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Posts posted by spiritualsri

  1. I have not been following this site for quite a few months. But suddenly me & my friend had an arguement about the origin of life & the origin of Man. Is it explained anywhere in the vedas? I have seen a few websites where the Darwinian theory has been disproved. Since it is a Christian who have disproved it, just by saying that it has to be false just because it has not been successfully proved. It appears that they just want to impart to everyone that whatever is written in the bible - that GOD created Adam & Eve is the way in which all forms including man was created is the only Truth.


    I would like some opinions and some other evidences for or against the Darwinian theory.



  2. The "we" that i have mentioned, describes many other people in my state. I am not the only person having the problems. Also i have just mentioned them as questions & havent in any place mentioned that they were my "problems". Yes some are my problems but not all.



  3. Why is it that sometimes even though we know that we are doing wrong, we still do it? Why so people, even though they know what they have to do, they are not able to do it? Why is it that even though we know that the only aim of all living beings is to realise the Lord, we are not able to do it or even think about it? Why is it that Lord wants to play by putting a veil(maya) over our senses so that it should become more difficult for us to see through it?

    And Why is it that people like me are not able to see throuhg it?

    I have lot more questions like these. I think it is high time i get some answers for my questions as i am not able to find a solution to it myself.

  4. So do you mean to say that it is fine with you if you get such thoughts when you are not in a temple? When you stop thinking of such things when you are not in a temple, then obviously you wont get such thoughts when you are in the temple. This is very true. This happens only by dedication & sincerity.

    But as far as mind control goes, i dont know much about it. Others in this forum might be able to help you better.

    Good luck.

  5. Hi,

    Has it ever been occured to you that when you were actually thinking about the slution the problem got clearer? That might be possible explanation. While going in the lines of the solution, one might end up realising the actual problem. I think that is why people are concentrating on the solution more than the problem itself. Probably that is why all the realised souls dont want to say anything about the problems as it more difficult to understand by normal people. So what they do is to set some guidelines for us to follow & by which our mind is able to think in those lines, so that we can understand the underlying causes. So dwelling or meditating on the soul which is infinite, might probably lead the way & is also one of the ways by which we can attain jeevan mukthi. Though our mind is limited, the soul is not. So the more we probe into our soul, the more deeper can we understand the concept of life - the beginning & its end.


    PS: This is only my idea & what i have felt. I have not experienced it.

  6. You say that the advaitins dont believe that humans are part of the supreme. Advaitins believe that the Jeevaatma & the Paramaatma are the same. But one thing that I didnt understand in your message is which philosophy do you follow. You are not following either the Advaita philosophy, nor the Dvaita philosophy. I say this because, then later in your message you say that you cannot tolerate Jesus or Allah as your GOD. When Advaita says that all are GODs only that they dont know. After they know it, they will have to realize it. Krishna in the Bhagavad gita says very clearly that HE is present in every human being. So I feel that if your neighbour is worth worshipping, then there is no hard & fast rule saying that you shouldnt. Also why did Swami Ramakrishna paramahamsa worship his wife? Was she not just another human being?


    I may not be all that right, but I think someone can refine what I have said.

  7. Hello,

    It has become seemingly difficult to perceive & understand spirituality when seeing it from a practical perspective. I realised this when I was trying to convince my friend that there is something called as spirituality & that the soul as spoken by Krishna in the Bhagavad gita is the same in all the living things & this universe. I had a problem when he started by saying that, when we look at it from a practical angle, questions like.....how can we assume that the soul in all living things and the universe universe is the same? Can anyone prove it? These were the kinds of questions that he was asking me & I had no answer.


    Please anyone give me a convincing answer so that I can convince my friend.


    May God keep everyone happy.

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