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amit purohit

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Posts posted by amit purohit


    I personaly was uncomfortable with what I read about this Kalki Bhagavan. His followers claim him to be the incarnation of Lord Kalki, and he say he denies being Kalki but accepts that he is an avatara of God.


    Hmmmm. What I find interesting is the "mystical experiences" that followers swear to having in the pressence of him and Amma. I am wondering if he is using some sort of mystic siddhi (or mystic power) to enchant people with, leaving them to feel enlightened?


    While I believe in psychic ability, I question its use to influence others in this regard. Offering them the quick and easy path to enlightenment.[/quote


    i read ur qote,don't believe in any propogenda...

    if u want to know reality mail me on amit_sat@rdiffmail.com


    i m not a follower of any panth..

    it's my interest...

    i m waitin for answer..have a nice time


    I have been having health problems lately..everybody in my family believes in kalki bhagwan ....but i never used to believe in him ..but now i want to believe him and want him to free me of this health problems. and i am also chanting mantra 21 times twice daily ..i am just so desperate to seek his blessings and for him to solve my problem. Can somebody tell me any miracles that you have experienced ?


    if u realy want to meet god

    if u interested u mail me on amit_sat@rediffmail.com

    i m not from any panth,,,

    im an engineer,,, doesn.t believe in propogenda..

    thr r actually very few days in incarnation of bhagvaan kalki...mail me

  3. hi everyone....


    eveyone is sayin that kalki bhagvaan will come after 432000 yrs,but no one know real thing,,,one who knows actual 'kaal ganana' can find out,,but no one knows or very few r thre,,actually god dosen,t want to make the thing known, but its the final time here know.....


    one human year is of 24 hrs according to hinu mythology

    and these 432000 years are human years

    kalyug consist of 1200 'divya yers'

    one divya year is 360 days

    360*1200=432000 yrs

    thats the secret.....


    now the real thing

    he is on earth since many yers unknown to world,,,remember 'agyatvaas of pandavas'

    its the tim to come out now...

    remember one thing god never makes propoganda lik many are doin,,,they will be punished veryy sooon.......

    for further talk u can mail me amit_sat@rediffmail.com


    all relegions are sayin same things,but pple interpret thm diffrntly

    mohammed saheb,kalki bhagvan,ram ,krishna,vishnu,brimha,shiv,allah,kabir saheb....jesus all

    different nams only..


    when four prson see one building from four sides,they all tell different scene just like that....

    the place wher he comes is hidden,,,,,

    that place is circular,with 2.5 'kosh' radius,as u see chakra in various posters of god,it is kept over th head in little finger of hand,that means it is far away from human 'buddhi"


    and one more imp thing

    all th shastras are only symbolic,thy r encrypted.....no one can understand them....it is given in bhagvat that only brimha ji understand and if he wants to....one can now......

    he will come out at the end of world war3,and make india win.....that time will be 'kayamatttt'.......


    mail me i m dsparately waitin.....

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