow the suite and come back to Ancient Indian Dharmic Religion.


    By praising Karna's achievement and valour though not 100% but still you can consider it can restore 5% of faith among these Tribals and Lower caste people that in Reality only Ancient Indian Dharmic religion Personality like Sri Rama and Sri Krishna treated people equally and not Islam and Christianity.


    It was latter on when the discrimination started rising in our culture because of the selfishness of some morons of our civilization because of which Islam and Christianity was able to enter into this Sacred Holy Land India.


    This time Ancient Indian Dharmic religion requires Karnas and Eklavyas to restore Dharmic religion even in Arabia and Vatican. Just like How Mongol Animist/Buddhist Emperor Genghis Khan caused damage to Islam and Christianity in the same way Karnas and Eklavyas should help in strenghtening Dharmic religon. Just like how Dharmic King (because the Edicts writtern by Ashoka claims himself to be a Dharmic King and does not specifies himself to be Hindu, Buddhist or Jain king) Ashoka helped in spreading Dharmic religion(A mixed culture of all Hindu, Jain and Buddhists thoughts and idealogy).


    It was said that Karna was fair and handsome because he was a son of Surya perhaps he was the originator of Blonde Race because some Huns of Finland and Ireland trace their descendancy from Karna. Hence even these blondes can be influenced into Ancient Indian Dhramic religion but only if they are given equal treatment. All temples should be open even for foreigners so that once they are in then they themselves will help spreading Hinduism into West.


    Also, in Buddhist scriptures it is mentioned that Karna was the king of Anga (Tibet). That means Tibet with Mount Kailash and Manasarovar also belongs to this Holy India and so is the Animist culture is the part of Hinduism and so even Animist Mongols are part of Hinduism.


    Give equal respect to even Buddha and Mahavira and even celebrate their festival because this will help in bring back Jainism and Buddhism into Hindu Envelope. Because even Buddha and Mahavira spoke about same Dharma which Sri Rama and Sri Krishna spoke. Even Buddha and Mahavira did not specify Dharma as just Boudh Dharma or Jain Dharma they just called it as Dharma. On top of that even they were Indians.


    Hence all Hindus, Buddhists and Jains belong to Dharmic Religion. Hence all of us are Dhramic. Avoid the practice of claiming ourself to be just Hindu, Buddhist or Jains to unite Hindus, Buddhist and Jains.


    A Higher caste and a lower caste person is a Dharmic.

    A Hindu is a Dharmic.

    A Jain is a Dharmic.

    A Buddhist is a Dharmic.


    There should be one code of Conduct that all Hindus, Jains and Buddhist should follow is that United Dharmic religion and United India Idealogy.


    Since we are children of Sri Rama and Sri Krishna that is the reason why the brain capacity of an Indian is much better than any foreigner and we are more loyal than any other foreigner. Because the genes of Sri Rama and Sri Krishna is present in our body. So all Kashmiris and Bangladeshis should return back to the Ancient Indian Dharmic religion of their Great Great Grandfather Sri Rama and Sri Krishna.


    This the reason why I am strongly supporting Karnas and Eklavyas. But I am not supporting Duryodhana and Ravana.

  6. I made those points just because some people were just sticked to their baised views that Karna was not a good archer just because he sided with Duryodhana. But, they treat Beeshma in a different way just because he supported Duryodhana only for Hastinapur. Don't forget that he had taken a oath in the same way even Karna had taken a oath of friendship.


    It is agreed that it is a God's lila but there is nothing great of Arjuna that he pretend to be egoistic etc.. Those people of that time were just like us almost same feelings and same emotions. It is obvious that we may not be bad but still for a fraction of second we can be egoistic to some extent.


    Geeta was revealed to all who were present in that War. Everyone saw the Virat Swaroopa of Sri Krishna. Geeta was told so that those who were present in that war after hearing Geeta can decide whether to side with Dharma or Adharma but as many of them were under oath or selfishness avoid the sacred Geeta. There are many people who own Geeta or consider themselves to be the Authorized to twist and turn Dharmic religion do commit mistakes and to some extent sometime or the other become egoistic for a fraction of second. Like some Priest who don't allow Dalits to enter into Temple because of their ego then even Geeta is not for those priest.


    Geeta is actually a Code of Conduct it is upto an individual whether he wants to follow these Code of Conduct to side with Dharma or not. In the same way Bible and Koran are Code of Conducts They just say what to do and what not to do, they are not a capitalist agreement or communist whip which compel people what have to do. Those who follow it will learn good things and lead a good life or a good death those who don't want to follow it is left upto them. What Arjuna did was that he followed Geeta. Whereas some of them agreed to some of it's ideaology and not of them rejected it entirey like Duryodhana.


    Even if Karna would have come under dharmic flag then even he would have been the first candidate whom Sri Krishna would have supported and reveal Geeta. Sri Krishna knew that though Arjuna was good in War but he could not plan a strategy but it was also a fact that in Pandavas camp only he was the one who have the capability to win a war that means even if other Pandavas wer killed then Sri Krishna would have still won the war if Arjuna was Alive. That means Hands of Arjuna and Brain of Sri Krishna would have made them to restore Dharmic Empire But if Karna would have supported Dharmic flag then Sri Krishna would not had required any of the Pandavas. Both Sri Krishna and Karna would have won the war single handedly with even major strategies also they would have spreaded dharmic empire thoughout the globe in Arabia and even in Rome to the conturies where a warrior can ever thing of. It would have been strongest conquest in the history of Mankind.


    Sri Krishna never sided with just Arjuna, He belongs to everyone and everyone belongs to him. The main objective of that war was to bring entire subcontinent under one flag of Dharma.


    Baised views were given against Karna only because he was an adopted son of a Charioteer or a discard son (Najaeez Aulad) of Kunti. Even today to some extent we differentiate people on the bases of their birth.


    Imagine what would have happened if Pandavas had excepted Karna as a Friend leaving aside their Baises againts a Charioteer Son. Even Karna would have fought against Duryodhana.


    Today most of the Backward Class people indentify themselves with Karna. If equal respect is given to them then even they can help in Strengthening Dharmic religion as a whole.


    Instead of supporting people like Duryodhana they will give blind support and loyalty to Dharmic Religion.


    Take this prediction "The things that were not able to be accomplished by the Upper caste can be done by Lower caste. They will spread our Ancient Indian Dharmic culture throughout the world. This time these Karnas will give blind support to Hinduism instead of Duryodhana. They will get respect which the truely deserve. Each and every single low caste person whom these higher caste consider as Dalit with disrespect will be the only one who will spread Hinduism."


    My point for including Ramanayana was that when Sri Rama himself praised the valour and knowleged of Ravana inspite of Ravana being an enemy then why some orthodox people don't even want to think that even Karna was a great archer. Inpsite of knowing many thing about Ramanayana and Mahabharata nobody understood anything. For some it is just a Mythology a Magic show.


    If you consider Dharma as Duties. If you look in that prespective then everyone in that war were following Dharma.


    But if you consider Dharma as righteous Duty. Only then you understand who actually followed Dharma.


    Even Sri Krishna wanted to bring Karna under Dharmic Flag but it was too late, karna was already indebt to Duryodhana. Sri Krishna inspite of being our Great Great Grandfather and our God was not like us he gave what Karna deserved. He gave him death in the battle field like a Warrior and also didn't allowed Arjuna to be the best Archer infront of Karna. For supporting Dharma Sri Krishna gave Arjuna victory and his friendship and support.


    If Karna was not a Greatest Archer then Kunti would not had feared that Karna could kill Arjuna infact should would have asked Arjuna not to kill Karna and forgive him. Now for this some might say that Kunti did not wanted to reveal her past to Arjuna but how can she gaurantee that if she reveals the story to Karna then he might not spread it to others, the risk of her past been revealed was equal in both the cases. She was very well aware that only Karna can defeat Arjuna and Arjuna by no means can defeat Karna without the help of Sri Krishna. The reason why she went to Karna and revealed her relation with Karna was to Demoralize Karna. That is what happened the hatred against Pandavas became less and karna became more lienient towards Pandavas.


    No, In reality the conclusion of war was the VICTORY OF DHARMA and not just Dharma or Victory.

  7. Dravidians are actually Aryans of Dravida(Aryans of South). It is not an opposit of Aryans.

    The word came into more importance since the Britishers wanted to split Indians and so they created a Hype that Dravidians were the opponents of Aryans.

    If analyzed properly even names can be given to Aryans of North as Uttarians that is Aryans of Uttara, Aryans of East as Purabarians that is Aryans of Purab and Aryans of west as Pascheemarians that is Aryans of Pascheem. Even the Asuras of Persia were also Aryans hence they were called Assarians. When the foreigners invading Persia then some of these Elamite or Assur Aryans(Assarians) of Elam entered Gujarat and Southern India through Sea routes inorder to avoid clashes with the Uttarians(their immediate neighbors) and then went to south and mingled with Southern Aryans(Dravidians)that is the reason why when Islam conquered Persia even the Persian followed the same route like their ancestors and landed into Gujarat.

    Also Tamilians are descendants of Sri Rama just like how a North Indian is descendants of Sri Rama. That is the reason why there is references of Sri Rama's name is many Tamilian Mantras.

    During Sri Rama's era there were very few Humans. Sri Rama was the ancestor of Modern Human at that time this was the reason why there were many apes like Sugreev and <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place>Bali</st1:place> at that time because they belonged to older Human speices something like Neanderthal Man.





    Even if they fought with each other but still it was a war between two Human species not two Human races.

    Also, Sri Rama fought with Ravana was not because he wanted to conquer other kingdom the reason for this analysis is that first of all when Sri Rama fought with Ravana at that time he was just a wanderer and not a king of Ayodhya hence he cannot conquer or rule any kingdom without the permission of his father Dasaratha the actual king of Ayodhya. It was only after Sri Rama became the King of Ayodhya he performed Ashwamedha Yagya and conquered other states.

    Also, Sri Rama and Ravana both belonged to Aryan culture because Sri Rama was a Indo Aryan and Ravana was a the descendant of Indo Aryan and Assur Aryans (Assarians)whose ancestors migrated from Persia to South India hence he became also a Dravid Aryan(Dravdian - The Aryan of South).

    All Dravidians(Aryans of South) were not Dalits and all Uttarrians (Aryans of North) did not belonged to High caste. Dalits were actually the war prisoners of both Uttarrians(Aryans of North) and Dravidians(Aryans of South) who were forced to live a low caste status.

    All Hindus should celebrate Ram Navami, Krishna Janmastami, Mahavir Jayanti, Buddha Poornima, Nanak Jayanti and Parsi New Year. So that in future people will not remember that at one point of time Buddhism and Jainism were different from Hinduism. Also, keep in mind that Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Mahavira Vardhman, Gautam Buddha and Guru Nanak were Ancient Indians and Zoroaster belonged to Greater India(Maha Bharat) which stretched from Greek to <st1:country-region><st1:place>China</st1:place></st1:country-region> and <st1:place>Central Asia</st1:place> and south eastern countries.

    Since it was Greater India (Maha Bharat) which stretched from Greek to <st1:country-region><st1:place>China</st1:place></st1:country-region> and <st1:place>Central Asia</st1:place> and south eastern countries that was the reason why many so called foreigners as per today’s generation participated in the great war Mahabharat war.

    This proves that there was no Aryan Invasion.

  8. Even Beeshma supported Kauravas. This means he is not the greatest Archer. Only Arjuna is the greatest Archer.


    Beeshma is a fool infront of Arjuna. Arjuna could have defeated Beeshma singlehandedly.


    Beeshma is a emmotional fool because he sided for his king.


    If Karna is a bad man or he is bad because he sided with Duryodhana then even Beeshma should be treated the same.


    Why respect is given for Beeshma and not Karna? Give justice like a Court Verdict. Naya. If you support only Beeshma even though they were in same side then this shows one sidedness. This is shows karna is give disrespect not because Karna supported Duryodhana but because he was brought up as a son of Charioteer. Just like how some priest of some temple give respect to Mr. Amitabh Bachchan and change all temple rules and customs just because he is rich and consider common man as Karna who are made to wait outside the temple. That means for money even the Priest bend at that time they forget their ego and don't even check whether Amitabh is a Brahmin, Kshtrayia, Vaishya or Shudra but a common man is ignored and if he is a Dalit then he is not allowed into temple. This is how some have brought Dharmic religion down to 3rd position after Islam and Christianity. Peoplea are not interested in Strengthening Hinduism but they are concerned with maitaining their ego and selfish needs. Some of these people are real responsible for the Decline of Hinduism from Native American Red Indians, Africans and Austrailians. Except ISKCON no one is trying to strenghten Dharmic Religion they are still Jai Arjuna.


    Sri Krishna and Sri Rama had never shown such one sidedness. Don't forget even after Ramayana war Sri Rama asked Lakshmana to learn from Ravana. Also, Sri Rama conducted last rituals of Ravana. This shows Naya. These are the qualities of great people like Sri Rama and Sri Krishna. They give respect to qualities and punish injustice. If Sri Rama inspite of being a victor can give good treatment for Ravana after when Ravana was defeated just because Ravana was a learned man why can't equal treatment given to Karna. This shows now narrow minded people still are they don't want to leave their ego.


    Arjuna is great. He sided with Dharma and so on. Don't forget that after Mahabharata war Arjuna and Bheema were filled with ego. So Sri Krishna taught even them a lesson by making Nakula and Shadeva the best Warrior.


    If they were without any errors then they should have been able to ascend to Heaven with their bodies like how Yudhistra was able to.


    It was only Sri Krishna who was great in entire Mahabharata. If Sri Krishna would not have been there in the War then the question of Pandavas wining the war would not have been come. Where there is Sri Krishna there is Victory.


    If you don't want to accept Karna's valour then it is fine but don't make Arjuna great because he is is not worth only Sri Krishna, Sri Rama, Gautam Buddha, Mahavira Vardhman and Guru Nanak are great.


    Not Arjuna.


    Jai Sri Krishna and not Arjuna because Sri Krishna united all Tribes inhabitating in Ancient India at that time hence not only Dharmic Religion he had done a lot for Ancient India. Sri Krishna was a True Indian and we all carry the genes of Sri Krishna and Sri Rama.


    They are not only Godhead but also our real Great Great Great.......Grandfather and not Arjuna.

  9. Founders of Taoism and Confucianism were Indians. Hence even Taoism and Confucianism falls under Indian Indigenous Dharmic culture.


    If Bhogar Nathar was Tao then Kalangi Nathar might be Confucius.


    Confucius was Kālangi Nāthar from Benaras

    According to Chinese tradition, Laozi lived in the 6th century BC, however many historians contend that Laozi actually lived in the 4th century BC, which was the period of Hundred Schools of Thought and Warring States Period,



    Confucius was born in 551 BCE in Lu, a small state in China and died in 479 BCE.

    This means that Confucius preceeded Tao.

    That means Kālangi Nāthar the guru of Bhoganāthar or Bhogar is Confucius.







  10. Thanks for all Brahmins and Pandits of Tirupati. You are really genius you are helping in uniting all Hindus.


    Brahmins and Dalits of Tirupati have united now let us see how a caliph or a pope dares to break our uniting.


    Ancient Indian Dharmic religion is the great. Brahmins and Dalits are brothers both are great.


    All together united Ancient Indian Dharmic religion are great.


    I hope even preist of Orissa learn something from the Tirupathi Brahmins and even they help in uniting all Hindus, Jains, Buddhist and Sikhs.


    Jai Sri Rama, Jai Sri Krishna, Jai Mahaveera Vardhman, Jai Gautam Buddha, Jai Guru Nanaka.


    Good work Brahmins of Tirupati. You are great! Good work Dalits of Tirupati even you are great.


    United Ancient Indian Dharmic religion Induism(People of Indigeneous culture Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism).


    Few more thing about karna that will help in establishing Dharmic religion back even in Europe



    <FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=3>Some Europeans who have “Karna” included into their name say that their Karna family originated in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comP><P><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =



    There are many people of European named as Karna. In <st1:country-region><st1:place>Finland</st1:place></st1:country-region>, <st1:country-region><st1:place>Denmark</st1:place></st1:country-region> and <st1:country-region><st1:place>Sweden</st1:place></st1:country-region>. Some of them even claim that Karna was the common name in earlier days. Whether they are descendants of Karna or not but still the name Karna was spread throughout the World. This can be the derivate of the Indian name Karna and no one else because he was the only world conqueror in the ancient times. This is was the reason why most of the nations participated in the Maha Bharata war the war of Greater Bharata which stretched from <st1:place>Europe</st1:place> to <st1:place>Asia</st1:place>.



    Some references of usage of Name “Karna” in European countries.



    Note that most of these countries are Nordic Countries. It could be possible that Karna might not be a blonde. He might just be fair skinned because there were instances that say that he shines like Sun. Or he might have married blondes of <st1:country-region><st1:place>Denmark</st1:place></st1:country-region>, <st1:country-region><st1:place>Sweden</st1:place></st1:country-region> and <st1:country-region><st1:place>Finland</st1:place></st1:country-region>.

    As Karna was the ancestors of Huna and Khans, it might be possible that Nords of Sweden, <st1:country-region><st1:place>Denmark</st1:place></st1:country-region> and <st1:country-region><st1:place>Finland</st1:place></st1:country-region> may be indirect descendants of Karna because Swet Hunas were actually belonged to same group of Hunas of China.

    It is very clear that Dhillons were the descendants of Karna. Dillons belonged to Jat clan and Jat clan DNA matches with the Goths and Jutes who belong to the Nord race.





    Other Indian Tribe were Tarkhans (which is similar to Tartars, Turks and Khans).


    Just like their ancestor Karna and Genghis Khan, even all Khans and Europeans should come back to Ancient Indian Dharmic religion and consider Mohammed as Mahamat Acharya and Jesus and Ishu Acharya just a teacher and not as creator of new religions because they did not teach any new religion they just migrated the Ideology and Principle of our Ancient Indian Dharmic religion to their respective Land. Even if people baptize to Christianity and Islam it is meaningless because even after baptizing they are indirectly following the Ancient Indian Dharmic culture in the disguise of Christianity and Islam, this is the reason why in our Land we are born into Ancient Indian Dharmic religion and we don’t have to get ourself Baptized. The child born to a Christian family and a Muslim family by default belongs to the ancient Indian Dharmic culture due to this later on they convert them to Christianity and Islam. Instead of converting to Christianity and Islam they should retain the Ancient Indian Dharmic religion.

    Islam was capable of attracting many followers because they used to give them equal status irrespective of their race, caste, gender and background but as soon as they convert to Islam they teach them hatred against Non Muslim. When Mahamut Acharya himself spared his enemies then why are these Terrorists killing innocent peoples who have got nothing to do with Religious Politics. Muhammed either copied or taught the same Alakh Niranjan (Alakh means "that which is not seen" and niranjan means "without any stains.") as Allah U Akbar( God is Great). That is why Allah as per Alakh is not seen. As per Islam there are 100 name of God but only 99 names are just adjecive of God but last one is hidden which is the original name of God and that can be nothing else than Om. Hence Om is the real name of God and not Allah. The reason is that either Muhammad did not want to accept the fact that Om was the real god because then the existence of Islam will end or he himself did not knew the name of the God. Also, Muhammed was preached by Angel Gabriel and not the God himself. Only ancient Indian ascetics and Jesus used to speak to God directly.


    Just like how 99 names of Allah in Islam is considered as adjectives of the same God then why can’t Brahman(not Brahmin caste), Vishnu, Mahesh, Parmatama, Parameshwar, Parampitaha, Jina and Buddha is considered as the adjectives of the same God Ancient Indian Dharmic God that is <st1:place>Om.</st1:place> Each and every single thing in Islam was copied from Ancient Indian Dharmic culture. If there was no Ancient Indian Dharmic culture then it would have been very difficult for Muhammed and Jesus to spread the idea of Divine God to foreigners. Until and Unless they don’t get the final name of God their religion is incomplete and we the followers of Ancient Indian Dharmic religion knew the original name <st1:place>Om</st1:place>(Aum) of the creator who created entire Universe from whom Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh were created. Our Ancient Indian Dharmic religion is the complete religion.

    Christianity was capable of attracting many followers because they used to say that their Lord sacrificed his life for humanity, he forgave even his killers that too Romans themselves but as soon as they convert to Christianity they teach them hatred against Non Christians like the Jews. It is a irony that Romans themselves killed Jesus and blamed Jews entirely for the Cruxification of Jesus. But still Christians feel that what Roman Church says that is all true.

    Those who are Non Muslims and Non Christians directly belong to Ancient Indian Dharmic religion and those who are Muslims and Christians indirectly belong to Ancient Indian Dharmic Religion.

    Both Brahmins and Dalits should work together for strengthening our Ancient Indian Dharmic culture. Whatever happened till now forget it and start a fresh? Give both Brahmin and Dalit an equal status and equal share in our Dharmic religion of this Land which was preserved by Sri Parashuram, Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Mahavira Vardhman, Gautam Buddha, Dharmic Samrat Ashoka and Guru Nanak.

    Break the Janivar like Guru Nanak and accept the Saffron(Unity of all Bhramins, Kshatriays, Vaishs, Dalits, Non-Muslims and Non-Christians).

    Ancient Indian Dharmic religion knew about <st1:City><st1:place>Darwin</st1:place></st1:City>’s theory much before than <st1:City><st1:place>Darwin</st1:place></st1:City>.

    It was always said that Life transformed from different living beings until it became human, we misinterpreted it as each and every single human spirit first takes birth in the form of a microorganism and then takes birth in the form of insect and then takes birth in the form of bird and then takes birth in the form of animals and later on takes birth in the form of Human. Actually, our Ancient Indian Dharmic religion was taking about entire Human being as one entity that entire Human beings collectively originated from microorganism and then insects and then bird and then animals and finally Humans. The life here was an entire entity of Living beings collectively and not just spirit of an Individual.

    It is prophesied that Islam and Christianity will end and only Ancient Indian Dharmic religion will remain because just like <st1:place>Om</st1:place>(Aum) and universe it is neither created nor destroyed. "

  11. Karna deserves that position of Greatest Archer don't deprive from this position just because he sided with Duryodhana. Even Beeshma, Dronacharya and many other sided with Duryodhana but they were held with respect as the greatest warrior then why Karna is not liable for this position.

    He just owed to defend Duryodhana like a Bodygaurd so for this he was Killed in the battlefield, I think this settles the scores of him to side with Duryodhana.

    It should be noted that he did spared his Pandava brothers during the war. It should be also noted he inspite of being discriminated he did not kept hatred for Brahmins rather he answered all his critics by developing his skills and talent, so his story also teaches to some of the underprivileged or discriminated people that even if they are discriminated they should try to gain respect by developing themselves and not by nuturing hatred toward the higher caste because most of them were not even present when their ancestors were discriminated as most of them were clubbed into High caste structure much later.

    Karna's story also teaches that if one should not side with bad people even if the bad people support them because ultimate result is that they will have to loose everything at end just like how Karna lost everything.

    Karna could be a bad man just because he sided with Duryodhana but otherwise they were many good things about him for which he was appreciated even by Sri Krishna.

    By giving his life he not only defended Duryodhana till death and hence fulfilled his oath that till he is alive no one can harm Duryodhana but at the same time indirectly he made it easy for the Pandavas to end their enemy because as per Karna’s oath the clause was that “Till Karna is alive he will not allow any body to harm Duryodhana” as per this clause any body can Kill Duryodhana after Karna’s death and also this clause does not says that he has to kill Duryodhana’s enemy. He was free to forgive Duryodhana’s enemies but he will not allow them to harm Duryodhana.

    If Brahmins and Dalits unite this will slove many issues.

    * This will unite our Dharmic culture.

    * Will stop the discrimination of fresh lot of younger generations who loose their opportunity just because of reservations. Equal opportunity for both talents of Brahmins as well as Dalits.

    * Even People of low caste will contribute to develop the Dharmic culture like they always did since ancient times for. e.g. Ved Vyas, Valmiki, Vidura etc..

    * This will also help in controlling the anti social elements like Naxalite, Terrorists and seperatists. If Dalits are given equal oppertunity then very foundation of such Naxalite organization will be broken and peace will be restored.

    If you want to remain united and save Brahmins for backlashes then this is the only way by uniting Brahmins and Dalits.

    <FONT face="Times New Roman">Some priest they oppose people of low caste from entering into temples but they should not forget that along with stopping low caste people from visiting their beloved God they are at the same time restricting the God himself from meeting his people. People who have come with Bhakti Bhavana to see their God then why they are being debarred from worshipping their God in ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comst1:City>. This situations is equal to t

    If you restrict God from meeting his devotees then it is obvious that God himself well get agitated of this act. God is free to meet any one whether he is a Dalit or a Brahmin.

    It is Irony that some Priest restricting dalits from entering into <st1:City><st1:place>Temple</st1:place></st1:City> but they don't stop Prostitute dancing and performing flesh shows in one of the <st1:place><ST1:PlaceType>Temple</ST1:PlaceType> of <ST1:PlaceName>Madhya Pradesh</ST1:PlaceName></st1:place>.

    Every one can come into temple to pray. Even a Prostitute can come to pray but they should not be allowed to start their business in and around temple premises. Devotees go to temple to in Bhakti Bhavana and not to see the dance of any Ms Bhakti or Ms Bhavana. Such vulgarity should be condemed.

    There should be limit for narrow mindedness at the same time there should be a limit for open mindedness.

    Vulgar images should be scraped off from the temple walls of Kajhurao and instead of that story of Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Mahaveera Vardhman and Gautam Buddha should carved onto the wall of those temples. When the Vulgar Images were carved onto the temple at that time all members of Ancient Indian Dharmic culture were not consulted. Also temple should be place of Dedication and Devotion towards God and not to any vulgar images.

    Just like suppose if you go to buy vegetable you choose and select only the good vegetables from the lot in the same way retain the good part of our Ancient Indian Dharmic religion and add good parts from outsider and remove the corrupt part from our Ancient Indian Dharmic religion so that henceforth any Muslim or Christian does not get any point to pin point at us. Our Ancient Indian Dharmic culture should be always correct and true. Just like how you sweep dirt from your residence so that your house becomes clean in the same way sweep away corrupt practices so that our Ancient Indian Dharmic Religion becomes Pure. Inspite of breaking Janivar(thread) still Guru Nanak became one of the sacred ascetics of our Holy India. India is the God's own country you will not find any country in the world that has snow mountains, plateau, plains, forests, Deserts, Sea, Coastal area, beaches all in the same country whereas India has everything in it it is almost represent Earth. If Delhi is the capital of India then India is the Dharmic Capital of entire Plannet Earth, like there is Desert is most countries of Africa but there is no snow mountains in those countries(except in some African countries) similarly there is snow Mountains in some countries of Europe but no desert in those countries(except in some European countries). You will never see Tigers and Lions both in same country except in zoos but <st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region> is the only country where we have Gir Lions as well as Bengal Tigers both of whose Natural Habitat is India Itself.

    The fact that Karna selected Shayla as his charioteer inspite of knowing that Shayla was Nakula and Sahadeva’s uncle and hence might try to help his nephews, shows that even internally Karna wanted that his Pandava brothers should be able to kill him easily. Karna made himself vulnerable for his brothers.

    Take for e.g. in today’s generation if a Minister orders the Police to stop the protestors and in this scenario the protestor might be protesting of Justice or the protestor might be themselves corrupt people at the same time the Minister who order the Police to stop the protestors might a good Minister or corrupt Minister now in this scenario Police has to follow the orders of the Minister and stop the protestor this does not means in this scenario that it is Polices fault for acting against the Protestor, the same applies for Karna who fought against the enemies of Duryodhana now whether the enemies are good people or bad people it does not matter much of any soldier even in current scenario, Karna had to serve his master in the war just like how Beeshma served his kingdom in the war whether it is being ruled by a Good king or Bad king.

    Sri Parashuram Kshetra was in present day Kerala so it is obvious that he was trained in Karali Payattu the Indian Martial arts from which all Chinese and Japanese Martial arts was invented. Sri Parashuram taught Karna this Martial Arts. This was the reason why Karna was the great warrior because he was capable of aiming with bow and arrow with different angles as well as he was capable of swinging Mace(Gadha weapon) just like a Sword.


    Arjuna and Eklavya got their skills from Dronacharya who was trained by Sri Parashuram but Karna was directly trained by Sri Parashuram himself.

    Everything was Historical but it became Mythological.

    Mace(Gadha weapon) of Sri Hanuman was just like the so called Malab used in Desi Gym since Ancient times. Since Sri Hanuman was a Body builder he was capable of using this tools even as a weapon in battlefield.

    The dress of Sri Hanuman could have been something that resemble like a Tail due to which people belonging to other clan of his era might be addressing it as a Tail. Take for e.g. in today’s generation when they see any common villager wearing a Dhoti they consider it to be awkward same may be the reaction for Sri Hanuman’s dress code by other members of different society. If you notice the dhoti of men and Kache dress of maharastrian village women and men you might find the end of the dress called dhoti or men/ Kache of maharastrian women which is stuffed at the back looks similar to a Tail, It could be possible that that the dress of Sri Hanuman was something like that.

    The words Vishu and Shiva are from same origin. Consider Vish of Vishnu and Shiv of Shiva you will find that V I S H of Vish and S H I V of Shiv are same letters and if you try to prounce Vishnu like Vi + Sh and now Shiva like Sh + iV the appear to be same.

    Mahabharat and Ramayana stories were real Historical events.

  12. There were great brahmins like Lokmanya Tilak who fought for the upliftment of Dalits and other low caste people. But Chankaya was the follower of Ajivika form of Hinduism which is different than modern days Brahminism etc.. There were priest in all tribes that were present and those who came to Ancient India but they were not today's Brahmin sect. Some of these Priest shared higher status some of them did not. Many of them were ascetics like Sadhus and Rishis who belong to any caste not just today's brahmin.


    It was Bashing of those Brahmins who still consider that they belong to higher caste and others belong to lower ranks and to those Brahmins who discriminated.


    All those Brahmins who teach equality and consider all people equal to themselves are considered to be great and who fought for India and devlopment of Dharmic religion.


    Like Mangal Pandey, Balgangadhar Tilak, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, C. Rajagopalachari, Swami Sahajanand Saraswati, Basawon Singh (Sinha), Yogendra Shukla, and Sheel Bhadra Yajee, to name just a few, were at the forefront of the struggle for freedom.


    Even Rabindranath Tagore was a brahmin but he never differentiated people on the basis of caste.


    I respect these people but I don't respect those Brahmins who discriminate people of Dharmic religion and weaken the Dharmic religion.


    I had clearly showed disrespect to Naxalite even if they belong to Dalit because they are weakening the brotherhood and unity of Dharmic religion at the same time I have shown disrespect to only those Brahmins who weakend the unity of Dharmic religion.


    I want to ask a question to Guesttttt who consider everything to be Brahmin Bashing the question is that does Guesttttt discriminate among a Individual belonging to a Dharmic religion with another Individual belonging to a Dharmic religion whether he is a Brahmin or Dalit.


    Can Mr. Guesttttt strongly point out among those practicing Brahmins who don't differentiate an Individual of Dharmic religion on the bases of Caste?


    Can Mr. Guesttttt justify the act of Priest of temple in Orissa who cleaned the temple premises when all Dalits finished worshipping? When God is equal for everyone they why did the Priest disallowed Dalits from their rights?


    History itself proved that many Brahmins discriminated people due to which today Dharmic religion is considered as number 3 with respect to Population. Christainity and Islam is Overtaking the Dharmic religion.


    Whoever does not discriminated is a respectable person? But the person who differentiate even if he is a Brahmin or a Dalit is a fool like ShekChilli who cuts the same branch in which he is sitting.


    Among the great Brahmin scholars and writers are Nobel laureates Rabindranath Tagore and V. S. Naipaul and others like Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan, Subramanya Bharathy, Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar', Suryakant Tripathi Nirala. Great Brahmin scientists include Nobel Laureate Sir C.V.Raman and Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, and great Brahmin mathematicians include Srinivasa Ramanujan and C. P. Ramanujam. Even today, many Brahmins hold top posts in administration, academia, business, army, Air Force, journalism, etc. Many Brahmin leaders like C. Rajagopalachari and Lokmanya Tilak fought for the uplifting of the socially repressed Dalits and for the equality of Dalits in society.


    These Brahmins helped in uniting Ancient Indian Dharmic religion.


    At the same time I respect Adivasi like

    Bhagini Shabari, a Bhil woman that offered Shri Rama and Shri Laxmana her half eaten 'ber' when they were searching for Shri Sita in the forest.


    If Sri Ram ate half eaten Ber of Shabari then why some Brahmins think great about themselves and discriminate people on the bases of caste due to which Dharmic religion became Weak.


    There is no Brahmin who is as great as Lokmanya Tilak in Mordern History and there is no Dalit as great as Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. There is a tradition in our Land since ancient times that we give respect to Knowlege and as these people were Knowledgeable they are respectable.


    I has even objected wrong deeds of Dalit till then Mr. Guesttttt was enjoying but Mr. Guesttttt just objected when it was about Brahmin.


    I respect Ancient Indian Dharmic religion and India. Whoever tries to break the unity of Ancient Indian Dharmic religion and India should be disrespected. I want that Ancient Dharmic religion of this land should be back in number one position than any other religion of this world.


    Those Bahmins and Dalits who consider each other as brother and equal should be respected but those Brahmins and Dalits who consider each other as unequal should be given same treatment like what they give to each others.


    You are sad about ego of Brahmins being hurted but you are not sad about the weakening of our Ancient Indian Dharmic culture. A person who converts to another religion not only converts to another religion but at the same times nuture hatred for the Ancient Indian Dharmic religion.

    At the same time even Dalits should not blindly follow all the wrong information provided to them by some anti social elements like Naxalites. They should rather properly analyze our ancient Indian Dharmic culture. It was not just Dalits who were the ones who were deprived from ther rights. There are people belonging to Higher caste like Beeshma who were deprived from their rights for the sake of his low caste half brother. High caste Beeshma has to sacrifice his throne and marriage life for the sake of his Younger brother who belonged to low caste.

    Instead of fighting among themselves both Brahmins and Dalits should unite. All sacred holy men of India should march into UP and Bihar to devlope and civilize the people over there. We are loosing our culture in these states. Uttar Bharat is the birth place of our Dharmic ancestor like Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Mahaveer Vardhman and Gautam Buddha. It is the place where they lived, penanced and attained Moksha and today our Dharmic Land is spoiled by the Gun culture prevailing over there like Taliban. If our ascetics don't act in time and preach the message of eternal dharmic harmony in these regions then we will soon loose this land like how we lost the North Western Part of ancient Akanda Bharata. They should teach these people how to live in a civilized manner they should teach them how to read and write and develope oneself and in turn help in developing our country. They should help in stopping the Gun culture in these states once and for all. They should rebuild the world famous ancient Indian Dharmic university the Nalanda University. They should develop Ayurvedic cultivation and Yoga in full swing. Ayuved will become a golden hen for our ancient Indian Dharmic culture just like what Oil is for Arabs.

    All these are inter related events, happening of one incident resulted into another incident. Karna sided with anti social element like Duryodhana it was not just his fault it was the fault of some unnecessary, irrelogical social customs being practized in those times.

    Dalits should be invited into temples some of them should also be appointed as priest of the temples. Even the references and use of words like Brahmins, Dalits, Aryan and Dravidian should be banned so that no one in future tries to divide us on these issues. All of them should be considered as Indians and to be arrived from the heart of God. Only one word should be used that is Indian to Classify them. So that this time people like karna openly support Pandavas instead of Kauravas.

    Reservations should be given on the bases of economical status of an individual and not on the bases of Caste, religion and race. So that all underpriviledge Dalits and Brahmins get equal oppertunity of the privileges at the same time only the one who is capable like Karna(Brahmin or Dalit) and who deserves will get his right share and serve our country along with Sri Krishna in the future Superpower Mahabharat of this world.

    When Sri Krishna himself considered Karna to be the greatest warrior and archer then who are others to contradict Sri Krishna's words. Sri Krishna might have spoken these only after carefully thinking and analyzing. He will never speak any word without any strong reason and logical justification. I consider Sri Krishna was not only the good thinker of that era but also the first person who started a Democratic government in our Subcontinent in that era. He was the first person who started public sector Trade industries, there were many quotes of those time that many traders had invested into Sri Krishna's Ventures because of which they had to willingly or unwillingly pray for his victory and remain loyal towards him incase of any internal crises during the war otherwise they would have to loose their invested money if he looses in the war. He did not completely supported Caplitalist(right) and Communist(left) but a mixture of both called Democracy(centre). He appointed Pandavas at the borders of India in Hastinapur to defend foreign Invansion and appointed a Yadava member onto the throne of Indraprastha(Delhi) to maintain internal policies this resembles a pure today's Democratic principles. Sri Krishna was the Iron man of Ancient India. ........."For the People, By the People and Of the People."


    Karna was the conqueror of ancient India who had merged foreing territories onto Greater India (Mahabharat which stretched from Greece to Tibet/Mongolia, Central Asia and today's Subcontinent - this was the reason why Yavanas(greeks) and other forienger participated in this war). Sri Krishna wanted Karna to side with him so that they can together spread Ancient Indian Dharmic culture into other foreign countries which only Karna was able of conquering because Sri Krishna very well knew that after this great war many people will seperate from the original Hastinapura kingdom and so it will be a bit difficult to re occupy the foreign territories without Karna. Sri Krishna even offered Karna to be the King of Pandavas if he sided with them but Karna sided with Duryodhana.


    If Sri Krishna was present on the day when Karna was insulted by Pandavas then he would have never allowed Pandavas to insult Karna. Also, during the syamwara Sri Krishna just told Draupadi to stop Karna from hitting the arrow to the Fish's eye, he never told Draupadi to use those additional caste remarks which she gave of her own to Karna. She could have told Karna since he is participating on the behalf of Duryodhana hence he was not applicable for this contest because as per the rule of the contest the one who hits the eye of Fish has to marry Draupadhi but if Karna would have hit the eye of Fish then he would have married Draupadhi to Duryodhana and not himself but instead of that she remarked saying that he is not applicable for this contest because of Low caste origin.


    You strongly objected when some of the policies of Brahmins were criticized why don't you object when people held Sri Krishna responsible for Mahabharat war. Don't you know that Sri Krishna tried all possible means to avoid the war he had even personally went and tried to make truce between both the parties.

    Sri Krishna used to play with Gopis like a Kid and there was no affairs. Smt Radha was probably the wife of Sri Krishna from which his Nandvansh is continued because Sri Krishna is also considered as son of Nanda because of this curse for Yaduvansh will not be applicable for Nandvansh and so his descendants of Nandvansh continues.

    It is well known that there were many enemies of Sri Krishna in those days so it is quiet possible that they might have spread derogatory information about Sri Krishna's Character due to jealously towards his fame and popularity so that people start disliking him. Sri Krishna was a Dharm Purush he cannot be a Casanova. Do you know what is the impact of these things people think that our Dharmic culture as adulterous. Why can’t Ayanaghosha, or Abhimanyu or Chandrasena the name of Smt Radha’s husband be another name of Sri Krishna himself? Some say that Smt Radha was older to Sri Krishna there can be possibility that villager might have told that "Radha Krishn sey baadi hai" this can also mean that Smt Radha might be belonging to richer family than Sri Krishna.’s foster father Nand.


    Sri Krishna never disrespected any lady. How can Sri Krishna disrespect Ladies when he himself saved Draupadhi from being undress infront of entire court? He might have gauged some fool play by Shakuni due to which he might have given Draupadi a biggest Sari and might have asked her to wear it in a complicated manner rather than the normal way of wearing it so that it would take time to be undressed and the rapists does not understand from where and how it can be removed.


    Why you do not object when people say that Sri Ram killed Bali Treacherously.

    Sri Ram was a Maryada Pursuhottama meaning the was the Uttam Purusha who followed rules and regulations. There could be no Uttam Purusha in this world who follows his dharma like Sri Ram. He gave respect even for his enemies.


    Shri Ram did not Killed Bali but he saved Sugreev

    Shri Ram hit an arrow to Bali just when he was about to strangle Sugreev. Bali and Sugreev were fighting at that time Shri Ram remained quiet for long time. Shri Ram waited till Bali attempts to strangle Sugreev and that moment when he was about to do that Shri Ram shot an arrow at Bali to defend Sugreev. Hence Shri Ram shot an arrow to defend Sugreev and not to just kill Bali also they were at very far distance hence it is not possible to hit arrow just at the hand of Bali so that his grip loosen and Sugreev his freed from his clutches hence Shri Ram had to hit the arrow at Bali's back so that grip loosens. Also, as per the rules of Kshtriya one cannot defeat a retreating warrior or an enemy but in this case Bali was not at all retreating he had just faced his back towards Shri Ram hence Shri Ram had not broke any rules. First of all Shri Ram did not had any personal enmity with Bali hence there was no reason why Bali will fight with Shri Ram and if Bali does not fights with Shri Ram then Shri Ram would not be able to kill him. Also Shri Ram wanted to maintain the dignity of Bali because by killing Bali from behind Shri Ram proved that during the life time of Bali no one was able to defeat Bali face to face and hence Bali died like a warrior and also his pride was intact that no one was able to defeat him face to face. Hence this act is well justified.


    How can Sri Ram Betray any one when he followed his one promise throughout his life that he will never have more than one wife and he followed his promise till he attained moksha.

    Sri Ram was not responsible for abandoning Sita mata. She insisted in having the Golden Deer due to which he had to leave her alone. She even crossed the Lakshmanrekha. This incident shows that one who violates the law of Ram falls into trouble.


    Why don’t you object when modern Buddhist say that Gautam Buddha and Jains say that Tirthankaras did not followed Dharmic tradition?


    Mahaveera Vardhman and Gautam Buddha were not responsible for the decline of Vedas. They did not entire rejected Vedas they just have objected towards certain clauses like the caste system which will emerge into discrimination exactly like what is has become.


    Nowhere Gautam Buddha and Mahaveera Vardhman had mentioned Jain Dharma and Buddha Dharma in their religious discourse. Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Gautam Buddha and Mahaveera always indicated about Dharma that means all of them were talking about the same Dharma of ancient Indian culture and nothing new or nothing different.


    Jina and Budh means the one who attained Gyan or Buddhi. So it was actually those 24 Tirthankaras who are Jains and 28 Buddhas as Boudh and not every one else who are following them because only those 24 Tirthankaras and 28 Buddhas have attained Kevalya and Nirvana(Ultimate Truth/Wisdom) and not all the followers of Buddhism and Jainism but still consider themselves to be a Jains and Buddhist just because they follow Tirthankaras and Buddha.


    All Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism belong to ancient Indian Dharma and nothing else. Along with Outsiders like Muslims and Christians we ourselves are responsible for the weakening of our Ancient Indian Dharmic Culture because of some of our irrelevant customes and practices.


  13. Chanakaya was from Ajivika another part of Ancient Indian Dharmic religion.








    Chanakya was not a pure Brahmin.


    You can say many practices like Hinduism, Ajivika, Animism, Carvaka , Buddhism, Jainism.




    Take for e.g. there were many tribes that were present in Ancient India. These tribes had their priest whom now people collectively refer as Brahmin when all these tribes were merged to form Hinduism. Sometimes the Priest(Brahmin) of one Tribe were consider to be higher than the Priest(Brahmin) of other tribe. In some tribes the duties of Priest was performed by the King himself hence the King himself could be termed as Brahmin of that particular tribe. Just like in some Todays South Indian where their house gods (ganas of Shiva) called Bhutas are worshipped by them through the elder member of their family who is like a Priest inaddition to this they go to normal Hindu temples in which they consider Bhatta as the priest. Now Bhatta is the contemporary of Pandit of North India meaning Learned man but when all these tribes were merged they were clubbed into Brahmins. This is the reason why even the North Indian Brahmins are somewhat different than the South Indian Brahmins.


    As there were many tribes some of the members of same tribes settled in different places and hence they got detached from the origin. Like the Jadhavs of Marathis and Yadavs of Biharis are one and same people but now if you find a Jadhdav and Yadav people together ou will think that they are different people this is because of practicing different cultures along many decades. Same applies to the Rashtrakrutas of South who used to speak Kannada invaded North and later on when their Northern part was dissected or splitted by other clans they remain detached from each other hence the Northern part of Rashtrakruta became Rathores and now if you bring a South Indian Rashtrakruta and a north Indian Rathore you will find a vast difference both in culture as well as in Language.




    Even the Present day Maharastra was once ruled by ashoka who as per today's generation was a North Indian that means Mumbai was once ruled by a North Indian and then it was ruled by Rashtrakuta South Indian but today political parties are again dividing Hindus in the name of Language like Marathi vs Biharis. UP and Biharis are actually Hardworking and Technical people but for these recent backlash to some extent even UP and Biharis are responsible because of the gun culture prevailing in North India, the way they use Gun openly it clearly indicates that in near future Bihar and UP will be converted into another Taliban. UP and Bihar is supposed to be the Dharmic land of Hindus, Jains and Buddhists is being corrupted by Gun culture. It looks like in near future if these gun culture and indecency continues in UP and Bihar then People of UP and Bihar will be discrespected whether they are innocent or not just like how innocent Dalits were treated. This is the reason why other people like Assamese, Nepalese and Maharastrians disrespect them. They should be proudly called as Brahta(elder brother word like Brahtashri of Mahabharata) and not Bhaiyas by their other fellowmen of this country who are currently disliking them because of their heritage, but this can be done only if they want to develop themselves and live and behave like a civilized person just like how our ancestors lived in Ancient Indian Dharmic religion and not like Talibanis.


    Some of the tribes intermixed and formed a different tribe altogether like Greeks and Nagas, like some of the south Indians who pray to Murugan as well as perform Bhuta Kola and Nagardhane(Worship of Snake Idols).


    Suppose there are two tribes which as a Priest, A King or Administor of Republic like Mahajapadas(Ancient Indian Republic), Workers and slaves captured during the war or indebted people who were not capable paying back the loans that they had taken from Traders or Business.


    Nevermind, whatever it is but inorder to strengthen Ancient Indian Dharmic religion and India it is required to unite all Ancient Dharmic religion(Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism).


    Even Zorasthrasium(Persian Aryans) can be considered as a part of Dharmic religion because they were among the Aryan organization and even they chanted ON which sounds similar to Om. But they consider Ahuras(Asuras) as good and Daeva Daivas(Devas) as bad exactly opposite of Indo-Aryans.













    The king Nebuchadnazzar (940 B. C.) who was also the lord of Reva-nagara (in Kathiawar OF Gujrat) and who belonged to Sumer tribe, has come to the lace (Dwarka) of the Yaduraja. He has built a temple and paid homage and made the grant perpetual in favour of Lord Neminatha, the paramount deity of Mt. Raivata. This inscription is of great historical importance. The king named Nebuchadnazzar was living in the 10th century B. C. It indicates that even in the tenth century B.C. there was the worship of the temple of Neminatha the 22nd. Tirthankara of the Jains. It goes to prove the historicity of Neminatha.


    The literary evidence seems to be supported by an epigraphic evidence.1 In Kathiawar, a copper plate has been discovered on which there is an inscription.




    Some Persian even say that Abrahman and Zorasthutra were one and same person.


    Real name of Abrahma was Abraham Ibrahim Zeradust.




    Some people say that the decline of Buddhism and Jainism in India was because of Hindus but this is not fully correct. The decline of Buddhism and Jainism was because of the conquest of Arab who had demolished all Hindu, Buddhist and Jain monuments and temples in India. During the Arab conquest the part followers of Ancient Indian Dharmic religion who used to follow the practice of Idol worshipping merged together whereas Buddhist and Jains were reluctant to wage war against the invader because of their non violence and peace principle this was one of the cause of their decline. But even among Buddhist and Jains Kings there were many who tried to stop the invasion.


    Why Arabs respect Moon obviously they don't pray to it but still they respect it? The reason is that they belong to Chandravansh.


    During Haj their followers have to refrain themselves from eating meat. Earlier times they had to wear plain white clothe and shave off their head while going to Mecca. These practices resembles to the Swetambara sect of Jainism. Arabian Peninsula is very close to Sindh there are possiblities that Indian Ascetics Shraman(Sadhus and Rishis) might have gone to Arabian in BC era during and after the flood (Not the great flood which is common to most of the world religion).


    Mohammud got his revelation of Koran in the cave where angel Gabriel appeared to him. Most of the Indian Ascetics(Sadhus, Rishis, Jain Digambara monks and Buddhist monks) used to live in caves. Probably one of them revealed Dharmic religion code to him. From Alakh Niranjan he mispronounced to Allah U Akbar. Different languages have different ways of pronouncing the same word as per their local accent.


    Makadhwaja who was called the son of Hanuman was born by cloning this also proves that our scientific technology was high in ancient times.


    But as per the story.


    The story of Makardhwaja's birth is that although Hanuman remained celibate all his life, Makadhwaja was his son; when Hanuman had extinguished his burning tail in the ocean, unknown to him, a drop of his sweat had fallen in as well. Swallowing this sweat droplet, a fish then becomes pregnant. This is discovered when the fish is brought to Mahiravana's kitchen for cooking. Mahiravana raises the child, entrusting him to guard Patalpuriis gates. Hanuman is unaware of any of this. Although Makardhwaja knows his father is Hanuman, yet had never seen him. So, when Hanuman introduces himself to Makardhwaja, he seeks Hanuman's blessings but decides to fight him as part of his duty as guardian of the gates. Hanuman subdues him and ties him up before entering Patalpuri to rescue Rama and Lakshmana.


    It could be possible that instead of Fish the mother of Makadhwaja was actually a Lady from MatsyaKula(Something from the Kholi fisherman tribe). In recent years we have many ways to give birth to young ones without real phsyical intercourse.




    Patala which is the other end of Earth that is America. Even Maya culture were similar to our Ancient Indian Culture.




    There was one recent Incident in which the Brahmins of Puri temple did not allowed a non Hindu foreigner into the temple. These Brahmins should understand that our culture is a strong culture formed from Admyathik(Spiritual) Heritage we should not be like followers of Islam who don't allow non muslim to enter into Mecca. These Brahmins should understand that no one can break our Dharmic Heritage take for e.g. when Islam spread from Arabian Peninsula it converted most of the countries like IRAQ, IRAN, TURKEY etc.. to Islam even when Christanity spread it converted most of the European countries to Christanity but inspite of both of them coming to India they hardly managed to convert few among us to Islam and Christanity. It is impossible to remove Dharmic culture from India. But if these Brahmins they don't give up their ego then it will be very difficult to retain our culture. Whoever it is whether a Brahmin or a Dalit whether a Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Sikh and Parsis(Zorasthrians) are all part of Dharmic culture hence they should respect each other like fellow human beings and concentrate in developing our Dharmic culture and India.


    A Dalit is equal to a Brahmin hence he should be allowed to any temple that belong to any Dharmic religion in India and Abroad. To further reduce these castewise differentiation SC, ST and OBC reservations should be removed and instead of that EBC(Ecnomical Backward Class) reservations should be made which can benefit all poor Dalits, OBCs, Tribes and Even Brahmins. This will restrict Rich Brahmins, Tribes, OBCs and Dalit from reservations because they can offered to study and do some other business. After few years people will forget whether their ancestor were Dalit or a Brahmin but if SC, ST and OBCs are still retained they these things will be still in their memories that they are dalits. Today hardly anybody recognizes whether his colleague is a Dalit or a Brahmin but if they still carry on their SC, ST and OBCs quotas they are very likely to indentified as Dalits or Brahmins. Also, this will help in giving Job and Oppertunity for the one who deserves whether he is a Dalit or a Brahmin because we want our Country should Grow and devlop so that it can benefit every one.


    These Naxalite are investing money in arms and ammunition and harming the intergrity of our Motherland. Instead of that they can invest money in educating under privillege people and starting Job oppertunity for them and hence raising their standard of living and help in developing our country. Just like Shri Babasaheb Ambedkar they should raise their standard of living and develop oppertunities of them but just like what some Brahmins did in ancient times because of which Hindus were divided these Naxalite are further dividing them. Shri Babasaheb Ambedkar did not picked up arms but still he managed to uplift most of the low caste people and also he was the most learned man of his times who made our constitution.


    I respect Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Mahaveer Vardhman, Gautam Buddha and Guru Nanak.


    I respect Sri Ambedkar who made consitution for us than any Brahmin who did not benefited the country in any real sense.


    I respect real Shraman(Sadhu, Rishis, Acharyas, Munis, Baba, Aghoris, Yogis, Swamis, Buddhists and Jains) who developed and contributed to our Ancient Indian Dharmic culture than any Brahmin who divided our Ancient Indian Dharmic culture.


    Everthing was Historical.

  14. The chakra of Sri Krishna is actually the Boomerang. This is the only weapon that returns back after completing projectile motion. The Boomerang is used by many Australian Aboriginal and African tribes. Now it is well understood that Australian Aboriginal are in reality Indians who went and settled there.


    The boomerang was used for hunting etc.. As Sri Krishna was a cowherd/shepherd in childhood so there is possibility that he used to use this tool to hit the wild animals that would come to hunt his cows and sheeps. Using this Tools continously Sri Krishna had mastered it anyone who does any things repititavily becomes an expert in that equipment. Sri Krishna might have sharped this tools or made some changes/inventions to this tool either by making it with Metal instead of wood. The warriors of Mahabharata war were well trained with sword, bow and arrow, mace and spear but they were not trained with Boomerang since it is in reality not a weapon used in war, hence they were not capable of using Boomerang conveniently like how Sri Krishna used to use it.




    He might be also expert in using Slingshot tool.




    Take for e.g. David and Goliath of Jews history.


    David was also a cowherd/shepherd. He used to wrap stones into a long clothe and then whirl and swing that clothe, when he used to do that the stones wrapped in that clothe used to be released and striking at the target. When child David was given an Oppertunity to defeat the huge giant Goliath then people were shocked to see that David just opting to use a clothe and stones to defeat Goliath. Goliath who could not be defeated by swords was defeated by the stones of child David.




    It is also suggested that Semetic biblical city or people called ophir is equivalent of Bharatya Abhira. On this basis, some scholars seek yadav and Jews connection. According to Stephen Knapp, the Greeks referred to the Jews as Judeos, or Jah deos or Yadavas, meaning people of Ya or descendants of Yadu, one of the sons of Yayati. It is also regarded that the basis of the Kabbalah, the book of Jewish mystical concepts, as described in The Holy Kabbalah by Arthur Edward Waite, is linked with Vedas. Yadavas were possessors of great mystical knowledge is confirmed in Bhagvad Gita itself which says same knowledge was given to Manu (first man on earth), Surya and Ikshavaku (ancestor of Lord Rama) at very ancient time. It is believed Abhira were the link between eastern and western religions. There are compelling proofs of both mauryan and Guptas being Abhirs. The Kshatriya religion was propounded by Krishna, and no reference is found before him. We only find Rajnya as the term alternatively used for it (Bhagwad Gita is emaciated form of hidden knowledge—Gope—which has its root in Shiva). Later on, many Kshatriyas were made based on the philosophy of this religion as revealed in Bhagavad Gita.




    You will find some people of South Indian and Few North Indian Celebrating Krishna Janmastami some of them don't celebrate Ram Navami this is not because of North and South divide the main reason is that those who are the descendants of Sri Krishna's lineage or clan follow Sri Krishna's directives whereas you will find many Maharastrians and some North Indians celebrating both Krishna Janmastami and Ram Navami because either the practice has be initiated in those places or they are descendants of both Sri Krishna's clan and Sri Rama's clan. There are also many south Indian people who celebrate Ram Navami mostly in Andhra Pradesh. But that does not makes any difference because both Sri Rama and Sri Krishna were Indians and both of them worked for the development of Dharmic religion so they should be given equal importance both in North as well as South whether it is Krishna Janmastami or Ram Navami.


    Hence everything was Historical and Scientifical but because of some people who added unnecessary things and made it to look more complicated so that it becomes Mythological due to which Younger generations are going away from the Dharmic religion.


    Contributions of Brahmins for the development of Dharmic religion was 0%.

    Contributions of Brahmins for the unity of Dharmic religion was 0%.

    Contributions of Brahmins for devloping economy of India was 0%.

    Contributions of Brahmins for defending the nation from foreign aggression by fighting with them like a soldier was 0%.

    But still they consider themselves to be higher than every one. They consider themselves higher than even God.


    When Sri Rama and Sri Krishna wipped the legs of many Brahmins, these Brahmins felt that they are greater than Gods but they are forgetting that in actually Sri Rama and Sri Krishna were great the reason is that inspite of being a King they wiped the legs of Brahims, this shows how humble they were and on the other hand these brahmins have so much ego that they don't respect any human values.


    This proves that no matter whoever he is or whatever he is, he should not possess ego otherwise they will go into doom. People pray to Sri Rama and Sri Krishna because of their humbleness and see what is the conditions of Brahmins today because of their Ego.


    There is lot of difference between Self respect and Ego but people consider both as one. Brahmins misunderstood that their personal selfish ego was their self respect.


    There are many practicing Brahmins who are not able to slove a Mathematical equations but at the same time there are many Dalits who can solve those Mathematical equations quiet conveniently. But as per Brahmins they came from Head of God then they are supposed to solve all that present in this world then why are not able to match with the IQ level, rational and logical reasoning of people belonging caste lesser than theirs. This contradicts their very basic statement that Brahmins came from the head of God whereas rest of the caste people came from other parts of the God's body that means other parts of God's body are more intelligent, smart and have rationaly and logically reasoning then those Brahmins who came from the head of God.

  15. Chandragupta Mauyra the Grandfather of Samrat Ashoka had himself married a Greek Lady so if we consider that our history with foreigner's starts from Alexander then even from that time there were many people among us who were from mixed heritage.


    There another group of books called 9 Unknown Men of Samrat Ashoka(Piodasses) the Dharmic Emperor(Not just Buddhist Emperor because along with Buddhism he had even built many Shiva temples and only Buddhist were able to preserve most of the details about him hence they claim him to be only a Buddhist King).


    Several Foreign countries are well attested recipients of Ashoka's missions (such as Sri Lanka and Thailand), lending credence to the historicity and the success of these missions. It is all the more surprising that no records of them have remained in the West. The only known record in that sense is that of the 2nd century CE Saint Origen, who stated that Buddhists co-existed with Druids in pre-Christian Britain:







    <DL><DD>"The island (Britain) has long been predisposed to it (Christianity) through the doctrines of the Druids and Buddhists, who had already inculcated the doctrine of the unity of the Godhead" Origen, "Commentary on Ezekiel".</DD></DL>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashoka_the_Great





    Some say that these Nine Unknown Men are actually books that contains lot of information due to this reason Samrat Ashoka had hidden them so that foreigners don't take advantages of these books. If our Archeaologist find these books then once again India can become the world's super power. Some says that it contains most of information of Technology, Articraft, Socialogy, Economics etc..


    Whatever west has today is given to them by our ancestors but we were able to keep up that self esteem and pride that we had once. The west borrowed everything from us and they feel that they are superior to us. What will happen if all our scientist come back to India? If that happens then Nasa will close within a second.


    But what the use if they come back our government policies will not support their Intellectuality because here people are divided on the basis of Quota, Reservations. So called Quota and Reservations were actually made to develop underpriviledge people but today it is just used for making money there are many High caste people who make fake certificates and take Quota and Reservations Job. Even the people from Low caste has to pay money to his minister who himself belongs to low caste. That means the Low caste minister himself exploits his fellowmen.


    The outcome of this is that we land up with less intellectual people in Higher post who knows nothing about that stream.


    To devlope the economy people like Amritya sen a Noble price winner Economist should be made as the Finance minister and not a fool who is not even passed his SSC.


    "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made."

    -Albert Einstein





    "In India, I found a race of mortals living upon the Earth, but not adhering to it, inhabiting cities, but not being fixed to them, possessing everything, but possessed by nothing"




    Apollonius Tyanaeus quotes (Neo-Pythagorean)





    Apollonius of Tyana (Apollonius Tyanaeus) some historian feel that he was the real Historical person who has similarities to Jesus of the Romans because they were not able to find Historical Jesus and even Jews themselves claim that there was no person called Jesus as per their literature but they say that there was a person called Yeshwa but they are not considering Yeshwa to be their Messiah.





    It is a well known fact that Phytagoras had come to India to learn from Indian Ascetics. Indian Ascetics not just kept praying or penances they even invented things. All ancient Scientists, Mathematicians, real Dharm Gurus, Rishis and Sadhus are considered as ascetics. I am not refering to most of the dhongis of current world.


    There are still many real ascetics who penance and pray.


    Our political leaders should learn from our ancestors that development is the must. Samrat Ashoka was able to rule most of the Indian Subcontinent was not only because of his might army but it was because of his development processes he used to not split his countrymen in the name of Languages and states.


    Some of our younger generation say that Foreign countries are great because of its language etc.. but they should not forget that the ancient Indian script which was Brahmi script. Latin and German language scripts were developed from Brahmi script. Most of the today's characters of English were indirectly formed from Brahmi Script. Even Ashoka used to write in Brahmi script.









    Today most of the NASA scientists are Indians. It was an India who made Email system called Hotmail. It is Indians who design the processors and look because our government does not supports the brain pool because of which all the credit goes to foreigners. Along with Intellectual we should also promote Technical courses the reason is that even ancient times Indian was more Technical Civilization than other civilizations. We were the first inventor of Aircraft called Phuspka. This Aircraft though it was not high flying aircraft like modern ones but it was capable of flying atleast 4th floor building's height. You can consider this as low flying Aircraft but still it is an invention for that time. Agreed that in those days there was no petrol and diesel but people should not forget that recent invention is Bio Diesel made from plants which can perform with same efficiency like that of Diesel or Petrol, so it can very well accepted that something like Bio Diesel was used during those days.


    Today china is developing it's Techinal branch along with Intellectual field to win from us in the race and look we are relaxing with our legs crossed and day dreaming, we will wake up only when china wins the race.


    Chinese are making their Day and night one to lead. But our Government policies are not allowing us to develop our own computer processors which is designed in our own country and look in China they are giving all facilities for foreign Technical companies to run in their country because after all it will be chinese who will be working in these companies, the foreigners will be just outsourcing things to them. It is the Chinese Government and Chinese Economy that will make money from these ventures and in turn it will take care of the unemployment problem. We over here are just counting stars.


    Ancient Indian Dharmic religion(Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism etc..) is the religion of Intellectuals. We should behave in a decent manner and civilized manner because we were the one of the world earliest civilization.


    Why there is difference between North and South?


    There were many tribes inhibitated throughout the continent same branch of tribes settled in North whereas some went to South and Vice a versa. Because a clan called Rastrakruta went from South to North and came to be known as Rathores in north and now if you look at them Rastrakruta look typical south Indian accent and language whereas Rathores look typical north Indian with north Indian accent and language.


    Most of the North Indians were busy in stopping the foreign invansion from the North after when we lost the Silk Route whereas the South Indians were busy in conquering and settling in other countries due to control the Spice route trade empire hence you can consider that South India stretched from Vindhyas to Combodia. Whereas North India was reduced from Mesopotanium to Indus valley. The North Indians had to communicate with people who were invading from north whereas the South Indians had to communicate with the people and culture of south east asian countries due to this there was language difference between north and south. It is a human nature in which if a person continously keeps on doing one thing or speaking one particular language continously then he gets used to it. A Computer Geek will speak most of the computer terminology even in his day to day public speak whereas a Teacher will speak slightly different then the computer geek inspite of them communicating in the same language.


    Even Jesus used to speak another dialect of Aramaic which we used to speak in another form hence due to this reason it was easy to communicate between West Asia and Indian Subcontinent.


    Take for e.g. if a Person is Gujarati then he can understand the local dialect of Rajasthan quiet conveniently than the Maharastrian. Whereas the Maharastrian can understand Gujarati quiet conveniently than a Kannadiga. The people in the border of the two states have mixed language and accent to some extent they are capable of understanding the Languages of both the surrounding states.


    Some people have misunderstanding that all South Indian Languages are same but if you ask a Tamilian that whether he can understand each and everything which is spoken in Kannada or Telugu then he will reply that he cannot understand everything. The same applies to other states.


    Now some people say that Aryans were of white race and occupy the North whereas Dravidians are black race and occupy the South there is a contradiction even for this take for e.g. of Sri Lanka the Sinhalese are actually the North Indians who were supposed to be so called Aryans as termed by the foreign Archeaologist. The Sinhalese came to Sri Lanka from Gujarat. Whereas the Tamilians are South Indian who were supposed to be the so called Dravidians as termed by the foreign Archealogists. So now in Sri Lanka it becomes that North Srilankans are Dravidians and South Srilankans are Aryans. If you look both of them they are almost similar so now where does the White Race and Black Race exists.


    I agree that we used to follow Caste system but we never followed Race system. Beign White or Black did not make any difference for us.


    Sri Krishna wanted Karna to come and Join him because he was well aware that Karna was capable of conquering the expanding India but Karna had to stick to his friend Duryodhana.


    Sri Krishna with the help of Arjuna united many different Indian Tribes due to his effort it became very difficult to find out who is from which clan till new invasions from the north took place.


    Sri Krishna Kept Pandavas on the borders of India to stop further foreign Invasion from the North. Because after the war of Mahabharata most of the small kingdom seperated from Kuru kingdom Hastinapura whic was in later days called Takshila. We had almost lost the Silk route which used to pass inbetween Kuru Kingdom inbetween Uttar Kuru and India Kuru empire. Uttar Kuru compromised of Kazaksthan, Uzbekistan etc..


    The mother of Pandu and Ditrashtra were actually Uzbekistan princesses who were abducted by Beeshma. Karna himself repeated the act of abducting princesses for Duryodhana and this process became their culture till the mongols. Even Genghis Khan's father and Genghis Khan himself have married abducted princesses this was the common custom of those areas in those days. Whereas we even followed the culture of Syamwara in which the princesses were given a choice to choose their husband so abducting was not our cultures it just happened in few instances.


    Our younger generation feel that West is advanced but they forget that it was our ancestors who made West as Advanced country.


    Our younger generation wears less revealing clothing saying that it is modern culture they are fools if they understand history of Mankind they will come to know that our ape ancestors used to roam without clothes so later advanced generations started wearing clothes so that means during that time wearing clothes was modernization and so if we now wear less clothes that will mean that we are going back to ape age.


    Wearing a Sci Fi clothes that can prevent all temperatures or a bullet protection clothes can be considered as modernization to our current clothes and not less clothes.


    One most important thing is that Maha Vishnu was also called as Taranhara and the first 24 Jains Acharyas were called Tirthankara. Both Taranhara and Tirthanakar sounds similar so it can be possible that Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma are different names of a same God. That means people of Indus Valley Civilization followed common Dharmic culture and not just Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism. Indus Valley Civilization is not just one town, all the ancient towns found by archealogists are considered as Indus Valley Civilization. In one such town the symbols of Shiva and Jains were found there were other symbols found in other towns that follow sligthly different norms. It can be concluded that in ancient times people of India followed ancient Indian Dharmic culture may be the only name of the religion was Dharma(including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism).


    If Sri Ram is the King/Emperor/President then we also require a Prime minister/Dipolmat like Sri Krishna and a Commandor like Karna. An Activist/Reformer like Parashuram. Gautam Buddha who can unite people and Swami Vardhman(Mahaveer) who can bring Peace. Guru Nanak who can change unwanted rituals and customs then it becomes an Undefeatable combination of Dharmic Empire which cannot be broken by any Pope or a Caliph.

  16. I am not saying that vedas is must.


    I am not saying it is important like a oxygen.


    I am just stating that it is just a any other book of todays generation.


    As per today's generation there are many books of Chemistry, Geographic, Mathematics. I am just refering to the Vedic Mathematics and other substance contained in those Vedas, I am not at all interested in the authority of Brahmin mentioned in the vedas.


    Veda in those days were just a bunch of pages which contained all the information that were available in those days documented into it.


    I am not refering to any vedic religion.


    Now suppose a person has a book of Mathematics, Socialogy etc. of some author and now if that peson belong to a higher caste then he will add a clause into that books asking people to respect him and hate others. This clause has got nothing to do with other contents of the same book but still he will add it if he has the authority or control over Vedas, Just like how a Pope of vatican has a control over Bible he can add any nonense to it whether it makes sense or no.


    Treat Vedas just like any other book. Discard that nonsense mentioned in vedas about caste system and other unwanted things. Preseve the information like how to calculate effectively using Vedic Mathematics etc..


    About the Religion of Indus Valley.


    It is very clearly that earlier there were many tribes in India who used to pratice different culture and religion. In earlier times they did not gave any specific name for an religion. I agree that Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism existend since ancient times but they were not called as Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism.


    Earlier there was intensive trading going on through Spice route and silk route. Many of our Indian Traders settled in Arabian Peninsula. Goods used to be deposited over there like a hub and later on transfered to different parts of the European. Our Traders used to dump all the gold into Indian Subcontinent they were rich enough to take decisions but still they did not interefered into the internal matters because they were alwasy outdoor in touring. At the same time the were Pirates and Dacoits who used to robe these Caravan of trade. It all started after Brahmins when Brahmins claimed themselves to be of higher caste due to the (Capitalist) Traders who rejected the authority of Brahmins adopted principles of Jains and hence Jainism developed. The Brahmins gave Janivar to those Kshatriyas who accepted Brahmins as first and accepted themselves to be second to Brahmin just like how the Traders rejected the authority of Brahmins so did other Kshtrayias hence they were called as Degraded Kshtrayias. These Kshtrayias accepted doctrine of Buddha and hence Buddhism devloped.


    In earlier times Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism did exists but they were just called as Dharma.


    Sri Ram himself told about Dharma. Sri Krishna told about Dharma. Swami Vardhman himself told about Dharma and even Gautam Buddha told about Dharma. In ancient times even in Indus valley civilization as well as Ayodhya it was Dharma and not just Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism.


    Guru Nanak himself broke the Janivar and he is still considered as the great teacher. This shows that there is no need to practices unnecessary rituals. People are borthered about the rituals but they are not following any Dharmic principles. Guru Nanak himself broke traditions and see the gurus who came later on created and imposed new tradition like mandating Turban wearing etc. If Guru Nanak would have come again then he will definitely ridicule such meaningless tradition and ritual.


    Swami Vardhman Mahaveera never made nakedness and mandatory principle. Even he used to wear a piece of cloth but when he found another person who needed the cloth more than him hence he gave that cloth to that person and he did not had any money to purchase another so he was not at all bothered about it. In our country there were many ascetics who used to penance either naked or used to wear a Langoti(underwear like thing) so that does not means all of them are Digamabara sect of Jains. Take for e.g. Swami Nityanand he used to wear just a Langot but he was nto a Jain. Also if a person walks on a street wearing a langot or an underwear he is still considered or teased as naked so there can be possible that Swami Vardhman Mahaveera might be wearing a Langoti or just convered himself with leaves but still public of those days used to tease him calling him to be naked.


    Public remains the same whether it is this generation or earlier generation. If we feel pleasure in teasing on another person's clothing, way of speaking, his cultural background, his racial background then it was same even in those days nothing difference. People who don't have any work they do all these things like insulting others without any logical reasoning. What was the use of abusing Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Swami Vardhman and Gautam Buddha when they were the only one in recent era to attain nirvana whereas those who abused are gone back to ground today the condition of Brahmin is getting deterioted day by day. They are reaping what they sowed they corrupted and spoiled our Dharmic culture for their selfish needs just like what Pope did to Jews. Gods sees even one with one eyes. But at the same time even though it is the fault of the Brahmin of ancient times not all Brahmins are to be blamed, there were many of them who followed the rules and regulations laid by their ancestors without logically reasoning. Some Brahmins unknowingly followed the selfish rules and regulations made by selfish ones. There are selfish people in all caste there are many selfish people even among the Dalits as well as Brahmins. If there were really good people among the Dalits then their conditions would have improved by now but these selfish people are using Dalits for their personal benifit and not for the welfare of the Dalits in general. The head of Dalits have made huge properties for themselves but are unnecessary initiating poor Dalits into violence at the cost of the life of those innocent Dalits and poor policeman they are ruling. All are same blaming one and another is of no use.


    The reason why magical things were added to the religion was that in those days and even today people do believe in Chamatkar hence it is called "Chamatkar ko Namaskar". If you explain them logically they are not going to belive hence they added magical things into the religion inorder to attract people and trick them to follow some rules and regulations may be for the good cause or for a bad cause. But now things are changing people are excepting things only when it is logically justified. So if you want to explain Dharmic religion and want to work for it's benefit then explain it logically.


    No one came from the Head of God and no one came from the Foot of God. Every one came from the heart of God whether it is a brahmin or a dalit.


    If you consider a Dalit as a person who cleans dirt then consider Brahmin as a person who cleans idols. Brahmins did not developed the economy of our country. Brahmins did not invent anything it was all done by shramans(Indian ascetics who can be of any caste) and intellectual of that era. Brahmins just sat on all those research book and added few nonsense and claimed it to be theirs.


    True Soldiers, Good Teachers, Decent Social Activist and the people who help in developing the economy of our country should be given respect whether they are Brahmin or a Dalit.


    Bhakti should be from heart to the God.

  17. If you consider Sri of Sri Ram and Sri Krishna as Sridevi then the name will become Sridevi Ram and Sridevi Krishna whereas Sita was the avatar of Laskhmi when Sri Vishnu was Sri Ram hence it should become Sita Ram and not Sridevi similarly Rukmani was the avatar of Lakshmi when Sri Vishnu was Sri Krishna hence it should be Rukmani Krishna.


    There are still some descendants of Alexander in Pakistan who still pray to Mahadev.The cousin Neminatha of Sri Krishna was the Jain monk.Some of the people of Madras were descendants of Madra kingdom the Kingdom of Shayla some of the are descendants of Elam kingdom of Mesopotanium. Some of the Andhra in south are the genetical cousin of Pathans. Even the Phallavas of Madras are genetical cousin of Pathans and Parthians.


    This is the reason why you will find mixed color among Indians. Hence India is currently not the land of Indus but it is a land of Indigenous(Mixed) it can be interpreted as Indi Genius people.Aryan was not a race but it was just an organization something like current G8 countries, SAARC. Any one belonging to Suryvansh, Chandravansh and Nagvansh can be a part of this organization called Aryan and those who were not part of this organization were called Non Aryan. Race system did not exist in ancient Indian Dharma if that was the case then people of different tribes would not have merged together to create a common religion called Hinduism.


    From ancient times even in the scriptures it was quoted that entire universe was created by Om(Aum). Even Brahma dev agrees to it, Shiv Shankar agrees to it and Sri Vishnu agrees to it. They themselves claim that they themselves are Om(Aum) at the same time they originated from Om. Hence Om is the real formless and Idoless of God ancient Indian Dharmic religion. Allah was formed from the word Allakh Niranjan which our ascetics(shraman) used to quote in Arabian peninsula. There used to be intensive trade and Arab was the halting point for our traders. Samrat Ashoka and long before in BC era sent many Indian Ascetics to Syria and it is a known fact that Mohammed used to go along with his uncle to visit Syria, it is here where he first understood Dharmic religion concept. Mohammed did not teach anything new.


    Abrahman himself used stay in Afghanistan before he left to find a new Land because he was against Idol worship. Some Persian say that Zorasthutra was himself Abraham even Brahma is Another word for Abrahan. This is one of the reason why there only two temples of Brahma and Brahma is not worshiped like Shri Vishnu and Shiv Shankar.Shiv Shankar was also called Adi Nath who is also the first Tirthankara Rishabdev of Jain even the Adi Buddha of Buddhism not Gautam Buddha who is 28th Buddha. Buddha means enligthment it was not his original name. Sri Vishnu is also the Mithra of Mithraism the religion was followed in Greek and Rome before Christanity.See


    when the population was migrating from north to south and from south to north some section settled in some areas due to which you might find fair colored people even among north Indians. But among both north Indians and south Indians there were also White Huns(Swet Huna) the clan to which Attila the Hun belongs. I am refering to those south Indians who pray Murugan(SKanda).


    Current North Indians and South Indians are of mixed heritage of different tribes. Some of the Maharastrians not all Maharastrians belong to the Saka clan (Scythians) to which even Gautam Buddha belonged. That is the reason why you might find the word Shaka more often for a group or a branch in Marathi.Some Central India the border of UP and Bihar with Nepal were the descendants of Kushan(Mongols) who came from Northwest whereas the North eastern states of India were mongols arriving from North east or the mongols themselves originated from North eastern states of India and then spread to Mongol and then across Himalaya back into India.


    There was one Buddhist text that mention Karna the king of China it could be possible that Anga was actually ancient Tibet. Due to this reason it is called Anga desh (Country) and not Anga pradesh (state or province).


    Khan's of Mongol are indirect descendants or Karna.The word Changa means Great one and the word Khan(ear) means leader note that Ganga is also called Changa in Tibet also Karna is another name of ear. Most of the mongols during the times of Genghis Khan were Animist and not Muslims. Animist is Tantra like practice something followed in Bengal, North Eastern states and some of the South Indian like Bhuta Kola(Worship of Spirits who are disciples of Shiva). These are customs of NagVansh to which Karna belongs because he was a descendant of Kunti and Kunti belongs to NagVansh.Genghis Khan himself was a Animist by religion but later on allowed Buddhism and Taoism in his court. Genghis Khan is similar to Goraknath of the Gurkha clan. Note that Gurkha means Gur Khans. Goraknath was credited for creating Kanpantha and Genghis Khan was credited for creating Khan trend. Both were warriors. Both of them belong to same century. Also, both of their samadhi is missing. This is the reason why Genghis khan never attacked major India he attacked only Afghanistan which was ruled by Muslims monarch at that time. Genghis Khan had created more Havoc for Muslims and Christians. This is the reason why people of Iran and Iraq hate of Genghis Khan and his sons but it was one of Genghis Khan grandson due to whom Islam regain power.


    There are many Genghis Khan grandsons in China and Mongolia who are Buddhist, some of them are Animist, Some of them are Muslim and some of them are Christians since ancient times they are not recent converties. But because the communist Government used to prosecute the descendants of Khan hence the his descendants in China and Mongolia have abandon the name Khan from their name.


    Some of the low caste people were formed from the slaves soldiers who were captured in war that means if incase they would have won the war then they would have made the soldiers of opponents as slaves. Some of the tribals who did not lived in civilized society were considered as scheduled tribes as per today's scenario. Some of the them belonged to old Human species which were becoming extinct from this plannet hence people for the new Human species were restricted for having pshyical contact with them even though if they were capable for reproducing offspring.


    Our Dharmic religions is the only one religion that answers the Big Bang theory(Scientific God) of science from which universe was formed just like universe was formed from Om(Aum). Even Darwin theory of evolution matches with our Dharmic civilization because at one point of time Sri Ram and Sri Hanuman both belonging to different Human species existed.


    Sri Hanuman was from the clan of tree dwellers Human hence they used to carry ropes or the branches of tree which looks like rope used for hanging from tree I don't remember what it is called. Hence this ropes like things were misunderstood or misinterpreted to be as Tail. You might have noticed those who climb coconut tree always carry a piece of cloth with them which they tied to their feets and hands to climb the coconut tree and in other times they wrap it around their head like a Turban or tie it around their waist it lookes like a tail on the other end.


    Also, if a person wants to tease another person then obviously he will try make comments on his clothing style etc.. just like what happens when a students raggs a junior students. Similarly clothing style of one person is sometimes appears to be funny to another.


    Sri Hanuman carried a piece of rock which was not possible for others to carry the reason was that Sri Hanuman was a known body builder and an athlete hence he could lift 45 kilos weight quiet conviently but for a weak man such a weight will definitely be like a Parwat(Mountain).


    We were modern in ancient times in around 2000 BC when Europe used to stay in tents we used to stay in 2 to 4 storeyed Housing Blocks in Indus Valley Civilization.


    Sri Krishna was the first person who started Democratic Government in India.


    We had Mahajanpadas(Republic) much before Roman Republic was formed. This was also one of the reason why it was not easy of Alexander the Great to defeat Indian Republic because in case of Monarchy if the king falls entire kingdome falls but incase of Republic nation if the leader falls another is appointed in his place.


    Alexander himself in a letter written to his mother quoted that "She had given birth to one Alexander but there are thousands of Alexander in Indian Subcontinent".


    If they consider that Ramayana and Mahabharata was a myth but they cannot neglect Indus Valley Civilization town planning.


    If India was not famous in ancient times then these Europeans would have not been desperate to send voyages to search routes to India.

  18. Parashuram had declared that he himself is no longer a Brahmin when he learnt martial arts from Shiva.




    Parashuram wanted to teach the martial arts to low caste people so that they can teach higher caste rulers and brahmins a lesson, whoever misused his rights and powers.


    Parashuram was a shraman. Karna did not lied to him. Karna told him that he belongs to a low caste this was the reason why Parshuram taught him martial arts but later on Parashuram came to know that Karna belong to higher caste this was the reason why he cursed Karna.


    Karna did not posed as Brahmin. Why these brahmins they keep on poking their nose into things that don't belong to them. Brahims are main cause for the debacle of Dharmic religion. It was because of Brahmins why hindus are not united. It is because of selfishness of Brahmins why Dharmic religion ranks as number 3 among populationwise the world religion. Even Buddha and Mahavira rejected the authority of Brahmins.


    Brahmin. Brahmin. Brahmin it is all Brahmah(Mythia). Don't Misunderstand Brahman with Brahmin and Lord Brahma with Brahmah.


    There were no demons and things like this. There was an Iranian tribe called Assyrians who were termed as Assuras. Even they were Aryans. They used to pray to Aura Mahzda and used to consider devas as vilians whereas Indo-Aryans and Greek another branch used to consider Devas as heroes whereas Assuras as Villians.


    But some Indo-Aryans gave importance to Brahmins whereas Greeks and others rejected the authority of Brahmins.


    Vedas were created by many ancient Dharmic Shramans and not Brahmins. Veda was a documentation which used to contain all database of all inventions and researches. Brahmins actually corrupted Vedas by adding all nonsense to it by adding all mythical character. They Diverted the Historical characters into Mythical character due to which now people don't belive in our ancient heroes.


    Sri Ram, Sri Krishna were Historical figures. Shri is the termed used for Shriman so it is Shriman Ram and Shriman Krishna which means Mr. Ram and Mr. Krishna.


    Sri Krishna very well knew about the surya grahan would occur at that particular time as per astrology. So he made a strategy in which he told Arjuna to announce that Arjuna will commit suicide if he does not manages to kill Jayadratha . Sri Krishna very well knew that Kauravas army will defend Jayadratha in all possible ways, Sri Krishna also knew that if the Kaurava army feels that Arjuna was not capable of killing Jayadratha then Jayadratha will become over confident and hence will be break his defence and come out in open. This was the reason why Sri Krishna asked Arjuna to take such a oath so that Jayadratha comes into open as soon as there will be solar eclipse.


    Now Solar eclispe is a phenomenon of Nature and nature was created by God and Sri Krishna was considered as God hence it is obvious people would refer Solar eclipse was created by Sri Krishna. It could be possible that solar eclipse was created by Vishnu and Sri Krishna was the incarnation of Vishnu so it applies as Sri Krishna created Solar eclipse. For. e.g. In Mathematics if Triangle A is equal to Trinagle B and Triangle B is equal to Triangle C then Triangle A is equal to Triangle C.


    Parashuram had declared that he himself is no longer a Brahmin when he learnt martial arts from Shiva. Parashuram was trained in Karalipayatuu(Indian Martial Arts). Parashuram kshetra is Kerala and south India.


    Parashuram wanted to teach the martial arts to low caste people so that they can teach higher caste rulers and brahmins a lesson, whoever misused his rights and powers.

    Parashuram was a shraman. Karna did not lied to him. Karna told him that he belongs to a low caste this was the reason why Parshuram taught him martial arts but later on Parashuram came to know that Karna belong to higher caste this was the reason why he cursed Karna.

    Karna did not posed as Brahmin. Why these brahmins they keep on poking their nose into things that don't belong to them. Brahims are main cause for the debacle of Dharmic religion. It was because of Brahmins why hindus are not united. It is because of selfishness of Brahmins why Dharmic religion ranks as number 3 among populationwise the world religion. Even Buddha and Mahavira rejected the authority of Brahmins.

    Brahmin. Brahmin. Brahmin it is all Brahmah(Mythia).


    There were no demons and things like this. There was an tribe called Assyrians who were termed as Assuras.



    But some Indo-Aryans gave importance to Brahmins whereas Greeks and others rejected the authority of Brahmins.


    rakshasa werewere man-eaters ("Nri-chakshas,Kravyads") or cannibals they are descended from Pulastya, or from Khasa, or from Nirriti and Nirrita.



    The Khasas are an ancient people, believed to be a section of the Indo-Iranians who originally belonged to Central Asia from where they had penetrated, in remote antiquity, the Himalayas through Kashgar and Kashmir and dominated the whole hilly region. They are believed to have given their names to Kashgar, Kashi (Central Asia), Kashkara, Kashmir, Khashali (south-east of Kashmir) Kashatwar and other recognizable colonies at the present day in the hills from Kashmir down to Nepal as also in various plains. A large section of the existing inhabitants of Kumaon and Garhwal belong to the ancient Khasa or Khasiya race and speak 'pahari' which is cognate to rajasthani


    This is the reason why Shiva is always protrayed surrounded by Rakshasa tribe. Even they were human tribes.


    Karna is stated to have fought and defeated the Khasas, Madrakas, Trigartas, Tanganas, Kulindas, Kambojas, Ambasthas and the Kaikeyas and had collected tribute from them for Duryodhana


    Krishna is also said to have defeated the Khasas of diverse realms along with other tribes like Kasmirakas, Aurasikas, Pisachas, Kambojas, Trigartas, Malavas, Daradas, Sakas, Yavanas. This evidence indicates that there were several settlements of the Khasas

    The nationas so named include the Khasas, Paradas, Kulindas and Tanganas among others. This indicates that the Khasas of the early period lived to the north of Kashmir, west of Tibet, probably in Sinkiang province of China.


    Vedas were created by many ancient Dharmic Shramans and not Brahmins. Veda was a documentation which used to contain all database of all inventions and researches. Brahmins actually corrupted Vedas by adding all nonsense to it by adding all mythical character. They Diverted the Historical characters into Mythical character due to which now people don't belive in our ancient heroes.


    Sri Ram, Sri Krishna were Historical figures. Shri is the termed used for Shriman so it is Shriman Ram and Shriman Krishna which means Mr. Ram and Mr. Krishna.

    Sri Krishna very well knew about the surya grahan would occur at that particular time as per astrology. So he made a strategy in which he told Arjuna to announce that Arjuna will commit suicide if he does not manages to kill Jayadratha . Sri Krishna very well knew that Kauravas army will defend Jayadratha in all possible ways, Sri Krishna also knew that if the Kaurava army feels that Arjuna was not capable of killing Jayadratha then Jayadratha will become over confident and hence will be break his defence and come out in open. This was the reason why Sri Krishna asked Arjuna to take such a oath so that Jayadratha comes into open as soon as there will be solar eclipse.


    Now Solar eclispe is a phenomenon of Nature and nature was created by God and Sri Krishna was considered as God hence it is obvious people would refer Solar eclipse was created by Sri Krishna. It could be possible that solar eclipse was created by Vishnu and Sri Krishna was the incarnation of Vishnu so it applies as Sri Krishna created Solar eclipse.


    Also, Sri Krishna was teaching the art of entering and breaking Chakrayuva but at that time Subhadhra due to which Abhimanyu who was in the womb of Subhadhra learnt only half knowleged about Chakrayuva this is just a metaphor(Figure of speech). It is obvious of a warrior women to teach her son the basic art of war to her child, just like of Jijabai taught to shivaji maharaj. But as Subhadhra herself knew little about Chakrayuva so she taught little about the Chakrayuva to Abhimanyu when he was growing up.


    Everything was Historical it was made to appear like Mythological. Just like how Historical Troy was considered as Myth.


    Also, Sri Krishna was teaching the art of entering and breaking Chakrayuva but at that time Subhadhra due to which Abhimanyu who was in the womb of Subhadhra learnt only half knowleged about Chakrayuva this is just a metaphor(Figure of speech). It is obvious of a warrior women to teach her son the basic art of war to her child, just like of Jijabai taught to shivaji maharaj. But as Subhadhra herself knew little about Chakrayuva so she taught little about the Chakrayuva to Abhimanyu when he was growing up.


    Even Alexander The Great was referred to as Skanda(Murugan) in India culture. This is the reason why some of the south Indian are fair skinned due to the greek and Indian origin.




    Darius whom Alexander defeated is actually Taraka whom Skanda defeated.


    Alexander was called Iskandar in Persian. Just like how Melander is pronounced Milinda in India so Iskandar is also pronounced as skanda in India. In sanskrit Alexander is also pronounced as Alekchendra or Alikasudaro.


    All Historical events were converted into Mythological events.


    In ancient Indian Dharmic religion followed all scientfic rules and had logical reasoning and rational justification much before Brahmin caste was formed. Brahmins added Myth to all these findings of our ancient Indian Dharmic scientists and researchers.


    Current generation are going away from Dharmic religion because of all these Myths created by Brahmins.

  19. Also, Karna did not kept hatred in his heart against the high caste people. Even if a Brahmin came to Karna he treated with respect to that Brahmin and also donated to that Brahmin. Because he knew that some individuals of some section of society might have treated him with disrespect but everyone did not treat him with disrespect the why should he hate everyone. He knew that each one is responsible for his/her deed, entire society is not supposed to be blamed for the deeds of few Individual. He agreed that few people insulted him but he also agrees that there were many who did not knew him at all that means everyone did not insult him then why should he keep hatred against each and every single individual to whichever caste they belongs.


    Karna proved that even a person from low origin can gain high status by hardwork and determination. Hence keeping hatred towards others is of no use rather than wasting time and effort in hating others they should contribute their time and effort in developing themselves. Karna conquered many countries and merged it with India making it Akanda Bharat instead of splitting it.


    Karna's life is a teaching for those Naxalite and Terrorist, that one should not keep hatred. A person can attain high status with his deeds and hardwork hence instead of hating other section of the society they can develop themselves by hardwork and determination and help in strengthening the country.


    Instead of dividing the country they should help in strengthening the country.


    I am proud of Sri Krishna and Karna because at first place they themselves were Indians and on the other hand they helped in Strengthening India. Sri Krishna strengthened India by uniting all tribes inhabitating in India whereas Karna strengthened India by conquering other Lands and merging it with India hence both tried in making it Maha Bharat(Greater India).


    Sri Krishna and Karna inspite of being a Prince they lead a humble childhood so it is obvious that what ever they acheived in their lifetime was by their hardwork and determination. Their story teaches that with Hardwork, Determination and Sincerity towards his/her work one can become big.


    Even in the dice game Karna was not aware that Duryodhana and Shakuni will do cheating to win the match. Most of the secrets and plan that Shakuni told to Duryodhana was never revealed in detail to Karna because Duryodhana knew that Karna's rules and regulations(Adarsh and Osul) will not allow Karna to support such evil plan. Hence Duryodhana used to hide most of the modlus operandi of their plan from Karna.


    There was one incident where when Karna and Duryodhana's wife were playing dice at that time Duryodhana's wife's part of a dress came down but Karna still did not looked at her with bad intentions. Later on when Duryodhana noticed it he quietly came and made his wife's dress proper and did not questioned Karna because he trusted Karna's character and loyalty towards Duryodhana.


    During the dice Match Karna did insult Draupadhi but he never tried to undress her, the reason was that he returned her back those caste comments which she had made on him during her Swyamwar. Whoever it is whether a man or a women they should not take the liberty of their gender as granted, they should watch before passing such comments on others phsyical apperances(handicap or ugly), caste, race, way of worship and economical condition because this might hurt ones sentiments. The verbal abuses which she gave to him at that time he returned it back verbally to her but he did not raised his hands on her, he did not tried to rape her, he did not did not returned it back with violence. Verbal abuses returned with verbal abuses and not with phsyical abuse. Thing which is wrong is wrong whoever does it.


    Also, on top of this Sri Krishna himself quoted that "Karna was the great warrior than Arjuna" then I definitely believe in what Sri Krishna said because Sri Krishna never told anything without any reason.

  20. If Karna was defeated from Abhimanyu then he himself would not have died in the chakrayu.


    There are no references that Abhimanyu defeated Karna. Karna himself opposed the killing of Abhimanyu. The chakrayu was actually created by Dronacharya inorder to trap Yudhistra.


    But unfortunately Abhimanyu who only knew to enter into chakrayu was trapped into it. Chakrayu means a strategy where one pretends as if he is about to be defeated and pretends to escape so that opponent follows his rival and inturn lands into the trap.


    It is similar to a situation in which a Hunter ties a goat inorder to lure a Tiger which falls into the trap of the Hunter.


    Similarly the one who lures the opponent pretending to be defeated is like a Goat whereas the opponent who is a Tiger without thinking tries to attack the Goat and while doing so the opponent(Tiger) falls prey to the Hunter's strategy.


    In the war it is the duty of the soldier to follow the orders of the commander in Chakrayu formation Dronacharya was the commander hence whoever he oppoints whether a brave warrior Karna or a coward to act like a Goat inorder to lure the opponent into the trap is supposed to follow the orders leaving aside his personal ego.


    Rules are rules.


    Incase Dronacharya sends a brave warrior and asks him to pretend as if he is loosing from the opponent. Now, when the opponent sees that a bravest warrior of all is being defeated then it is obvious that he is bound to feel proud of himself of this achievment and thus he tries to overpower his opponent without thinking about the consequences of the trap laying ahead for him.


    Sri Krishna was a smart person he would have very well understood about this strategy because when he sees a brave warrior getting defeated easily that too without offering much resistance then he is quick enough to understand that there is something fishy (The thing that appears infornt may not be real. It can be maya just like the golden Deer in Ramayana where Shri Ram understood that it is a maya but because Sita Devi insisted Shri Ram went to behind it. Similarly the palace of Indraprastha)


    There is no person as Intelligent and Smarter than Sri Krishna because he was the avatar of Vishnua and Vishnu himself was Intelligent and Smart. He might not be a warrior but he has proved that if a common man is Intelligent and smarter enough then he can bring down entire corrupt empire. This is the lesson that Sri Krishna indirectly teaches that if incase there are many corrupt politicians and they are ruling in Kalyuga then there is no need to worry a smartest and intelligent comman man can bring those corrupt people into Justice.


    Akal Badi yaa Baish. Man is powerful not because he has money, not because he has power but because he has brain, but the sadest part is that he don't uses it.


    Sri Krishna never broke any rules he used the flaws and loopholes of a rule or a system inorder to end the corrupt empire. Sri Krishna used strategies for Good, for the welfare of society. Whereas today's politicians use the flaws and loopholes of any system for their personal needs, for Bad reason.


    Karna's character teaches how to rise high in life even if you belong to low origin it also teaches the negative effect of having friendship with bad people even if you are a good person. It also teaches society that even people of low origin can also have great talents hence society could utilize the talent of such people for the welfare of entire society but society always tries to ignore them and evil people take advantages of such situation for their selfish needs. This is how Naxalite and Terrorist lure underprivilege people, these underprivilege people who could have also become a pride of nation but now they are serving Naxalite and Terrorists. Instead of defending the nation they are working against it. Instead of Joining Army and becoming the soldier of the country hence they die like a Maytr and be remembered forever, they are joining Naxalite and Terrorist groups and are acting against the country hence die they like a traitor and forgotten soon after death.


    It should be noted that Sri Krishna himself praised Karna for being a better warrior. Sri Krishna always tried to bring Karna to Pandavas side but still Karna owed to Duryodhana the respect that he had got from him and not from Pandavas.


    There is no references anywhere where you can say that Sri Krishna and Karna disrespected each other.

  21. In those days there was nothing called religion. People used to follow philosophies of great teachers. Jainism, Buddhism was also like a philosopies.


    Chandragupt Maurya followed (so called Conversion) Jainism at his old age. Before that he used to follow even other cultures that were present in those days.


    Like Chandragupt Maurya became follower of Jainism whereas Ashoka Maurya became the follower of Buddhism so that means either they used to consider Jainism, Buddhism and Hindu customs just as means to attain peace. So each one followed what best suited for them.


    Even Ashoka Maurya(Piodasses) in his eddicts just mentioned about Dharma he did not mentioned just Buddhist Dharma. This clearly shows that they used to consider all Jainism, Buddhism and ancient Hindu Culture as the part of single ancient Indian Dharma.





    Chandragupta defeated Seleucus I Nicator, even married daughter of Seleucus I Nicator,


    Jainism & death

    Towards the end of his life, it is believed that Chandragupta gave up his throne and became an ascetic under the Jain saint Bhadrabahu Swami, ending his days in self-starvation at Shravanabelagola, in present day Karnataka. A small temple marks the cave (called Bhadrabahu Cave) where he died





    Reconquest of the Northwest

    Chandragupta turned his attention to Northwestern India (modern Pakistan), where he fought the satrapies (described as "prefects" in classical Western sources) left in place by Alexander (Justin), and assassinated two of his governors, Nicanor and Philip.The satrapies he fought may have included Eudemus, ruler in western Punjab until his departure in 317 BCE; Peithon, son of Agenor, ruler of the Greek colonies along the Indus until his departure for Babylon in 316 BCE. The Roman historian Justin described how Sandrocottus (Greek version of Chandragupta's name) conquered the northwest:


    Also, I have mentioned that he used to worship, worship just does not means Worshiping God or offering prayers. It could be idolizing, I mean to say for e.g. in todays world there are many great actors you can see that they have many fans who idolize them so in similar manner Chandragupta Maurya might be idolizing Alexander the great. Not just Chandragupta Maurya, there were many conqueror after Alexander The Great who idolize him, all of them wanted to become Alexander The Great. Even in todays generation Alexander is not just a monarch but a symbol of achievmen. He protrays "A will to win inspite of all odds and never to loose hope".

  22. Alexander on of the great personality chosen by God. Alexander was not a Gay.

    Alexander was the only one person who was respected even by people whom he conquered. He was the only person who looked human as human and not as different race. He never differentiated among the greeks and non greeks. This is the reason why his own greek soldiers used to envy him because he used to mix greek blood with non greeks. This is the reason why they always use to conspire against him. A person like Alexander who looked upon all humans as equal cannot never be a gay or enuch lover. If you look as per the psycological aspect of a gay they are those people who cannot handle responsiblities they have characteristics of female in them such people can never be a conqueror but Alexander was indeed a conqueror. He might have given equal respect to a particular enuch probably he might have understood that this particular enuch was more loyal then his own greek soldiers due to which he use to award them. There is a general tendency of an individual when a particular person respect another person the one does who envy try to create false stories against the generous person. Sometimes in our day to day life we might have observed that if our boss favours a particular individual some of us try to spread rumors against that favoured person because of our own jealousy. This is the reason why his own soliders created the stories that Alexander had relationship with the enuch. Even the same with his friend Hephaestion the closet freind whom Alexander use to consider like brother was termed as lover of Alexander. Hephaestion was the only person whom Alexander trusted he was not jealous of Alexander's prosperity. He accompanied him since childhood and Alexander had not blood brother from his own mother i am not refering to step brother of Alexander because he was born much later when Alexander had already grown up, due to which he use to consider Hephaestion as his emotional brother and not as gay partner which was purposely spread by his greek soldiers who continously envyed Alexander's prosperity. It is not Alexander, not Hephaestion who had written the history it was Alexander's greek traitor soldiers who had writtern the History by misquoting the truth. They had Sabotaged his image by claiming him to be gay whereas Alexander was a straight person if he was not then he wouldn't have married women and that too he married a women belonging to different race and different social and economical background this showed that he showed no differences among the people made by God. There is one more reference where is also mentioned to have relationship with Euxenippus a young lad just because he respected this lad this doen't means that he had an affair with the young lad. Can you let me know how many Gays have such feeling of universal brotherhood and how many can achieve that none of them. By calling Alexander a gay you are defaming the Image of a Great and noble warrior. Can a gay tame a wild horse Bucephalu.

    If father loves is son and a brother loved his brother more than other human who don't belong to their family then that does not means that all of them are gays.

    Hephaestion had married Drypetis another daughter of Darius III.

    Alexander marries Roxane daughter of Bactrian nobleman Oxyartes; married by Alexander and mother of his son Alexander IV, both killed ca. 310 by Cassander,

    Alexander also marries Stateira II a persian princess daughter of daughter of Darius III (Codomannus ). It is also said that Alexander also married Stateira who was mother of Stateira II but this a confusion due to similar names of both mother and daughter. Alexander actually married Stateira II daughter of Stateira and not Stateira herself.

    In the battle of Hydaspes Alexander's horse Bucephalus was wounded and died. Alexander had ridden Bucephalus into every one of his battles in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place>Europe</st1:place> and <st1:place>Asia</st1:place>, so when it died he was grief-stricken. He founded a city which he named Buckephalia, in his horse's name. Luckily it is not be writtern that Alexander had sexual relations even with his horse Bucephalus.

    Alexander even gave his enemy Darius a royal funeral. Such was great Alexander and not a Gay.

    Alexander also married Parysatis, daughter of the last 'really great' Persian King Artaxerxes III Ochus

    Alexander's mistress was Barsine who was his wife was daughter of Artabazus, the satrap of Hellespontine Phrygia, and widow of Memnon of Rhodes. He gave this widow a shelter which was consider taboo during those days of marrying a widow hence it was defamed by his own soldiers. Herakles was the son of Alexander through Barsine. He never even enjoyed the whore which his parents presented this show how great that person was who married only those who loved him and not raped any women by force nor was he invovled in any affairs with womens, mens or enuches. Note that Herakles was respected as a god in ancient greek. Hence I don't think that Alexander will name is illegimate son as Herakles and also Alexander was king so it was upto him whether he marries Barsine or not hence there is no reason why he would not marry her. Calling Barsine was just another conspiracy of his greek soldiers so that his son from Barsine is not considered as his heir to his throne.

    Alexander is said to have conceived a child with the Indian Queen Cleophis of Massaga. Who also was his wife, now in northern <st1:country-region><st1:place>Pakistan</st1:place></st1:country-region>. People generally don't accept the fact that a woman can marry a foreigner or somebody who belonged to outcast due to which the claimed this queen to be his whore. By marrying this widow he showed how kind hearted he was.

    Alexander spent thirtheen nights with Thalestris, the Queen of the legendary female Amazon warriors. This story is said to be a myth. But if it is true then he might have married her rather just enjoying with females like dogs. He always showed respect to all species belonging in this world.

    His greek soldiers though accompanied him in war but they use to envy him. They always tried to conspire against him. So it is obivious that they have defamed his Image by giving all these are meaningless references. This is the reason why when he was poisoned he never appointed any heir to this thorne, due to which his generals fought among themselves, many died and only few survived and this way he took all the grudges against them. They betrayed him who brought glory to them, so he made them fight amongst each other.

    Some of the historians claim that homosexaulity was a common thing in <st1:country-region><st1:place>Greece</st1:place></st1:country-region> at that time, this means that being a homosexual is not a cause of abuse in those days in <st1:country-region><st1:place>Greece</st1:place></st1:country-region>. Even in one of the incident it was said that the greek soldiers themselves asked Alexander to kiss enuch, then why did his greek soldiers always pointed that he practised homosexuality. Only unusual things were always pointed out. That means Homosexuality was not a common thing in ancient Greek only few exceptional idiots used to practised it. Hence it was a cause of abuse. People used to call a person a homosexual if they wanted to abuse that person or show disrespect towards him or if they envy his fame or if they feel that the person whome they were accussing as gay use to give them less importance or if even non greeks are given equal importance which they cannot tolerate. This was the only reason just to degrade Alexander's selfrespect and self esteem, they used to call him a homosexual.

    A homosexual idiot does has the ability to think of bringing different races people together these people are not creative they are just indulged in enjoying sex and nothing else whereas Alexander was ambitious he wanted that all human should be teated alike. Such was Great Alexander and not a Gay or a Bisexual. He prefered marrying better than lust.

    Some people say that he destoryed Persian Temples and all. This was uterly nonsens. Note that these are those people who once ruled most of the countries they themselves have looted many egyptians and jewish treasures and when they their rule was overthrown they started making these claiming. Alexander rather than looting them built many hospitals and schools for these defeated people. If he wanted to enjoy all the loot then he would have stayed at one place in <st1:country-region><st1:place>persia</st1:place></st1:country-region> and enjoyed all the loot from Persian kingdom but instead of doing so he continued more towards east. Had any victorous king in past had ever helped any defeated people like what Alexander did? rather, they suppressed and exploited the defeated people and treated them as slaves. Alexander treated only corrupt people as salves and not the innocent ones. Alexander was really great.

    Alexander integrated foreigners (non-Macedonians, non-Greeks) into his army and administration, leading some scholars to credit him with a "policy of fusion." He encouraged marriage between his army and foreigners, and practiced it himself.

    Also, note that Alexander was the first person to visualize all human beings of different races and different tongue under one culture rather then creating a religion he believed in a common culture. He visioned to bring all people under one roof and to some extent he was sucessful such was that great individual whom we proudly call as Alexander the Great. According to Droysen, the Hellenistic civilization was a fusion of Greek and Middle-Eastern culture that eventually gave Christianity the opportunity to flourish. The main cultural centers expanded from mainland <st1:country-region><st1:place>Greece</st1:place></st1:country-region>, to Pergamon, <st1:place>Rhodes</st1:place>, <st1:City><st1:place>Antioch</st1:place></st1:City> and <st1:City><st1:place>Alexandria</st1:place></st1:City>.

    Hellenistic civilization:- Is not a religion nor entirely Greek Culture. It was the mixture of all different cultures on the world known at that time. It does not honours Homosexuality, rapeist or sex maniacs, but it was all about noble, brave and respectful idea. Alexander did not had any mistress because if that was the case then he would'nt have married the persian princess or a low caste lady. It shows that he respected females and he was not a sex maniac or a desperate human being. He gave respect even to his enemies. He was a true Gentleman.

    Hellenistic culture is just like 'Bahai faith" in the modern world which is formed by incorporating good things and eradicating evil concepts and practices of all the major and minor religions currently practised in this world.

    It was said that when he was about to conquer <st1:City><st1:place>Jerusalem</st1:place></st1:City> he was treated with respect by Jews people due to which he humble respected them and did'nt even tried to occupy <st1:City><st1:place>Jerusalem</st1:place></st1:City>. This proves that he would'nt have disrespected Persians Gods or their temple. He was not a dacoit. Whereas the other kingdom that has ruled <st1:City><st1:place>Jerusalem</st1:place></st1:City> has always tried to exploit it.

    A GAY cannot be a brave and Kindhearted like Alexander the Great. Gays are often womenish kind of people who are weakhearted.

    So brothers if anyone of you is a Brilliant Writer. Could you please rewrite Alexander's Biography in your own words and clear out his Image?

    Also, if possible try to create a movie on him glorifying his Image? Don't show that he had mistresses and he was a homosexual or bisexaul, rather show that he had many wives and he respected all of them. Showing Brotherly love between Alexander and his friend Hephaestion and love of a father towards his son Euxenippus? And giving equal respect to all humans even the enuch by promoting him better position in his goverment and not mating with a enuch.

    Also, there should be disclaimer in this new movie that this movie is an attack on oliver stone's Alexander movie for depicting Alexander as homosexual.

    The following are the quotes of some websites which was giving reviews on the film of Oliver Stone's Alexander mov:-

    "Plutarch penned in his Moralia. De Alexandri magni fortuna aut virtute [Morals. About the Virtue or Fortune of Alexander the Great], "States which never got to know Alexander were as though they had never seen the light of the sun" and "If one were to judge from what Alexander taught and did, he would verify that he was a philosopher."

    The mighty Romans were the first people to name Alexander "Great." They deified him and not only considered him a role model, but also embraced his life, as well as the arts and sciences that he spread in the East. It was through the Romans that Greek civilization and culture were transferred and established in the West. Thus western civilization was paved and took roots in the western world. Chateaubriand wrote "If someone was compared to a god, that was Alexander." The preceding quotation is not a casual comment.

    Alexander's speech at Opis in 324 BC, otherwise known as Alexander's Oath, given about one year before his death in the presence of 9,000 Greek and Asian officers, has become the beacon of state leaders and international organizations in their route toward the third millennium. The main points which he made in this speech are as follows:

    • Now that the wars are over, I wish you to find happiness through peace.

    • May all mortals live from now on in harmony, as one nation, for the sake of common prosperity.

    • Consider the world as your country, with common laws, governed by men of merit, regardless of race.

    • I do not distinguish between Greeks and barbarians, as do the narrow-minded.

    • I am not interested in the country or race of origin of people.

    • I only distinguish people according to their virtues.

    • To me every virtuous foreigner is Greek and each non-virtuous Greek is worse than a barbarian.

    • If you are ever faced with differences, do not resort to arms, but resolve them peacefully. If need be, I can act as your arbitrator.

    • God should not be viewed as an authoritarian ruler, but as our common father.

    • As for myself, I consider all persons, black or white, as equals.

    • I wish you to be my partners and not just members of our commonwealth.

    • As far as I am able, I shall see to it that all my promises come true.

    • Regard this oath as a symbol of love.

    The oath at Opis conveys a message, which originated in <st1:country-region><st1:place>Macedonia</st1:place></st1:country-region> and has not been emphasized enough. The message, emanating from Alexander's native land, was not to conquer nations or to acquire riches, or even to satisfy rivalrous passions between nations, but to unite all people with the bonds of peace, amalgamation and mutual communication.

    Alexander's comments to Diogenes during their brief encounter in Corinth, his policy during his expedition to the East, culminating with the oath at Opis and the historic statement, recorded by Diodorus, that the "enemies were required by the conqueror to be happy," all attest to the fact that Alexander's ambition was to civilize and not to conquer. Professor Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, who is one of the most respected, well-read and broadly accepted statesmen of <st1:country-region><st1:place>Greece</st1:place></st1:country-region>, writes that Alexander severely penalized those who abused the public treasury or ill-treated the citizens of his commonwealth. Thus, knowledgeable sources and scholars inform us that the young king respected the public treasury while remaining a philanthropist.

    Alexander never followed Aristotle's advice that he should treat the Greeks differently than the non-Greeks. By respecting the traditions of the people he conquered, eliminating discrimination and prejudice between conquerors and conquered, Alexander the Great elevated the peoples he conquered from an economic, social and political point of view to a higher echelon. That is the reason why Alexander, still today, is loved and respected by a multitude of nations in the East and West and why various legends of different nationalities claim Alexander as their own. Montesquieu, the great French political philosopher, wrote, "When Alexander was gone, nations became orphans."

    When Alexander was leaving <st1:country-region><st1:place>Macedonia</st1:place></st1:country-region> to undertake his expedition against the Persians, he distributed his property and belongings. Alexander was asked what he would keep for himself and his answer was that he would only keep "hope."

    Jews throughout the centuries have been using the name Alexander. This has been in accordance with their high priest's decision that "Alexander's name should remain in eternity." The decision was taken because, when Alexander visited <st1:City><st1:place>Jerusalem</st1:place></st1:City>, her exhibited respect towards the high priest and for the Jewish religious worship. It is said that when the Jews of Jerusalem offered Alexander gold and silver, he refused to accept them; the Jewish high priest told Alexander: "We serve only one God who created Heaven and Earth and all visible and invisible things that no human being is able to explain." To this Alexander replied, "As worthy worshippers of the true God, be in peace, for your God is my God and my peace is your peace. I shall not treat you any different from the other nations, since you serve the living God."

    Alexander's behavior toward the relatives of Persian King Darius whom he had captured (his mother, wife and children), was admired by all for the respect that he showed to these royal family members. He did not treat the family of his opponent as a conqueror and as a mighty king would treat enslaved subjects. Darius' mother came to love Alexander as her own son, because in treating her with respect, the purity of his youth became evident to her. She refused to abandon him when there was a plot that gave her the opportunity to escape. After Alexander passed away, she went on a hunger fast for five days and committed suicide, as Kanellopoulos writes.

    It is not by chance that Mohammed the Prophet refers in the Koran to the double-horned King (Alexander) as a prophet who has the ability to punish those committing injuries against others and to reward the individuals who carry out good deeds.Buddhists consider Alexander equal to God.

    St. Nectarios, in his book, The Ecumenical Synods, writes "Hellenism spread by Alexander paved the way for Christianity by Emperor Constantine the Great."

    St. Vassilios the Great does not by chance present Alexander the Great as a role model of self-discipline to young people.

    Alexander is honored and will be honored and respected forever by the great religions of the world. [Hollywood-style] scripts, therefore, and other attempts to blemish his personality, are ineffective. Regardless of what has been mentioned above, common sense negates allegations about Alexander's homosexuality or drinking habits. It would have been impossible for Alexander to lead his army in such successful military campaigns, achieved by no one preceding or following him, if these attributes were true.

    Film scripts which attempt to portray Alexander the Great as a homosexual are of poor taste and lack seriousness. Plutarch stated in his Moralia. De Alexandri magni fortuna aut virtute [Morals. About the Virtue or Fortune of Alexander the Great]: "Let us bring up the deeds of those who have generally been identified as philosophers and let us compare their deeds with the deeds of Alexander. Philoxenus, his coast guard commander, wrote to Alexander that he found in <st1:place>Ionia</st1:place> a very handsome boy, one that could be compared to none other in beauty, and that if Alexander wanted the boy, he could send the youth to him. The king replied to him bitterly and in a scolding fashion: 'Horrible man, have you known me up to now guilty of such crimes? How dare you flatter me with such vile pleasures?'"

    In this age of loss of direction and human dignity, we search for great men to guide and inspire our youth and to elevate the quality of life. Falsification and degradation of the personalities and statuses of long established heroes of history for political or materialistic gains and minimization of their positive effectiveness is not only offensive to every civilized human being, but is also a crime against humanity itself. In the case of Alexander the Great, nothing undertaken by those who now wish to turn historical facts around, in order to try and belittle him or tarnish his fame with unfounded claims, can affect his grandeur and place in [world] history."

    Apart from legends, today the fame of a historical figure is also determined by his archaeological relics. Alexander fell an easy prey to unwary critics mainly due to two factors; his image was tarnished by a vilification campaign launched by the Generals,1 who poisoned him, and secondly there appears to be very little archeological evidence of his historic voyage2. Sir Mortimer Wheeler wrote with a touch of sorrow,

    The abundance of contradictory reports in Alexander's history is partly due to falsification by the Generals. The shadows of Mazaeus and Orontobates do not belittle the greatness of Alexander which has been acknowledged through the ages. However, he also had his share of human weaknesses, but although much has been written about his so-called homosexual relation with Hephaestion by Mary Renault and others, this does not seem to be based on hard evidence. His frenzy after the death of Hephaestion

    may be partly due to fear for his own life and partly because Hephaestion alone shared his religious convictions. Alexander's role in Philip's death is far from clear and his slaying of Clitus and his treatment of Callisthenes were avoidable yet not inhuman acts. However, the breach with his compatriots may have been due to his re-interpret- ation of Hellenic religion.

    It was also said that "Sacred Band of Thebes" the group of homosexual idiots was destroyed by Alexander the Great this proves that Alexander himself hated such type of homosexual acts. Alexander vanquish such type of groups who practice homosexuality.

    Please check these link:-



    Please read the following Article too:-

    "Who's Who & What Happened When? November 23, 2004

    by Mark Rose

    A quick guide to the main characters in Alexander's life, and a basic chronology

    We don't know how Oliver Stone is going to slice and dice history in his film, but the real story is complicated enough in terms of people, events, and dates. To help you navigate the story, here is ARCHAEOLOGY's guide to the most important characters and outline of the chronology of Alexander's life."


  23. Alexander was know as Skanda in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comst1:country-region>[b] and Sanskrit equivalent name of Alexander is Alekchendra <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =

    <a href=" /><st1:country-region><st1:place><B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">India</B></st1:place></st1:country-region> and Sanskrit equivalent name of Alexander is Alekchendra <?xml:namespace prefix = o />


    In Persian and Arabic and in Eastern languages generally, it is a well-known fact that Alexander is known under the name of Iskandar. And it is natural, if Indian languages have used his name, it might be a variant of its Asiatic form. What form could it normally assume in the ancient Sanskrit language? We are familiar, through Buddhist sources with the Indianization of the name of the Graeco-Bactrian King, Menander.[9] It occurs as Melinda. On the same analogy, Iskander regularly becomes ‘Iskanda.’ It is next an easy step to treat the initial ‘I’ as a case of prosthesis[10] as it obtains regularly in Prakrits, and arrive at the Sanskrit form ‘Skanda’. But a suspicion might lurk whether it is not a case of philological legerdemain. The name of Skanda is familiar in Sanskrit, in Indian languages and literature in general. But has it anything to do with Alexander the Great? Is it not an isolated case of accidental coincidence? It behoves us to examine it further.

    If there are historical facts of the life and deeds of Alexander analogous to those of Skanda as we gather from the Indian literature and if there is corroboration of material details in the lives of [people?], we have to pause before we reject the hypothesis as idle, far-fetched fantasy.

    At the outset, it must be borne in mind that many long centuries have sped since the days of Alexander of Macedon. A tangled mass of myths have grown around his name and eclipsed his true history. The folk-lore of centuries embodying the exploits of local heroes lies entwined over the garbled tales of Alexander, often distorting them beyond recognition. The life of Alexander by a Pseudo-Callisthenes gained unmerited currency and the brilliant hues of lurid fiction threw facts into the shade. We have, then, to extricate historical matter from the cobwebs of age-old legends.

    Alexander was a prince, and Kumāra, which means a prince in Sanskrit, is a synonym of ‘Skanda.’ He was a warlord and leader of an army, and Senānī which means the leader of an army is again a name of Skanda. The lance was Alexander’s favourite weapon, and the weapon of Greek soldiers in general, and Skanda is called ‘Śakti-dhara’ (lance bearer). These are resemblances which may gain weight in the light of other evidences.

    The fondest hope and proudest ambition of Philip of Macedon, Alexander’s father was to lead a Crusade against <st1:country-region><st1:place>Persia</st1:place></st1:country-region> after achieving a Pan-Hellenic Confederation. The memories of the incursion of the barbarian hordes from <st1:country-region><st1:place>Persia</st1:place></st1:country-region> who devastated the smiling lands of <st1:country-region><st1:place>Greece</st1:place></st1:country-region> and subjugated her inhabitants, were still there in the minds of men. But Philip did not live long enough to see the fructification of his hopes. It was left to his son Alexander to fulfil the dreams of his father. The conquest of <st1:country-region><st1:place>Persia</st1:place></st1:country-region> and the establishment of a World Empire under Hellenic supremacy was his greatest ambition. The defeat of Darius was perhaps the greatest event of his life. And Skanda was born for the slaying of Tāraka, the asura, who menaced the peace of the world. Now Tāraka is but the sanskritization of Darius[11] ‘Dāra’ of Eastern legends (Dārayavus of the Persian Inscriptions).[12] Darius in Persian means preserver or protector, and Tāraka in Sanskrit also means preserver or protector. There is at once the similitude of sound and sense. Against the advice[13] of Parmenion, Alexander fired Xerxes’s palace at <st1:City><st1:place>Persepolis</st1:place></st1:City> as a sign to all <st1:place>Asia</st1:place> that Achaemenid rule had ended. And with the death of Darius and the complete conquest of <st1:country-region><st1:place>Persia</st1:place></st1:country-region>, Ahura Mazda, the God of Persia was naturally dethroned, and there appeared in his stead the new Aryan God from the West, Alexander. The sway of Ahura Mazda waned with the vanquishing of Achaemenid power. Alexander could legitimately be spoken of as having crushed Ahura Mazda, the guardian deity of the King of Persia. Skanda is referred to as Mahişāsuramardana. Now Mahişāsura appears to be the natural sanskritized form of Mazda-Ahura. In the oldest portions of the Avesta, this compound word does not occur in the form of Ahura Mazda.[14] It is Mazda Ahura. But the Sanskrit form is a much-disputed point. Various scholars of repute have essayed at length to arrive at the Sanskrit equivalent of Ahura Mazda. That Asura is the Sanskrit equivalent of Ahura is admitted by all. But controversy crops up, when we come to the equivalent of Mazda.

    Dr D.B. Spooner connects it with Maya (Zoroastrian period of Indian History, T.R.A.S. 1915, p. 63-89). The regular Indian equivalent according to the Indologist Dr. Thomas and philologists like Dr. Brugmann (T.R.A.S 1915, p. 78) is ‘medha’. On the strength of a passage in the Rig Veda “Mahas putrāso asurasya vīrāh” (Rg. 10.10-12), it is pointed out that Mazda corresponds to Mahas – I venture to suggest that the Mahişāsura of the Puranas is but a Sanskrit rendering of the Mazda Ahura of the Persian, Mahişa being equivalent to Mazda.

    But even in the Vedas, the word Mahişa is used in the sense of the great or the venerable. The Uņādi sūtras derive it by affixing ‘ţişac’ to mah, (avimahyoş ţişac – Unl.48). Jñānendra Sarasvati explains Mahişa as Mahān and quotes ‘turīyam dhāma mahişo vivakti’ ‘uta mātā mahişam anvavenat’[15] in support of his view; and Maz is admittedly the Avestic equivalent of Sanskrit ‘Mah’. Compare also the feminine form Mahişī which means a queen. The word Asura which originally possessed a good signification came to acquire a bad import, probably after the rift between the Persians and the Indo-Aryans.

    Alexander married the beautiful princess Roxana the daughter of the King of Bactria; and Skanda is said to have married Senā or Deva Senā, daughter of Mrtyu according to Skanda Purāna[16] and daughter of Prajāpati according to the Mahā Bhārata.[17] Now it is a well-recognised symbol of language that proper names are contracted in actual usage, and the end often chosen to designate the whole. It was an accepted rule in Sanskrit[18], Kātyāyana says[19] “vināpi pratyayam pūrvottarapadayor lopo vācyah” and Patanjali adds “lopah pūrvapadasya ca”. Senā is but the latter part of Roxana ill-disguised in Sanskrit garb. And the form Devasenā is but a Sanskrit rendering with a view to preserving its sense, as Roxana is derived from the root ‘raz’ to ‘shine’ just as deva is from ‘div’ to ‘shine’.[20] Evidently the king of Bactria is denoted by the word Mŗtyu.

    On his march into India, Alexander crossed the Hindu Kush mountain through the Koashan pass.[21] The Macedonians who served with Alexander called the mountain Kaukasos,[22] perhaps to flatter Alexander attributing to him the highest geographical adventure, the passage of the Caucasus. The name <st1:place>Hindu Kush</st1:place> is but a corrupted form of ‘Indicus Caucasus’. ‘Grancasus’ which means ‘white with snow’ is the original Scythic form of the word Caucasus.[23] Skanda is refereed to as ‘Krauñca dāraņa’, and Kraunca is admitted on all hands to be the name of a mountain pierced through by Skanda. Kalidasa refers to this mountain pass as a passage through which swans make their seasonal flights.[24] He but echoes the idea of the Mahābhārata which says ‘tena hamsāś ca gŗdhras’ ca merum gacchanti parvatam.’[25] Now Krauncha is a more proximate variant of the Grancasus than <st1:place>Kush</st1:place>’ is of <st1:place>Caucasus</st1:place>. And the identification of the Kraunch pass with the Koashan is natural and legitimate.

    We next come to one of the most interesting facts of history. Chandra Gupta Maurya, the first Emperor of India, while yet a boy, had seen Alexander “the invincible splendid man from the West.” “Later on when he became a great King, Chandra Gupta worshipped Alexander among his Gods.”[26] It appears a curious fact that a Hindu King paid divine honours to a foreign prince whom he had himself beheld. But the whole world had recognised his divinity. Even the democratic cities of <st1:country-region><st1:place>Greece</st1:place></st1:country-region> deified and adored him. Egyptian priest had acclaimed him as the son of God and God, and set their seal of assent on the flagrant faith in his divinity. Alexander is said to have visited the <st1:place><ST1:PlaceType>temple</ST1:PlaceType> of <ST1:PlaceName>Ammon Ra</ST1:PlaceName></st1:place> in the oasis of Siwa. He advanced into the mysterious inner sanctuary, and the image declared[27] “Come son of my loins, who loves me so that I give thee royalty of Ra, and the royalty of Horus. I give thee the valiance, I give thee to hold all countries and all religions under thy feet, I give thee to strike all the peoples united together with thy arm”.



  24. <FONT face="Times New Roman">In reality ancient greeks and Macedonians were not blonde. The blondes were from the slav race that settled in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comP><P><FONT face=It could be possible that Alexander was not blonde because he was a Macedonian and Slav were blonde who settled later on in <st1:country-region><st1:place>Macedonia</st1:place></st1:country-region>. Even in History channel show they had depicted Alexander with black hair.

    Many Greeks are dark skinned and dark haired, some could even pass off for an Iranian or Indian. They've always had a thing for dying their hair blonde. The rest are a result of racial mixing when the germanic tribes invaded soon after the fall of the <st1:place>Roman empire</st1:place>.

    One of the Alexander’s picture shows that he was not a blonde


    The region formerly known as Macedon is apart of <st1:country-region><st1:place>Greece</st1:place></st1:country-region>. Ancient <st1:country-region><st1:place>Greece</st1:place></st1:country-region> consisted of a number of states (<st1:place>Ionia</st1:place>, <st1:City><st1:place>Athens</st1:place></st1:City>, <st1:place><st1:City>Macedon</st1:City>, <st1:country-region>Thrace</st1:country-region></st1:place>, <st1:City><st1:place>Sparta</st1:place></st1:City>, etc).

    The founders of Ancient Greece were the Proto-Greeks, who were a pre-historic Indo-European tribe from <st1:place>Central Asia</st1:place>. They inherited their culture from the <st1:place>Middle East</st1:place> (<st1:country-region><st1:place>Egypt</st1:place></st1:country-region> and <st1:place>Mesopotamia</st1:place>), not from <st1:place>Northern Europe</st1:place>.

    The Greeks of that time were not "primarily" descended from Dorians, they were primarily descended from the Mycenean Greeks but the Dorians did influence their phenotypes to an extent. There isn't any evidence to prove that Dorians were Northern Europeans though.

    I've also already posted the most ancient picture of Alexander there is, so I don't really see any need to explain it. As the saying goes, "a picture speaks louder than a thousand words". In other words, Alexander did not have blonde hair.

    All those Greek scholars you mentioned were also from a few centuries after Alexander's death, and all their accounts (except for Diodorus) were written after Alexander's mosaic was created in <st1:City><st1:place>Pompeii</st1:place></st1:City> in the 1st century BC. The majority of modern historians have also agreed that the mosaic of Alexander is a faithful rendition of an original Hellenistic painting by Philoxenos in about 300 BC. As for Plutarch (and all those other Greek scholars), he never described Alexander's hair colour or eye colour in any of his accounts. He only described him as Xanthenein ("fair").

    George Tsonis, a Greek-Canadian and a scholar of Greek, Roman and Persian history, the Greek word for Alexander's complexion is Xanthenein (fair). This description simply marks Alexander's complexion as being fairer than the other Greeks of his time. Yes, he was relatively fair, but not necessarily flaxen-blond in the Nordicist sense. From the Tufts University Lexicon Xanthenein is roughly translated as fair or a yellowish-brown color. A related term, Xanthizo, can also be to "make yellow" or "brown." No wonder there is confusion!


  25. Descendants of Alexander who still pray to Mahadev(Shiv Shankar).


    Kalash tribe, Black Kafirs of Hindukush, in north west Pakistan

    Another descendants of Alexander in Malana in Himachal Pradesh</ST1:P




    Malana in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:PValley in </ST1:P</st1:place> north-west <st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region>



    Some of the Fair skinned south Indians the followers of skanda are descendants of Alexander and his greek army.

    Alexander is said to have conceived a child with the Indian Queen Cleophis of Massaga. Who also was his wife, now in northern <st1:country-region><st1:place>Pakistan</st1:place></st1:country-region>.

    There are other tales of Alexander fathering children on Indian princesses. The Malay annals have him fathering a son on Shahru’l-Bariyah, daughter of Raja Kida Hindi. The son is left behind in <st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region> as Alexander has long since gone.

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