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Posts posted by spartan

  1. This is my first post at India Divine and it’s for help. Sorry about it.


    I lost my job in Dec 2013 and since then looking for a new one. And, I’m not able to find anything so far. I've applied at lot of companies but not getting any calls for the interview, even with good experience. (Not given any interviews) Due to this, I am under lot of stress and tension.


    I've tried consulting lot of astrologers and doing various remedies since January, but, not able to find anything. As per the astrologers, from 24th March 2014 to 11th April 2015, I am under the period of Rahu-Mars, which is causing this delay and issues.


    Now, How I am supposed to survive without any job for more than a year.


    Any help, from the members would be highly appreciated.


    My Details

    DOB – 29 July 79

    Time – 11:29 AM

    Place – Delhi





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