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Tommy Gouranga

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Posts posted by Tommy Gouranga

  1. Although the Maha Mantra and Gaura Nityanandas Names are non different there is a major factor. Offenses!


    This is why Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja advises approaching The Lords in their mood of Gaura Nitai.


    "The Hare Krishna Mahamantra considers the offenses whereas the Names of Gauranga-Nityananda don't consider offenses. An offensive chanter will never achieve the fruit of chanting (pure love for Krishna) by chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Therefore till the time he is commiting offenses, he should chant the names of Nityananda and Gauranga. Due the repeated chanting of the names of Nityananda and Gauranga, the offenses will be destroyed and he will achieve the fruit of chanting."

    "The name of Krishna and Gauranga-Both are non-different than the named Lord. Those who think that Krishna is any way inferior or limited than Gauranga are in gross ignorance. But in practical considerations with respect to benefit awarded to the conditioned souls, the chanting of Shri Nityananda and Gauranga's Name is more useful and helpful for everyone. The mercy of Krishna's names is generally only upon liberated or perfected souls who are surrendered to Him. But the magnanimity of the names of Lord Nityananda and Gauranga is especially for the souls who are offenders and full of anarthas and desires for material sense-gratification. The chanting of Lord Nityananda and Lord Gauranga's Names and Their worship quickly delivers the soul from all the offenses and thus the soul achieves shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga-Krishna without any delay."

    Purporrt to ADi 8.31

  2. The maxim for devotees is that he/she should always try to see the

    bigger picture. Apply the philosophy and view situations from a Kc

    perspective. See results as Krsna's plan. In this way do our duty

    and leave the results to Krsna. Results are usually good or bad,

    fortune or misfortune. In any case the devotee should always

    reconcile that this is what Krsna wants, and in so doing don't be

    attached to the results because what you may perceive as good may

    turn out to be bad shortly. Below are some quotes from sastra:


    > Some recommended ways of responding to unjust criticism:

    > In Navadvipa, Srivas Thakur was wrongly indicated by one envious

    brahamana to be a non-vaisnava --- in fact he was "framed" as a

    worshiper of Durga; Srivas proclaimed the untruth to all, as if it

    were true, only to win the support and sympathy of all truthful

    > ones. The following are some verses describing the Vedic

    teachings on this point: "Throughout his life, a brahmana should

    consider material prestige to

    > be like poison and dishonor to be like nectar. After all, if one

    learns to tolerate dishonor, then his agitation will subside and he

    will happily sleep, happily wake, and happily move about. The person

    who insults him will, because of his sin, become regretful, and his

    happiness in this and the next life will be vanquished." (Manu-

    samhita 2.162-163)-- Quoted by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

    Thakura in "Brahmana O Vaisnava". "The ignorant seek to injure the

    wise by malice and back-biting; by doing so the

    > critic takes upon himself the load of the wise man's sins, which

    he, the wise man, casts off by forgiving the ignorant."-- (Vidura to

    Dhritarastra, Mahabharata, Udyoga parva 34.74) "A person who

    praises someone in his presence, but criticizes him behind his back,

    is no better than a dog. His chances for elevation to higher planets

    are completely spoiled in this world."(Bhisma to Yudhisthira,

    Mahabharata, Santi parva 115.11) "Whoever indulges in praising or

    criticizing the qualities and behavior of others will quickly become

    deviated from his own best interest by his entanglement in illusory

    dualities."( <st1:place>Krishna</st1:place> to Uddhava. Bhag. 11.28.2)

    :burn:Ys Tommy Gouranga

  3. The maxim for devotees is that he/she should always try to see the

    bigger picture. Apply the philosophy and view situations from a Kc

    perspective. See results as Krsna's plan. In this way do our duty

    and leave the results to Krsna. Results are usually good or bad,

    fortune or misfortune. In any case the devotee should always

    reconcile that this is what Krsna wants, and in so doing don't be

    attached to the results because what you may perceive as good may

    turn out to be bad shortly. Below are some quotes from sastra:


    > Some recommended ways of responding to unjust criticism:

    > In Navadvipa, Srivas Thakur was wrongly indicated by one envious

    brahamana to be a non-vaisnava --- in fact he was "framed" as a

    worshiper of Durga; Srivas proclaimed the untruth to all, as if it

    were true, only to win the support and sympathy of all truthful

    > ones. The following are some verses describing the Vedic

    teachings on this point: "Throughout his life, a brahmana should

    consider material prestige to

    > be like poison and dishonor to be like nectar. After all, if one

    learns to tolerate dishonor, then his agitation will subside and he

    will happily sleep, happily wake, and happily move about. The person

    who insults him will, because of his sin, become regretful, and his

    happiness in this and the next life will be vanquished." (Manu-

    samhita 2.162-163)-- Quoted by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

    Thakura in "Brahmana O Vaisnava". "The ignorant seek to injure the

    wise by malice and back-biting; by doing so the

    > critic takes upon himself the load of the wise man's sins, which

    he, the wise man, casts off by forgiving the ignorant."-- (Vidura to

    Dhritarastra, Mahabharata, Udyoga parva 34.74) "A person who

    praises someone in his presence, but criticizes him behind his back,

    is no better than a dog. His chances for elevation to higher planets

    are completely spoiled in this world."(Bhisma to Yudhisthira,

    Mahabharata, Santi parva 115.11) "Whoever indulges in praising or

    criticizing the qualities and behavior of others will quickly become

    deviated from his own best interest by his entanglement in illusory

    dualities."( <st1:place>Krishna</st1:place> to Uddhava. Bhag. 11.28.2)

    :burn:Tommy Gouranga

  4. Chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is the easiest process of meditation in this age. As soon as one chants the Hare Krsna mantra, he sees the forms of Krsna, Rama and Their energies, and that is the perfect stage of trance. One should not artificially try to see the form of the Lord while chanting Hare Krsna, but when the chanting is performed offenselessly the Lord will automatically reveal Himself to the view of the chanter. The chanter, therefore, has to concentrate on hearing the vibration, and without extra endeavor on his part, the Lord will automatically appear.

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  5. Everyone begins his devotional life from the neophyte stage, but if one properly finishes chanting the prescribed number of rounds of harinama, he is elevated step by step to the highest platform, uttama-adhikari.

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  6. The mumuksus, persons desiring to be liberated, do not depend on the pleasures of the senses; instead, they concentrate fully on becoming liberated by chanting the holy name of the Lord.

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  7. ..At the present moment, attempts to engage in that type of yoga are artificial. Rather, the recommended method is chanting loudly and hearing Hare Krsna. Then, even if the mind is diverted, it will be forced to concentrate on the sound vibration "Krsna." It isn't necessary to withdraw the mind from everything; it will automatically be withdrawn, because it will be concentrated on the sound vibration.

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  8. I got so many instructions from the cure song, called the forest,


    come closer and see

    see into the trees

    find the girl

    while you can

    come closer and see

    see into the dark

    just follow your eyes

    just follow your eyes


    i hear her voice

    calling my name

    the sound is deep

    in the dark

    i hear her voice

    and start to run

    into the trees

    into the trees


    into the trees


    suddenly i stop

    but i know it's too late

    i'm lost in a forest

    all alone

    the girl was never there

    it's always the same

    i'm running towards nothing

    again and again and again



    Its like the girl is Maya devi, enticing, tricking us into the forest of illusions, but then the girl was never there

    it's always the same

    i'm running towards nothing

    again and again and again


    so instructive, this helped me on the path so much,..

  9. Prabhupada Vani Prabhu told a wonderful story at the festival

    regarding how the deity of Srimati Vrinda Devi came to <st1:country-region><st1:place>Scotland</st1:place></st1:country-region>.



    Many years ago the Muslim tyrants decided to attack Vrndavana. They

    planned to smash the deities, desecrate the temples and other acts of




    The devotees got word of the advancing invasion so most of the deities

    were moved to Jaipur.(all the original deities of the 6 Goswamis are

    still there today in Jaipur) as Jaipur and the area around was ruled

    by many powerful Hindu kings which meant Muslim attack would not be

    an issue. Jaipur was very well protected.



    The deity of Srimati Vrinda Devi is not a common deity in Vrndavana.

    There was one main deity and the devotees were in the process of

    moving her. They stopped in the <st1:place><st1:PlaceType>forest</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName>Kamyavan</st1:PlaceName></st1:place> for the night, so

    they put down the deity. Kamyavan is right on the edge of Vraja

    Mandala, so they were practically on the border of the Holy dham.



    The next morning they tried to lift Vrinda Devi but she could not be

    moved. They prayed to her, fell down, tried and tried, but she

    refused to leave.


    It is said Vrinda Devi will never leave Vrndavana. And so it was true.

    To this day, the deity of Vrinda Devi is still there out in Kamyavan

    on the outskirts of Vraja. She would not leave.




    So it so happened a few years ago there is a <st1:place><st1:PlaceType>temple</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName>Srimati Vrinda

    Devi</st1:PlaceName></st1:place> at Vrinda Kund in Vrndavana. The devotee there decided he would

    like to have a new form carved of Vrinda Devi.



    The devotee knew that Puri Goswamis wife, (when Maharaja was married)

    was a big devotee of Vrinda Devi and she would always donate whatever

    money she would get to Vrinda Kund so that Vrinda Devi would always

    get a nice worship. So he decided he would donate the deity to

    ISKCON Scotland.



    Prabhupada Vani Prabhu flew there and met the old Pujari at Vrinda

    Kund. He was so amazed that vrinda Devi would go to <st1:country-region><st1:place>Scotland</st1:place></st1:country-region>. She had

    never left Vraja ever before. He was simultaneously very happy and

    very sad.



    Prabhupada Vani had arranged a taxi so he placed Vrinda Devi inside

    the taxi after speaking for a long time with the Pujari.


    As he looked back out of the taxi, he said the Pujari was standing

    there looking completely amazed. Would Vrinda Devi actually leave?



    Prabhupada Vani now had the mission of safely transporting her to

    <st1:country-region><st1:place>Scotland</st1:place></st1:country-region>, was she going to come even? He phoned up the airline and

    booked a seat for Srimati Vrinda Devi!



    It was not safe to place her in the hold, neither proper. She is made

    from solid marble, and as you see, her hands, one offering

    benediction, the other holding lotus with parrot. There is every

    chance of her arm breaking.




    The man from the ticket desk was Indian, so as soon as he understood

    that a deity is coming, he immediately booked the seat. They picked

    up the ticket. The name on the ticket read "Srimati Vrinda Devi"!



    When the plane arrived though and they tried to board with the deity,

    the flight crew were American. They refused on safety reasons.

    Prabhupada Vani stood firm. She is not going in the hold. She has a

    valid ticket here to board the flight.


    A long argument ensued. The flight people would not back down. They

    promised a very safe place in the hold. Prabhupada Vani Prabhu

    eventually relented. Vrinda Devi arrived at this time of year in

    1999. The airline gave a full re fund. She came to <st1:country-region><st1:place>Scotland</st1:place></st1:country-region> without

    a penny being spent!




    Hari bol!!!!!



    This deity is the first deity in the history of the world to have ever

    left Vrndavana. She was the first Vrinda Devi in ISKCON. And now many

    temples all over the world have deities of Srimati Vrinda Devi.

    This shows that the temple is non different from the spiritual world,

    Sri Vrndavana dham!!!




    Hare Krishna!


    Srimati Vrinda Devi Ki jaya!!!!!!

  10. Prabhupada Vani Prabhu told a wonderful story at the festival celebrating the installation of Srimati Vrinda Devi, regarding how the deity of Srimati Vrinda Devi came to <st1:country-region><st1:place>Scotland</st1:place></st1:country-region>.



    Many years ago the Muslim tyrants decided to attack Vrndavana. They

    planned to smash the deities, desecrate the temples and other acts of




    The devotees got word of the advancing invasion so most of the deities

    were moved to Jaipur.(all the original deities of the 6 Goswamis are

    still there today in Jaipur) as Jaipur and the area around was ruled

    by many powerful Hindu kings which meant Muslim attack would not be

    an issue. Jaipur was very well protected.



    The deity of Srimati Vrinda Devi is not a common deity in Vrndavana.

    There was one main deity and the devotees were in the process of

    moving her. They stopped in the <st1:place><st1>forest</st1> of <st1>Kamyavan</st1></st1:place> for the night, so

    they put down the deity. Kamyavan is right on the edge of Vraja

    Mandala, so they were practically on the border of the Holy dham.



    The next morning they tried to lift Vrinda Devi but she could not be

    moved. They prayed to her, fell down, tried and tried, but she

    refused to leave.


    It is said Vrinda Devi will never leave Vrndavana. And so it was true.

    To this day, the deity of Vrinda Devi is still there out in Kamyavan

    on the outskirts of Vraja. She would not leave.




    So it so happened a few years ago there is a <st1:place><st1>temple</st1> of <st1>Srimati Vrinda

    Devi</st1></st1:place> at Vrinda Kund in Vrndavana. The devotee there decided he would

    like to have a new form carved of Vrinda Devi.



    The devotee knew that Puri Goswamis wife, (when Maharaja was married)

    was a big devotee of Vrinda Devi and she would always donate whatever

    money she would get to Vrinda Kund so that Vrinda Devi would always

    get a nice worship. So he decided he would donate the deity to

    ISKCON Scotland.



    Prabhupada Vani Prabhu flew there and met the old Pujari at Vrinda

    Kund. He was so amazed that vrinda Devi would go to <st1:country-region><st1:place>Scotland</st1:place></st1:country-region>. She had

    never left Vraja ever before. He was simultaneously very happy and

    very sad.



    Prabhupada Vani had arranged a taxi so he placed Vrinda Devi inside

    the taxi after speaking for a long time with the Pujari.


    As he looked back out of the taxi, he said the Pujari was standing

    there looking completely amazed. Would Vrinda Devi actually leave?



    Prabhupada Vani now had the mission of safely transporting her to

    <st1:country-region><st1:place>Scotland</st1:place></st1:country-region>, was she going to come even? He phoned up the airline and

    booked a seat for Srimati Vrinda Devi!



    It was not safe to place her in the hold, neither proper. She is made

    from solid marble, and as you see, her hands, one offering

    benediction, the other holding lotus with parrot. There is every

    chance of her arm breaking.




    The man from the ticket desk was Indian, so as soon as he understood

    that a deity is coming, he immediately booked the seat. They picked

    up the ticket. The name on the ticket read "Srimati Vrinda Devi"!



    When the plane arrived though and they tried to board with the deity,

    the flight crew were American. They refused on safety reasons.

    Prabhupada Vani stood firm. She is not going in the hold. She has a

    valid ticket here to board the flight.


    A long argument ensued. The flight people would not back down. They

    promised a very safe place in the hold. Prabhupada Vani Prabhu

    eventually relented. Vrinda Devi arrived at this time of year in

    1999. The airline gave a full re fund. She came to <st1:country-region><st1:place>Scotland</st1:place></st1:country-region> without

    a penny being spent!




    Hari bol!!!!!



    This deity is the first deity in the history of the world to have ever

    left Vrndavana. She was the first Vrinda Devi in ISKCON. And now many

    temples all over the world have deities of Srimati Vrinda Devi.

    This shows that the temple is non different from the spiritual world,

    Sri Vrndavana dham!!!




    Hare Krishna!


    Srimati Vrinda Devi Ki jaya!!!!!!


    Remember these quotes from the books of Srila Prabhupada?




    or how about..

    Ok prabhu. But who is chanting offenseless rounds? Who is not breaking any of the ten offenses? Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said it's practically impossible to chant Hare Krishna offenselessly in Kali yuga. you need to be a completly pure soul with no tinge of any material desire in your heart or it's tenth offense. So if your not on that stage then you need initiation. These verses are true, you don't need initiation- if your 100% attached to the Holy names and nothing else. Otherwise we are mercy cases. We need Krishnas mercy and we all know that Yasya prasadad Bhaagavat Prasado. without the mercy of the spiritual master one cannot make any advancement. just as krishna is pleased when we please his devotees, Does it not make perfect sense that Srila Prabhupada is also going to be more pleased if you assist his servants who have been spreading this movement since day one, than he is if you ignore these great souls who have sacrificed so much for the benefit of the world and go straight to him. What is our claim to approach Prabhupada directly? A real servant is going to go to the very lowest position and find the servant of the servant and surender there. in the spiritual world, no one wants to approach Krishna directly, everyone wants someone else to take their offering, "you go forward," there is humility, "who am I to approach directly?" Why we try to jump over senior devotees heads and approach Prabhupada directly. It shows a material concept of spiritual life and also pride. Hare KRISHNA. Also you can't fly around the world in an enjoying mood like you are saying. As soon as an enjoying mood comes in, what happens, it increases and takes over and eventually ends in sex life. we see the present day spiritual masters are following the principles. They are blissfull and Krishna conscious. It is envy that we see them any other way.
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