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Posts posted by jaysam

  1. Ayurveda is the essence of old Hindu Medicare techniques, which are based on the curing the diseases from the roots. In Ayurveda, whole body is supposed as a mutually responding system. A single part not responding well may cause a disturbance in all body. Ayurveda works for the aim of complete health.



    From time to time, in any area of human knowledge, there arises a thinker- a true master who marks a milestone in the discipline. This is the case of World Famous Ayurvedic Specialist Khandani Vaid Harbhajan Singh Yogi. He Published lots of books viz- Garba Gyan, Jiwan Sudhar,Yogi de Nuske, Sehat Sambhal (Health Care) and much more. He wrote couple of Punjabi Films: Duniya Matlab di (Selfish World).Now his son recently published book “Sehat Samasyavan da hall” in Punjabi & Hindi which is distributed free of cost to aware people about health. Nothing in this work is improvised, or the product of mere inspiration, it is the result of more than Sixty Five years since (1944) of zealous and patient observation in his daily practice of Ayurvedic Herbal Medicines.

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